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Zumbachica 05-24-2013 04:53 PM

Guac hang in there!!! Make your goal to stay the same weight at weigh in...and be happy with that.

Sum38 05-24-2013 06:33 PM

Okay, I did it! I did the blood test. Yup I am a big wuzz! :D

I have had a pretty good day; eating was OP and I was super busy which always makes my day go faster and I don't dwell on the bad stuff.

I did visit my allergist and he determined I have sport's induced asthma :( I have been laboring with my breathing on my walks and my general condition should be pretty decent by now, so there was no reason for the tightness in my chest.

newleaf123 05-24-2013 09:32 PM

I've been out of the house all day, just got back now. It is freezing here, literally, and I have spent a small fortune in annual flowers, which we just got done covering up.

Had a wonderful day with DH, who took the day off. But it meant lunch out and dinner out. I did continue with MFP - love that you can enter from the road - and clocked in at about 1600 calories. Many more than I want, but still under supposed maintenance level, so hopefully the scale should be stable. Well, except for all the salt on the edamame... Whatever.

newleaf123 05-24-2013 10:21 PM

Zumba you are better off without DG. His loss. I'm sorry about your clothing difficulties; I know that feeling of having to go up in size. Never a fun time... :hug: You'll get past this; I know it How did the senior citizen workout go? Congratulations on getting back to your ticker weight!!

Sum I'm glad your dr is working to figure out what is going on... and, I hope things work out with your DH. I am so fatigued with the 150s too... Hence my extra-hard push all of a sudden. I'm pretty comfortable at 158, but that isn't where I want to settle this go-around.

2fatCats Glad to see things are going well for you. How is your doggie patient coming along?

JuneM Hi!

Guac Good for you, getting your walks in, and making green smoothies. I always enjoy those. Have you ever tried making them with basil?? So good... I hope your long weekend is off to a good start.

Jennifer Good for you, getting those leftovers out of the house. Good riddance! You don't need that stuff lying around... You will break out of these 170s any day now; I can smell it! Summer vacation already?? We still have 2 more weeks of school here. It sounds like you have a really wonderful relationship with your DD. Savor these days with her.

Natamars I know the feeling well, of recognizing that I need to want it more than I do if I want to see some results... Recognizing that is the first step! Also, you are doing a great job with exercise - keep it up!

LindaWW I'm sorry that yours is the anxiety diet, but I'm so happy that you are seeing results at least! Congratulations on your great loss this month!

Kelijpa How's the roadtrip going?

SoonToBeSkinnyCarma Welcome!

So, thank you everyone for all your kind words re: my avatar. I really do feel like I'm getting close to goal. And these last couple of months where I have been floating between 155 and 160 have been good from a "maintenance mindset" standpoint -- maintenance is HARD WORK!! Surprisingly my body was still getting smaller, as evidenced by how the WINTER CLOTHES that I had to wear today were fitting -- looser than in March.

Anyway, I feel like I'm in a good space right now. I know how easily that can slip away though, so I'm taking advantage of it while I've got it. We don't have any Memorial Day Weekend plans, so hopefully I should be able to keep things under control. Aargh, there's that darn "hope" word again. Let me rephrase. I will keep things under control this weekend since I don't have any external plans to derail me.

Have a great weekend everyone!

kelijpa 05-24-2013 10:53 PM

Hi all, have to give a shout out to my cousin, she made sure we has healthy options for supper tonight. She grilled chicken, turkey franks, big salad with cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage. It was great and great to be supported!

Best to all :sunny:

Jennifer1966 05-25-2013 08:13 AM

Good morning, all! I have another super busy, food-filled day. I have a brunch grad party at 10, DH's band is playing at a local winery (with a great cafe) from 1-4, DD's graduation is at 7:30, and then another grad party. I have decided I'm not going to eat at the brunch unless there's fruit and I'm going to get a salad or healthy panini (and just a little wine) and not eat at other grad party. I might even just give DD the cards for the evening party and beg out. It's also so cold here I don't know what I'm wearing.

newleaf123 05-25-2013 08:27 AM

kelijpa so great about your cousin! I'm sure there were other people, too, who were pleased there were choices...

jennifer sounds like you have a good plan for dodging today's minefields! Was maybe in your neck of the woods yesterday. Went to that Rogers flea market. Had never been there before, and we got there pretty late as everyone was closing up; it was COLD!!

Jennifer1966 05-25-2013 08:31 AM

I figured I'd do a few personals before I hop in the shower.

Heidi: I'm glad you has a great day with your DH--it's so fun to hang out all day! I do have a great relationship with my DD, and I will hate to see her leave for college, but she is so excited it makes it easier. She can't wait to move to Columbus!

Sum: Great job on overcoming your squeamishness and getting your blood work! Hope it's a good report.

Kelijpa: Yay for your cousin! That food sounds healthy and delicious!

Sum38 05-25-2013 09:39 AM

Morning Lovely Ladies :sunny:

We are supposed to have a nice, sunny but cool day here is MI. Perfect day for my 5 mile walk.

I had too many snacks last night whilst watching a movie. I snacked on popcorn, rice cakes and m&m's (darn daughter bought a huge bag of them and left in on kitchen counter... I kept reaching in :o)

Plan for today
Greek yogurt
Hard boiled egg
Fruit smoothie with flax and protein powder
Thai chicken (home made)

Walk 4.7 miles
Lift 45 minutes

CW 155.4
up 0.4

So today I will use my inhaler and see if it makes any difference what comes to my lungs.

Zumbachica 05-25-2013 12:04 PM

Hi everyone...just a quick check in .

Scale is up another pound..what the hay???!!! It is like my body just does not want to go below 143 for some reason...crazy stuff. Well today I am going to be extra restrictive....even when I go out to dinner tonight. This is crazy and I'm starting to get really angry. I'd beat myself up but I don't know how..LOL.....

Took a good friend to breakfast this morning for her birthday.....kept it really high on the protein and low on carbs. Passed on homefries which is a big deal for me.....I'm not having lunch and tonight is girls night out and we are going to where else but an italian place...UGH...I have to keep away from the pasta.

It is cold, raining and miserable here this weekend. Doesn't feel like Memorial Day weekend but my life is so sad the sunshine wouldn't make a difference anyway. Broker called me today, don't think the house is going to be a reality. The buyer is being a real stickler about the asking price......

Sum38 05-25-2013 01:16 PM

Zumba I meant to tell you this earlier. I think you are gorgeous! I envy your arms and your tiny waist!!!

Sum38 05-25-2013 01:39 PM

I took my walk after taking the inhaler and WOW what a difference it made. I was flying.

I received my new clothes from WHBM and the dress that is a bustier style won't go over my bust :( :( These E cup girls are making me sad. It fits over hips and belly :eek: but I can not zip it around my bust. The other items are super cute! I am going to wear one of the skirts today after gym and lawn cutting and shower :lol: sessions.

Zumbachica 05-25-2013 04:08 PM

Sum thank you so much for the compliment..I have been blessed with a small waist so it makes me look thinner than I really am no matter how much weight I gain....still, all my weight is pretty much carried in my lower body..bleh...and my arms were once very beautiful but now I have some funky cellulite bumps on the back of my arms so I don't feel so comfident anymore....Sorry to hear that the dress didn't fit over your bust but you are happy with the other things :) I have purposely kept out of WHBM because that is going to be my splurge ...glad your inhaler is working....

Sum38 05-26-2013 07:41 AM

I show some muscle!!! My arms are starting to "come in". Made my day yesterday :D I may loathe lifting, but it sure feels good to start seeing results. Now once that fat leaves, I will have pretty arms left behind. I am so glad I did not wait to lift until I got thinner to start my gym routine. -- My legs are very strong as well. :woohoo: -- Now I just need to drop 29.8 pounds and I will call it goal :lol:

Plan for today
Eat OP/1400 cal
Walk 4.7 miles
Rest Day from the gym

CW 154.8
down: 0.6

Sum38 05-27-2013 07:25 AM

Everyone must be having a wonderful and busy Holiday weekend. I hope you are staying OP!!

TOM started. Actually right on time. An
d I did not gain my usual 2-4 pounds; what's up with that?? Am I getting a whoosh here?? I can only hope.

I made the most delish Thai chicken last night. I made it with lower soy sauce, and it totally cured my Thai food cravings.

Plan is to keep eating what I have been eating, it seems to be working.
Around 1350-1500 cal.

It is a gym day. I actually walked yesterday and swam for another 40 minutes. Today is lifting and walking day.

CW 154.6
Down: 0.2

Hope to hear from you ladies!!

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