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Old 05-17-2007, 12:14 PM   #166  
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Happy Thursday to the GOLDEN GIRLS This is my last day at work and then four delicious days off!!! YAY!!!! We are heading out to the Memphis Blues BBQ House for dinner tonight -- I don't think there is a single thing that is low cal or healthy but what the heck. I am heading out in a couple of hours to have my 5th workout class this week and then another bootcamp tomorrow morning (so much for sleeping in LOL)
Ella I am not stuck in some bootcamp **** LOL although I am rather saddened that I only have 4 classes left -- I am almost feeling fit as I walk back from all the outings with the rest of the group several minutes ahead of me. But I finish that is all that matters. Now what is happening I am ravenous after the workout. The first week I was only thirsty now I am hungry -- dang!!!

Lyn - so sorry to hear about your BIL I hope he is on the road to recovery.

Ella - your outfit sounded fabulous -- I am lucky if I pull on a decent pair of jeans with a nice top -- let alone accessories LOL. I can only wish for slim ankles -- I have cankles - the calf and ankles are pretty much a straight line. So we all wish for what we don't have. I have wavy hair and ever so often I just wish I had straight hair so that I could wear a different style -- I can't grow it out its too think and wavy it looks like a bush and I have zero tolerance for spending more than 2 minutes a day on my hair. LOL what a picture I am painting of myself.

Phyllis have a safe trip to Ohio and enjoy the dinner at Paula's -- I will be indulging myself tonight and then working it off tomorrow. How smart to take the DVD's with you. I really should look at a laptop for my next computer.

Lynn - dang they haven't figured out a gentle mammo yet?? At least I can go to the radiologist now rather than the mammo clinics. I have a large lump that they are watching -- its just a left over from a blunt force trauma My dog pulled me over when she was running one time -- I was too nervous to let go of the leash (duh) and down I went chest first -- ouch!!! Glad the horse riding went well and I am positive there would be nothing more delicious than getting into a nice bath after.

Theresa -- absolutely work on the positive. Look how far you have come don't worry about where you want to go. I am fat and lumpy and 60 to 70 pounds overweight but I am working on carrying myself with confidence and focus on my positives (smaller waist is my favourite)

Femme - I must go check out your blog. We are heading for souther BBQ tonight -- go figure in west coast Canada the most popular restaurant would be BBQ LOL.
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Old 05-17-2007, 05:13 PM   #167  
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Originally Posted by Jayjay55 View Post
Happy Thursday to the GOLDEN GIRLSI don't think there is a single thing that is low cal or healthy but what the heck. .
Ah ha...I did a little research and found their menu (yum)...
how about the cornish hen or the brisket, hold the bb sauce (brisket really doesn't need it anyway) and a salad...or the brisket salad?? I hope you are happy..I'm drooling
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:33 PM   #168  
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Default How I got my excersise today!

If you want to know how I got really tired. look at the pics.

I am sooo not used to having a baby around for 4 hrs. I need to do this more.
If only Mommy and Daddy could give her up more.

Age 22 months, 20 pounds. Danced and walked a lot. She loves to be danced with.
Boy do I hope she walks soon!
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:50 AM   #169  
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Good Morning Girls!
I've only had time to read everyone's post, then run. This will be my 5th full day at MIL home, It took me 4 days of cleaning, throwing and marking stuff in her upstairs for her rummage sale. Today DH is going over with me to do the basement, geeeeeeeeez, what a job. We're going to do her ground floor this fall for another sale, it's just too much to do this spring. You're right Ella, it's been fun rummaging thru 60-70 years of stuff. I found boxes and boxes of old piano music, sheets, books that are over 90 years old. I found lots of posters, calendars, maps all rolled up. One was Les Kouba's print, that might be valuable. Well, enough babbling, gotta run.
Hey Bobbi! I KNOW you're enjoying that attic-exploration! I would, too! It's something of an archaeological expedition, isn't it? Finding things, long untouched, that people once used and wore and created in the past? I've always been intensely curious about the lives of ancestors - and just people in general. But, when you find artifacts, you DO get a sense of who the person was, don't you? I often think about MY parents, both of whom are long dead, and their personalities, interests, and relationships OUTSIDE of being parents. We only saw/remember them in one role, when, like us, they really had many roles.
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Old 05-18-2007, 10:21 AM   #170  
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Theresa!!!!! What an ADORABLE little sweetie-heart your GD is!!!!! Oh, how I miss having a BABY to snuggle and play with! My youngest grandchild is now 5 years old, and not snuggly in the slightest. He's into running around, zooming here, there and everywhere, and just in general, being a boyish little boy-o. My youngest daughter - who has a six-year-old little girl - wants to have another one, but they've been putting it off and putting it off - first they had to buy their house, then they had to each have new cars (they both commute to work, so good, dependable cars are a safety issue, not a luxury) and then it's been one thing after another: him getting his CAGS, her getting her Master's, oh...always something. Now DD is saying she's got to have another one soon - before HER DD is in high school! I can't WAIT! I am SO ready to start spoiling another little bitty kid!!!!
I KNOW how much you must enjoy your little GD's visits - even if you have to sleep for two days straight to recuperate!!!
Well, it's STILL raining here - driving into work on the 'Pike this morning was pretty dicey. Very poor visibility, and those danged big trailer trucks flying by and splashing water all over the windshield so you're temporarily blinded....ack!!!! I did the Trimrider last night again (raining, raining, raining) and managed 125 repititions. Yay! I'd rather be riding my bike, though, and getting a little sunshine in the process.
I had my hair trimmed. A little TOO trimmed for my liking, but DH likes it. Nobody at work has even noticed. So much for worrying about how you look, eh? They don't look at I guess I don't have to worry about anybody seeing my *side view* or imagining how I look nekkid! ( ) PLUS, with all this rain, and with it only being in the low 40's, I'm in black pants, a black tank with a big wrap sweater that covers EVERYTHING - from shoulders to knees. I DARE them to try to figure out what's under it!!!
G'morning, Dr. Femme, Creole chef of distinction and personal counselor ....howz the weather in lovely Louisiana today?
Joanne, I hope you're enjoying your long weekend, m'dear! And that Barbecue place looks pretty enticing. You MUST report back to us on what you had to eat, you know. We don't ALLOW any of our GOLDEN GIRLIES to eat out without letting us know all about it! (I just want to drool vicariously - there are NO, count 'em NO - good barbecue places in Massachusetts, and that's the truth. There's one not far from my sister down in North Carolina, but it's an awfully long drive just for a coupla ribs or sumpin'.)
Okay, okay. I KNOW I need to get busy here at work. (Picture my being dragged off stage by a long hook....)

Have a great day, all you lovely GOLDEN GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!


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Old 05-18-2007, 10:54 AM   #171  
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Hi all,

I am writing from my SIL's computer here on LI. Will be driving out to see my BIL later today. He is doing much better and is on a regular medical floor.

It's rainy and cold here...and all I have are my worn business clothes and some workout shorts and t-shirts. Yesterday it was still warm, so I went out at lunch and bought some shorts and capris it's too cold to wear them.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts for my BIL.

Bobbi...sounds like lots of work cleaning out you MIL's stuff, but yes it must be like a treasure hunt too. My friend has been clearing out his family's 100 year homestead that he inherited and has come across so many treasures that he has been living off of the proceeds from auctions. he also has been giving me old J&J artifacts he finds, since his GF was a Dr. there.

Ella, Good luck with Curves! I don't have any grand kiddies DD's are not married yet so that's OK, but I find myself looking longinly at babies and littles ones.

Theresa, You little one is so cute. I can't wait. Even if it is tiring. hey, Big 5-0 coming next month. Let us know the day and we'll all help you celebrate in style!

Jay Jay, The BBQ sounds great. When i was in memphis about 12 years ago I went to one that was supposed to be very famous. It was a little hole-in-the-wall type of place, but it had photos of all the famous people who came there, including all of the recent presidents.

Lynn, Wow, I'm impressed that you put together a spreadsheet to track carbs, calories exercise etc. You are a woman after my own heart. i have been keeping an excel spreadsheet andchart of my weekly weights for over 5 years. I'm trying to keep each year a lille lower that the one before.

Femme (Dr. Phil) - Love all of your insprational words of wisdom. Good luck with the South Beach plan.

Well, got to run to the hospital. Will check in later if I can.

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Old 05-18-2007, 11:33 AM   #172  
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Well its Friday and I am just letting my oatmeal settle then off to bootcamp. Apparently today is a lot (a lot!!!) of running. Ok so what will take the rest of the group an hour will most likely take me 2 hours. Wish me luck!!! Oh and I need it after dinner last night -- Why do I do this to myself??? Let me back up -- at least I went to my cardio class -- the instructor was really mad at her husband and took it out on us but I survived and even walked up to Finance after -- a good 20 minute walk. Of course on the way back I was chatting with someone and another girl from the class runs past me -- I mean RUNNING!! I yelled out "show off". But I did it knowing dinner was going to be dicey. Femme I thank you for pointing out the cornish game hen and I had it all planned to order until I got there -- geesh -- how could I pass up the pulled pork and the brisket. Both were YUMMY -- I ate about double I normally eat for my evening meat portion (still brought a lot home). I wasn't going to touch the sides until I ate one of the french fries - ok I have no idea what they do to them but everyone agreed they are completely 100% addictive. I was hoping to split a peach pie after but good thing none of us could even attempt it LOL.

Ok so once again I will haul this fat sorry butt to bootcamp - -I will account for every morsel that passes through my mouth and I will behave over this long weekend -- I promise I promise. I can't undo all the good.

Lyn - glad your BIL is doing better -- stay warm and dry and you will have tons more time to wear the new clothes.

Ella - ahhhh at least you have had a chance for babies. Actually with the dynamics in our family (LOL don't ask) the only baby I have ever been exposed to is my own son. My sweetie's sister is having her first baby in August and I plan to spoil like crazy -- even though we don't see them much I am already making the baby afghan -- I love crocheting them. I am getting my hair trimmed next week -- I have to grit my teeth through this week when its just a bit too long -- it looks horrid after workouts and there is no controlling it and like I said before I am too lazy to take anytime to fix it LOL.
Oh and I know what's under that sweater -- a kind, warm humourous heart!!!!

Bobbi - I know you will be able to slow down soon. We did this about 10 years ago when my grandmother passed away - had to clean through 60 years of "stuff" -- never found anything of value though. One of my cousins was thrilled to receive a gorgeous china setting but sadly the box got misplaced with garbage and out it went. My late husband was a packrat -- and when I sold our house three years ago -- the new owners wanted to rent it for two weeks before they took possesion. I was heading to New York during that time and told my son he could have the rent if he cleaned out all the storage areas of the house. Lets just say it took up both sides of the garage -- we sorted through took several loads to donation sites and still I had to pay the junk man $900 to haul away the "crap". I am quite ruthless now after that experience.

Theresa -- your grand daughter is a total complete doll. I envy your time you get to share with her. I doubt if I will ever be a grandmother -- its ok but still feels a bit empty sometimes.

Femme -- thanks for checking out the menu -- it really does evoke the south. They even served unsweetened ice tea -- which is unheard of in Canada. For some reason they think they have to serve it sweetened and flavoured. Just plain ice with some equal or whatever is my favourite refreshing drink.
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Old 05-19-2007, 06:47 AM   #173  
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Blah, blah, and MORE blah! Rain, rain, rain,gray, gray, gray, and I woke up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning and am NOT thrilled about it, let me tell you! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Where is everybody??? Are you all out cavorting in the sunshine while I wither and grow mold on my elbows and knees here in this sopping wet, absolutely disgusting environment???? OH, I KNOW you're cleaning out MIL's house, Bobbi, and I KNOW you're traveling Karen (and Phyllis) and I KNOW you're off at some museum, Lynn, and I know you're on Long Island tending to your BIL, Lyn, and Dr. Femme...well, I KNOW you are down there in the deep south experimenting with your yummy (and hallelujah! Low- carb or GOOD-carb) recipes. Paula, what are YOU up to? Theresa? Get back here, girlfriend, and tell me what you've been up to! Luflic? Come out, come out, wherever you are! Joanne? Thanks, girlie, for keeping me up to date on what you're doing...have you guessed? Yep. I have developed a co-dependent relationship with our GOLDEN GIRLIES thread, here...well, not so "co" as dependent, I guess. Ahhhhh. I KNOW you can't post every hour on the hour....after all you've got LIVES and all...dang it! Well, I may have to resort to going back to bed and being driven slowly (or quickly) crazy by the sound of the rain clanging on the A/C unit in our bedroom window. Hah! Like we're ever going to actually NEED A/C again!!!!
SO, anyway. I did another 125 reps on the Trimrider last night. That's the sum total of my daily exercise when the weather is inclement. Better than nothing, certainly, but hardly worth noting. I mean, it takes me about 3 minutes. Maybe four. Is CURVES open on Sunday? I can't get over there today. Something - either the bike riding or the Trim rider-thingie is actually making a little difference. I can feel some muscles going on in my stomach (under a few layers of FAT, yes...but they're there!) now that weren't there a few months ago. The backs of my legs are firmer, too.
I may - or may not weigh myself today. I have to go do my BIG bi-weekly grocery shopping expedition, hang the wallpaper in my spare bathroom (maybe: will it even dry properly with all this dampness????), and we're having dinner at 6:00 with friends tonight.
I had my hair cut/trimmed/shaped on Thursday after work. Aurrrrgh! I TOLD her...don't make my hair NEAT! I like "tousled"...not NEAT. (Don't mind me - I came of age as a "flower child": we have always felt most comfortable being a little wayward and imperfect, yanno? Every hair falling perfectly into place just isn't "us". So, my instructions were to trim & give it some shape, but NOT to make it look like a helmet. (My hair just brushed my shoulders, and is naturally light brown, but I keep it heavily highlighted in a very pale, non-reddy or goldy blonde. More of an ashy blonde. It had, it's true, become a littlestraggly and shapeless, and it needed some attention, but I didn't want it overly-attended to, if you see what I mean. So, I place myself at this hairdresser's mercy, and for the grand total of $96 (inclusive of a $15 tip, which I have NO idea why I gave her, considering what she did to my formerly tousled and perfectly fine (in my opinion) hair) she gave me this perfect "helmet".... ...well, more, I guess, like a long "shag" sort of bangs....I CANNOT do bangs, and I made THAT quite clear...but, OMIGAWD....this is going to take some getting used to, and that's the truth. And you know the WORST of it? I'm at work yesterday, in the employee lunchroom, and these YOUNG women who work there - in their late twenties, I'd say - look over at me and say, "OH! Your hair looks GREAT! Really youthful and up-to-date!" Huh???? Up-to-date? Moi?? Youthful? Like I CARE about looking youthful??? Well, all I can say is that MY daughters should be thrilled; they're always saying, "Oh, need to get something done with your HAIR!!!!" Tsk.
Well, I went home & turned my head upsaide down and brushed it vigorously, and guess what? When I stood up again, every freaking hair fell right back into place the way she'd cut it!!!!! It's downright off-putting, I tell you! I may have to resort to teasing my whole head and walking around with it in a big halo, or Anglo-Afro or something!!!!
Okay. I will refrain from whining and kvetching any further this morning. I'll let you get your coffee and relax a bit on a Saturday ...but watch out! If I weigh myself later on this morning, and don't like what the scale says, I'll probably be BACK, kvetching and moaning and whining and carrying on some MORE!!!

Have a great day all you lovely GOLDEN GIRLIES!!!

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Old 05-19-2007, 07:46 AM   #174  
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A quick Good Morning everyone!
Ella, Thanks for the morning laughs about your hair and life in general.
and for the grand total of $96 (inclusive of a $15 tip, which I have NO idea why I gave her, considering what she did to my formerly tousled and perfectly fine (in my opinion) hair) she gave me this perfect "helmet".... ...well, more, I guess, like a long "shag" sort of bangs....I
You actually pay $96.00 for a hair cut? Holy cow, with a $3.00 tip I paid a total of $17.00 last month when I had a trim. I guess everything must be more expensive where you live but then the pay scale is higher too.

I'm taking Sat/Sun off from MIL's house to catch up with my home life. I have lots of "stuff" to get out, price and drag over to MIL's sale, we won't be having it until schools out so I have plenty of time.
I finally got outside to check out my flowers and gardens, the raspberries all have lots of berries forming, yum! We live about 2 miles from a small town (800 homes) that has a whole "Town Attic" Sale today, it starts in 45 minutes. I'm going to see if I can find a computer monitor for my Grandkids, I gave them my old Dell computer and the screen is the old fashion kind, it's so clunky. Maybe I'll get lucky and find it. Speaking of lucky, Maxine says, "At my age getting "lucky" means finding my car in the parking lot" I'll let everyone know when I get back about all the treasures I find. Catch ya later!
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Old 05-19-2007, 09:31 AM   #175  
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Talking Ella, You made my day

I needed a good laugh! I know just what you mean - I being from the flower-power generation too. When i come out of pretty much any hair dresser for a simple cut I need to go straight home and rinse out what ever they did to it.

Today the sun is trying to peak out from the ominous clouds. I'm on my 3d day of the same pants and shirt and jacket - but did wash my undies yesterday - my SIL does not have a drier so it was iffy as to whether I would be wearing soggy (but clean) underwear today. Saw my BIL and he is astonishing the Drs. by being up and actually walking around a bit. So things are looking up and we will be heading for home tonite.

I am completely off my good eating and havene't done any exercise in 3 days. I actually bought an Almond joy and Peanut M&Ms yesterday after the hospital visit....even my DH exclaimed "You got 2?!!" Then we took his sister out for Italian and I had the best eggplant Parmesean I ever had - along with a wonderful Chianti. I was mellow by bedtime.

Think I'll go out with my DH this am and walk the neighborhood. This is the house he grew up in and he loves telling me all about who lived where, and his boyhoood adventures. At least it's not raining!!

So to all my Golden Girl friends, thanks for making my day. I hope we can meet in person someday. Have a good weekend...and be good to yourselves!

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Old 05-19-2007, 03:20 PM   #176  
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Originally Posted by lynard21 View Post
I am completely off my good eating and havene't done any exercise in 3 days. I actually bought an Almond joy and Peanut M&Ms yesterday after the hospital visit....
Ohhhhhhh, Lyn. You don't KNOW what hearing that did to me!!!! PEANUT M&M's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me. Did you EAT them????
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Old 05-19-2007, 03:54 PM   #177  
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NOPE!!!! Don't tell me!!!!! I swear I can't take it!!!! Not after the week I've had - and looking at myself sideways and all... I just can't indulge in anything....nothing....not anything at all, except my <sigh> Fiber One, lotsa water, fruit, veggies...blah, blah, blah and more blah. I'm really, really afraid that I've been eating too much - eating good, healthy stuff, mind you, but very possibly TOO DANGED MUCH of it! I haven't DARED get on the scale today. Nuh-uh. Why not? Because I can TELL that I'm retaining water for some ungawdly reason! My rings, which have been falling off my fingers for several weeks now, were TIGHT last night! Is that absurd, or what??? I blame it on the weather!!!! There's so much dampness in the air - and in the ground, and everywhere - the whole WORLD is retaining water, and I'm just part of the environmental swamp that we're living in at the present time. I FEEL blobby and flabby, and if the SUN doesn't come out soon, I KNOW I'm just going to absorb even more water - like the proverbial SPONGE - until it starts oozing out of my pores.

Okay, THAT rant is over! I went, incidentally, and did the grocery shopping. $228 (for TWO - count 'em TWO people and two khats) after having spent $62 on Thursday after work! And yanno WHAT? I forgot oranges! And probably ten or twelve other things, too!!!! PLUS I drove to and from the grocery store in pouring rain, had to run from the store to the car with an overflowing grocery cart, holding an umbrella in one hand, the car keys between my teeth, and dancing the Flamenco. Okay. I exaggerated. I didn't really have an umbrella.

I can't finish in the bathroom today. It would take a week for the paint to dry.

I just had my bath, brushed my hair with my head hanging upside down, and will get dressed to go out to dinner in another half hour or so. (I realize this is of no particular significance, but at this point in time, I believe I may just be typing because I don't know any better.

ANYWAY, believe me, Bobbi, spending that kind of money on a haircut isn't something that I normally do. My DD2 gave me a gift card for $150 for that posh salon & day spa for my birthday. She does it every couple of years, and that's about how often I go to a hairdresser. I'm like Lyn - always have to come home and re-do it myself. I've never really had ANY hairdresser do exactly what I wanted with my hair. As for the cost of living being higher here, I suspect that's true, which is one of the reasons why I was hoping to talk DH into retiring down to North Carolina, which is where my sister retired to - but he seems to feel distinctly unenthusiastic about it, and never misses an opportunity to remind me how miserable I'd be if I couldn't see my daughters - and grandkids - on a weekly basis. I may have mentioned that my baby - my son, who will be 26 next month - has been living out in Los Angeles for the past year and a half. He comes "home" for Christmas, and says he's planning to come home for 10 days or so in July, but for me, it's not nearly enough. I miss that boy so terribly! I guess DH is right - we might do much better for housing, and cost of living down there, but what good would it be if I could only see my family a few times a year?

Okay. I'm going to get going now.

Hope you're all having a great Saturday! Let us know what you found, Bobbi!

Hasta la vista, Baybees!!!!

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Old 05-19-2007, 04:35 PM   #178  
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I found 47 large stereo albums for MIL beautiful Hi-Fi stero system, all in original jackets and beautiful conditions, no scratches. My DD wants some of them too since she also has a turn-table stereo. I purchased them all for $5.65¢.
I found a big hat box (new) filled with matching stationery, envelopes, a hard cover address book, hard cover diary, more notes cards with matching envelopes, a tablet with matching envelopes, it was all factory sealed in the matching hat box. I really purchased it for the hat box, the other stuff was a bonus and all for $2.00.
I found something we can use for the rummage sale too, 6 white rubber coated metal cubicles that fit together, it was brand new too. (still in the sealed package) $1.50
I found a new, still in box coin holder for .25¢ that I can use to hold all the coins for MIL's rummage sale.
That's it!
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Old 05-19-2007, 05:29 PM   #179  
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Hello to all the Golden Girls, I just thought that I would let you know that we are here at my Dad's house in MO. My brother is staying here so we have had a good visit with him. We are planning on leaving here tomorrow or Sunday to go on to PA. for about a week and then come back here. We have had a good trip so far. Sure hope everyone is doing good and as soon as I can I'll sit down and write more. Take care, Karen
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Old 05-19-2007, 08:54 PM   #180  
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Hello everyone.

Thanks for the complements about dgd.
I think she is just the cutest little one around. Can’t you tell?

She was lying in the grass last night.
Doing sit ups.
She can’t get all the way up.
I bet she has a tighter harder set of Abs then I will ever have.
You can sit her down anywhere.
That’s where she will be when you get back.
Man! I can not wait till she walks! She is going to have so much fun.

I was wondering if anyone has been to Olive Garden?
I received Gift cards for them… And wondered what your favorite meal is?
I looked on line at their menu. Does not look bad.

You have a trim rider… Is that like riding a bike? I looked one up online. They look like a bike without wheels. I bet you do like riding the real thing much better. The scenery would be so much more fun.

Although I do like walking in my garage. No bugs. Or cars. And I can watch my favorite shows. Keeps my mind off what I am doing. That helps a lot.

I also use the Ab lounge in front of the living room TV. I am up too 100-150 crunches a day.
I can actually feel a difference in the tone of my muscles… Under the belly. It is defiantly starting to show.

Grandkids are the best.
Although I only have the one to talk about. It is SO fun.

I am glad to hear your BIL is doing better, will continue my prayers for him. and For Paula’s Family.

Oh. My bday is in Mid July. Not June.
We have my bday, my dd. and dgd. It will be busy.
My anniversary is in early Aug. So summers are always busy.

Flower power gen. LOL.
My son has been downloading music to play with his Guitar. Old music.
You know back in our days. He said he didn’t realize his parents were from the hippy days.
To funny.

1969 Woodstock.
Me. 12 yrs old.
Yeah! I was a hippy. (Not) At a Catholic school! Those nuns would have killed us.

We were straight from that “”70’s show”” I was a little Donna.

Have you thought about an Auction house to sell your things?
The place I worked last summer sold the kind of Stuff you are finding. It is amazing what someone will pay for it.
I do miss working there. I felt I learned tons about old things.
People will buy old pics for lots of money, And Maps too. Old hats in hat boxes went high.
I would even look at Ebay. Lots of fun selling old things there.
The People across the ocean will love the old stuff. Especially Old toys.

Sounds like you are doing wonderful at boot camp. By the end of this summer you should be Svelt! You will need to get some pics when you can.

It is not raining here…but it is gray, and chilly. I am just glad it’s Saturday, Hubby is home!!

No Mold here, Just Old. LOL.

We were out in the yard finishing the yard work. I can’t start the trimmer .So I have to wait for him to be home.

Your hair cut sounds just adorable. I still have mine Long. Its half way down my back. With the hated bangs. My forehead is long and it seems to break it up some. And its light red. My hair is cheap to cut. I just get it cut straight across. blunt cut. $12 plus a tip.

I just made Pink Stuff. I know it has a different name??
it takes...

6 oz. sugar free Jell-O, Mix into large Cool whip, Low cal.
Add Cottage cheese. No fat. I add about 2 cups.
1 can each. Pineapple and Madarine Oranges. Any fruit would work. or more fruit.
1 bag small Marshmallows. I use ½ bag. You could skip it and add More cottage cheese too.

My hubby has been asking for Pink Stuff for weeks. And I just now am making it. It taste so good!
I did not want it around. I am going to take a bowl to my son in the morning.

Curvesis not open on Sunday.
And only till noon on Saturday.
Monday- Friday. Strange hours. about 6:30 am to 12.
2:30 till 7 pm.
Our curves has been just Packed. but I love it. We all have fun talking at the same time. So one can meet lots of new friends too.

Wow! $202 for grocery’s.
And my hubby had a cow over the $130 I just spent for 3!
He has no clue!

That’s ok. I have to look for a job now. Just so I can afford the Grocery’s.
We have been averaging 150 + a week. Plus more for the farm market. DD helps with the food now. whew! Thank God.

What a find. Those are fantastic Prices!
Sounds like you are just half way there for your sale!

Hi Karen, Phylis
sounds like you are having fun seeing all your loved ones. Enjoy them all.
Keep in touch. can't wait to see pics

Hope all it good there too.

enjoy your week end everyone.
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