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Old 10-25-2009, 11:39 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ Weekly Thread #1234

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support, inspiration, and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.
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Old 10-26-2009, 04:44 AM   #2  
EmilyMay is on her way!
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Heyyy hello to you all...I maintained this week, which is ok with me I am happy if I either maintain or lose as that’s me headed in the right direction...

Had a sweet NSV today tho! I found a bag with uk size 24 (think that is US 22 u will know better than me!) that I have had for years, there were 2 really nice tops I wanted to get in and a pair of jeans I've not worn for 5 years..anyway at my biggest I was a UK s28 and recently went into a s26, however I got in the tops and the jeans and honestly I was stunned!!!

It feels sooo good and I really can see the ‘light’ weight wise and feel that losing this 35 pounds, altho still obviously a long way to go, I just feel so much better about myself nowadays. Living is easier and doing my job as a nurse so much easier. So it feels so so so good.
Any of you struggling, I would say keep going, because for me getting 35 pounds off has made such a huge huge difference to me, you don't need to lose a hundred to feel better, really u don't.

Annie – Hope you are doing ok, how did the rehab go? Have u found out any more news?

ACyn - So glad yr surgery went ok and u seem to have bounced back really well. Sorry about family stress...can’t live with em, can’t live without em methinks! X

HBieber2006 – well done on your weight loss and agree u can see it on the pics, keep going and keep taking the pics as it comes off

Kayleystar – well done on yr internships, I hope they are really interesting for are really working hard and I’m sure it will all pay off in the future well done also on yr weight loss, reaching that 30 pound off goal, and roping yr ma in as well can only help Well done for all your hard work and efforts in yr life, you are an inspirational young woman

Hotwings – for flappy boobs and tummy I would just say the tightest underwear u can manage and still breathe will lead to less flapping about which can be distracting to say the least lol!! I really really hate that sound and i always tend to wear support type underwear to keep my saggy tum in check! X

Nancy – great to see u back really pleased I did miss u. The cats sound lovely, sorry yr relationship didn’t work out for u permanently , but who knows what life will bring u!! Sorry u have gained some weight, it is such a bind when that happens, but think we have all been there, and how u deal with the setbacks is the key to long term weight management, so good to see u back on board.

Jacquie – well done on the scales dipping and showing a lower weight, yr b/control pills really mess u about don’t they? I was the same, but had a total hysterectomy at 32, so no more of that for me thank goodness...but it is a pain. Keep on doing what yr doing, as its working

Catherine – exciting news about the transport/car situation, brilliant well done! Must feel good to have wheels again!!

Sharon – Hiya! Well done on the pound off!! Glad the hrt is making u feel better too and hubby spoiling u in the card shop, how nice xx My first week at work was great, I think I am going to love district nursing! Its great, loads to learn too x

Hippiemama – well done on yr weight loss and exercise, sounds like u are doing really well, and the healthy cooking sounds yum!

Pinkflamingo – I feel for you with yr various anxiety issues, it really is not nice feeling like that. You are the best person to fight your way out of this if you can find the belief in yourself and start tackling issues one by one and making a small amount of progress every day in different areas of your life, you will be amazed at how your life can change to something you could never have imagined. The key is small achievable steps. Believe in yourself and get yr mind as straight as u can and move forward. Positive Mental Attitude can be cultivated from within. Good luck x

Well that’s me for now, we are on hols this week, so visiting grandparents tomorrow for the day and midweek we are off to Alton Towers, a big theme park with Halloween themed rides etc, we are staying overnight in the hotel, which has been very expensive – but should be FUN!!

Be good, believe in yourselves xxxx
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Old 10-26-2009, 08:26 AM   #3  
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Hi everyone!!
Emilymay, WOOHOO on the clothes though it is SO weird, I'm here at 278lbs & wearing 18/20 clothes, maybe my fat is 'compacted'?? lol xxxxxxxx
Kayley well done on the exercise, you put me to shame. This shred is it VERY hard? Who 'does' it (presents it) & is it easy to follow & do you need equipment? I might try to get it & gir it a go.xxxxxxxx
Well we are off to visit my parents on Thursday-Sunday, it's half-term here, so I won't be around then. I struggle SO much at the weekend but in the week I'm so good/OP...any advice?

Last edited by voodoo1; 10-26-2009 at 08:29 AM.
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Old 10-26-2009, 09:16 AM   #4  
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Good morning everyone! as usual binged on the weekend.... sigh.... oh well

-packing is way behind! DH hurt his back and now I have no idea how we are going to get it done - oh well, grateful to have a place to live so I guess, what gets done, gets done!

weigh in is this evening (its a wacky time I know, but I started in the evening and I try to stay consistent because of the fluctuations in the course of a day) since I started bingeing so much my loss has really slowed and I would like to get that under control...

ok, have a good day all!
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Old 10-26-2009, 10:00 AM   #5  
Just keeping on truckin'
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emilymay - Your vacay sounds fun!!!

I am ust feeling a mess. The apartment is a huge disgusting pig sty. I am talking dog poop ground into the floor because Zoey had diarrhea and I didn't get out of bed in time to clean it before it dried. My work is dangerously late. At this point, I am not sure my profs will even accept my late note from the doctor. Not really sure what to do. I have a midterm on Wednesday I am sure I am going to flunk. 3 termpapers I promised to hand in by today and haven't even started yet.

I cna't cncentrate to do my homework and I need to snap out of it FAST. Doctor's appointment today, and I can't miss that because I only have enough meds until today.

Weight loss isn't happening fast enough. I hate how I look NOW. I look frumpy and old and pathetic. This is NOT how you are supposed to feel in your 20's.

If I could just get some homework done, it would help. If I could just get this philosophy assignment done today and do a decent job. If I could just...
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Old 10-26-2009, 10:33 AM   #6  
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Good morning excited i lost 5.1 lbs this week which means that i lost the 5 lbs i gained last week plus a smidge more so i am really excited and really doing the happy dance not much else going on gonna look for more work today but im sooo excited plus i did my circuit training this morning for 35 mins so its a great monring!

talk to you ladies later
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Old 10-26-2009, 01:03 PM   #7  
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Hello ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I peeked on the scale and was quite happy with what I saw. It showed me down another 2 lbs since Saturday, so let's hope it sticks, and maybe add some more to it!

Just got in some Cardio Dance, whilst waiting for my Mom to get home from running some errands, and we're going to do Day 22 of the Shred! Only 8 more days to go after today! I'll still do the workout, but probably rotating it to 3-5 times a week,instead of 7 days a week. It gets exhausting! lol

Annie - If you're out there reading, hun, I'm thinking of you still. *big hugs*

Heather hb - Yep, can definitely see a difference. Side note, I have that exact same shirt. Hehe. I just tried it on the day before last, and it fits for the first time! I need to lose about 20 more pounds before I'll wear it out, though, because I didn't feel comfortable in it, if that makes sense? Heh. Glad to hear you lost what you gained last week. Good job! I can't wait to take my progress pictures! I'm doing them every 50 lbs I lose, so only 17 more to go!

Emily - That's such a great NSV, congratulations! It's so great when everything just 'clicks', isn't it?! I wish you much continued success, because you are doing just wonderfully! And you are too kind. Thank you for the kind words.

HotWings - Have you had a chance to try the Shred again yet?

Sharon - It can be pretty tough when you first start out. Heck, it still kicks my butt, and I've been doing it for close to a month, every day. It's tough, but you just feel so GREAT afterwards. I feel like I spent an hour in the gym, after only 30 mins. I'm only on Level 1 (there's 3 levels of the workout); I won't be moving on to level 2 for at least another few weeks. The only equipment you need is a set of light hand weights. (2-5 lbs), and maybe a Yoga mat if you do it on a hard floor, although I do my workouts on a wooden floor, and never use my Yoga Mat. It's taught by Jillian Micheals (one of the trainers from 'The Biggest Loser'.

Wish I had some magical advice about weekends. Heh. Those used to be my biggest struggle times. Especially when I was on South Beach before. I just try to keep a positive mental state, and tell myself that eating crap food will only make me feel worse, and spiral me into depression.

lostbutstilltrying - Do you know what the cause of your binge-ing is? Is it out of boredom?

Pink - I definitely feel you there. I'm only 23, and these are supposed to be the 'best years of our lives'. Ugh. I hope you have a better day today.
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Old 10-26-2009, 01:37 PM   #8  
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Hi all, just checking in because I am struggling.... kayleystar you had a good question, one that I have been thinking about, why am I bingeing? -what's triggers a binge seems to be feeling restricted, I do ok, when I eat things that are good and are really the only choices, but when I run into feeling restricted or limited, its like I resent it or become angry and I punish myself by eating until I hurt........ sometimes I think I'm also afraid of succeeding, because then what will I blame the problems in my life on.... its a lot to think about, and I need to spend some time on it and on me
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Old 10-26-2009, 03:00 PM   #9  
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A quick post...

I'm so lacking energy lately. Today I yawned all the way through my workout and my energy left me so I could only do 30 minutes. I'm thinking it is a sleeping plus not eating enough fresh foods so i'm going to see what I can do. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep. I'm going to make myself go to bed early tonight and just stay in bed. I'm just always tired it seems.

Tomorrow I'm going to do my other cardio workout, which I do pretty well and I do put my all into and I don't struggle as much as I do with the Tae Bo. I can't figure out some of the moves they do, so I have to do them a bit slower, but there is a lot of kicking and lol...I can't do jumping jacks as it would be too loud for the downstairs neighbors, so I modify them and do a quick squat, tap jack...I think it is just as effective lol and a lot quieter. Even though I only did 30 minutes I did have a big sweat going and I was breathless, so I did give it some of my all, but lol...i'm tired!

Bah...just feeling so tired. I think I just need sleeeeep lol. *HUGS* I hope everyone is well.

P.S. I did almost punch my eye out while doing my kickboxy that is a bit funny to me. lol... *note to self punch away from your face, not at it*

Last edited by Jacquie668; 10-26-2009 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 10-26-2009, 04:18 PM   #10  
I'm doing it for ME
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Sorry i have been so MIA lately.. most of you prob dont even remember me as i went MIA soon after joining. anyhow, i have been taking care of mom(she is on hospice)24/7 which up till the last few weeks was relatively easy.. but now her cognitive abilities are nil... i give her her meds, and 5 mins later she wakes me up cause she forgets i gave em to her.. this goes on all night and all day.. hospice brought some Trazedone for her but because her body is shutting down the meds dont always get absorbed correctly by her bod, so some nights it puts her to sleep, and others it wires her for sound. my eating has been so bad.. once a day usually and then its something bad that will deliver.. i have no energy to breathe hardly much less cook or exercise... i have gone down another 2 lbs according to the scale, but im not gonna change my ticker.. prob just read it wrong im so sleep deprived lol.. i do get on here daily and read all your posts .. just havnt had the time to post myself... hope youre all doing well..
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Old 10-26-2009, 05:08 PM   #11  
742,000 calories burned
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Been to the pool today. It was really a good workout.
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Old 10-26-2009, 08:07 PM   #12  
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I finally have something cheerful to post, made my both my first 2 mini-goals!

mini-goal 1, reach 299 to be under 300

mini-goal 2 to weigh less than DH (he gained this week) so for only the 2nd time in our 11+ year marriage, I weigh less than him, yeah me!
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Old 10-26-2009, 08:23 PM   #13  
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Lost - wow those are both huge goals - and in one week! Congrats to you!
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Old 10-26-2009, 09:22 PM   #14  
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Thumbs up

EmilyMay ~ Keep up the good work! It's true... every few lbs lost makes a difference in the way you feel. I love it!

PinkFlamingo ~ Hang in there! You CAN do it. *hugs*

Heather ~ Congrats on the mini-goals! That is exciting.... I have never weighed less than someone I've dated. That is quite a prospect to look forward to!

Hello ladies!

I feel like I've been negligent to the board. lol. I've been quite the busy bee though. Went to volunteer at a local "haunted trail" with some friends. We spent two nights scaring the crap out of little kids on hayrides! Fun times! AND good exercise running after wagons and shrieking. hehehehe.

Weigh-in today was AWESOME. I lost 7 more lbs and was totally surprised and thrilled! GO ZUMBA! All I did as far as workouts last week was Zumba Mon & Thursday, hiking/walking in the woods a bit Fri & Sat night, and a pretty intense hour and a half hike last night. My partner and I are up towards the top of the list as far as results for the contest and we are SO excited! Think we might actually win it!
What I love about this is that for every bit of progress made my energy and motivation is renewed. Every Monday when I see more weight gone I know that I am actually DOING this for the first time in my life and it is just.... amazing. An amazing feeling.

Hope everyone is off to a fabulous start this week! <3
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:46 AM   #15  
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Default Happy Tuesday!

Twilightwing- I am so sorry for this difficult time and your mother's illness, don't worry about posting sporadically or about a couple of pounds, our weight should never be the most important in our lives even at better times, take care of yourself as well as your dear mother

Jacquie – between you and kaleystar, somedays I get tired just reading about how much you ladies worked out ! Great Job!

HeatherHB – congratulations! Enjoy circuit training!

PinkFlamingo- this too shall pass, and clean apts are never something we will care about we are lives are concluding- don't even stress about it! I too struggle with anxiety and depression, you just have to focus on your immediate goals and be proud of every little thing you accomplish, even if its just getting out of bed or showering!

CatherineM – I love working out in the pool!

Voodoo – congrats on smaller size – that always feels good

GG – thanks!

Hippiemama – wow, pretty soon you are gonna be wearing me out as much as Jacquie and kaleystar, glad you had fun at zumba

Good week everyone! you can do it!!!
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