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Old 05-29-2007, 12:30 PM   #226  
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Hello to all the GOLDEN GIRLS ACKKK I really haven't posted all weekend!!! I guess because the site was down and everyone was off enjoying the long weekend I stayed silent.

I finished my bootcamp -- and actually shaved one minute off my time for the one kilometer run/walk. Spent the weekend being a slug doing nothing much which is fine -- I needed the recovery. I ate well on Saturday and Sunday wasn't too bad. I decided yesterday that after a month at bootcamp a month of eating pretty well -- I would say I had 5 good days to every bad day and the bad days weren't too awful -- that I could stand getting on the scale. I jumped on just before my hi-lo cardio class and was hoping against hope that I would be in the 220's -- I would have been thrilled at 229.9 -- did I get that -- NOOOOO. 230.6 so after all that work I dropped a total of 2.5 pounds. I am not that upset (I would have been last year), I lost inches, increases my fitness and its a loss that is all that matters to me. I keep repeating my mantra -- its a marathon not a sprint.

Settie - Welcome to the group -- sorry it was so silent when you joined us.

Karen - glad the trip is going well -- you look marvelous!!!

Phyllis -- your trip is sounding fabulous -- totally jealous but good for you!!

Paula -- even more good wishes for you and your dad -- hang in there

Theresa -- good for you to keep joining the challenges at Curves - you are a good mom.

Lyn -- sounds like you had a fabulous time good to have you home. I cleaned out my closets the other week - its really a great feeling. Be kind to yourself over the next while - you are closing in on that first year and I remember it could be quite tough. If you need any extra support I am here. Geesh its been 6 years for me - I am in love again but it still hits me every once in a while about how much I miss my late husband. This week I am going to try and locate our old videos and have them transferred to DVD for our son. Not sure if I am more afraid to see the videos or afraid that they may be damaged because they are old. We didn't have many but the few we did have need to be preserved.

Ella -- oh Ella when will stay away from the mirrors -- or at least lock up the biscottis when you do look in the mirror. Its a funny thing and I certainly understand. I am a whole lot heavier than you -- but I can look at myself face on and be convinced I am not that bad -- LOL but as I said before I don't dare undress and turn sideways -- YIKES!!!! I guess we self destruct for many different reasons but the difference with myself and I see it in you -- is you will not cave and let this be a complete downfall. You will do this you will remain on track and there will be a day that we can turn sideways in the mirror -- and either enjoy the view or just give ourselves the finger and continue on with a great lifestyle.

LOL see I stay away for too long I get too verbose -- need to get my GOLDEN GIRL fix daily
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Old 05-29-2007, 12:55 PM   #227  
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Thank you for the warm welcomes to the site. I was out of town from Friday through Monday, so I am just now catching up to when I posted. It's fun to see the travel photos and hear about everyone's weekend trips etc. Sorry to hear about your dad Paula. I know we will be facing something similar with my MIL soon.

Ella, you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I know you hear people say to look at how far you've come, but I learned something a while back about men and their view of themselves that I think us ladies should adopt. When a man looks in the mirror they don't see the beer belly or the bald spots, they focus on the good things about themselves and think "hey, I'm a real stud muffin". I know this to be true about my husband. Not that he's a real hunk, but he knows he has enough good points to outweigh the bad and his charm and sense of humor make up for his aging body.

You all (well most of you) have been doing so well on your exercising. I hinted to my hubby again yesterday on the way home from our outing that it was really hard to pedal my bike while I was hanging upside-down from the garage ceiling. He just looked amused, but I think he got the hint. If I were only six inches taller I would get it down myself.

Well, I'd better get my laundry done before running the ton of errands I have yet to do today. And, from past reading I think I need to get a new battery for my scale. It's been acting strange lately and I am afraid my current weight may not be correct.

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Old 05-29-2007, 01:50 PM   #228  
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Me again (by now you're all prolly wishing I went to work today!!!!) ANYWAY, I went for a 40 minute bike ride; wasn't as bad as I expected. I'd kind of figured that after three days of no riding, I might be rusty - and be panting at all the old spots where I used to be panting when I first started - but no, it went fine, and then I weighed myself when I got back and had no weight gain, and THAT was sooooooooooooo good to see! - especially because I had pretty much prepared myself for a slight gain. Yeah, yeah, yeah Jo-annie, I know that I ought to avoid mirrors, but man, they just seem to CALL to"Hey, girlfriend...over HERE, hunny-pie....c'mon, now...I promise you're gonna like what you see this time...honest to goodness, cross my heart and hope to die...." So of course, over I go, and WHOOOOMP! There it is!!! The same big ole' blob like last time! And that dang mirror has this big sugah-eating grin on it's face, yanno? The "GOTCHA" grin? And it just makes me so MAD!
You're right, though. THIS TIME, it will NOT stop me in my tracks. I'm gonna DO this thing, come heck (tsk) or high water!
Ahhh, Theresa, in my case, I don't think it's hormonal. I went through good ole men-o-paws five or six years ago. Night sweats, irritability, a hot flash here and there, and then......nothing. Done and over. Nah. With me, I guess it's just plain old pessimistic thinking and "poor-me-ing". Feeling sorry for my poor little (Hah! NOT so..) self!
Jo-annie, you know, you said it yourself...with a large frame and big bones, dropping a couple of pounds would be the equivalent of MY dropping five or six. So you did better than you gave yourself credit for, don't you think?
'Nuff from me.


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Old 05-29-2007, 07:12 PM   #229  
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Hi Ella, not to worry. I took no offense. Just know that we are here for each other - even when our scales and mirrors just will NOT cooperate with us :-))

Hi Joanne, please don't tell me I'll feel this way for 6 years! I think about him at least 500 times/day. When I think about his last 2 years - when he was sick - I could cry because of what he went through. When I think about the former 25, I could cry because I'll never have those happy times again. I'm just hoping that someday I can remember him and not feel like crying.

Hi Lily, is your first name Lillian? That's my legal name, but I've always used Lynn. I didn't know my name was Lillian until I went to school.

Tomorrow I go back to the gym & then I'm on my way to scrapping. I'm working on an album for my great niece (Justine) who will graduate from HS this year. After her graduation, she and my daughter are off to Paris. She's never been away from her parents & is excited (but nervous) about this trip.

Justine is the one on the far right - my sister is in the middle - my niece (Justine's mother) is on the left.


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Old 05-30-2007, 07:57 AM   #230  
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Good morning Girls
Hope the sun is shining for all of you. I have been reading here and hearing the birds singing loudly!
I love spring.

Well talking about weigh yourself… Today is our official weigh in and measurement day, for dd and myself.

I know it won’t be close to the 12 pounds… but that was during a 10 week challenge. I have been only averaging about 6 pounds a month. Wish I could get more… But I will happily take this much too.

you and I have been staying neck and neck in our race to loose.
Same basic height too.
Oh, That little gold dog is same kind I want. I just love a little dog.

You are so far ahead of me. I could NEVER keep up with you. not even on a good day. You have much more muscle.

They weigh something, too.
So Where I have a different weight. you have a HEALTHIER weight.
Don’t get down. You can do it! Keep up the good work.

My heart goes out to you. I have been married almost 29 yrs. (in Aug). I don’t know how you do it. I am a huge baby. and I pray that If I am in your position someday… That I handle it all as well as you.

You are an inspiration.
well its time to move it. and get weighed.
more later.
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Old 05-30-2007, 11:53 AM   #231  
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Hey! I am back from my monthly weigh in.

A loss of 6 pounds for the month of May.
Curves weight is 2 pounds more than my actual weight.
With clothes and a small bowl of cereal/ and water.

and a loss of 4.8 pounds body fat

I really needed to see the body fat go down. That was the best!

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Old 05-30-2007, 12:46 PM   #232  
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: Great news on your loss!
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Old 05-30-2007, 01:35 PM   #233  
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Default Greetings from the gimpy slacker

Hi all,

I fell at work on Friday and have been laid up somewhat for the past few days. I'm being ribbed by all of my co-workers becuase Iwork in Safety and I fell taking a short cut outside one of our buildings. Luckliy I didn't break anything, but my left knee looks like someone repeatedly kicked me from my thigh down into my calf. Black, blue and slowly changing to brown. It's a severe contusion and I will have to guit my walking and jogging until it heals. Tha'ts the most frustrating part! I've already gained 2 pounds over the long weekend, feeling sorry for myself.

Great to read all of your postings. Wish I had time to respond to all of them, but know you all still make my day just by being here and sharing.

This weekend is my 35th college reunion in Meadveille, PA. (Allegheny College) I'm excited because I will be seeing several friends I have not seen in 10 years.

I've attached a photo of my and my DH so you sort of know what I look like...

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Last edited by lynard21; 05-30-2007 at 01:56 PM.
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:15 PM   #234  
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Afternoon all you glorious GOLDEN GIRLS A few of us are missing -- Bobbie!!! Femme!!! Actually feeling quite good about myself these days -- people are actually noticing that I am losing weight -- funny thing is as I said the other day the scale isn't moving at all but the inches are gone gone gone and at the end of the day -- what do people see -- THE INCHES!!! I am the only person (ok and everyone here) that knows what the scale says --- so to **** with the scale I am going to enjoy these missing inches.

Lily - glad you found your way back to us. I love the subtle hint to your DH about the bike - hopefully you will be spinning around like the rest of us soon. I am hoping to take mine out on Sunday.

Ella - double YAY for the great mindset. I actually wasn't too upset with the mirror today in our fitness class. I tend to ignore the full wall of mirror but today I decided to take a glance -- at first I wasn't sure if I saw correctly -- I sat up a little taller on my ball and saw the beginnings of a waist -- a real waist LOL.

Lynn - I absolutely promise what you feel today will not be as intense in 6 years. Actually this time next year might even feel gentler. Quite honestly my moments of grief are far and few these days and I actually cherish them when they happen -- makes me feel like my 25 years with Graham were reality. I am here any time you need to vent or ask -- one thing I never wanted to be was an expert on grief but the minute we say goodbye to our darling husbands we moved into a new realm.

Theresa - congrats on the pounds gone!!! You are rocking this journey. I know you think you wouldn't survive losing your hubby and lets hope you don't have to find out for a very very very long time -- but treat each day with love and understanding because we just never know -- do we??

Lyn -- ooops sorry about the fall -- sounds like something I did a couple of years ago -- I hit just below my knee and as all the bruising had to go somewhere soon enough my foot was black and blue - -rather amazing. Lovely pic of you and your hubby -- ok was that taken in my backyard??? Gotta say that sure looks like the North Shore of Vancouver skyline.

Here's to us all!!!
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:07 PM   #235  
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Awright. I'm (finally) here today. First day back at work after six off. UGH! I thought they would've gotten all the rest of my stuff moved from my old office into my new one, but no such luck, of course. Spent all day putting files away, throwing stuff out, setting stuff up. Tomorrow promises to bring more of the same. I'm wearing some old jeans to work. ONE plus is that I have one great big - prolly about 12 feet long - wall with nothing on it, and so I'm planning to bring in a few of DH's paintings to hang. Some hanging plants too - this office is more amenable to plant life; or at least starting fresh, I can designate some spots for them before all my other stuff gets piled up in there.
See, Jo-annie? I TOLD you you'd look really great with just a few pounds gone. I was really hungry when I got home tonight for some reason: ate a whole baked chicken breast, a baked red-skinned (small) potato, and a plateful of steamed brocolli with that spray-on "I can't Believe it's not Butter" butter. If anybody knows anything bad about that stuff, PULEEZE don't tell me, because it's ZERO calories, tastes buttery, and I'm loving it! But, my actual POINT is that I ate a LOT of food! To the point of stuffedness, I mean. Sometimes I just really get hungry like that, yanno? Hopefully because I ate a lot of reasonably healthy stuff as opposed to filling up on say, Snickers bars, there won't be too much damage done. I DO know, though, that we are supposed to exert a little portion control. I'm not so great at that.
Sorry about your fall, Lyn. Lousy timing when you're off to a reunion weekend and all. Hope you have a good time anyway.
Wowza, wowza, Theresa!!!! You're doing so great!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo proud of you, sweetie!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!
Glad that Karen and Phyllis checked in. Where's BOBBI???? Bobbi??? C'mon back! We miss you!!!!!!!
Hey, Paula. Hope Dad's continuing to improve. My thoughts are with you.
Lynn.......I'm so sorry; I know how hard it must be adjusting to a different sort of life after so many years. Hard too, to try to do some things for yourself after doing for someone else for so long. DO take good care of you, now.
Well, I'm going to give DH a hand cleaning up from supper; it's actually HIS chore (I cooked) but I'm feeling magnanimous tonight (and like I ate too much and need to move around, some. I took a 40-minute bike ride BEFORE supper, tho. Yay, Me!!!!)
Have a great evening one and all, and please POST so I will know what all of my GOLDEN GIRLIES are up to!


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Old 05-30-2007, 10:34 PM   #236  
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I'm very new here but I have read many of your posts and get a very good feeling from them.

I have an event going on in my life that is going to put me way over the top in the eating department and I hope someone can give me some asvice as to how to stay on track.

My dad just left today, with my mom to have surgery done in Vancouver. It's a new way to do a heart valve replacment and it's not yet done here in Winnipeg. It is quite serious for someone his age, 86, but he knows the risks. I feel so out of touch being here. I am already wanting some comfort food and the surgery isn't until Tuesday.

Help please.
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Old 05-31-2007, 06:08 AM   #237  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Happy last day of May. I posted the winners for May for the 1st or 4th of July Challenge in a separate thread - Bobbi and Theresa -

Now we can all start even again for the rest of the challenge - no way any of the rest of us would ever "catch up" with our May winners - so we'll wipe the slate clean and begin again.

I'm walking today with my df and then we're going hunting for herbs for her to plant. Last night I took my dd & s-i-l out to dinner - I did pretty good except for 2 glasses of very sweet wine.

Check back later,

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Old 05-31-2007, 07:51 AM   #238  
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Hi Golden Girls- I'm down a pound this morning. It's coming off little by little. A pound last week too. I'll take a pound a week. It's better than a gain.
My dad was awake when I visited him yesterday. They had him back on the liquid food. I hope he starts to do better with it. I'm going to visit him early this afternoon since I won't be able to go later. I have a Red Hat meeting tonight. OH NO! That means food to have to avoid.

Lyn- OUCH!! Take care!! Nice photo. It's always nice to be able to put a face with a name.

Joanne- I love to see the numbers go down on the scale, but it's even nicer to have the clothes fit better and have people notice the weight loss.

Ella- Some days I just can't seem to get full. At least you made some good food choices. The 40 minute bike ride should help to keep off the pounds too.

Settie- The medical field has come such a long way. I'm hoping that all will go well with your father's surgery. We are here for you when you. Try and have healthy things to snack on when you feel stressed. Keep us informed on how you and your dad are doing.

Congrats to Bobbi and Theresa for winning the May portion of the challenge.

OK I'm off to the shower. I haven't check on the garden yet today so I will do that after my shower. My grandson is coming here to visit this morning too. Have a good day.
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Old 05-31-2007, 09:43 AM   #239  
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Good Morning Girls!
I've been so busy for the last two weeks getting ready for our rummage sale that I haven't had time to post. It was going to be just MIL stuff on the rummage but we decided to unload our "stuff" too. We've lived out in the country for about 20 years and never had a rummage sale for obvious reasons, we live on a gravel road and the only people that use that road is the 5 farms that live around us. We decided to rent the Floral building at the fair grounds in town ($150.00) because we needed the room and the many tables they provide. We could have borrow a couple of dozen tables from our church but that would take much hauling and many trips into town with them. Also we don't have to worry about rain or setting up the tables both mornings we're running the sale at the fairgrounds.
I have more stuff to price today and tomorrow then all I need to do is make and print signs. I better get busy, Thanks Lynn for setting up the challenge. I can't wait to see what the prize is!
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Old 05-31-2007, 10:35 AM   #240  
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Well, another day at the office...I have five boxes left to unpack and that'll be it. I suspect that a lot of what's in them can be shredded, too, but I still have to go through them. <grumble, grumble>.
I had an inexplicable yearning for a cup of coffee on my way in to work today. There's only one place to stop on the 'pike between Worcester and Boston, and I don't usually bother because I'm typically in the far left (passing lane) and have to manipulate through three lanes of heavy, bumper-to-bumper traffic to turn off, PLUS I don't typically drink coffee while driving because then I have to pee. But, like I said, this morning for some reason, I just NEEDED a cup. Drove through the McDonald's drive-through where I USED to order coffee AND a couple (yes, a couple!!!!! ) of those there sausage McGriddles, which I would have inhaled by the time I got to the toll booth (five miles up the 'pike). Maybe I was testing myself - I don't know for sure - but I can tell you that I did NOT want any McGriddle!!!!! How awesome is that? I thought about how one would taste - all doughy and sweet in my mouth, and actually found the thought rather repugnant. I really have to say that I never, ever would have believed - just a few short months ago - that I would ever actually PREFER some grapes (got 'em rightcheer in my lil' lunch bag, yessiree!) and dry Fiber One (Bobbi got me turned on to eating it dry - thanx, Bobbi!!!) cereal to SAUSAGE McGRIDDLES!!! (I used to LOVE those things!!!) So THAT constitutes an NSV for moi, doncha think????
Of course the guy who was working the drive-through was a bit of a dork...told me over the intercom that my coffee was $1.98, and so I pulled out $2.00, and then when I got to the window, he said $2.09, and I had to scrabble in the bottom of my pocketbook for change, and THEN he gave me a black ICED coffee instead of hot coffee (it was 58 degrees at 7:45 this morning - who would want ICED coffee???) and by then, all I could think about was getting out of there and back onto the highway. Coffee was a bad idea, as it turns out - hadda P so bad when I got to work that I barely made it into the ladie's.
You ARE busy, Bobbi, m'dear. A good ole' fashioned rummage sale! I sure wish I could check it out. I LOVE stuff like that! I've been going to this online auction site - the actual, physical place is just about a half-hour's drive from my house - and last week I won the bid on a lot of gorgeous old crochetted pieces (table cloths, doilies, etc.) that I plan to piece together to make a bedskirt for our bed. I am notorious for finding bargains on very unique things, and making family and friends turn green with envy... Our bedcover is a gorgeous quilt made of all different paisely pattern pieces in burgundies and wine-colors and edged/lined in wine color. I found it ON SALE in Target's Global Home section - I don't know if it's Global Home or Global Marketplace - something like that. They have it in their seasonal section every year for a month or so before Christmas, and then everything goes on sale at the beginning of February to make way for their outdoor furniture & stuff. By the END of February, the markdowns are up to 90% off. The quilt on my bed was originally $250 and I bought it for $50. Also got some gorgeous lamps a week of os later for one of our guest bedrooms at 90% off - $125 lamps for $12.50 apiece!
Okay. I see you're down a pound, Lynn! Good stuff! I may (or may not) weigh myself this weekend. I have to kinda work my way up to it. I'd LIKE to have another ten pounds gone by the time my son comes home at the end of June, but I know that's unrealistic. Besides, he's my KID - what does HE care how much I weigh? (I can't hardly wait to see that boy!!!)
Good going for you too, Paula! You did it even with all the stress over your dad. That's a REAL accomplishment and ole' Ella is proud of you!
Hi Settie - welcome, and please be encouraged to hang out here. Sometimes you can even post instead of grabbing that snack, you know? You'll be fine - and we'll be thinking of you & your Dad.
A WAIST???? Omigawd, Jo-annie!!!! What will you think of next????? Ha! You'll be slim & svelte and slinkily elegant in no time! Then I want pics, you hear?????
Speaking of pics I ALMOST uploaded one of me that was taken over the weekend up in the White Mountains. Chickened out at the last minute!!!!
Hiya Theresa!!!! Check in, girl! Check in!!!
'Bout time we heard from Karen again, too, isn't it?
Okay. Back to unpacking. Ackkkk.

have a good day, GOLDEN GIRLIES!!!!


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