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Old 09-11-2006, 12:25 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready to Try Again...#1004

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
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We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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Old 09-11-2006, 01:03 PM   #2  
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Hi All,

Ok I have some time to do some replies now

Robwen - lovely to see you back though I am very sad to hear about your loss I can't even begin to imagine what you have been going through, and are going through. I just pray you have the strength to keep it together. Sounds like a good idea to focus on your weight loss now, it's good to keep you mind busy.

Brenda - I think you are right up there with Daren when it comes to completing games too quickly Though I just asked him how long it took him to complete Final Fantasy 10 and he said about 3 months. You will have to let me know how long it takes you.

LOL I shouldn't laugh, but I love the way you said all that you can taste is boogers It's so true though isn't it. When you are ill with a cold you just want to eat, but if the food isn't really flavourful there is no point is there. I am glad you are feeling better today, and that although you have been snacking you should be within your calories.

Lilion - thanks for explaining to me about Applebees, aren't you tempted to eat anything that isn't on the WW section of the menu. I think the smell of frying steak would do me in

I sometimes have days like yours where I have quite a few points left. I try not to have more than 4 spare though because if it happens too often I think when it's time to drop my points it won't make any difference. Besides I like using my left over points, I feel like I am being naughty with eating when I'm not

Nessa - I am so very sorry to hear about your son being robbed at gun point. What is the world coming to. I am just glad that he didn't get hurt, well not physically anyway. I have a friend who's son has Aspergers Autism. She had a heck of a time getting him diagnosed and to get the extra help he needed in school etc, I hope you didn't have the same problems when your son was younger.

34 lbs gone since May 1st is brilliant. You should be really proud of yourself and I bet you are feeling so much healthier too.

As for your question about new threads being started, apparently if the threads get too long people with slow internet connection have a time of it trying to open the pages or something. So it's just the rule that after 30 posts somebody starts a new thread.

Misti - it's weird isn't it how some people think they have the right to comment on things like the size of a person's boobs, when really it's quite rude. It's ok when friends joke between themselves about it, but not for strangers to comment. I mean would that shop assistant have said to a really ugly woman, wow you're ugly aren't you. Um NO. When I was pregnant, the amount of people that would be near me like on a bus, or in a waiting room who would touch my tummy used to amaze me. HELLO, lol, I know pregnancy is beautiful and there's a baby in my belly, but don't touch me LOL. I laugh about it now, but at the time I really didn't like it.

You should get yourself a t'shirt printed for every time you go looking for a bra that says, 'you should have seen how big they were before' LOL, or 'yes they are aren't they' lol.

I bet you are looking forward to the day when you can wear much smaller bras, even smaller than a DD. Do you think you would go for a breast reduction if you get to goal and your boobs are still quite large? I don't want a reduction, I only have DDs as it is, but I wouldn't mind a lift

How did your meeting go today with a fellow 3fc chick?

Katt - I am the same as you, I have always gone for baggy clothes especially t-shirts because I have to have them big enough to go over my bum. I used to have to buy size 32 t'shirts which fit over my bum nicely, but the shoulders would be hanging off me because really the top was just too big for the rest of me. Now I am in a size 26 top which fits my shoulders much better but is still loose over my bum, and a size 28 trousers. Though I did buy some size 24 ones recently, but they are stretchy. Non stretch like jeans are 28s.

I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling very well, that it's not glandular fever. That's a horrid disease. I had it when I was 8 and it took me 2 months to recover from it!!

Wow you are so close to TwoTown, I bet you will be there any time now, definitely by the next time you get on the scales. Woohoo out of the 300s forever

Loved seeing your pic on the pic page, and that cartoon was brilliant. Bet you loved seeing yourself with that tiny body lol.

Tammy - just wondering, your sister had gastric bypass surgery, were you never tempted to follow suit? She is obviously losing well for her to have passed on so many clothes to you. I wish I had a sister bigger than me so I could have her clothes passed down as she loses weight too lol. It's hard to go clothes shopping when you know you won't be in the new things for long because you hope to get to smaller sizes!!

I had a look at that website you mentioned and found one not too far from me. It seems to be electrical goods and 'special' items that are mentioned that are exhanged, but I will register and have a proper look see. Somebody might want to get rid of some clothes

Well it's time to go cook tea now, so I will have to finish replies to everybody else later on this evening. Sorry! Until then take care and bye for now,


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Old 09-11-2006, 01:03 PM   #3  
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Hello everyone! I am back from my trip to Kansas City safe and sound. I got back yesterday afternoon. It was a good trip, but I had been coming down with something before I left so I was sick the entire time I was up there....coughing, stuffy head, just generall feeling like poop! Oh well, was nice to see Julie pregnant. She is at 8 months and looks terrific. She said she's gained about 30 pounds so she's done really well at controlling her gain. Of course, I expected that because she has never been overweight and is generally a very athletic person. Her shower went well and she got alot of nice things. I have to admit I felt very uncomfortable all weekend because of my weight. I am just SO much heavier than I was since the last time anyone up there saw me. I could see it in some of their faces but no one was so rude as to say anything about it. One of the girls at the shower asked me "Were you at Julie and Larry's wedding?" And before I could respond Julie said, "Yes, she was one of my bridesmaids." I could see a look of puzzlement on the face of the person who asked. Either I was completely unrecognizable or she realized how much I had gained. I weighed 195 when I was in that wedding. I just tried not to think about it and offered to be the official "picture-taker" at the shower so I would not end up in any of the pictures.

Anyway, I am home now and good news is that I did not gain while I was up there. This is a minor miracle because, except for breakfast, we ate out for every meal. And breakfasts were bacon with eggs fried in the bacon grease. I really don't know how those 2 stay so athletic eating like that. It's not fair!

My little pooch seems no worse for the wear after having to be boarded for the weekend. He did stay at one of those nice places where they have their own little "room" rather than just a cage. I know the people there are nice but Buster is a very high strung dog and does not adjust to new situations very well so I figured he would be nervous and scared the whole time. Anyway, everything's back to normal now.

I am taking the day off work today just to relax before I have to go back. I am starting to feel better from my cold (or whatever it was) but am still feeling somewhat weak. My only real plans for the day are to go to Whole Foods and get some fresh fruits and veggies for the week. It's more expensive there than the regular grocery store, but the produce really is so much better.

As for the American Idol concert last week, it was really fun. Mandisa opened the show and, let me tell you, she really is a great performer. I loved her on the show and live she is really good too. She really should have made it farther in the competition than she did. Kellie Pickler was like a walking zombie on that stage. I never liked her on the show and I still don't. In her speaking voice there was hardly any of that twangy S. Caroline accent that she had on the show which supports my theory that she was putting on that dumb country girl thing as a gimmick. I was never a big Ace fan so I thought he was really cheesy in concert. He basically did a semi-strip tease during his performance of Father Figure. Apparently I am in the minority thinking he is cheesy because he got a really loud reaction from the crowd. I think the biggest cheers went out for Chris Daughtry. We he came out it was like the crowd exploded. The noise was thunderous! I thought he was really good. Of course my favorite boy, Elliott, was good but much more laid back than Chris. He seems alot more comfortable performing that he did on the show and sounded great. I really hope he is able to get some sort of record deal.

As for the top 2, I was really suprised at how little it seemed that Katherine McPhee was featured. Maybe that was just my perception, but I didn't really think she shined too much at the concert. Although I do have to say the guy sitting next to me LOVED her. He was yelling his head off "I Love You Kath-er-ine" and "That's my baby mama!" He made me laugh. Taylor was awesome. He is so much fun to see perform with all his quirky dance moves and I thought his voice sounded really good live.

I guess that's about it for the concert. I forgot to bring my camera but it didn't matter. Our seats weren't that close so I doubt any pics would have turned out very well anyway.

OK, on to a few personals. I am behind several threads and only had time to skim.

Kenya - I am so excited to see that you have made it to 100 pounds lost!!!! That is amazing. What an accomplishment that is!

Halloweengirl - I have to laugh at your signature line "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant with ice cream's baby." That is SO me too.

Valerie - You are doing the right thing with little Simon. There are so many unwanted animals in this world that we all should be taking care of our animals by having them spayed or neutered. There is just no sense creating more unwanted animals. But I know what you mean about feeling sad. Nine years ago when little Buster went to the vet for the same thing, I dropped him off and then cried the whole way to work. They wanted to keep him overnight to be sure he was OK and as soon as I got home from word and walked in the door with no Buster to greet me I bawled again. It's hard when you know they don't understand why they have to go through that. But really, it's for the best. Also, this is from a few threads back, but I am intrigued by you being a Secret Shopper. How do you get picked to be one? I think it would be really fun!

Ammi - A big congratulations to you too making it to 70 pounds!!!! You've done so amazingly well once you really decided to stick to this thing. You really do inspire me! Way to go!!
Misti - I enjoyed hearing about your new deepwater aerobics class. I always wanted to take on like that but have not been able to find any pools nearby that have them. The gym I used to go to did not have a deep pool so they only had the shallow aerobis. Anyway, I am sure you will get the hang of it soon and won't have too many more "feet floating to the top experiences."

Nancy - How are you doing? I know I read awhile back you had some feelings of foreboding. I hope all is well with you.

Seems like there have been lots of difficult and troubling things happening to many of us or to our family members.....Ayanna, Robwen, Nessa, Ammi, and any others I have missed. Here is a big to all of you that you all get through your difficulties very soon.

OK, I am off for now. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Old 09-11-2006, 01:18 PM   #4  
Again, shall we?
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Wow- I missed an entire thread!!! I've been pretty busy and then I'm off today so I slept until 11am today- boy did that feel good. Okay- I wrote a novel trying to catch up with everyone- I hope I didn't miss anybody!

Nessa- You are right!! I didn’t eve think about it that way- there’s no way I ate that many extra calories, so hopefully the water weight will come off real easy with me following my diet right again! Thanks for the encouragement. great about the 2 pounds down!!! Yeah!

I’m so sorry about your son- I missed the post but saw other people’s comments. I hope he doesn’t let it stop him from continuing to live a normal life. My good friends younger sister is autistic and she’s in her teens now, and still hasn’t said a word. Hopefuly someday things will get better for her. A bunch of us have been talking about doing that walk for autism research to support her and her sister- I’ve never done a walk before, but how exciting to exercise for something truly important, not just losing some pounds!

It’s so good that you and your husband realized the seriousness of needing to lose weight- especially with a family history like that! I’m lucky that most my family hasn’t had weight related problems (although 90% have had at least 1 kind of cancer), but I’m still scared of what I could end up with. I feel so lucky to have no serious problems yet- and I’m hoping to get this weight off before I do!!

Tammy- WOW!! Look at all the clothes you got rid of! That’s great- sounds like it’s time to go shopping! Anything is an excuse in my book to get new clothes- but that’s a real, true great one!

Robwen- I haven’t met you before- good to see you back! I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time, but I’m glad you are ready to get yourself started again, despite all that’s happened! Back!

I’m the same way with food- if I start and don’t stop it soon enough, the whole day goes hog wild! Good for you realizing and stopping it early!

Misti- sorry you had a frustrating day! About people commenting on your boobs- while it’s totally inappropriate if people can sense that you are a cool person, they may feel more comfortable than usual and say things that they shouldn’t. However, I’m sure they never mean it negatively, they are likely complementing you! They don’t know how much you’d like to be rid of them, especially if they are small busted. I promise , they say something because they wish they had them- I know I wish I were better endowed, and what little I have always seems to disappear first when I lose weight- why couldn’t we switch problems, you can’t lose them and mine are disappearing!

Katt- thanks for the encouragement, I sure hope this darned Opps goes away fast! I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well- get lots of vitamin c and hopefully it won’t hit you bad! I’m so excited for you to hit two-town- I know you can do it!! Oh- the pic is too cute! I love the caricatures, they are always so fun! I really can’t see your hair in the pic well though!

Valerie- I must have missed what you said about not eating pancakes- but I must say I’m right there with you- I can resist pancakes most anyday- but not French toast- god I love that stuff, I used to eat like 6 slices at a sitting (that’s horrible I know), but I loved it and had not self control whatsoever. Question: what is it that THIN says about making excuses? I don’t know…

Ammi- down 70 pounds!! How wonderful!!

Haloweengirl- WOOHOO down 3.7 pounds! That’s four in my book!

Xena- I’m sorry you felt uncomfortable at the shower! I know what you mean about skinny people eating like crap! It’s not fair- although I have realized that even though they eat bad foods, they don’t eat as much of it as I would- I guess that’s the key? The concert sounds great!! I love taylor- he was my favorite from day 1, and I so would have loved to see him live!!! When I mean day 1, I mean his first audition where simon hated him and I was just hoping that the others would push him through. I get excited just thinking about it.

Okay- got lots of catching up to do after sleeping so late! Have a great day- I'll try to check-in before a whole other thread has passed again!
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:08 PM   #5  
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Xena - Sorry my last post talked of foreboding and then I didn’t post for awhile – I had forgotten all about that! All is well, I was just super busy this weekend on Friday and Saturday and then recovering on Sunday.

I took a half day from work on Friday to busily finish cleaning our apartment in anticipation of my BF’s family all coming for a tour that night. We did a great job and it hasn’t been so clean in a long time. That felt really good. We went out for birthday dinner #1 on Friday, which was ok eating wise. I had dessert, but I split an appetizer with my BF and only ate about half of my entrée (and it wasn’t super huge) so that was good. We had a lovely dinner outside by the river, which felt good to capture the last bit of summer.

The on Saturday morning we went out to breakfast together at 9am, spent some time with my BF’s brother and then took him back to the airport in the early afternoon. Since we were already down in NJ, we went straight from there into New York city. We were REALLY early since we didn’t have to meet up until 5:45 for dinner at Tavern on the Green at Central Park, so we walked around the park a bit and I ended up falling asleep in the grass (I was kinda wiped out this weekend). We had a lovely dinner, and I felt really good about my choices. I got chicken for my entrée and didn’t have a dessert even though everyone else did. Nothing really appealed to me, so I decided I would rather save my calories for something else. I also didn’t have a cocktail. I just couldn’t bring myself to spend $13 on a drink even though someone else was paying. I am cheap like that.

After dinner we took the subway back to the World Trade Center site which is right next to where my BF's family was staying. After seeing the hotel we walked around the WTC site for a bit. It was really moving. It is hard to believe it has been 5 years. We got home quite late and then totally vegged out yesterday.

The best part of the weekend was a moment I had when we were dashing down a flight of stairs in the subway. In my youth I was really adventurous – quite the intrepid traveler. I would put my backpack on and roam the streets of Boston or whatever city I happened to be in (I was roaming around Paris alone at 14 – looking back on it I am a bit shocked my mother allowed it, but I was quite mature for my age). I felt like I could go anywhere (within reason) and I loved the thrill of just going places and discovering things. Since I moved to the NY area, NYC has scared me. Not because of it being a city, but because I didn’t feel capable in myself to handle it. What if I got somewhere and totally wore myself out? How would I get home? Etc. Each time I go in it feels better and better, but this time I got that thrill back. I wasn’t worried about my feet hurting (although they did) or not having enough energy to get to my destination. I was in the moment, just enjoying myself. Words can’t describe how wonderful that feeling was.
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:53 PM   #6  
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Ammi - Applebees steaks are wonderful! They also have a truely delightful FRIED chicken salad I just LOVE. But, the food on the WW menu is very good too, thank goodness. I can't say I never give in and go to the main menu, but they have a chicken entree, a beef entree and a seafood entree, so you can get what you want! I usually go for the terriyaki steak and shrimp...Yum!

Xena - Don't you hate it when skinny people eat like pigs? I walk past the desk of some size 2 secretary eating General Tso's chicken (my favorite) or a double cheeseburger and fries and it just seems so unfair! Glad your baby is fine after being boarded. I boarded my two for the first time when we went to Chicago over Labor Day. They didn't seem to mind much, but I was so glad to have them home...and I think the kennel woman was glad to get rid of my little terrors!

Nancy - Tavern on the Green! WOW! I doubt I'll ever get to NY and certianly not to a restaurant that good! It sounds like you had a very good time and I'm glad your foreboding feeling turned out to be a false alarm!

Well all...back to work for Lilion!
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Old 09-11-2006, 04:14 PM   #7  
aka Valerie
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MISTI – A 3D 3FC Lunch? COOL!
NESSA, NELIE, HALLOWEEN – Congrats on those excellent, hard earned weigh-ins!
NESSA – That’s terrifying about your son’s experience! I’m just so glad he’s alright!
AMMI! - WTG!!! A Milestone – AWESOME!
KIM. French Toast. Once again, Carbs of the gods.

XENA – It’s not so much that you’re picked to be a secret shopper as that you sign up to be one. There are a slew of different companies and websites, and once you learn to apply for the jobs, the just e-mail you. It’s kinda fun, plus the money will come in handy. * As for Simon, I know it’s the right thing in the long run, but he’ll still be suffering for a few days, and feel so bad for him. I’m glad to hear Buster is back home with you and did just fine, and glad you enjoyed your trip & the concert.

I got that thrill back. I wasn’t worried about my feet hurting (although they did) or not having enough energy to get to my destination. I was in the moment, just enjoying myself. Words can’t describe how wonderful that feeling was.
That’s so wonderful. I’m thrilled that that’s how your trip turned out and it appears that the foreboding came to nothing. Welcome back.

I did the OBG thing this morning. New Doctor. Looks like my pieces and parts are fine. I just saw the Nurse Practitioner (who I was very impressed with) but the doc made a point of introduing himself before I left. Holy Smokes, he is this GIANT guy! I've never been in a more professional, curteous, conscientious office.

For lunch, well, shrimp cocktail, fresh raspberries & SF chocolate pudding. Gee, who knew diet food was so good? I went through the grocery on my way home, and bribed myself past the bakery with the promise of the fish counter - isn't that funny? The shrimp was on sale and i got some salmon as well. Does anybody know if Halibut is seasonal? They never seem to have it when I go there.
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Old 09-11-2006, 04:23 PM   #8  
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hello everyone! I'm new to the list (posted my bio). I am on the Optifast program- no solid foods, only clinic-supplied 'shakes'. I am certainly an all-or-nothing person, and hoping that this 'food vacation' will help to de-sensitize me to the emotional and social triggers many of us develop around food.

I've also been learning about insulin resistance, and it seems I have all the risk factors: family history of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and alcoholism. YIKES-- let's not go there! I was shocked to find out that my blood pressure was way up to 172/96 at the time of my physical exam before starting Optifast last week. I've never had high blood pressure before. The dr. said many people are able to come off their meds when they start losing weight, and he said my goal is to not start taking them!
I managed fine the first few days on the program, but I'm out of town this week on a business trip. I packed enough Optifast to get me through the week, asked for a refrigerator for my hotel room, and stocked it with bottled water, my Optifast, and some diet coke. Also brought 'good coffee' with me, so I think I'm set.

I need to start some kind of exercise- used to enjoy water aerobics, but I don't know if I can face getting into a swimsuit just now. What have you all found to be helpful when first starting to exercise?

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Old 09-11-2006, 04:33 PM   #9  
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I haven't been here for a while, I know. What is stupid is that I have been checking in like every day. I just didn't know what to say. So I never said anything. I seriously have problems sometimes, I am not kidding!
I did go camping up in Idaho. I love it up there. We have so much fun just hanging out in camp and hiking around. This year, however, we had a little problem. My aunt (through marriage) is bi-polar which is fine...when she is taking her medication. She stopped taking her meds about 2 weeks before we went up camping and while we were up there she had herself a little manic episode! And by little, I mean FULL BLOWN! She was hallucinating, and she couldn't speak in sentences. She would just say words. It was kind of scary. I mean I wasn't worried that she was going to hurt any of us, but she was so frustrated with it and was getting very aggressive I was worried about her. And when we go camping we are up in the middle of nowhere! It's not like right down the street is the nearest psychiatric hospital! That is hours away! Her husband finally took her home and she ended up in the hospital for 5 days. She is doing better, but that was a weird camping experience for sure!
I also did end up going to Michigan to meet that guy. He ended up apologizing for being a jerk and so I decided I should still go. I had fun! He lives on this beautiful little lake, I spent most of my time there sitting out on the dock in the sun reading. I spent a lot of time with him but it was mostly at night. He ended up having to work the whole time. A woman at his work, her mother died the day before I got there. So he had to cover her shifts. It kind of sucked because I didn't get to hang out with him as much as I would have liked but it was a good time. He cooked me dinner every night and would cook me breakfast so I thought that was nice. The VERY nice thing about it is that I didn't gain while I was there!! Even after all the food he freaking tried to feed me. I was like ok sweetpea, I know I'm a big girl but how much do you think I eat?!!?!
Other then that I have lost another 6 lbs since I have been here! However, I have hit myself a little plataeu! It is driving me CRAZY! So I started back up my food diary again so I can make sure I keep track of EVERYTHING I eat! What really sucks about it, is I hit it when I STARTED working out. What is that about?! Grrrr! Anyway I have written a little novel here, I will make sure I check in with a Hi every day now!
to everyone with there losses!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 04:34 PM   #10  
ONEderland here I come!
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hi princess and welcome. while I know NOTHING of optifast, I hope that it's at least the Jumpstart you need. as far as exercise goes, I lost 25 pounds before I even felt able to move at all. then i joined a gym ... now i do the bike.. and i walk when i can. I have a plate in my ankle that makes it harder for me.
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Old 09-11-2006, 05:20 PM   #11  
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Now where was I....

Valerie - aww sorry about your doggy needing to be 'done' but the word to focus on there is NEEDING. Try not to be too upset, he will forgive you soon

I am glad that all went well at the docs and that everything is in the right place and working well

Patti - I am thrilled to hear that your neck pain has gone. So that's headaches gone, neck pain gone, 100% on track with the diet and exercise now and those lbs will be flying off!!! Can't wait to cheer your next loss!

Misti - I told the FFM to go back over to that side of the pond, at least til next Monday when I need her to pop back to visit me

Nelie - well done on losing more weight. Sorry that you weren't what you expected on the scales, but it's still a great loss

Lilion - don't you just hate it when you have done a lovely long reply and you end up losing it. I had to laugh at the message you had, and which I get sometimes too about Internet Explorer encountering a problem, having to close and that they hope it doesn't cause too much inconvenience. HELLO, It's a major inconvenience losing lovely long replies

Ah see, I just knew that those steaks at Applebees would be delicious. The fried chicken salad sounds scrumptious as well!!! It's great that they have a WW selection, but I wonder how many dieters can actually stick to choosing from it with so much else to choose from

Sharon - it sucks big time doesn't it when you have a lovely hot day, perfect for drying clothes and a stupid inconsiderate jerk lights a fire. Same as when it's boiling hot at night and you need your windows open, but again a fire gets lit and you have to shut your windows!! Grrrr

HalloweenGirl - wow with weight loss like that in just a few days you will definitely meet your 30 lbs lost by the time you get married

Robwen - I know you ate more than you had planned, but what I try to do in those situations is not make myself starve for the rest of the day to make up for it. 9 times out of 10 I will get to the evening and be so hungry that I do end up pigging out again. So I think instead of not eating, just eat again as you had planned to, less chance of losing control then.

Xena - lovely to have you back here, and I am pleased to hear that all went well while you were away. Well if you forget the fact that you were feeling so unwell. It's horrid isn't it when you get to have some time away and you end up sick! I was sad to hear that you did feel uncomfortable because of your size. Well just think, by the time the baby is born, and it's his/her first birthday, or perhaps even at the christening, you will be able to go there then and have everybody thinking WOW look Xena is back to her slim self and is looking GOOD

I loved hearing about the American Idol concert. You and I are so alike with our tastes and views. I loved Mandisa and think she should have gone much further, Taylor and Elliott of course I love, Kelly, well I agree with you about her dumb blonde act, and it seems she has proven it was an act. Ace WAS cheesy, and Chris was brilliant. So yep, I totally agree with everything you said. Glad that you had such a great time.

Thanks so much for the congrats on my weight loss, I find it so strange when I hear I inspire anybody, but I am glad if I do. I have spent my adult life fat and trying to lose weight, and I am so happy that I am finally doing it. I know if I can do it WE ALL CAN, and that INCLUDES YOU Well done by the way on not gaining any weight while you were away!!

Kimberly - I totally hear you on the French Toast thing. I hadn't had it before going to Vegas in 2002. That's where I experienced it for the first time, and boy oh boy, I can totally relate to the forget pancakes thing. Give me French Toast every time. I just wish I wasn't feeling so unwell while I was over there, I really didn't get to do justice to all the delicious food there

Thanks for the congrats about my 70 lbs lost, I still can't believe it. Me, the one who always got to 30 lbs tops and then gives up!!!

Nancy - phew, glad that sense of foreboding didn't come to anything! I was so happy to hear how much of a buzz you got from being in NY and feeling like you could take it on. From what I hear it's a fantastic city, one that I hope to see myself one day.

I have to say that I don't think I would be too keen on staying in a hotel right near where the WTC were. I think it would be too upsetting knowing that such a tragedy occurred so close to where I was trying to sleep I am glad you got to see the place, but it must have been a very emotional experience It's hard to believe it was 5 years ago that it all happened. It seems like yesterday.

Wryprincess - hello and glad to have you here. I hope the Optifast diet will work for you. Is it only shakes, no solid food at all? I tried Slimfast once when it was just shakes, and I just couldn't do it. I needed to be chewing something and swallowing it lol. Now I am on the WW diet and doing well. As for exercise, I considered my housework exercise enough when I felt too unfit to exercise properly. That and walking. When I was ready for more I bought a Gazelle Rider and did 15 minutes a day on that. It's not a hard work out, you work totally at your own pace. Eventually I went to 2 lots of 15 minutes and now I do 30 minutes in one go. I love it. What exercise would you be interested in doing?

Idril - great to see you back. Sounds like you had a wonderful time meeting your guy friend in Michigan. I am so glad he apologised and that you did go meet up with him. Sucks that he had to work, but it sounds like he really treated you well while he was there. So, come on, was there any chemistry, or is it just a friendship thing. That's fab that not only did you not gain weight but you lost 6 lbs while you were there too Sorry that you are on a bit of a plateau now, maybe another trip to Michigan could help you out

Good news....Annie (dogpal) should be back online perhaps tomorrow, so hopefully it won't be long until she is back here posting. She has moved into her new home, and although not everything is unpacked they are getting there

Ok I better make a move now, take care all,


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Old 09-11-2006, 06:21 PM   #12  
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Isnt It A Lovely Thing When You Are Eating Supper And The Phone Rings And When You Finally Get Off The Phone You Are No Longer Hungry? Maybe I Need A Phone Call Every Day .
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Old 09-11-2006, 06:35 PM   #13  
trying again!
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Hey guys
Not only am I still sick but now TOM has arrived. May as well get it all over with at once! My lungs are really heavy and can't seem to exercise at all. I get really winded very quickly. Had some oven fries for supper. Just couldn't taste anything else. Tried some homemade soup first and it tasted like mud. Going to clean up the dishes before I head upstairs for the night. One thing that has me curious is that I usually gain about 8-10lbs each time TOM arrives. This month so far I am only up 1 to 330. Maybe that means I am really 320?? One can dream....

Ammi ~ congrats on the weight loss! I am here to remind you that it is YOU who now needs to update their blog

Gotta run girls. Sorry I am just not feeling well enough for personals. Time to take some medication and curl up with my heated blankie and my doggie. Have a great night.

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Old 09-11-2006, 06:45 PM   #14  
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Hey everyone~

I haven't been able to get online much. I was feeling horrible last week. And now I have a full blown cold! I hate how I start to get sick the week before I even get sick! lol Well as far as staying OP...I haven't been able to work out because I have been feeling so bad. But I have been watching my food. I have still been watching the calories and cutting out the junk/soda. I really miss being able to walk. I am sure I will be able to in a few days. I just don't want to over do it. And it really messes up my excercise goal for September!

It sounds like you girls are doing great! And hi to anyone new!

Congrats to all of you who have had losses and NSVs!

Hope you all have a good day!

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Old 09-11-2006, 07:03 PM   #15  
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Patti - I wish International phone calls were less expensive, I could be your daily caller and we would both be kept too busy chatting to think about food

Brenda - oh boy TOM and feeling ill. Well just get it all out of the way and think how great you will feel when you are feeling 100% well again.

Ok ok, fair cop, I need to go update my blog. I will do it tonight before I go to sleep

Michelle - oh no, not another of our chickies feeling poorly. If I didn't know better I would swear the germs can travel over the Internet I hope you will feel better soon. Good for you for still watching what you eat, don't worry about the exercising, time enough for that when you feel up to it.

Am off to sleep now, take care all and bye until tomorrow.


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