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Zumbachica 05-17-2013 09:50 PM

Well baseball game went well as far as diversion guy goes. He was very attentive and we had fun.....He loves to eat (typical guy) so after our steak sandwiches he got us popcorn. We also shared a carvel ice cream...I felt so sick afterwards. the eating continued for me today for what reason I don't know. Totally pigged out today on everything and anything. Im sitting here trying to figure out why and I have no reason. Nothing in particular happened today to send me over the edge....just the usual aggravation over divorce. I don't know why I want something so much and yet I sabotage myself...I don't have answers, I just knwo that today is done and there is nothing I can do about it except get back on the horse tomorrow. I'll be teaching a class in the morning and then my day is super busy with my kids music rehearsals, etc. Hopefully i'll be too busy to eat like a sow all day long......we shall see...I am still not in my clothes. I felt big , sloppy and frumpy yesterday at the game. I don't want to feel like that all summer :(

Sum38 05-18-2013 06:04 AM

I was thinking about your date Zumba, glad it was fun!!

Nat I hope you find your motivation soon! Perhaps walking outdoors would boost your motivation? On the otherhand; you have so much going on with your life right now, that maint. is a good thing. Hugs to mom!

kelijpa You are so close to 150's!!! I will see you at the 150's thread in no time!!

My whoosh continued, I thought I was done whooshing yesterday but scale went down another 1.2 pounds to 153.8. What ever is going on, I am loving it! I even feel a ton thinner.

I did not go to the gym, yesterday, so that is on the menu for today. If I have time I will do my walk. -- We are having an Eurovision party at the Finnish center and later on a graduation party.... so I will be around tempting foods all day...

Have a fab day ladies!

SW 156.6
GW 150
CW 153.8

Jennifer1966 05-18-2013 08:34 AM

Argh, our wifi went out yesterday, and TW won't be here until Monday, so I'm on my phone! Please excuse what is sure to be many typos!

Zumba: Glad you had a great time at the game (even if it was the Yankees--lol)
I hate when I overeat for no reason, but it happens. Forgive yourself and go on.

Sum: Dang, girl! You are a losing machine! You will be rocking those daisy dukes in no time.

A big hello to Everyone else. I am unable to scroll back on stupid phone!

I was at 170.6 today, which is shocking considering how poorly I ate. A student gave me a turtle cupcake from a local cupcakery, and I ate all of it. It was a chocolate and salted caramel delight! Then we went out for a coworker's bday and I had beer and a tequila shot (need to remind myself I am no longer in my 20s!). I also ate a sandwhich on more bread than I eat in a week! How I'm down .4 I have no idea, but I'll take it. Today I cook and clean all day for tomorrow. Eek! Please cross your fingers for no rain!!

Zumbachica 05-18-2013 10:22 PM

Hi all..eating continued today..bleh...I'm going to cleanse tomorrow....had some disturbing dreams that started my day " off"....I just felt wierd.....taught a class to wheelchair people.....they were incredible...I almost had tears in my eyes watching a young gig struggle to dance with just her arms...it made me ashamed of all the whining that I do...

Today was my LAST day of pigging out.....getting dressed today was awful....I'm starting to sink into a depression. Tomorrow i am cleansing. Then I'm going back on low carb for a while. Isa gen ix is great but I think I'm just not doing it correctly, I have too many cravings. The shakes are high in carbs....they're making me want more carbs...I also need to plan better....I need to this for so many reasons.....

Zumbachica 05-18-2013 10:23 PM

Congrats Jennifer and sum for your swooshes!

Sum38 05-19-2013 07:06 AM

Happy Grad Party Day to Jennifer (and her DD).

So I pigged out yesterday, and scale "jumped" to 155.6. Doing a happy dance because those horrid 158's are thing in the past. Back to clean eating today and hopefully scale will go back down.

Zumba Each time I have lots of carbs, I crave more and more. BTW, When are you seeing the DG again?

Jennifer1966 05-19-2013 07:53 AM

I was at 170 this morning, which is not too far from my goal of 169 by DD's grad party. Hopefully it won't storm (30% chance of t-storms), and the party will go great. Not to whine, I've just never planned anything this big.
Have a great Sunday!

kelijpa 05-19-2013 08:09 AM

Hello all,

Sum-Last time I was in Old Navy, about a month ago, I was really disappointed in the quality of their clothes, I know they're inexpensive, but nothing felt like it was a bargain because of the quality, that leads to inconsistency in sizes as well, quality of the materials, etc. I'm with Zumba on the Daisy Dukes, you are one brave woman! :D

Zumba-I've definitely been there with the not being able to stop the madness, in fact I'm juicing today after spending the weekend so far with my in-laws and then my family, it seems to be a good reset for us after "treating". After Chinese one day and BBQ the next I'm up 5.5 lbs. I know it's mostly bloat and the juicing and drinking lots of water knocks that part right off, then tomorrow I'll eat clean, still with lots of veg. Hope things improve for you, your persistence is inspiring, it reminds me of a saying this guy we used to bowl with was always was quoting this silly movie "never give up, never surrender!" Stay strong!!

Natamars-sorry to hear about your mother's pain, that's got to be hard to deal with. My heart goes out to you. Best of luck with everything. :hug:

So, my MIL gave me a bunch of magazines, so I started with the one that had drop 10 lbs. in a month on the cover, of course. So the way to drop 10 lbs. in a month is to do salsa dancing and follow this eating plan, there were some interesting recipes in the eating plan, not sure if I can get into the dancing with a road trip coming up, maybe after.

It's the May 2013 issue of Health magazine, there were some interesting articles, one was about different trends/fads in weight loss, one was hypnosis, it recommended saying these simple phrases practioners recommend to patients, "say out loud, repeat often and believe:
~For my body overeating is poison.
~Too much food is damaging, I owe my body respect and protection
~I'm attracted to healthy foods
~Doughnuts might taste good, but the new me isn't interested"

They also talked about a free meditation app, I think I'm going to try it it's called Headspace (on-the-go) for iphone or android, it say "you teach yourself to look at jellybeans the way you would a puce micromini with lame; Maybe for somebody else, but not for me!"

best to all :sunny:

kelijpa 05-19-2013 08:09 AM

Jennifer-best of luck with the party and congrats on being so close to your goal!

2FatCats 05-19-2013 11:20 AM

Morning All!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful stress free weekend.

Sum Re: Old Navy. I buy tshirts and tanks there - I just accept that they will only last for one summer. I really need long or tall sized stuff or else I am wearing 'crop tops' like the 80s....

Zumba Kel said it first: "your persistence is inspiring" Keep at it!
My heart goes out to you - it stinks to feel depressed, out of control and just like SCREAMING at someone or something. Believe me, I know.:hug: When you said the LAST time it reminded me of, well, me. I used to say that alot. So much that my husband actually rolled his eyes and said, "yeah, right - until the next last time." It hurt my feelings but it made me think. I did have very strict forever rules. And then I would fixate on whatever it was that was 'forbidden' and congratulate myself when I avoided it. But eventually I would eat it and feel like a horrible disappointing failure. He was right, though - who was I kidding- I didn't even believe in myself. I measured my sense of self-worth by eating or not eating things from 'the banned food list'. By working out or not, if the scale went down or not, if my clothes fit or not. You get the picture - I was constantly judging myself - almost entirely in a negative way. After much inner reflection and reading I am learning to be my own best positive friend. After all, I didn't solve World hunger or cause an international missile crisis because I ate way too many chips. So why was I acting like the villian in my own world - constantly attacking myself? So now I tell myself - maybe I will eat (way too much *anything*, icecream, sodium, whatever)again - maybe I won't. I have the power to say yes or no. I have a choice. But I slowly stopped making it an 'all or nothing' and when I did, I didn't want to overindulge. And the world still didn't end! :D Maybe I just finally got tired of thinking about food 24/7. It's exhausting obsessing about EVERYTHING around me!

Nat Wishing your entire family strength. Having a sick loved one is (understatement) exhausting both mentally and physically.

Jennifer The party will be fantastic - rain or shine! You've worked your tushie off - literally!

It looks like it's about to rain here - off to close my windows.

LindaWW 05-19-2013 01:23 PM

I'm still here - I have been plugging away at the diet and exercise thing - doing well most days, and occasionally not so good. The good news, is I'm down 2 of the 3 pounds for my goal, and working on more. I changed my ticker to reflect my progress. I'm at the lowest weight I've been in the last 10 years, I'd say - heck, maybe the last 20 years! I'm psyched, because summer is the easiest time for me to lose. My husband is away working, and my kids both leave for the summer, so I can focus on me. Next weekend will be tough though - my oldest daughter and her family are coming to visit over Memorial Day weekend, and when she goes home, she'll take my youngest daughter home with her for the summer. My husband will come home for a week, and when he leaves he'll take my son with him to work out of state.

I'm still waiting for the anxiety meds I started 2 weeks ago to kick in. Hopefully once they get working I'll be back to my old self. Then there will be no stopping me!

Sorry I haven't been more active on this thread. I still try to read daily, and I'm supporting you all in your weight loss goals. Being the lone parent of teens keeps me pretty busy, but I'm thinking of you all!

Zumbachica 05-19-2013 01:43 PM

Hi everybody....first of all i want to thank those that offered support to me after my horrible day of eating yesterday. I have no reason as to why it happened other than I just am not in the right frame of mind of losing weight....I wonder if I am now. Decided to take a break from ******** for the next few days and do some low carb eating. I'll do a cleanse after memorial day.

Husband doing things to once again upset me and get me livid. I swear, sometimes I wonder if theres going to be blood shed before this divorce is over.....he certainly isn't making it easy to live peacefully.

Sum you asked about DG....no, i haven't seen him after the baseball game...we dn't see eachother often. He is adamant about not being in a serious relationship given that we're both in ugly divorces. That's fine, but it also frustates me. I asked him if he wanted to do a mud run with me on Saturday and he said he had a committment. I got annoyed and said No problem I guess I should start making other committments. That was my passive aggressive way of saying "I know you're seeing other women and please feel free to go f&^*&% yourself!" It wasnt mature and it wasn't fair, but girls between hating my body and hating the situation I am in I was in NO MOOD this morning. Maybe I would feel more secure in this relationship if I were thinner and happier. I called my friend in Vegas for advice and she told me to just enjoy my time with him and chill out. Im trying.....mornings like today it is hard to do that.

I hope the weather held out for Jennifers party!!!!

So may scale was up to 149 this morning.....hoping low carb helps, going t put everything I ate into fatsecret.

junem 05-19-2013 10:35 PM

On a bit of a whim, I joined some members of my bike club on a 62 mile (100 kilometer) ride this morning. It completely wiped me out, but the computer on my bike says I burned 1610 calories!!! I don't think that bike computer calc is all that accurate, but woohooo anyways.

I think I more than made up for the stuff I ate at my cousins' baby shower yesterday.

Boy oh boy, the women in my extended family can cook! Best potato salad ever! And then somebody bought a Roeser's whipped cream cake. I needed that bike ride.

I weigh on Monday's. The day of reckoning is coming.

Sum38 05-19-2013 11:00 PM

Not a good day here. I cooked a lot and ate a lot. I feel bloated and yucky. UGH! A good reminder that clean eating is my friend :) I think I will skip tomorrow's weigh in, I would be so disappointed and I know it is not real weight, but still...

junem We have pretty much same stats!!! How cool! Nice going on your bikeride! I can only go about 25 miles and I get totally pooped out.

Zumbachica it took me a long time to get ready to change my eating habits, so I totally understand :hug: -- My turning point was March 28th, dunno what clicked that day. I think I was just feeling so huge and slow and something just snapped in my head and I was ready. Now 50 days and 10 pounds later, I feel committed and it truly has become a life style. Even today after over eating, I am looking forward to getting OP tomorrow. Back on the wagon. I guess the big thing is. I am forgiving myself of the bad days and moving on, whereas before I could not get past a bad day and it turned into bad weeks and months. -- You can do this! And I am here for you every step of the way.

LindaWW Nice seeing you and WOW and congrats on your new low weight in ages! Way to go!!!!!

2FatCats I was wondering where you went :) How is that delicious maint. going?

kelijpa Salsa dancing, hmmm...I should try that. I could do it at home and make my neighbors think I have finally totally lost it :D I bet it burns a ton of calories!!

Jennifer I hope the grad party went well!!

Zumbachica 05-20-2013 07:08 AM

Good morning everyone....I had my pity party last night and I'm ready to start a new week with a new attitude. Putting the isa gen ix away for a few days and eating low carb....going to look for my Jorge cruise book. Food shopping after work to buy what I need for a healthy week....should be an interesting one given that I'm at my ex's throat.

I found out last night that a friend I went to high school with died in march. She collapsed in front of her house. By the time she was found it was too late....she died from an enlarged heart....she was 44 and leaves behind a three and a six year old...she had no idea she had this! It made me realize how short life is....I want to start living it!

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