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Old 07-22-2006, 05:36 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try again.. #962


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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Old 07-22-2006, 05:49 PM   #2  
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Hello ladies. I have to tell you, today I am very down in the dumps. First of all, going to work this morning, some idiot nearly hit me. S/He was speeding, and all of a sudden s/he was right out in front of me and we both very nearly wrecked when we swerved out of each other's ways. Hello, wake up call.

Then, I did the stupidest thing possible. I weighed at work. I know the scale is anywhere from 4-6lbs off my normal scale, and then of course there's the clothes and etc to account for, but damn. I saw a number that I have not seen in literally over a year, and it's not a good number. It freaked me out. I kept saying, "oh, I'll be okay, I'll jump back on the wagon and it will be fine." Today, I realized I am not fine. It really bummed me out, but then when I went to lunch, I found myself saying, "You can always start to work on it again tomorrow. Go ahead, eat whatever you want. It'll be okay." And then, that number flashed in my head once more, and no matter how much I wanted to eat whatever rather than eat something healthy, I sucked it up. For the first time in quite a while, I denied myself what I wanted because I thought, "Enough is enough!". I ended up eating salad from the salad bar and a small cup of low-sodium soup. And now I have to tell myself I'm really not hungry. It's all in my head.

I don't know that this is the "click" that some of you have referred to, but I do know it scared me enough to change my habits for today. And tomorrow, I'm going to find a reason to change my habits for tomorrow. I've got to learn to take it one day at a time, or else I'll never make it. I am truly disgusted with the way I have gone back to my old habits. I can make all the excuses in the world, but ultimately it is MY fault. And now it's up to me to change it.

I realize I've rambled on far more than I should, but I want to thank each and every one of you for being an inspiration to keep at it. Every single one of you contributes to a place where you can truly be yourself, and bare your soul to the world, but still not have to worry about being judged. And every single one of you has worked hard at becoming a healthier person. For that, I again thank you. Without this outlet, I don't know what I'd do. Even when I don't post, I always check in, because this is one place that grounds me.

Happy belated birthday Jilly. Sorry I missed it, but I hope you had a wonderful day. Happy birthday to the lovely Ammi and Brenda. Hope your day is/was lovely as well.

Congratulations to all those who are losing. And, of course, congratulations to all those who keep going, no matter how down in the dumps they feel.
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Old 07-22-2006, 05:57 PM   #3  
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Hang in there girl, you'll get going again.
It can be such a let down when you step on the scale and either see no change or a little gain. But good for you for not drowning yourself in donuts! LOL. That would have been the easy thing to do. Instead, you chose the hard thing and that takes a lot of willpower.

So cheer up and keep going!
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Old 07-22-2006, 06:58 PM   #4  
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Sorry Misti, I didn't mean to misquote anything. I truly didn't realise that the quote was about God. I hope I didn't offend anyone by transferring it over to myself.

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Old 07-22-2006, 06:59 PM   #5  
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Happy Birthday Wishes To Ammi And Brenda, I Hope You Have A Wonderfull Day... You Two Deserve It..
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Old 07-22-2006, 07:01 PM   #6  
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Zelma~ Nope You Surely Did Not Offend Me, All Fine Here.. I Would Never Have Commented Even If I Had Known. Do What You Feel Best And You Got My Support ...
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Old 07-22-2006, 07:46 PM   #7  
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Originally Posted by ZedAus
Sorry Misti, I didn't mean to misquote anything. I truly didn't realise that the quote was about God. I hope I didn't offend anyone by transferring it over to myself.

I was NOT offended and really hoped my response did not come across that way. I would "fight for your right" to believe however you want; just couldn't let one of our great sayings and songs of the faith be misinterpreted. Actually you had me going around singing the song all morning.
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Old 07-22-2006, 09:20 PM   #8  
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brandnewme - Hey, first of all WTG go on not making a bad choice at lunch! I have the same thought when I see water retention or a gain on the scale - "Oh, you gained weight, this isn't working, go eat what you want and relax." And I know how hard it is to bounce back from those thoughts - but you did it!! I think you've got the right attitude for finding a way to change things one day at a time. Keep it up!

Hey Ladies! I missed birthdays?!?! Oops! Ammi and Brenda, and anyone else, please accept my LATE birthday wishes, lol! Well, last night was fun...went out to the Sea Calvalcade festivities, then came home, went back out around 930pm to see the fireworks - pretty, but SHORT. Oh well, we are a small town after all, lol. Day 2 is going on right now...DH is working though, and not too much for my tastes happening at the moment, so I'm just waiting until Day 3.......when I set up my booth!!! YES - my booth is tomorrow - AHH! I'm soooo nervous, lol, but I told myself if I sell even 1 I should be happy - at least I'm out there and participating. My MIL bought me the EXACT tent/gazebo I wanted to cover my table - it's perfect! I found one on sale, hehe. DH and I read the instructions and tried to assemble it, but we couldn't find one set of connector parts for the metal my BIL and his girlfriend came to see if they could help connect it...well the GF and I deicded to take a break and let the guys handle it...and man, that was THE FUNNIEST 5 MINUTES OF MY LIFE!! LOL! We were just laughing our butts off watching them...a few times it came apart and they started over, lol, but finally I told the GF "this would go alot faster if we help instead of laugh at them." LOL - we helped again and got it up alot faster than considering its size we had to take it down to transport it tomorrow morning!! LOL!! Ouch! Well, after I walked around Sea Calvalcade last night I checked my pedometer - I had gotten in nearly 8600 steps throughout the day!!! Woo Hoo! Next Tuesday I'm hoping for 1.5 loss.....I don't think I'll be able to get a -2 this time...I think my hunger is getting the better of me a bit...even though I'm eating OP foods, I seem to be wanting a bit more than usual. Oh well...I will try to get more activity in then! I'm not gonna get depressed cause I had some food after the fireworks with DH, cause I was truly quite hungry. And it was so fun to sit outside in the dark with a couple thousand people eating food from the outdoor BBQ, lol. Good times...I'd say losing 1.5 instead of 2 pounds would be worth that fun night. Now if I lose less than 1.5 then I'm just gonna close my eyes and move onto a new OP week! Well, I've blabbered looong enough!
Have a good one everybody, and stay OP chickies!!

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Old 07-22-2006, 10:07 PM   #9  
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brandnewme -- I know those moments you speak of, where you're completely disgusted with yourself. You are not alone. And good for you for doing it today. Now, reach back and do it tomorrow too. You did it today, so you KNOW you can. Then plan how you're going to do it the next day! Check in with us! Make a commitment to yourself!
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Old 07-22-2006, 11:34 PM   #10  
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Hi, I'm new here.. nice to meet you!

Hey, good for you for making a good choice even though you were stressed out. That's a tough one to overcome sometimes and you got through it.

WHOA don't be getting on a scale that isn't your regular scale! My doc's scale worked out at about 2 pounds different than mine so he agreed we'll go by mine! hehehe
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Old 07-23-2006, 05:06 AM   #11  
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Brandnewme, WELL DONE!!! I bet a lot of people would have just thought 'What the heck!' and eaten EVERYTHING they wanted, so you are heading in the right direction, saying it's time to get back OP and get healthy.xxxxxxxx
I have lost a pound, not too bad as I did have ice cream in the week and I'm still swollen up.
Ammi & Brenda I hope you both had lovely days.xxxxxx Ammi, I hope the weather was ok, it was stormy here in the afternoon, there were huge flashes of lightening, I thought of you & hoped you didn't have this awful weather!!!!
Got to go & sort the boys out
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Old 07-23-2006, 08:46 AM   #12  
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Misti - Thank you for letting me know you weren't offended. I wasn't too sure because I used to visit a board where things could get very heated if something like that happened. I hope you manage to get the song out of your head some time. I have this problem lately where some song gets stuck in my head, but just during the night. Every time I wake up (and I do that a few times during the night to go to the bathroom) I have this song in my head. It is SO frustrating. I have NO idea where I pick the songs up from during the day. It takes a while in the morning to get rid of them, but then there is a new one ready for me the next night.

Well, my holidays have disappeared again. Not sure where the two weeks went. I feel as though I have had a bit of a rest, but I could easily do with another week.

I will have to carry my phone around with me for the next couple of days, in case I hear about the next stage of the competition. If I am lucky I will be flying off to Sydney next Monday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

We went to the zoo today, as it was a beautiful morning. VERY cold, but clear. We hopefully got some good photos, but I haven't checked them out on hubby's computer yet. We always manage to get something different each time we go. Today the baby orangutan was messing about quite nicely and the new cheetah was out wandering around. We also got a few shots of the baby wombat, but it was a little dark, so I'm not sure how they turned out.

Tomorrow should be 'interesting' to say the least. We have Professional Development in the morning, which should be good. But then we have 'games' in the afternoon. YUCK!!!!! I truly hate doing stuff like that. I would MUCH prefer to be in my room getting ready for Tuesday and hopefully getting something organised for next Monday and Tuesday, when I'll be off. I think I am going to hide away in my room and just hope that nobody notices that I'm missing all the 'fun'. I really wish that people would work out that some of us just are NOT into 'playing' and would prefer to use work time for WORK. I don't mind people playing, but I don't want to have to be included in whatever they are doing. We are told it is to build 'teamwork'. Sorry, but I don't believe that for a minute. It just seems to upset people and get people offside. Oh well... we'll have to see how things pan out.

Oh... I got a phone call from my step-daughter from my first marriage today. She lives in Queensland and wanted to let me know that she had bought the Slimming and Health magazine and was VERY impressed with my weight loss. She thought I looked incredible. That was lovely to hear.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that I visited my aunt and uncle on Friday before we visited my parents. My aunt couldn't stop telling me how beautiful I looked, "Just like a movie star" she said. How sweet! My mum and dad didn't say much, but mum couldn't wait to show off my pics to the next door neighbour, so I suppose they are happy with what I've done. They aren't very expressive people, so I figure that could be the best compliment I'll get. Mum did say "Oh, you HAVE lost more weight". Well, that's something I suppose.

Hubby uploaded our latest school newsletter and it has the pics from our Triple B Day.(we're on page 3) If you are interested in seeing me in my pjs and some of the kids, the address is:

The school's address is:
just in case anyone wants to have a look around. The photos on the front change if you give the page long enough to open. Hubby designed the page, but it is hard to keep it up to date, as he relies on other people to give him the information. He has trouble putting newsletters up because not all of the kids have given permission to be on the Internet, so they have to be checked out first.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you all had a great weekend.

Take care,

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Old 07-23-2006, 11:35 AM   #13  
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Zelma - I noticed on your school newsletter that your last name is the same as my grandmother's maiden name. I wonder if we are long lost cousins???

brandnewme - I am sorry you are feeling down in the dumps but I hope you can celebrate the good choices you made at lunch instead of giving in because of a number on a scale. I think most, if not all of us, have felt the same way after seeing a number we didn't like. I know that I have falled into the food trap many a time after a bad scale experience so I know how hard it can be to make a different choice at a time like that. But you did it. Way to go!

wyllen - Thanks for your encouraging words on the last thread.

I had a pretty good day foodwise yesterday. And that was even including a party I went to at a friend's house. I stuck with eating grilled chicken and fruit salad. I remember in the buffet line I almost grabbed some chips but just said to myself, "No, you do not need those." I even forgot to get dessert!! She had her entire kitchen table loaded down with all sorts of yummy things and when I first saw it I was like, "Oh crap, I'll never survive this." (Sweets are my weakness.) But after eating my dinner I got distracted talking with several people I have not seen in a while and before you know it the evening was over and I was headed home never having had a single sweet pass my lips. Oh, and I also stuck with drinking only water instead of margaritas or beer. I am feeling pretty happy with myself about the whole evening.

Today I am meeting a friend for a movie so if I can just stay out of the popcorn and have something healthy wherever we go for lunch I will be doing well today too.

Something else regarding the party last night....I really almost backed out of going. I knew there were be lots of people there I had not seen in a year or more and I dreaded them seeing me at this weight. It is something that still really bothers me (having gained 100 pound in about a year) and I do have a tendency to want to avoid seeing people I haven't seen until I can get back to where I was. I did see a couple of funny looks from people when they first saw me. I mean, come on, I look DRASTICALLY different than I used to, so I don't really blame them. But I guess once that dreaded part was over everything was OK. But don't you just hate that? That feeling of shame and being embarrassed about what you have done to yourself? It's a very sad thing.

Anyway, here's to day 2 back OP.
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Old 07-23-2006, 12:21 PM   #14  
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Xena, great on your healthy choices at the party , AND I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL about not wanting to meet people who you haven't seen since you gained weight! but what is the alternative? Hide inside and become agoraphobic(sp?) and BIGGER? No you went out, took a breath and faced them, GOOD FOR YOU!! NEXT TIME YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BE SLIMMER!!!! and you can watch all those compliments come your way!!!!
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Old 07-23-2006, 01:57 PM   #15  
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All is going well today,, We had our "Women in the outdoors" event at Amos Run yesterday,, big success.. had a really good day, tried to get the pups this morning, but they have moved and it is VERY HARD to get to them, so I got my lil bro.. who is 5-7 and about 155 lbs.. he couldnt get them either,, so they will just have to come out when they can.. Kado is a Artic/Timber wolfe and Red Husky.. voodooo had asked me earlier and I did not get to tell you untill now.. sorry for the wait

My race is coming on here shortly, go Jeff goooooooooo.,.. let us hope for a solid top 10,,,,, with the other nine positions behind Care Everyone.. be back later.,

Last edited by MsCrockett; 07-23-2006 at 06:23 PM.
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