3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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kelijpa 05-22-2013 10:10 PM

Hello all! First day of road trip with mom went pretty well, not too much exercise, but got in my water and we snacked on fruit and a hard boiled egg, so that was good. Resisting choc chip copies she brought right now, way too late to eat now.

I feel like if I answer from last time I posted it'll be ancient history. Love catching up, though, you guys are great.

Zumba I have a lot more success when I stay away from the carbs, too. Ido love them as a treat tho, I have some kind of chips as my treat just about every week!

Newleaf I don't calorie count, but 1200 sounds pretty low to me, I've never been able to do strictly one thing, that's one reason I liked the old WW points, you looked at 3 things, fat, fiber and cals and tried to strike a balance.

Hope everyone is doing well!

2Fc my gosh, I hope my little dog never does that, your pup's lucky to have you, poor thing...

Mboo great job!

Best to all :sunny:

Sum38 05-23-2013 06:16 AM

I had a huge dinner last night, I think I am getting close to TOM and my appetite is showing it :( Why do I over eat?? I know I am really stressed out over my relationship with DH, but why do I need to medicate myself with food? -- I wish food was not something I had to think about and control all the time.

I am getting fatigued of the 150's. I know it has only been a month and sure wish that getting rid off weight would be as easy as putting it on. -- This is usually about the time I give up, so I need your support ladies, please. I don't feel very optimistic about meeting my goal :cry: since I am still at 156.4 pounds.

I think I am going to start premaking meals plans at MFP, it always keeps me accountable.

Losing weight is hard!!

newleaf123 05-23-2013 07:39 AM

Hey, this calorie counting stuff really works, who knew??? It's helped me get from 159.9 on Sunday and who knows what on Monday - I was too scared to look- back down to 155. Phew! Clearly I didn't lose 5 pounds of fat in 4 days, but my eating was getting way out of control with portion size and poor choice.

Fearing that I was up over 160 again was a real fright to me. Visceral, almost. Had to be, if it got me to count calories LOL

Anyway, 155.1 today. Hopefully I am FINALLY mentally prepared to go below 155. Ok, per my comment on another thread, let me restate. I am finally mentally prepared to go below 155 and I will use calorie counting as a tool to help me get there.

kelijpa 05-23-2013 07:50 AM

I feel about the 160s like you guys do about the 150s! Can't wait to be done with them.

Got an unexpected half hour in on the treadmill this morning, my mom wanted to take a swim so I went on, put the incline up and did it!

Sum, chin up, you're doing great!


Sum38 05-23-2013 07:53 AM

Woot for you Heidi!! Calorie counting really works. I need to get back on that saddle. I usually eat between 1350-1500 calories per day, I usually exercise 400-600 calories worth per day as well.

kelijpa Congrats on staying OP whilst on a road trip. That is hard!!

mboo You are doing great!!

Zumba I hope you did not think that I was insensitive when I called him a jerk, I am sorry! -- Maybe a little break is in order, that way he would realize what he is missing. -- I hope things work out between me and DH, dating scares me

2FatCats Poor baby!!!! I feel so bad when our furbabies get injured. Mine most likely has a tear on her ACL :( She may need surgery.

LindaWW 6 pounds! :woohoo: That is wonderful, you ought to be proud of yourself!!

natamars Those 130's are hard! I usually stall between 133-136 as well (if I ever leave these 150's/140's behind :D) I'll be sending good vibes at your way; and step away from that icecream!!

guacamole 05-23-2013 08:08 AM

Weighed in at 160 today. Was within calorie range all week, and still only down 1 lb. Losing weight sure is hard, Sum! I've got to get back to the 150s if it kills me! I am going away for Memorial Day weekend, which usually spells the kiss of death for my diet. I am going to need every ounce of will power this weekend.

Good luck today, everyone!

Zumbachica 05-23-2013 08:58 AM

Good morning all

GUAC: Take that one pound and make it more....it sure is hard work at this age , isn't it? I remember when my first son was a baby I decided I needed to lose weight and lost ten lbs in two weeks...it wasn't terribly difficult....but now It is taking me years to lose ten lbs....Old gray mare aint what she used to be!!!!

NEWLEAF good that you are mentally prepared, that is half the battle!!!

SUM: of course I did not think you were insensitive. :hug: In fact, I am the first person to say he is acting like a jerk...he is a fool for not working harder to keep me in his life. Truth of the matter is when yo're a good looking single fifty year old guy with a great personality women are in abundance. So maybe I'm not a hot commodity like I thought I was...LOL....time will tell how this story ends....as far as you overmedicating youreslf with food it is a subconscious way of anesthesizing yourself. There are so many feelings that we don't want to feel, food makes that not happen. I was in a difficult marriage for YEARS. Yes, I had all the material things a woman could ask for and two beautiful healthy children but at the end of the day my life was unfulfilled because of a stressful marriage. Food became my sanctuary. I have more empathy now towards people who drink because I see that that became their place to hide. So glad that im not an alcoholic but dang i'm not going to have food control me anymore.

KELIJ Let me tell you how proud I am of you keeping it together on this road trip...Trips like that is when I lose it altogether......Keep up the good work...

MBOO Great work!:carrot:

Zumbachica 05-23-2013 09:06 AM

Okay I am happy to report that I am down one more lb just as I predicted..It would probably be a greater loss if I didn't have PMS bloat which I"m trying to get rid of with Diurex. My boobs are killing me....anyway I know that I have to stay on this path and it is going to be difficult because I'm going out to dinner the next two nights.....Have to stick to my low carb plan. Sunday night I am invited to a party and there will be hot dogs there....my weakness. I need to eat them without the bun if anything. Monday and Tuesday will be my cleanse days. I will be doing a lot of manual labor this weekend clearing out a house that my dad left me (my family summer home ) I need to either rent it or sell it....so many things going on my head is spinning!!! Waiting to heear from my lawyer so I can discuss moving out of here. I need a new beginning. And i want to be skinny on that new beginning..LOL

Off to Zumba (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) Just not in the mood today for it.

Jennifer1966 05-23-2013 10:37 AM

I am super frustrated today--still in the 170s (170.6 this am) and not eating well. I have at least 5 grad parties I have to attend this weekend, and there will be an abundance of unhealthy food and alcohol. I almost want to just give myself a pass, but I know I will never get into the 160s if I do. Sorry for the whine, but I'm struggling.

2FatCats 05-23-2013 11:55 AM

If you are super frustrated at seeing 170.6 today---imagine how upset you could be AFTER the weekend full of Grad parties . . . . Crappy food won't get you to your goal - it will just take you farther away from it! Pack your own snacks instead or eat right before you go!

2FatCats 05-23-2013 12:00 PM

:woohoo:WooHoo Heidi- Rocking the full body/side profile avatar pic!

Does anyone else have TONS of face shots/no full body pics? I avoided those *shudders* at all costs. It's as if I didn't see them - then I wasn't really that big. Glorious self-denial. Not really a friend, is it?

Sum38 05-23-2013 12:04 PM

Jennifer we are truly experiencing diet fatigue! Let's make a resolution... I have no grad parties to go to this weekend, but I have a feeling I am on a verge of binging.

I will allow myself one cheat meal this weekend. Most likely Thai food. Perhaps you could allow yourself a small plate at each party of sinful food with NO alcohol and NO cake?

newleaf123 05-23-2013 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by 2FatCats (Post 4750302)
WooHoo Heidi- Rocking the full body/side profile avatar pic!

Yeah, a totally self-serving avatar change; sometimes I just need the pick-me-up. I find that if I'm *not* snapping photos it's because I'm *not* happy with how I look. I don't really have many shots of even my face from when I'm heavier. Some, not a lot. They make me sad to look at. And full body, God, I hope not!

A big NSV today, thanks to vanity sizing. I tried on a M dress, which was too large, the S fit just right! Come on... I really am not an S. So all the truly slim women would need what, an XXS?? Silly, but it did make me smile.

Sum38 05-23-2013 12:13 PM

Oh Heidi, you are beautiful!!!

LindaWW 05-23-2013 12:13 PM

Look at you, Heidi! Gorgeous picture!

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