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Old 10-31-2005, 01:15 PM   #16  
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Thanks for your horse details, NLW/O Horses, are'nt morgans the trotters? They were my dream horse next to arabs, a cross of both must be brill, even if he is old. Never heard of freisans, only the cows, what are their features, hands heigh, build, purpose, etc? I thought that being heavy I would have to have a big old heavy horse, I wanted something a bit lighter than a Shire though they cross them here for hunters too, one of them would be nice, if we could afford one (and I could mount it! )

I did'nt mention much about moving to NZ as we were still looking into it. Hubby earns £10K less a year than 4 years ago, I'm at home with 2 small boys, so I do'nt bring any money in. We could sell our house and buy a house there, near the sea, bigger, with more land AND have no mortgage!! Hubby's job is a shortage job and I have my BA, so they want us (? ) so if it goes well this will be our last Christmas in England. I won't miss much, things are getting bad, they let so many people in to the UK, I'm not racist, but lots of other countries have limits, the US included, its draining resources. Also Steve (hubby) could have died in a car crash at christmas, he has to drive an hour to work, do 9 hours at work then an hour back, he has to do overtime to make ends meet too. If he was'nt in our grand cherokee he would be dead! (good US car)It was written off, sadly, but he was ok, thank god. So we want a fresh start, so fingers crossed, we will be there soonish, though the logistics of moving stuff there/what to take/sell etc is scary.

take care everyone, catherine, you-not-so-old-dog-you!

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Old 10-31-2005, 04:09 PM   #17  
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Good Afternoon Ladies!

It's been raining ALL day here today and I sure hope that it stops when the kids are wanting to do their trick-or-treating! We haven't had rain in weeks and it decides to rain today! We need it, but the kids want their candy!!

XENA: THANKS so much for the congrats! You ladies are the best!

DOGPAL: Hope your DH had a great birthday yesterday! Thanks so much for the sweet note about being happy for me. I am so happy I found all of YOU because you are the ladies who inspire me and I hope I can be there for any of you if you need me! SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK! ((((HUGS))))

BRENDA: Thanks for the congrats! You've done so well too! Your beagle in your avator is SO darling! I'm a dog fanatic. I grew up with a beagle and they are so sweet aren't they? Let us know if you do go snowshoeing - winter sports intrigue me and when I hit my goal weight, I'd love to go somewhere to try some of it! Providing my knees cooperate!

ANDREA: I'm with you on the real thing pizza - I know I will cheat eventually and it will probably be pizza - when DH and I use our overnight hotel prize, we just may have to order to REAL pizza - sigh - sounds heavenly! Did anything get ruined with the fridge going on the fritz? So glad you were able to use your mom and dad's - food is way too expensive to lose, isn't it? I'm with you on the candy thing tonight - NO CANDY!!

JULEE: WOW! All those temptations at the retreat! Not sure I would have been able to resist so much! Is it a church youth group? I LOVED your thoughts on the guy with no hair - I have often wondered why people think they can just say whatever they want when people are overweight. I've been shouted at on the street for heaven's sake! As if it were anyone's business!!

WYLLENN: OMIGOSH! Indian Food! We never even had Indian food until we went to India to bring home our twin girls. But we sure found out we love it! There is an Indian buffet about a half hour from here and I'm glad it isn't any closer!

SHARON: Your post about the horses and weight reminded me of when my oldest who is 19 now, was around 8 or 9 years old. We were at the Lake of the Ozarks visiting friends. Mike wanted to go horseback riding and I said, "Well sure, we can go!" Didn't even dawn on me there was NO WAY I would be able to get up on a horse. And believe me, the wranglers weren't very happy with me even trying to! Those poor horses just looked at me as if to say, "You want to WHAT?" Needless to say, nobody went riding that day.

AMMI: I hear ya girl - I'm ALWAYS happy when the kids go back to school, whether it's a weekend or the whole summer! What is your schedule over there? Do the kids get months off at a time, or do they go a few weeks and off a few weeks? Our kids go 9 months and are off 3 months - I just think that is too long of a time. The summers nearly kill me, but next summer will be much better as I'll be able to get around better and feel better.

HI MAZARIN! Good luck to you too!


CATHERINE: WOW! Fast work indeed! Keep us posted!



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Old 11-01-2005, 12:06 AM   #18  
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A quick check in - Brenda, how's in going with that Taebo (sp?) bag you got? Has it learned to bounce back?

Sharon - Over here if you refer to a cow as friesian, no one would recognize them by that name, even though they're the ultimate (if not the only) "dairy cow." Friesians horses are solid black, broad and heavy boned, and rather tall and flashy movers. They're noted for heavy manes, tails and leg feathers like draft (draught) horses, but they aren't THAT big & heavy. They're used as carraige horses, and are popular as dressage horses, too, but people are starting to ride them under every seat. They use them in some of the Ren Faires, as a matter of fact, as "knight's horses." Gabe is about 16.2 or .3 I think - haven't measured him yet. I'm going to need a ladder! He's not as hairy as I wish he was, but he's getting there. Friesians had a distinct impact on the development of the original morgan horse - similar hip, upright head, calm and intellegent but very flashy movers, although they're breeding them a lot finer boned and much hotter these days. I like the old style morgan, personally. Morgans do everything now, but I think in colonial times they were used as trotters. Now only Standardbreds are used for trotting races. Over here we actually have a registry for Morab's (Morgan/Arab crosses.) There are several Arabians at 'the barn', so Cody fits right in.
... NZ sounds SO exciting. Only in my dreams could I visit there. My dad was down there a couple years ago, and other people I've heard say that it's just gorgous! I hope the whole thing works out for you smoothly - and please keep us posted.

Mom2fiveSweeties - I'm so sorry your ride in the Ozarks didn't work out. What a nice idea, but a horrible experience.... So you have two wonderful babies from India. So far away, but I'm sure they're worth every mile of the trip. I hear that with all the international paperwork, it can be quite a long process and a trial to your nerves. I hope it went smoother for you!

Good night, and a great tomorrow to everyone!!
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Old 11-01-2005, 09:22 AM   #19  
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Hi again everyone,

Thank you all for the congratulations. Since Lew and I have been together for about 4 1/2 years, I didn't expect to get the newlywed feeling, but boy do I have it. I'm all happy about everything and it seems nothing can go wrong...I sure hope it lasts for a while.

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding. The first is of my 2 year old, Emily, Me, Lew and my 3 year old, Nathan. Unfortunately, my 2 older daughters weren't able to be there for the wedding. The second picture is of the cake that Manda made for us. The photo quality is pretty bad in both pictures, but you get the idea.

Sharon: I hope things work out well for your move, your prospects of a better house near the sea sound exciting!

Lori: I hope the rain stopped long enough for trick or treating. My youngest came down with a cold over the weekend, so dad took our 3 year old. We dressed him up as a pizza delivery guy. (Dad's the manager at a pizza place). It was pretty cute, and cheap, too!

Ammi: 1 1/2 pounds is still 1 1/2 pounds. And you know what they say about how its best when weight comes off slowly. I hope you're enjoying getting back to your routine with your kids at school.

Catherine: How exciting! I hope everything works out well for you. I wouldn't worry too much about the diet, either. With my last one, I gained about 20 pounds, but lost about 25 within a week of the delivery. Just let your doctor know your concerns, and hopefully they can give you a good nutritional plan.

Oh, my little one is still sick and she REALLY wants to be held, so I guess I'll go for now.

Hello to everyone I missed, and thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and congratulations!
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Old 11-01-2005, 09:45 AM   #20  
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Hello All,

I am a very bad girl, but in a good for me way Last night as the family were tucking into the Halloween goodies I was so strong. I felt a little bad because I knew if I had one goody I would want the lot. So I was good and left them alone. BUT at supper time I caved in and had a HUGE bowl of museli, we're talking about 16 points worth. How stupid is it that something so healthy is so high in points. When I bought it I thought I could cope with the measly portions I would have to have, but I was wrong. So I threw out the rest of the bag and now the temptation is gone. So WAY over points last night, but back on track today

Brenda - that's cool that Guildwars is free to play online, my hubby pays about $13 a month to have what's known as a Station Pass. You can play quite a few games online for that one amount. It sure does work out cheaper than paying for them individually.

Sounds like a great idea for you to go snow shoeing and good for you for planning a winter activity. I hope you get some reasonably priced snow shoes and that you have a great time trying them out.

How did Halloween go, what did you end up dressing up as, and did you get loads and loads of kids calling?? Excuse all my questions, but as it isn't widely celebrated here I like to hear all about what it's like across the pond. We didn't get anybody knocking our door, in fact the only mention of the occasion was on the news when the police were giving strict warnings to the rotten people who wreck houses and gardens etc when they are turned away. What's the world coming to

That's wonderful that you will be making you SIL's wedding cake in July. Are you doing a three tiered one? Don't forget to take photos of it so nosey me can have a look see. And yes, after all the effort you will put into making it you will deserve a slice!!

Andrea - sorry to hear that your fridge went on the blink, especially after you hadn't long stocked up after shopping. Good job your mum had an empty one you could use though. I hope that means you saved everything.

Not long after Daren moved in with me he offered to defrost the freezer part of our fridge/freezer. Normally I put hot water in a bowl in there and then when the ice is loose I hack away with a plastic spatula type tool. Daren being not so patient just started hacking away at the ice with a huge sharp metal knife. Can you guess what happened?? Yep he stabbed right through the ice into the refrigeration unit and all the gas started leaking out!! We had only been shopping the day before too. It couldn't be fixed, and although we went straight out and had to put a new fridge freezer on my credit card, it wasn't delivered for a week!! So we had to throw out all our food, and live on take out meals and stuff from the cupboards for that long. We bought a frost free fridge/freezer this time so no more nasty accidents.

Valerie - awww you made me smile when you said how your 'face started leaking' when you took that ride. I am really sorry that you won't be able to ride him again because of his leg injuries. All the more reason to savour that last ride I am sure.

Jen - I don't blame you for giving the scales a miss after a weekend break. You can be good all this week and weigh next week. I am sure you will make up for what you may have gained. It's ok to have breaks as long as we get back on track that's what we all have to remember. A break is just that, a break from the norm. Normally my breaks would turn into one year long pig out so a break from the norm would be me dieting. But I refuse to let that happen this time.

Sharon (voodoo) - Oh I am so sorry, I didn't realise it wasn't common knowledge that you were thinking of moving to NZ. I hope you aren't angry at me

Lori - yes I have heard what bizzare holidays kids there have. I couldn't cope with having the kids home for 3 straight months Here the kids have 6 weeks off in the Summer, and a 2 weeks off at Christmas, and then during the year they have a week off four times which is for half term. So it's still 3 months but not all together. There is a God The next holidays my girls have will start a few days before Christmas.

As for Pizza, you are going to have that wonderful night away with your hubby soon, that in itself is such a treat, so I don't see why you can't enjoy a full indulgence and have real full fat pizza, and whatever other treats you want. I know I would. Just don't eat so much that you are too bloated to be up for a bit of 'nookies' later on

Aww sorry to read about the time you wanted to go horseriding and couldn't. Times like that really help keep the motivation going to getting to a more normal weight don't they. I bet when you do get to go riding next time and can have your pick of horses you will feel so fantastic. Even better than buying a smaller dress size

Amy - thank you so much for sharing those photos. You look so beautiful and happy. Hubby (sounds good doesn't it) and the children look great too. It's a shame your older daughters couldn't make it to the wedding.

The cake is gorgeous, I wish I had Manda as a SIL I didn't have a wedding cake. But then again we did get married in Vegas with just one guest, and a dozen online guests lol, but the latter couldn't share a cake, so we didn't have one

I am sorry that your little one is sick, I hope she will be better really soon. I am assuming you mean Emily, she is your youngest right??

You are right about the weight, slow and steady wins the race and all that. I must be patient.

Well Daren is about to go out to fetch Beth from school now, so I am going to take that opportunity to wrap his presents for his birthday tomorrow. My man is going to be 38 And I am going to get to eat PIZZA

Take care all, back again later,


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Old 11-01-2005, 10:18 AM   #21  
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Morning Everyone!

Well, thank goodness Hallowe'en is over!! I hope everyone was SEMI-good I didn't falter last night, but this morning had half of a peanut butter cup. Oh well! I have to go walking this afternoon so I will work it off for sure. I have to take Bailey to the vet this afternoon because her eye is leaking white stuff and is all red. Poor thing. I called the vet and they told me that I could try a type of "people" eye drops that I had in my cabinet. Well they seemed to bother her so I thought what the heck, and made an appt. Our vet clinic is excellent and usually have time to fit us in. SO we have a 2 mile hike there and 2 mile hike back.

I will tell you all about my evening last night. We had only about 220 kiddies knocking. It was a beautiful night though and spent the entire 3.5 hours standing outside. Much easier than opening and closing the door every 30 seconds. I carved some pretty cool pumpkins and decorated the steps and the brick side of our house. It looked nice. Unfortunately I ran out of time though and didn't get dressed up. Some of the regular neighbourhood kids even asked why not. Steve and I are pretty famous around here for our costumes. Oh well!

Steven gave me a shock last night. I have been after him for almost a year to shave off his goatee. He came home from work last night without it!! Boy was I excited! He looks so young *L* He told me that it was for losing 35lbs AAAAH how sweet!

Hope everyone has a great day! Hallowe'en is over~ on to the next holiday! I have to work extra hard now to reach my Christmas goal!

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Old 11-01-2005, 11:09 AM   #22  
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Good Morning Ladies~~

Hope you're all doing well today. Before I say anything else--

Amy--Congratulations on getting married. I'm so happy for you and you all look so full of joy in the picture. I hope your little one is feeling better soon. I hate it when kids are sick. Great idea for a costume for your son, too. Isn't that what's the most fun about Halloween? Finding stuff in the house and making a costume out of it? Too many people spend too much money on those store bought costumes. I think it takes most of the fun out of it--but that's probably just me.

Catherine--WOW! Good luck! I'm so excited for you. Before I die of curiosity every day--when is your doctor's appointment so we'll know for sure? It's going to be so stressful checking in every day just wondering if you posted the news yet or not. I'm crossing my fingers for you.

Brenda--good luck with your fur baby. I hate it when mine are sick. What a great hubby you have! Shaving off his goatee to help you celebrate your 35 lb. loss. I hope you made it worth his while. I can't believe that you had 220 kids come for Halloween. We hardly ever get any kids--just my nieces and nephews, but last night as they were leaving I ended up getting 4 more. I was so excited. Of course the reason that we don't get a lot of kids is because our house is set way back and my scrooge of a boyfriend turns the porch light off. You would think that I wouldn't spend a lot of $$ on candy, but you'd think wrong. I give the kids HANDFULS of candy when they come. They love me. I just love Halloween.

Ammi--don't feel so bad about caving in and going over your points for the day. At least it wasn't the 2 candy bars that I ate last night. At least they were mini's, but still. I am SO jealous that you're going to eat pizza. I think that pizza is just about the most perfect food on the planet--next to Lays Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips, that is. Do me a favor and totally ENJOY it.

Mom2Five--did it stop raining so that the kids had a nice night trick-or-treating in your area? It was simply gorgeous here in Massachusetts--I don't remember it ever being this nice when I was a kid. I remember freezing and wearing jackets over my costumes so you couldn't even see what I was most of the time. Did your kids have fun and what were they?

Sharon (voodoo)--how scary to have your hubby be in an accident. I'm so glad that he was all right. Good luck with the NZ move. It does sound like a lot and like it would be scary, but from what you wrote it seems the pros would outweigh the cons so I hope it all works out for you.

Jen--It's okay to have an off weekend once in a while. We all deserve them. The last one I had, I ate Chinese food and sadly, it wasn't as good as I was remembering. Hopefully you had a great time.

Andrea--What a rotten thing to happen with your fridge. At least it's okay and you don't need to go out and get a new one. Congrats on not giving in to the temptation to eat any candy. Alas, I was not as strong as some of you and I ate 2 of the little candy bars--a Baby Ruth and a 100 Grand bar. I don't feel that badly about it either. I figured that yesterday was Halloween and it's okay for me to have a little treat once in a while. As long as I keep my treats to once in a while I'll be okay-- .

Manda-- That's 1.5 lbs that you'll never see again! YAY for you! Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Dogpal--I'm glad that your hubby was able to get that job. I know how stressful it must have been. How's the house? Is the sale finalized yet? Good luck and it's nice to have you back.

Well--I'm having a great week of it. From last Wednesday's weight--293.4 to todays weight--290.8, I've lost 2.6 lbs. I'm happy about that. I weigh myself every day because I need to make sure to keep myself in check. I only put the weight in my weight loss chart every 2-3 days though. I know that some people say it's bad to weigh yourself every day, but it keeps me accountable to myself and helps me to not overeat. What works for one doesn't always work for another. I am so happy and positive about myself right now though. I'm sure that you will all be able to appreciate my good mood and why. I've lost 67 lbs. so far--my shirts are all loose on me and some of my pants are looser as well--(if I could just get rid of my big gut I'd lose sizes in my pants a lot faster )--anyway, you know how you KNOW that you're losing weight but you don't really SEE it? Well last night I had my digital camera and my sister took a picture of me holding my nephew Adam. There are pictures of me holding him from a few months ago but I could actually SEE for myself that I'm really shrinking. It just made me so happy to really see it for my own eyes, you know? It made it more REAL to me. Does that make sense to any of you? I would post pictures, but I don't know how to. Anyway, I honestly couldn't do this without the support of everyone here. I might actually BEAT my Christmas goal. I'm so excited.

Well, you all have a great day! I have to go through my bookshelves and through the desk drawers. I hate the idea of getting rid of my beloved books, but it has to be done. Talk to you all later.

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Old 11-01-2005, 11:31 AM   #23  
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Hi Everyone!

Vicki ~ I weigh everyday too... sometimes more than once. I have my scales right beside the fridge and it helps if I have the dreaded munchies to jump on and remind me that I don't have to eat and I am doing this for me, or at least to make the best choices that I can. I see it everytime I go into the kitchen! And here's to beating the Christmas goal! I am up for that challenge too!! I have 16lbs to go!

Well Bailey and I are off for our appt. Talk to you all soon!! I think if our appt goes well I will go clothes shopping afterwards! I need something new for when I go back to work... we'll see if my day gets better or worse *L*

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Old 11-01-2005, 01:44 PM   #24  
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Thanks for the good wishes about our possible move to NZ. Wow, so many people are losing, I KNOW THAT IS THE POINT, but at the moment I've been up & down mood and weight -wise, but I'm glad that others are doing well. Glad to hear the wedding went well, amazing it came together so fast and good, you should give out a few tips Amy, the photos are gorgeous too, as are your children.

Dolphin/vicki I know what you mean about actually seeing the weight-loss, its such an incentive, my 'hangy' bits at each hip, which supports my 'baby' tummy, were once so big it took all of my hand to grab one, now I can pinch them with my finger & thumb, sorry if it sounds vile . Sometimes its hard to tell in photos as we often wear loose stuff to hide our bulges and bumps! So you must have done fantastically for it to show up in photos!

NLW/O horses, I'm so jealous! all those horses! your new one sounds gorgeous, I shall do a search so I can see the right freesian! 16.2-3 thats big, sam was 15.2, I would need a ladder too, to mount one that big, though now I would need one for any size of horse, and anyone offering a leg up to me would have to be built like the inc. hulk!

Ammi, I did'nt mention nz because I wanted to be a bit more certain of when & if we would go before mentioning it, but I'm not bothered that you did, what we talk about is not secret unless we specify it.

best wishes all,
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Old 11-01-2005, 01:56 PM   #25  
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I talked to the doctor today. I didn't tell him I was late over the phone, just that I needed to see him as quickly as possible. So I go next Monday. If I haven't started by then, I'll be over a week late, so that will tell me what I need to know. 43 year olds aren't supposed to get pregnant that quickly or easily. I'm still dubious. Himself is acting like he just scaled Mt. Everest. It would throw a wrench in my plans to move soon because of insurance issues. I'd be at high risk for having a C-section, so I'd have to stay where my insurance is until after the baby comes. Then the baby has to have its own immigration paperwork. Oh well, it will give me some interesting chapters for my book.
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Old 11-01-2005, 02:51 PM   #26  
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Originally Posted by hippievanlady
I talked to the doctor today. I didn't tell him I was late over the phone, just that I needed to see him as quickly as possible. So I go next Monday. If I haven't started by then, I'll be over a week late, so that will tell me what I need to know. 43 year olds aren't supposed to get pregnant that quickly or easily. I'm still dubious. Himself is acting like he just scaled Mt. Everest. It would throw a wrench in my plans to move soon because of insurance issues. I'd be at high risk for having a C-section, so I'd have to stay where my insurance is until after the baby comes. Then the baby has to have its own immigration paperwork. Oh well, it will give me some interesting chapters for my book.
In many countries, if the parent is a citizen of another country, then the baby is automatically a citizen of that country as well, even if born someplace else (the baby would then have 2 citizenships). It's odd that it would be so stringent between just the US and Canada--it's not like we don't have good relations with one another!
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Old 11-01-2005, 04:58 PM   #27  
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I don't need comfort food, I don't need comfort food, I don't need comfort food. Now I just have to keep telling myself that I won't go into any details but suffice to say we have had to keep our address and phone number secret from Daren's ex, and somehow she has found it. She rang us today. This can bring a lot of problems and I am feeling sick about it. All I want to do is eat, it's going through my mind all the time, have some food, stuff your face, make yourself feel better. I just want to eat, cry and then hibernate But I am fighting it, and am here trying to keep myself busy.

Brenda - Thank you so much for telling us all about your Halloween night, sounds like you enjoy yourself as much as the kids that come calling. Awww and how sweet of them to actually miss the fact that you hadn't dressed up! You were so great not giving in to eating any of the Halloween treats, well except for that one peanut butter cup. Like you said though, you had that the following morning, so does it count Think of Halloweens of old though when you would have had far more than just one. You did brilliantly!!

That is so fabulous that your hubby shaved off his goatee as a surprise for you for losing 35 lbs. I can imagine what a shock you had. You better take a photo just in case he decides to grow it back

How is your dog now, did the vet give you some drops for her eyes? You have a Beagle right. Can you tell me, do they lose much hair? We are looking for a dog, but not for a while, but we want to find one that isn't going to shed hair all over the place. I can't stand dog hair We both fancy having a Beagle, they are so adorable and they don't look like they lose much hair.

Vicki - woohoo that is fantastic that you have had a 2.6 lb loss. What's even more wonderful is that you can really tell how great you are doing, both by your clothes and in photos. That makes it all worth while doesn't it, actually SEEING the difference in yourself rather than just reading what the scales say. I am so happy for you.

Oh yes, don't worry, if I can put what happened today and if we don't get any more phone calls, I will be able to go to the Pizza Hut and I will thoroughly enjoy my pizza. It's one of the reasons I am really really holding off from comfort eating, knowing I will be eating a lot tomorrow and again on Thursday.

Sharon(voodoo) - I am glad I didn't upset you by letting the cat out of the bag about NZ. I don't know why, but I thought you were definite about going. Sorry if I missed you on MSN today, when I was about to turn it on, we had that phone call from Daren's ex and I just couldn't concentrate on doing anything.

Catherine - didn't you know that things happen when you least expect them, including falling pregnant I know people who have tried for years to have a baby with no joy, and then when they finally gave up and thought it just wasn't to be, they fell pregnant. Amazing, but thrilling for them. I bet your doctor will be gobsmacked when you tell him what you want to see him for!! You are very right about it being an interesting chapter for your book, and I just hope you don't have too much stress with insurance and immigration etc. Have you thought of buying a home pregnancy kit so you don't have to wait til Monday? I don't know about you, but I am dying to know

Ok, time for me to do some emailing. Still got that voice in my head, eat eat eat. But don't worry I keep saying I don't need to comfort eat, I wonder which will win out? Bye for now,


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Old 11-01-2005, 05:09 PM   #28  
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Hi Ladies!

Just an update ~ Bailey is doing fine and she has something called Uveitis. It is pretty painful and I was lucky that I brought her in as it can cause blindness. Thats all I need is an epileptic blind beagle!! So she is on 2 types of eyedrops and we have 3 more vet appts to go to this week and next. Apparently it has something to do with low pressure in her eye? Kinda all went over my head but we are trying to fix it with drops for now and hopefully that will work.

So after I got home with Bailey and gave her the medication, I jumped on the scale before I had lunch... down another 2!?!?! Holy moly! I jumped on and off a few more times before it sank in. It is not my official weigh but it was still exciting! Of course then I forget lunch and I went shopping! I found 2 prs of jeans, a skirt and 2 shirts. Jackpot! So now I am broke and going to AquaFit I think I will also celebrate tonight by getting Subway before I settle in to watch the Biggest Loser. I don't each much bread these days but I think I deserve it tonight.

Ammi~ Stay strong!! Ex's can be such a pain in the Yes, we have a beagle and she is the sweetest furbaby ever! I have had many dogs in the past, even was a breeder for a while and beagles are definately my favorite! They don't shed nearly as much as some dogs but in the spring they do shed their winter under-fur but as long as you brush them outdoors when the spring comes then I definately suggest them as a wonderful companion! Steve and I thought long and hard on what type to get as neither one wanted a big dog or a small dog. Bailey is just right!

Hope everyone had a great day! I know mine got better since this morning!
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Old 11-01-2005, 05:40 PM   #29  
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Hi Brenda - another 2 lbs down, that is so awesome. Congrats!!

Sorry to hear that Bailey's eye problem was worse than you thought it would be. I hope the drops do what they are meant to and that no further action will have to be taken. Thank you for telling me all about how wonderful he is and how Beagles don't shed a lot of hair. I am more and more keen on getting one now

I still haven't given into my comfort eating needs. Thank you I am trying to stay strong, but the worry of what she might do now she has found us is overwhelming.

Well take care and I hope Bailey will be ok. Again, big congrats on your weight loss, oh and wonderful news about all the new clothes you bought. Also hope you enjoyed your Subway. We had Subway when we were there 3 years ago, the meatball one. Oh wow, it was delicious. Subway have opened up here now but the meatballs are just not the same Really going now


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Old 11-01-2005, 09:30 PM   #30  
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Hey girls! After I got home from my son's Halloween party at school yesterday I started feeling real nauseated and dizzy. Needless to say I have been having major stomach problems since yesterday afternoon. Hopefully this is not too much information but it is coming from both ends. Luckily I was still able to go with my hubby and son trick or treating last night. I was a chaperone today for my son's field trip today....they went bowling. We had a real good was so cute watching 5 year olds bowl. I am glad I was able to go...I guess I just have a stomach bug and I am slowly getting better. Well I haven't had much of an appetite since I have been sick. I ate very little yesterday and had some soup for dinner and have only had a bagel and some soup today and sugar free pudding and will probably have soup for dinner. Nothing sounds good to me whatsoever except soup. I guess that can be a good thing...since I don't have any cravings

Brenda -- Congrats on another 2 pounds lost.

Amy -- Thanks for sharing a wedding picture with us. You look very pretty. Manda did such a great job on your cake. That was really nice of her.

Ammi -- Sorry to hear that your husband's ex is calling you all....I hope she gets the picture that he is happily married and doesn't call anymore. I know it is so hard to stay away from food when you are stressed or worried...I have always ran to food when I was feeling stressed and now I know that I can't do that and I have to think of something else to do besides eat.
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