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Old 05-25-2007, 09:07 AM   #211  
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Ella, your story about DH snoring and your "very possibly have smothered him with a pillow" had me laughing, see the Maxine Joke below!
Hi All!!! Can you BELIEVE how early it is???? I can't. DH SNORED half the night, and I have finally given up trying to sleep. The only redemptive aspect of the whole thing is that HE'S awake and up, too. Grrrrrrrrr. It's good, really, that we are essentially such courteous, civilized people, because if we weren't , I might very possibly have smothered him with a pillow at some point. Honestly, it's about the only complaint I have with him, which is, I suppose, pretty good, all things considered.
Maxine Joke:
Men are always whining about how we're suffocating them.
Personally, I think if you can hear them whining you're not pressing hard enough on the pillow!
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Old 05-25-2007, 11:49 AM   #212  
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Hi there GOLDEN GIRLS -- well last night I pulled the age card at bootcamp. It was my second night in a row and last session is tonight. About 45 minutes in my body went on strike -- I claimed my senior's discount and sat and did some ab work on the ball LOL. I am going to get a pass for 10 more session for the summer -- it really is a great workout and I know myself I would never push myself like that. I am looking forward to doing a bike ride on Saturday if the weather cooperates. Calories for the week were within my range -- I feel great -- ok as great as a 5'7" 233 pound woman can feel LOL.

Lyn - hopefully you will be bypassed by the rain -- I saw it was awful on the plains and midwest.

Karen - so glad to see you pop by -- ahhhh families and food -- EAT EAT!!! ACKKKKKKK

Woodlily - glad to see you join us -- its really a great supportive group. A bit quiet right now but all my American friends are on long weekend mindset LOL

Ella - AWWW I am so glad I am your favourite foreigner. You have a great weekend away the B&B sounds heavenly - we will miss you but this weekend is about you right now. I love hearing about late blooming love -- right now I am waiting for my proposal -- and he knows it -- heck I gave him a picture of the ring I want. When it happens it will be a sweet surprise.

Bobbi - I love your Maxine quotes -- the snoring one was perfect -- shhhhhh I am the one that snores in our relationship

Well the weather is nice today of course the weekend isn't looking so great but that can change.
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Old 05-25-2007, 02:41 PM   #213  
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Hi, Short note before I leave for my first day.
I serve dinner and clean up... So I will be home later.

Hi, Woodlily, Everyone!

Just wanted to say... My husband should be the one with the pillow
I guess I sound like a old car coming down the road.

Just found out last night that I have a MILD case of Apnea. Not bad enough for a machine
The girl who did my sleep study said on a scale of 1-10... Keep going.
I guess I feel bad for my hubby. But... he feels like you Ella. If thats the worse...
everyone, have a safe fun week end. See you later this evening maybe.

ps. Are your Weight tickers showing up? Mine is a blank with a litte red X
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Old 05-25-2007, 09:31 PM   #214  
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Hi Everyone,

I'm new here and I am hoping to receive and if I can give support.

I am 50 years old, divorced with two sons, 17 & 20. As I have been reading, like many of you this is not my first time on a diet. I'm tring to do WW at home. I've paid for it three other times. I hope I can do it.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
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Old 05-25-2007, 11:23 PM   #215  
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Hello Everybody,
I thought that I would go ahead and see if I could get there pictures posted tonight. This is a Cross in Effingham, Illinois that is right by the highway. I went ahead and got the website for it to get more information on it and it is very interesting. I just thought it was so beautiful. The website is is:

We had kind of a lazy day today and I stuck with slimfast more today---up until tonight! Then Tim's sister and husband wanted to take us out and we went to a microbrewery and I had a beer there and they also ordered thouse huge soft pretzels! I just munched a little on the pretzels and only drank one beer. I prefer a Bud Light to the micro brews!!

It rained here a bit this evening but not enough to worry about. Just enough to make it really humid!! I'm really hoping that when we leave next week to head back to MO. that we can travel in between rains then like we did getting here. The rain isn't so bad but the wind makes it pretty tough to handle the 5th wheel trailer.

I see we have a few new "Golde Girls" Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you. We should be back home about the second week in June so things should settle down then.

Ginger and Sissy are being really good! They love being in the 5th wheel sitting in the air conditioning! They just barely go out to take care of business!!
OK, just wanted to say Hello to everyone. Take care and I'll try to write more in the next couple days. I think we are going to have a family get together here tomorrow so if I get some good pictures of Tim and I, I'll try to see about getting them posted tomorrow night.

Have a safe Memorial Weekend. Karen

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Old 05-26-2007, 09:19 AM   #216  
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Welcome Settie,
Just want to let you know... things can get pretty quiet here over the weekends.

I hope everyone is well.

I am glad things are well for you.
You know... I have actually been to the same cross. My parents are from that same area of S. Ill.
I have only been there a few times. but it is a very nice area.

It is raining here all week end. Very much needed rain. Alas it HAS brought in the bugs. Every spring a cold rain brings them in.

They are called many things... lake flys, muffle heads. and a big pain in the arse. They are attracted to Light. So if you have on a light in the house... that window will be COVERED with these awful bugs. The whole neighborhood gets very dark for a while.
Oh Well! at least is not snowing!
I can live with them.

I started my new part time job last night. I just set up the tables. Serve dinner. and Clean up. For min. wage. about 3 hrs.
It will help with groceries. And I am still at home to see my hubby and family.
hardest part is learning the names of everyone. As I have to know one from the other due to Diet restrictions... and the ones that Play in their food

Everyone seemed nice, except the one old guy. Said they were trying to poison him! Poor man. he is so lonely. and sad. I am going to try to make a huge effort to help him be happy, for the few hrs. that I am there.
well, I have to get moving.
have a nice day.
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Old 05-27-2007, 03:44 PM   #217  
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Hi Everyone,

I am up in the Finger Lakes Region of NY State. We went to the National Women's Museum, the Women's Hall of Fame, and the birthplace of Memorial Day - Waterloo, NY.

We're planning to drive home tomorrw. So far, so good with eating. I've stuck to my diet and walked A LOT everyday.

I'm hoping to see the scale move on Tuesday morning.

Hope everyone is having a happy Memorial Day weekend,

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Old 05-27-2007, 04:33 PM   #218  
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Hey everyone!!! Just wanted to ck in with you. We are having a wonderful vacation so far. We spent a day in Savannah, beautiful, we loved it there and the weather was perfect!

Off from there to visit friends in S. Carolina and spent the night in Asheville.

We had 5 nights south of Dayton, Ohio.....looked at many condos, as we are thinking of moving back to the area one day......and had lots of great time with our 2 granddaughters. They need rain there and it got very hot!!!

We are now in Louisville, KY and have a cookout tonight with my daughter and my son and 3 of our 7 grandchildren. It is HOT here, it is cooler in Florida! The grandkids did enjoy swimming as our hotel has indoor and outdoor pools.

Food wise I wish I could report doing better, but I have not been terrible. I did do my walking dvd 4 times this past week so that is a big plus....

Tues. we are off to Chattanooga, Tenn. for one night at a B&B on top of Lookout Mountain and home to Florida by Thursday.

I'll ck in when we return!!! Phyllis
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Old 05-27-2007, 09:36 PM   #219  
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web sites back up!

Hope everyone is having a nice week end, and holiday.

Phyllis, Lynn.
sounds like you both are having lots of fun.
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Old 05-28-2007, 09:33 PM   #220  
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Hello Everybody,
I thought I would post this picture tonight since we are leaving here in the morning to head back to MO. to visit more with my Dad. This picture is at Tim's Dad's home in PA. That is a rose bush that his Mom moved up here from Mass. and then had it transferred to this home from the other house that they were living in after she passed away. She really loved that rose bush and Tim's sister has done such a beautiful job of taking such good care of it.
We should be up around Columbus, Ohio tomorrow night and then Lake Carlyle in Illinois on Wednesday night before getting in to my Dad's in MO. on Thursday. Looking forward to a good visit with all of my family next!
As you can tell by my photo with Ginger & Sissy that I haven't been losing to much weight here in PA!!! I really am going to try to watch what I am eating but pretty much plan on really getting back on track when I get back home..
Hope you all had a good weekend and I'll catch you again later. Karen

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Old 05-29-2007, 07:35 AM   #221  
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Hi Golden Girls,
I am so behind on the postings. I haven't even been reading the last week. MY dad had a bad couple days. They moved him to the rehab floor and I really thought it was too soon. They originally said he would be in Critical Care for at least 2-3 weeks and then 4 days later they move him. He didn't open his eyes for 3 days. He would nod, but that was it. We think he was pouting. Yesterday he had his eyes open and he was mouthing words. He was showing his sense of humor too. It was like my "old" dad. I hope he's good again today.

My gardens are looking good. Every thing's coming up. I have several blossoms on the cucumber & pepper plants. I can't wait to actually pick stuff and eat them.

I'm going to try and catch up on the posts later. Right now I have to get my shower and then make to pioneer bonnets and get them in the mail. I have to get control on my life again. My eating habits stink and I haven't gotten any exercise in except for gardening.
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Old 05-29-2007, 09:04 AM   #222  
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Hey Paula (and everybody), I think most (prolly not all, but most) of us slipped up some over the holiday weekend, so you're currently in pretty good company. I tried to resist, and did pretty well at it until last night when I came home and had a total meltdown. Ate 4 biscotti at the kitchen table all by myself after DH had gone to bed. This was AFTER looking at myself getting undressed in the full-length mirror and feeling utterly disgusted and sick of myself.
Before I go any further with this, though, I want to say that I hope your Dad continues to improve. I know how frightening and draining it can be to have a loved one ill like that.
Okay, back to my self-centered whining and kvetching. I SHOULD preface this by saying that I am NOT giving up, and I WILL be on plan today, and for as long as it takes, but I really have to advise any newbies or oldies for that matter, AGAINST looking in the mirror. How is it that we manage to feel okay, and in some instances, even pretty good about ourselves, when in reality, we look AWFUL like that? Maybe we have to feel okay in order to survive - in order to step through the door and go out into the world everyday; to allow other people to SEE us... but, whooooooeeeeeeeeee!!!!! That mirror is pretty relentless, isn't it???? It just isn't ABOUT cutting us a break anytime, anyhow, is it???
Just for about fifteen minutes last night, after looking in the mirror, I was ready to throw in the towel. I felt like all these weeks of effort, and losing nineteen pounds had done nothing more than put me back to step ONE, so to speak. I look worse for gawds sake, than I looked AFTER giving birth to every one of my four kids!
I look at people's before & after pictures - the ones in the success stories on 3FC, and wonder how they could possibly have allowed themselves to be photographed in their "before" state. Really. I don't think I can do it.
Oh, well. Onward.
I'm home today. I had to take an extra day to myself after the long weekend. We had a great time (I didn't look in any full-length mirrors, I guess), the place we stayed was gorgeous, but no bike riding took place. We were up in the White Mountains. Little problem called altitude, I'm afraid. And hills - absolutely NO flattish roads that were bike-friendly at all. But, the altitude thing was the real problem. I rode up one hill, down another, and up one more - and then ran out of breath. Breathing that thin mountain air takes some getting used to. I'd forgotten that. So, the bike got put back in the Sahara and stayed there. We did do a lot of walking/hiking through some woods and around the lake, and had a big outdoor cook-out one night (wore bug spray instead of prefume) and it was active and fun, so I did get some exercise, but clearly not the kind I've been used to getting.
I'm sitting here yawning , DH was late heading off for work this morning, and it's promising to be a VERY relaxed day for me. I've promised to pick up my little six-year-old granddaughter after school today and take her to the park & out for supper, so that'll be fun. Gotta get a good bikeride in for myself beforehand, though. It'll prolly be a little tough after 3 days without riding.
Hope everyone will be reporting in -
Watchew UP to, GOLDEN GIRLIES????
Jo-annie? Bobbi? Theresa? You still recouping from a wild and wooly weekend, or what???


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Old 05-29-2007, 09:20 AM   #223  
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Hi Paula, when I read what you wrote "I hope he's good again today," it made me cry. I remember those days with my husband (last year) - I would prepare to go to the hospital & not know what I would find when I got there. My heart is with you.

Hi Ella, I told you not to worry about "keeping up with me" regarding weight loss. I'm back at 175 - after what I thought was a great eating and exercising week! All that self-discipline for nothing! Oh well, at least my blood sugar numbers are good.

Today, I finish up my online course - YEA!!!!!! I'm waiting for the stragglers to submit their papers and then I can enter final grades and close out the class.

Next week I will be meeting with a dietitian about my eating. Hopefully, she will be able to aid me with losing weight.

Today I'm going to start cleaning out my closets. I never really organized right since I moved here 2 years ago - was in the midst of caring for my DH at that time. After he died last June, I had hip surgery & then cancer surgeries. Time to get myself organized. Maybe I'll even get to my 2006 taxes:-))

Take care,

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Old 05-29-2007, 09:51 AM   #224  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Ella, I told you not to worry about "keeping up with me" regarding weight loss. I'm back at 175 - after what I thought was a great eating and exercising week! All that self-discipline for nothing! Oh well, at least my blood sugar numbers are good.

Take care,

Hiya Lynn - I just caught your post since I'm still sitting here in front of my computer being lazy. I'm sorry if I sounded like a snit or something about the challenge-thing, or keeping up with each other, or whatever. I didn't mean to sound snotty or snitty or however. I'm just so insecure about my own weight loss...and so tired of this whole thing - trying to look decent - and probably feeling very underacheiving at this point in time, that I just can't gear up for anything even remotely resembling a competition, even though I understand you don't mean it to be one. I can positively FEEL all this energy and enthusiasm coming from your posts, and it's like, "Omigawd. How can she BE so UP-UP-UP all the time?" Don't get me wrong. I KNOW it takes effort. I KNOW you have to just grit your teeth sometimes, and grin THROUGH the disappointments on that &^%$*&^#$%@ scale and in front of that %$^&*(#$%^@ mirror, but I swear I just don't have your ability to stay positive. I'm glad that your blood sugar levels are staying stable, and I'm sure that, with all the walking through museums and etc., that you do, the pounds WILL come off as you're right to stay positive. In my case, I just don't know. I just get discouraged, and feel like I'm a sad excuse for a woman BECAUSE I get so discouraged. It's not that I haven't had any REAL problems in my life - we all have had them by the time we reach our fifties - but THIS weight thing is just kicking my butt for some reason.
Lynn, I will be happy to cheer you on when you're doing well; I guess I need a little of that myself, although when it comes (the congrats on losing a pound or whatever) I tend to think to myself, "Yeah. Now only 25 more to go. Might as well be one HUNDRED and 25!"
Pessimist? Moi????? <as she looks around in astonishment>. Um. Guess so. But I'm working on it.
Good luck with the nutritionist, Lynn. Mostly, I think those of us who don't have special diet needs KNOW what we should and should not be eating, and we all seem to be doing a pretty good job of sticking to the right stuff (except that darned Biscotti last night in my case) but at this age, the weight is VERY stubborn, and it takes twice the effort that it used to to get the weight off - twice the effort when we've got half the energy, yanno?

Ahh, well. Just wanted to set things straight with you, Lynn...that I wasn't being - or wasn't meaning to be - a jerk about it.


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Old 05-29-2007, 10:50 AM   #225  
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Good Morning Girls,

You have my prayers still... always.
Its good to hear he is doing better.
would love to see pics of your gardens.

I have come to a conclusion this week,
For me...
When I get down about all of this crazy stuff we do to lose weight...
for me I think its my hormones.

Seem about every 3-4 weeks I am getting down.
I am up today

Add into all of it that I finished my Premarin a few weeks ago, I have been quite hormonal.

I was good this week end. Stayed on Plan, As I started my new part time job. So far its good. Those poor souls in this home are so starved for someone to treat them nice. It is my way of giving back. At least for a while.
I am going to try to get in the new Target opening up by us. If I can do stock work or something besides the register. I think I need to help out more financially.

Well I went and signed up for another Challenge today at Curves.
I was trying to get dd to sign it. She keeps me working Harder.
Because every pound I loose... she can loose 5... if she works at it.
She has not been trying. So I am trying very hard to motivate her.
I received a Curves t-shirt for being one of the biggest losers, this morning.
For the last challenge, that I lost the 12 pounds. Only 2 other women lost more.

Last edited by littlered; 05-29-2007 at 10:56 AM.
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