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Old 04-08-2006, 08:34 PM   #16  
aka Valerie
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O.K. I'm ready to sneak back in on the list. Been gone a week, and it wasn't a great one. The house/farm/mine deal fell through, and I could live with that, but DH can't. The insane plots he has for digging us another $800,000 in debt, all of which keep me a fat little slave to the truck, have me more than a little bummed. This has been a 7 year pattern, and I'm thinking of calling it quits. Big life stuff is never good for weight loss. Especially really sad Big Life Stuff. I'll figure it out I guess.

I think I've missed a whole lot while I was gone, but KAYLEY, I do see that you've lost someone close to you. I'm so sorry, and I hope that your heart heals. It sounds like it was a terrible shock.

SANDI, WELCOME aboard! I'm Valerie, a ner-do-well trucker, who pops in on the board when I can. I did great at first, good for a while, and am now... stuck. But I refuse to return to my former state (Unless we're talking about marital status.) The folks here are absolutely wonderful. Tell us all about you.

Look TeaHoney - another NYer. =)

Ladies, I have an appointment, but I'll try to get back later. I'm sorry that I've missed replies to almost all of you. Tomorrow it's back on the road again. sigh. First Kentucky, then up to Minnesota. At least I like Minnesota, I just wish the Windy wasn't between here and yonder.

Best wishes to you all!
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Old 04-08-2006, 10:08 PM   #17  
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Valerie -- sounds like you're thinking of ending your relationship?? If that's right, that's a big emotional thing to do. I'm glad you're posting and hope you're doing okay!! Keep us posted!
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Old 04-09-2006, 12:02 AM   #18  
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Had a pretty good day today. Went to visit a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and had a nice time just chatting, shopping, and yes, eating out. It was OK. I enjoyed myself, counted my points, and moved on. I must admit I am feeling a little "rumbly in my tumbly" as Pooh would say, but I think it's all in my head. Either way, I plan to go to bed after I finish posted so as not to cave in to any hunger pangs, real or imaginary. I am just happy I made it through a day without bingeing.

Brenda - Thanks for your encouraging words.

Nancy - I hope everything goes OK with your sonogram.

teahoney - I am glad to hear everything is OK with teababy. I can totally empathize with the situation with your guy friend. I have one of those too. We only talk on the phone every few months but I had been wanting to call him to see if he could come help me replace some light fixtures in my house. I am really tall (5'11") but my ceilings are so high that even on a ladder I can't reach the light fixtures. He is 6'6" so he would be the perfect person to help. But then I thought, "No way, I was over 100 pounds lighter last time he saw me." I know it is scary to wonder what your guy friend's reaction might be. Sometimes I wonder, though, if we are harder on ourselves than our friends would be on us??

Sandi - Look forward to getting to know you.

Valerie - I am so sorry to hear you are having trouble in your relationship. I hope everything works out for the best and as you wish it to.
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Old 04-09-2006, 01:31 AM   #19  
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Hmmm...3FC or my server doesn't like me tonight...lost a post and then when I came back to type again my typing wasn't showing up at all. I was kidnapped by ebay again today lol. but so far I bought the girls three really cute dresses and I'm bidding on three more...Shrugs kids clothes at a bargain, especially really pretty dresses or designer clothes, are hard to come by so I have to look. I'm not about to pay $50 for a dress for a three year old to wear to daycare.... I haven't spent $50 on an item of clothing for ME to wear in YEARS, much less for the girls LOL.

Anyway...pretty good day here. I so, so, so need to get my hair cut and highlighted!!! Usually I can't afford to have it done, and now I can afford it I just can't get in to see the lady that does it, she's booked solid until the 22nd. I'm tempted to go to a cheapo place and have it cut then go to her later and let her fix it LOL. It looks HORRIBLE. Anja had her first haircut today. I had to hold her, she wouldn't sit by herself in the chair, but she did really well. She didn't have any hair forever, she was 14 months old before I could put it in a little ponytail on top of her head, but all the sudden it started growing really fast and she was beginning to look like a wild woman LOL. Her hair is kinky curly and a dark brown and if her daddy gives her a bath he doesn't put styling products in it so when she wakes up after he has given her a bath I call her my little "fro baby" because that's what it looks like... But now she has bangs...she looks cute.

I think I am rambling, sorry it comes from spending all day with two little girls and not being able to have an adult conversation LOL and being tired... Okay I am going to try to get some more time in on the gym before I go to bed...working on 2 hours of working out today!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow.
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Old 04-09-2006, 04:15 AM   #20  
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*happy dance* down 1.4 this week! im officially at half my goal lost!!! this weeks meeting was AMAZING!!! i met some amazing women and told them about this magical place that we have here and hopefully they will join in soon. today has been an inspiring day. i was meant to be there at that time and to meet the people that i met. i mentioned my roasted veggies and everyone wanted me to go over and over again how to do it. it was awesome. i made 2 new friends and hope that we can go through this together and see each other to success, much like we all do here. its just different having someone in person. i hope that you are all having wonderfu weeks.

teahoney - im glad to see that your teababy is doing better. my thought are with you

brenda - how FABULOUS!!! 5 lbs!! i know that you are so proud of yourself!!

nancy - its OK to take some time for yourself. even if the housework doesnt get done, or you dont excersize. downtime is healthy too

sandi - none of that negativity lady!! you are among the most inspiring women alive. you CAN do this, you just need to find something that works. you will find that here. please stay with us. we are here to help
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Old 04-09-2006, 09:01 AM   #21  
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Had a pretty good weekend, but my weight is up today. That seems to have been a pattern for a number of weeks now. My weight stays stable all week, then goes up Sunday and maybe a day or two after, then comes back down again. I keep thinking that TOM must be due, but it can't be due THAT often. I had a brainwave this morning though... didn't take me long huh? Every Saturday night we have marinated chicken kebabs. Well, these probably have quite a bit of salt in them and I don't have much salt at all in my everyday diet. I have heard that an increase of sodium can make you retain water, so that could be the cause of the weight gain each Sunday. Next Saturday I am just going to have plain chicken breast and see if that makes a difference. Anything is worth a try. I don't do anything else different, so I can't see any other reason for a 2lb increase each week. It is a little frustrating.

My back has been aching for the past 4 or 5 days. It doesn't feel as though I have pulled anything, it just aches. Kinda like the time it ached when I got my period, but not quite as bad, just for a LOT longer. I have a chiropractor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, so he should be able to tell me if my back is out.

Other than that, nothing else is different in my life at the moment. 4 more days of school, then two weeks off starting with the Easter weekend. Our dept of education isn't silly, they put Easter in our holidays and many other public holidays as well. Other than Good Friday, we have two other public holidays during the school year. All the rest they have included in our holidays. During this holiday we have ANZAC Day, which is sort of like your Remembrance Day I think. We have Remembrance Day as well, on 11/11, but it isn't a public holiday. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. They fought at Gallipoli. I must remember to fit in some teaching about ANZAC Day this week. It isn't until April 25th, but it won't be worth teaching about it AFTER the event. I also have to fit Easter stuff in. On Thursday we have an ANZAC ceremony in the morning and my two student teachers are going to do some Easter cooking with the class. I'm glad that they want to do this (one of them is a qualified chef) because I am NOT a good cook and don't really enjoy cooking with the kids.

We don't have any plans for the holidays yet, but we may go to the country town where I grew up to visit my sister and brother and their families. They haven't seen me for a long time and should be pleasantly surprised in the change in me. I haven't wanted to go back to this town before because I didn't want people I grew up with seeing me the way I was. Now I am hoping, if we do get there, that I will see LOTS of old school mates.

Kayley – I am really sorry about the death of your friend. I hope that you lots of support to help you cope with this loss.
I was thinking the same thing as someone else (sorry can’t remember who posted this) and I was wondering whether your ‘downer’ was because you had been to your concert, and you no longer had that to look forward to. I was a little like that after we got back from our US trip. I had been looking forward to it for so long, then all of a sudden we were home again and I was feeling a little lost. This may not be what is causing you to feel ‘blah’, but it just popped into my head. It is amazing what pops into there sometimes.
I’m glad that you decided to buy the nightie. I just know that it will make you feel better once you wear it. I have my latest ‘cute’ pyjamas on at the moment and I feel good just kicking around the house in them.

MariaLucia – I went to a link someone posted the other day to measure my BMI, body type and whatever. I was surprised that it was a little different to other places/charts. I came out with a BMI of 26, and it said that 24-26 was ‘average’, but I could work on bringing it down to 23 or below. That is lower than I thought it needed to be. So I’m not sure how much credence I will give to those things now. I have scales that measure my body fat and even though I am now less than half my original weight, I have a body fat of around 29/30%. To me that seems like a lot, but my dietitian friend said that she has patients who are quite a bit lighter than me who have higher body fat percentages. Once again, I am a little confused. This site said that 30% body fat was
‘acceptable’ and that over 32% is obese. No overweight in there at all, which was confusing once again. It was an interesting site to go to, but I’m not sure how much attention I’ll pay to it.

Brenda – I’m glad that your sister is doing OK. I think that going back to work could be perfect for her. I know that I prefer being at work when things get REALLY rough, as then I have something to take my mind off it all, if only for a little while.
Well done on the 5lb loss!!!!! And have fun with the weight bench. I am ‘kinda’ enjoying using my home gym, as I can see results in my body already, but it isn’t an easy workout by any means… that is the whole purpose I
You must be a MUCH stronger person than I am, with participating in the bake sale. I don’t think I could bake lots of goodies and not sample some. Well… I couldn’t actually even bake goodies, as I am NOT a good cook. I think I would happily pay someone to bake something for me.

Xena – I’m glad you went to be weighed, because at least you know where you stand and you don’t have to be nervous about it anymore. As you said, you are still 17lbs down, and that 25lb mark will come sooner than you think.
Oh, and I hope you read my response to Tracey about letting a new man into your life. The same answer relates to you! Go for it girl!

Nancy – I LOVE your new pic! You look really cute!
I have obviously been miles away when I’ve read your posts and I didn’t know you had this test coming up on Friday. I hope that they sort out the bleeding soon. Do you KNOW that there is a fibroid there, or is that just what they are testing for?
Oh, I can sympathise with having to clean! I have decided that it isn’t going to happen in the near future, so I’ll keep doing the little things, then spend a LOT of time in the holidays getting everything up to scratch.
I have been maintaining lately. I changed my ticker to what my weight has actually been for a number of weeks. I had been waiting until it was a full 5lbs down before I changed it, but I figured that I may as well boast a little more about where I was at the moment, rather than worry about a pound or two.

Tracey – I am SO glad that Mikayla is feeling better now. I am not a parent, so I can only imagine how hard it must be when your little ones are sick.
Sorry you are in a funk. I know exactly how that feels as I was in your spot just a couple of weeks ago. At the time I wondered if I’d ever get out of it, but I seem to be on top of things now. TOM can certainly mess with the emotions. I hope you see some light at the end of the tunnel soon.
What a pain about the dress not fitting! I like MariaLucia’s idea about wearing it as a skirt. I saw the picture of the dress you ordered and I can just see it as a skirt. May be worth a try. I don’t like any kind of clingy fabric, even now, because I would prefer my ‘bulges’ to stay my OWN business.
You know what? I would encourage you to just let that man into your life! You can warn him beforehand, or just invite him to come visit and see you for himself. I met my man online and sent him lots of pics as a warning and he didn’t pay any attention, he still traveled thousands of miles to be with me. I am SO thankful that I took the chance. I truly feel as though I have found my soul mate (and I didn’t believe in them until I met Neil) and am so thrilled that we found each other. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by because of your insecurities. He may just surprise you!

Sandi – Welcome to a wonderful forum! You will love the people here and all of the support, encouragement and great advice you will receive. I hope to read many posts from you. Please let us know a little more about yourself.

Valerie – I am sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your relationship. I know that you will make the right decision and hopefully things will go smoothly whatever you do. I do believe that staying in an unhappy relationship is not healthy, so I hope that you either find a way to make it work positively for the both of you, or you are able to split amicably. I have to admit that I would be VERY stressed about going into debt to the amount that you mentioned. I would spend more time worrying than not I think.
Good luck and take care.

Amber – Just remember to post pics of the new hairdo if you get it done. I am going to get mine trimmed and re-coloured in the holidays as there is a little too much grey showing through. Anja sounds simply adorable with her new cut. I would imagine it is a little easier to look after now.

Luan – Congratulations on the loss! Oh, and have I told you how much I love your new pic? Great look!
I’m glad you have found some people to share your journey with. Support is SO important!

Well, I know I have probably missed some posts, but once again I just found it easier to respond to posts in this latest thread, rather than past ones too. I would be here all night if I did that, and believe me, I NEED my beauty sleep.

I hope you are all having wonderful weekends so far.

Take care,

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Old 04-09-2006, 11:27 AM   #22  
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Sorry, my pc crashed or something so hubby has spent all weekend trying to sort it out.
Valerie, I hope everything sorts itself out one way or another for you .
Zelma, thanks for the tips, I hope your back gets better soon.
Kayley, sorry about your friend, but great on the bathing suit, I keep putting off getting another one. Mine was bought in Turkey, I refused to buy one but it was SO hot I had to get one, with flowers on it.
Brenda, I hope everything goes ok and you feel better soon.
I forgot what else I wanted to say, I'm back on track and I've put the CORRECT weight on my tracker, I'm sick of trying to get back down to it, so yet ANOTHER fresh start.
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Old 04-09-2006, 12:53 PM   #23  
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honiangel - Kidnapped by Ebay. Boy can I relate. But it's just such a rush to find a bargain on something you REALLY want. My current Ebay addiction is trying to complete my Stephen King collection in hardback. I have almost all of his books, mostly paperback, but I'd really like to get a complete collection in hardback for my bookshelves.

Luan - Congratulations on making it halfway there. That is awesome. I am really happy you met some new friends at your meeting. I agree with you that it is nice having some in person support along this journey along with the wonderful support we get here! Congrats again!

Zelma - I hope your back gets to feeling better and isn't anything serious. I love to hear about the things you are planning for your class. I really admire teachers and the hard work they do. I hope your students and their parents appreciate you! Thanks for your encouragement regarding my guy friend. Although I really don't want to be in a "relationship" with him. It is definitely nice to have a guy you can depend on to help you out with stuff every now and again though.

Sharon - I am with you on the fresh start. We can do this!!!!

As for me, I have gotten my exercise in by walking my dog. Now I am going to rest a little and watch Trading Spaces that I TIVO each week and watch on Sunday's a ritual. After that, I need to get back to painting the bathroom. All I have gotten done so far is the primer coat. It's probably going to need 2 coats of paint on top of that. It's the same shade of red (actually, the color is called "Grenadine") that I used on one wall in my dining room and it ended up taking 2 coats on top of the primer to get good coverage. Red is a pain to paint because of this, but I just love the color so!!!! Fingers crossed there will be no more accidents like the other day!
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Old 04-09-2006, 04:44 PM   #24  
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zelma & xena - thanks for the nice thoughts. im pretty fired up.

nancy i LOVE LOVE LOVE your new pic!!!
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Old 04-09-2006, 05:11 PM   #25  
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Sorry I haven't been around much the last few days, and thanks to Nancy for the PM. My friend's wake was today, and with everything going on right now in my life, I'm just not up to personals or anything. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here, and that I'm on plan as far as food goes.
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Old 04-09-2006, 07:12 PM   #26  
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Sandi -- Welcome! hope you find this space to be as welcoming as we have.

Nancy --- GREAT pic!!!!

Xena --- I know it was several posts ago.... but I HAD to comment on your paint disaster! OMG.... ok..... I just KNOW how CRAZED with frustation you must have been (kinda like me at the Atlanta airport... heh heh) but..... ummm... can you laugh a little about the whole thing yet? Because.... if YOU can laugh, I'd like to tell you that I was laughing as I read your telling of it.... of course.... if you're not laughing yet... ummm... then no--I wasn't...not me... nope... not at all.

Kayley....Valerie...and all who are having some personal life issues.... hugs to you. Hang in there.

Julee .... so we both have AirTran horror stories, eh? I'm not thinking I'll fly AirTran again anytime soon.

I am wanting to eat everything in sight right now.... I haven't... but I want to. Some days I just want to chuck it ALL and gorge.... and today is one of those days. sigh. I AM going to try a little treat tonight----we got something at Trader Joe's a while back---"No Pudge" fudge brownies. The only thing you add to them is yogurt..and mix and bake. So I made them today. Of course, you still can't eat the whole box but it just sounded like a fun way to have a treat that isn't totally bad. My friends get them all the time and swear they're really yummy.

Will check in again soon. Stay strong, all.

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Old 04-09-2006, 08:25 PM   #27  
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Sandi - Welcome to 3FC. I am close to NYC, but I rarely go in right now. I tend to stay up in Westchester and Rockland. Hopefully in awhile I will have even more energy and start feeling up to more trips to the city.

Valerie – Sorry to hear you are facing big life issues. Is there no way to not go on the truck all the time? Is your husband not able to do the trips without you?

Amber – I have always felt that I either have enough time or money for the things I want in my life, but rarely both! Hope you are able to get your hair done soon.

Luan – Congratulations for being half way to your goal. That is great! It sounds like you met some cool people. Online friends are great, but I would love to have some more real life ones too.

Zelma – They know the fibroid is in there. When I had an ultrasound they said it was 8cm, or the size of a large orange. The issue is in knowing exactly where it is, because this will determine the procedure needed to get it out. As it turns out, I will be forced to clean this week because my stepmother is coming next weekend again. It is always good to have that incentive. I made some headway, but have more to do.

Sharon – It is hard to feel like we are going backwards sometimes, but the important thing is not to give up.

Xena – I love red too, although I have never painted anything that color. I hope all went well today and the paint went where it was supposed to.

Kayley –

Mel – I SO know that feeling of just wanting to eat and eat. I have had it recently too. I had actually given myself permission to blow it on Friday night and eat at a hamburger place in the mall – including onion rings and maybe even a shake but then we didn’t end up going out. I have seen those no-pudge brownies at Trader Joe’s. I will have to try them sometimes. For me, the hard part is not eating all the batter. I have a thing for batter.

Thanks everyone for the comments on the picture. It felt good to wear make-up. I think I will do it more often. I had an NSV this morning – I was able to shave my legs in the shower while standing. I haven’t had the balance or leg strength to do that for several years. I need to get some dinner and do some exercise, so I will go for now. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Has anyone heard from Dogpal? She was going to go to a WW meeting earlier this week. Garnet, Crock, Christine, Ammi, Catherine and anyone else who hasn’t been around much recently – hope all is well.
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Old 04-09-2006, 09:20 PM   #28  
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Nancy -- I mentioned on the exercise thread, but will pipe in here that I love the avatar!

I have an NSV on a subject several of you have mentioned. I had a "want to eat everything" moment a couple of days ago following a spat with the hubby. I could feel the desire to just cram food -- any food -- in my pie hole.

But then I thought that I'd feel like **** about it later, that it wouldn't make me feel good anyway, and did I really want the FOOD or my FEELINGS to be in control??? Nosirree!

My NSV is that I went to the gym instead! Actually, that's what the spat was about. Hubby wanting to ditch on the gym. I finally had a moment of clarity on that; a second NSV. I realized that me going to the gym in no way depends on whether he goes to the gym. I used his eating as an excuse for years about why *I* couldn't lose weight... I'm not going to use him as an excuse not to exercise!!
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Old 04-09-2006, 11:58 PM   #29  
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Okay, I finally posted some progress pics on the picture page... hope this gets you there. I'm wearing my fun "little black dress" Not really so little, but at least I'm back in it!
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Old 04-10-2006, 12:53 AM   #30  
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Hello, everyone. Can I join in here? I'm new but after reading around the forums for a while, I think this might be the place for me.

My name is Ronnie, I'm 20 years old and in college. I weigh 340 lbs which is my all-time high weight. I've always struggled with my weight and during high school, I managed to lose over 100 lbs, but I ended up gaining it all back because I lost it the wrong way. I really want to learn to lose it the right way now and be healthy.

I just started therapy and I've been working on developing healthier eating habits for about a month now. It's harder than I expected, but I'm doing my best. I think one of the hardest things it exercise. I have free access to the gym at my school, but it's so humiliating to go there. I feel like everyone is looking at me and thinking "why is she even bothering" so I don't go. Of course, this just makes it worse. I think I'm going to start going in the morning, because it's usually pretty empty then. That might help me feel less self conscious.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
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