3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Heather 06-25-2007 07:58 AM

300+ And Ready to Try Again Weekly Thread #1112

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

If you are thinking about buying anything at Amazon, why not help out 3FC at the same time? You can do this by clicking on the button for the Amazon "store" in the upper right hand corner of the screen on the PURPLE tool bar. A portion of your purchase price will be given to 3FC by Amazon. It doesn't increase your price at all, but it does help out 3FC. You can use any of the Amazon.com links that you see on the site in order to help contribute to the site.

Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!

Misti in Seattle 06-25-2007 08:15 AM

Good morning, everyone! Off we go again! Stay positive! :)

toofatforu 06-25-2007 09:04 AM

well i am back from riding the highways with my hubby.. now its time to make a recommittment to eating better and exercise .. and boy its tough to start anew! congratulations to all who have lost and/or maintained and hugs to all of us struggling!

Torister 06-25-2007 09:20 AM

Morning chickies! Just checking in. I am already at work...ran out of time at home this morning. I am down 3 lbs this week. :carrot:

Trying to get my morning exercise in every day as it is getting TOO HOT to even think about walking at lunch. I did go out and buy PS2 and DDR to do something different when it is too hot outside. I don't tolerate the heat very well and its all I can do to find my way to the chaise lounge in the back yard in the heat of the summer ;)

Hope everyone has a great OP week. Congrats on the losses, maintainers and those who are jumping back on the wagon. BIG :hug: to those that are struggling right now. Hang in there!!

Ratkitten 06-25-2007 09:49 AM

G'morning all!

I did my morning scale sneak and the exercise is making me gain... yesyes.. I know this is normal AND temporary. *sigh*

Gratz Toris on your loss! *throws stars in the air and dances :carrot:* So um, tell me about this PS2 thing and DDR. I heard about it and am curious.

*wavies at Misti and all the folks yet to post today~~~*


MamaBplus3 06-25-2007 10:39 AM

Good Morning Ladies!:coffee:

Sorry I have been MIA but:


It was a beautiful day and the party afterwards was so much fun. :D I ate horribly, and probably will do so for a while longer, as we have tons of extra food, but I am giving myself "permission" to do it, and will get back OP when the fridge has room for the "good" foods again. :yes: But I won't go longer than the rest of the week :nono: (maybe sooner!), so I don't damage all the hard work I have already done. Sammi's dance recital is this weekend :dancer: , and my niece is comming to the dress rehearsal on Thurs, so if we still have alot left over, I am sending some home with her. (which I really should have done last night!! DOINK!!)

This is another busy week...especially Weds...I hope to hop on here to say hello here and there. My parents :stress: are here...and still know how to make me feel like a child. I guess it never ends! Scott and Andrew start their summer jobs tomorrow...of course it will be 90 degrees :hot: and they work for the school district grounds department.

Boy, for a quicky post, I did ramble on!! :o
Have a Great OP Day! :cheer2:

Heather 06-25-2007 10:47 AM

Donna -- Congrats on the Graduation! You must be really proud.

This is just a comment and you can feel free to ignore it, but... it sounds like you went off plan for a day or two for a special event and are continuing to do so. I find this is a recipe for a REAL disaster. The longer I am off plan, the harder it is to bring myself back on and the more damage control I have to do. I've watched a lot of people go off track and literally take months to get back on, and it starts just like that (and I include myself in that fine group!)... I guess the bottom line is, do you really need to continue to indulge?

Again, feel free to say "yes" and move on! I'm not wanting to be a nag...

jewell0607 06-25-2007 12:19 PM

Happy Monday
Hi all, Robyn here. I am new to this site (just today) but I am feeling like today is the start of something wonderful. The sun is shining, the air is crisp, and I am ready To Do This Thing called eating healthy.

I put an intro bio in the appropriate "sticky" section; feel free to check it out. The short version is that I am again on the road to weight loss (but this time, I can do it!), I am an avid Prince fan, a voracious reader, a professor at a community college and a nonprofit CEO.

I'm very happy to be here, eager to give and receive the support we all deserve. I would love to get to know you all better.

Rob aka jewell0607

MetaChick 06-25-2007 12:30 PM

I am officially depressed. This week, eating about 1500 calories or so a day, I GAINED 2 pounds. Don't think it's water. I don't understand and this has never happened to me before. When I ate well, I lost. Period. On the heels of a few weeks of really slowed losses I can't believe the fear this is engendering. It's probably not particularly rational but I worry I will simply be unable to get down to a healthy weight.

On top of this my face has has some weird reaction to something - probably sunscreen - and it's all bumpy and rough. Not red, just bumpy and rough and irritated. I see my future and it's not pretty - a 297 pound woman with bumpy, rough skin. Forever! lol

Congrats on your loss Peggy, and a big congrats to the 'Mother of the Graduate'. I can completely imagine how exciting that must have been and how proud you are. A happy time for sure.

Welcome Robyn!

I'm going for a quick walk now.

dogpal 06-25-2007 12:37 PM

Sharon: Oh, hugs hon. I am sorry about the gain. Yes, DH and I argue occasionally. I just got my feelings hurt over something stupid. Maybe I'm premenstral. lol. I do wish I could have my Dad's horses here so much. Right now I just wouldn't pile on the extra work for Joel to work even more hours to pay for horses upkeep. As it is he is working lots for my diet money. I do love to have my Dad's saddles though because I grew up using them and seeing them used by my dad. Hope your new diet is amazing for you. GOod luck.

Patti: Welcome back hun. Hope you had a blast traveling the country with your hubby.

Peggy: Whoop Whoop on another -3 pounds. Way to go.

Ratkitten: Hi there.

Donna: Congrats to you on your new HS Graduate. Sorry it is emotional for you. Hugs.

Well, I just got back from my first walk. I am so out of shape regardless of all the exercise I always do on the bike and in the pool and with weights. Walking just kills me. I am determined to not give up. We only did 15 minutes but that is 5 more minutes than I have ever done so I am happy plus the park where we walked is very mountainous. Up and down, up and down. I am determined to continue that same walk until I don't huff and puff my way throgh. lol. Hopefully by this time in a couple of weeks I will be adding more trails. The trails are nice and paved and there are benches every so often in case but thankfully I didn't need one today. lol. Now off to use my new weights, do abs, bike and swim. I mayb just get in 2 hours of exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the swimming and weights every two days.

I hope you are all op and having a wonderful day.

dogpal 06-25-2007 12:40 PM

Welcome Robyn: Glad you are here with us. This is a wonderful safe place and the people are so supportive and caring. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. I adore Prince too. lol.

Meta: So sorry hun. Hugs. I feel badly for you because I know what it feels like to be an absolute angel about eating right and exercising daily and still not loosing. Hugs again. Hang in there.


Heather 06-25-2007 01:44 PM

Robyn -- WELCOME!! Glad you found us here!

Metachick -- I know it's so hard to eat well and see a gain, but it's impossible that's fat, and I DO think it's likely to be water. There are all KINDS of reasons we retain water.

Also, did you weigh at the same time of day you normally do? In the same "attire"? That can make a difference!

This is why we need patience to get through this. I am fond of saying weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks we are angels and gain, other weeks we eat crap and lose. It's because the changes we want to see (fat loss) take a while and because the scale measures ALL of us, not just the fat.

Chin up!! :D If you keep at it, you will see a loss I think!

jewell0607 06-25-2007 02:03 PM

Thanks for all of your kind words. I'm feeling pretty good, this first day of my new journey...your warm welcomes give me hope that tomorrow will be okay, too.
Metachick, I can totally relate to feeling discouraged when the scale doesn't move in the direction we want it too, especially when we know we've done our best. But you know what? You are AMAZING. You are discouraged yet what do you do? You go for a walk. I hope I have that kind of fortitude.

I vote you dance a jig for all you've done to date. Congrats on your achievement so far! Woohooo! :carrot:There is so much more to come.


jewell0607 06-25-2007 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by dogpal (Post 1746671)
Welcome Robyn: Glad you are here with us. This is a wonderful safe place and the people are so supportive and caring. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. I adore Prince too. lol.


Thanks, Annie. The caring side of this board is already coming through. And hey......If you ever want to talk Prince, IM me!!! :p

CatherineM 06-25-2007 02:07 PM

Annie-My husband and I haven’t had a really good fight yet to get to do the whole “make up” thing. We’ve actually talked about having a fight just to get to make up, but we just don’t disagree about things enough. I also have a weight bench on the patio. That means I can only use it in summer around here. I don’t like using it when he’s around the house because he already has issues with me being stronger than he is. He’s an academic, and weight lifting isn’t something he’s ever done. I used to be a shot putter, and pushed all 600 pounds of myself around for 8 years in a manual wheelchair, so I have lots of upper body strength. That male ego can be very delicate. As to the walking, don’t feel bad about that. I had to start with just walking across the block every morning to read the headline of the paper in the corner box. Next I’d walk half way down the block and back. It took months before I could walk more than a few blocks. I looked like Frankenstein’s monster because I walked without bending any of my joints, and the neighbors were afraid I was going to fall, and more afraid that they’d have to help me get up.

Sue-We went to a big book sale at St. Vincent’s, and they had paperbacks for $1 and hardbacks for $2, so I knew that I would have to get a ride with a friend because there’s no way that I could bring that many books home on the bus. We bought over $50 worth. Our house is already decorated in library bookshelf motif, so now I just have to find room for the new ones.

Sharon-The Catholic church allows fertility drugs because that still allows for a “natural” conception, but not any kind of artificial means like in-vetro. They want you to have as many as you can, but only within the rules. At my age, and with my disabilities, there is no way that I’m going to be taking fertility drugs. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t be thrilled with a child of my own after raising other peoples kids for 30 years, but our lives would be easier if it didn’t happen. The women in my family have kids well into their 40’s, so I’m not in the clear yet by a long shot.

Peggy-You can come walk here, it got down to 9 degrees here last night (that ‘s 48 in American).

Donna-Congrats to the grad. When my foster son graduated, I was so relieved. I never thought I was going to get that kid through school. He wasn’t dumb, he’d do his homework, but just not turn it in. I agree with Heather about going off. When I plan to for a special occasion, and there is nothing wrong with that by the way, I just find it is so hard to get back on the horse. That is the problem that I have had since getting married. We seem to have one occasion or trip after another, and the time after, and the time before, started to touch to where I was off more than I was on.

Robyn-Welcome, hop right in and join the party.

Meta-Been there done that. I once had a plateau of 18 months, and 6 months, and 3 months. I survived the 18 months simply because at that point in my life I really hated myself, and staying on the diet religiously, and not losing weight is horrendous, so sticking to the diet was a way of punishing myself. Now that I no longer hate myself, they are lots harder. The two main ways that I have broken plateaus is totally changing my diets by either learning a new ethnic cuisine, or doing liquid or something for a while, or by simply increasing my calories to make my metabolism kick a bit.

I just came in from sweeping up our parking lot. At 3:30am last night someone dropped off a stolen car, and proceeded to break it apart with baseball bats. I heard this banging, and since our unit is ground floor in the back, I thought they were breaking into our storage building. I screamed and ran to the window. They took off. Without my glasses all I could tell was the car was red/maroon. It could have been a mars rover for what I could see. They took off quick. The car they left is a minivan that all the windows were broken out of except one. I guess I kept them from getting the last window. They came back a few minutes later to slash the tires because I heard the woosh noise. They only did the two on the otherside away from our windows so I wouldn’t see them. They owner is coming to have it towed later today. The column wasn’t smashed, so whoever did it had the key. Sounds like an ex, who still had keys taking some revenge. There’s glass everywhere, so I got the push broom out so no one would get a flat when they came home from work today. Just a little excitement. All the neighbors have been out looking at it and taking pictures. I feel sorry for the owners. I guess I’ll get to meet them later, and may get the whole story.

toofatforu 06-25-2007 02:17 PM

hi Annie i do so love your determination.. i need to get my butt in gear again i have been quite lax lately!

dogpal 06-25-2007 04:17 PM

Catherine: I am pretty strong too. Ya know farm girls get strong. lol. No way am I stronger than my hubby though. He is very strong in his arms. I am wayyyy stronger in my legs but then, look what I am carrying around compared to him. Thanks for the encouragement on my walking. I think tomorrow I need to stretch. It is a shame to me that I can't walk much but I do have some self competition to get better so that will be good. Sounds like you had some real excitement at your home last night. About arguing, well I would much rather not argue than to argue. I guess after 22 years of marriage you just aren't always going to see eye to eye. I am a stubborn poop some times I have to admit. lol.

Patti: Come on girl. Get back on the exercise wagon. Even if you only jump on your treadmill for 4 or 5 minutes or do your Nintendo Wii for a bit. You can do it!

Well, I just got back from the pool and did my first weight lifting workout in the garage before I even came in the house. I only have to ride my bike for today and I will have done 133 minutes of exercise for today! Not all at once though. It's funny but my arm muscles near my pits are a bit shaky after lifting weights. lol. I have my weigh in tonight and hopefully it will be another good one.

Blessings to you all,

Heather 06-25-2007 05:21 PM

Annie -- You GO! 133 minutes?? :woohoo: I could use me some of those minutes! :D

toofatforu 06-25-2007 05:30 PM

Annie i am so proud of you! yes i will get back on track thanks for encouraging me!

CatherineM 06-25-2007 08:44 PM

Annie-I get tired just reading how much exercise you are doing.

I read about something neat on the internet. It is a plate kind of like the ones that come with TV dinners that is painted with protein, carbos, and vegetables. It is a way of not only portion controlling how much you eat, but also how much of what. It was designed for diabetics to try to lose weight, but could be used by anyone to lose weight. They also have a cereal bowl that has lines on the side to show how much you can have of a variety of different types of cereal. I guess granola would be towards the bottom, and cheerios towards the top. I thought that might really be good for people that have portion issues, and/or just can’t bring themselves to weigh or measure stuff. Don’t know when they will be available to purchase.

Misti in Seattle 06-26-2007 12:12 AM

Hi everybody

Well I fell asleep this evening so was just going to come on and dash through but these posts just need personals! :)

First off... Robyn... :welcome: So glad you are here, and I love your positive attitude. Way to go! Although I will add that it is also okay to share the "down" times here as we all have them sometimes!

Peggy, I sure know what you mean about its getting hot to walk at lunch! Except LOL here in the Seattle are I know we are "wimps" when it comes to heat, as I grew up in Missouri and lived in South Florida and the Philippines... our "heat" here in the PNW would be a "cold snap" for most of you! I did go walking today though... just changed into a T-shirt so I would not be all sweaty when I came back to work. But like you, I just do not tolerate heat as I can't breathe well in hot weather.

Ratkitten, sorry about the gain. I can sure relate there too... I have been eating right and exercising my butt off... and lose a pound and gain back three! But oh well... it HAS to be working and doing something! Hang in there... times like this are when it is hard not to give up. Go go go. :)

Donna... congratulations to the mother of the graduate! :woohoo: And I don't want to be a nag either :) but I will echo Heather's comments and encourage you NOT to wait until week's end or whenever to get back OP. The longer you stay off the harder it is to get back on. At least it sure is for me.

MetaChick -- :hug: Sorry about your weight gain and skin problem. no no no it WON'T be forever! Your face will heal up and you WILL lose that weight if you keep OP.

Heather, I am so proud of you! Every time I look at your pictures I am just amazed. You look super!

Annie, good for you for doing the walking even when it is so hard! When I first started walking I was in so much pain it took all I had to keep going. LOL I would have to lean on all the light poles and fences to rest. But it is such good exercise and so helpful. I am proud of you for your determination to keep going. Even now walking is much harder for me than riding my bike, the water workouts, weights and all else. But I do it just about every day at my lunch hour. Wow you are doing a HUGE amount of exercise! :bike: :swim: Doesn't it feel GOOD though to be "one of the ones" working out? :)

Catherine, LOL it is probably not a good idea to pick a fight with your hubby just so you can make up. :) Good for you for getting along well with him! And LOL about the books... a woman after my own heart! :) At times I have had my apartment so full of books I can hardly walk through it all. Once I jokingly commented to my best friend that I needed to find a rich husband and she said "I hope he likes books." :) Oh and those yard sale books... one day I had a slew of them I had gotten at yard sales... opened one up and there was an envelope with $300 in cash! Old yellowed envelope... apparently someone's old stash... and no way at all to know where I had gotten it from so I could return it. WOW! And your cooler weather sounds like ours... gets really cool at night here pretty much all the time too! Love it! And yikes what a night you had with the car smashing! Glad you are safe!!

Patti sorry for your slipup... but yah good idea to get that butt moving again!! You don't want us to dig out that ole "butt kick" icon!!! :rofl:

Blessings to all, and for those I missed especially! Hang in there and stay OP!!! Move those butts, huff puff puff! :)

Motivated74 06-26-2007 02:20 AM

Hi Everyone :wave:

Wow, this thread sure does move fast. I just can't keep up. I didn't check in all weekend and goodness was there a lot to read.

Great to read that everyone is still on the same track. :welcome: robyn, I am also one of the newbies to this thread.

I need to share some great news. When I started my weight loss journey I had just went up in size from a tight 26 to a 28. That's when I decided I was not buying them and left the store and decided to do something about it.

Well, on Saturday I went into Lane Bryant and was able to fit comfortably into a size 24. I have not been in a size smaller than a 26 in over 5 years. I feel GREAT!!!!

Well thanks for lending an ear girls..... now, I am going to need to check in more often so I can keep up with you chickadees!

Misti in Seattle 06-26-2007 08:14 AM

Good morning everyone! Motivated congratulations on wearing the smaller size pants! Yippee for you!

MetaChick 06-26-2007 08:52 AM

Annie, Heather, jewell, Catherine & Misti...

Thank you so much for your hugs, empathy and encouraging words. I've been on this site for a few months but things had been going so well for so long I never really needed support of any kind. Yesterday I did, and your input truly made a difference. When I get discouraged or upset I usually withdraw into myself so I'm glad I came and posted here instead.

We'll see what this week brings...or preferably takes away. :)

Congrats on that great NSV Motivated!

toofatforu 06-26-2007 08:56 AM

yes Misti i do need butt kick but i got it in gear again today!

MamaBplus3 06-26-2007 09:09 AM

Good Morning Ladies!:coffee:

Heather, Catherine, and Sue: It is really scary that since I have gotten to "know" you wonderful people, I am so in tune with you!! :comp:
I woke up this morning thinking that I really should get back OP right away...I mean how many days in a row can a person eat chicken, ribs and cake!!!:lol:
So before I even read your posts, I am very proudly eating my Special K and getting my mindset all together. After reading your lovely well wishes and smart advice, I know I did the right thing. Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for being there!! :hug: & big XXX's!!!!!!!

Peggy: Congrats on the -3!!!

Ratkitten: I don't know if I have said :welcome3: yet. I have 3 kitties and a dog myself. Our littlest one is nicknamed "Monkey-Cat"...I am sure you can guess why! :dizzy:

Jewel/Robyn: :welcome3: to you also. I hope you find the wonderful support here is what you need! :D

Meta: Proud and scared to death! He is going to the Community College where I went, so it's not like he's going away to school, but I am hoping he can find his path. This letting go thing is not in the mommy-manual!!!! :( I am having a bit of a struggle, but as bittersweet as it is, I know he is a good, smart kid and just needs to mature so the lightbulb will go on.:idea:
Oh, and I get an allergic reaction to the PABA that is in sunscreen. Do the bumps itch? If so, Benyadryl is a wonderful thing! ;)

Annie: WOW!! You and Catherine never sease(SP?) to amaze me!! You are definately 2 of the most amazing women I have ever "met"!!! Maybe the aliens make you guys so strong!!!:eek:

Well, dishes and laundry await...
Have a Great OP Day!!:cheer2:

Lilion 06-26-2007 09:25 AM

Hey all...

I haven't been around much, but saw the flooding in England on the news and had to pop on and see how our friends on "the other side of the pond" are! Doesn't Sharon live in Sheffield?

English Roses! Post and let us know you are all okay!

jewell0607 06-26-2007 10:55 AM

Good morning all.
Wow, Motivated, congrats on the downsizing :D. You are making me excited for the day I'll be in a size 24 again, too.

Actually, each of you are very encouraging for me, this millionth time I'm "starting again". I am trying VERY hard to keep a positive outlook. Heck, my pessimistic one never worked for me, so why not give something new a try, right?

I have a question for you all to weigh in on (pun intended). What kinds of lunches do you have? I go to work each day, and have a job filled with paperwork, meetings and computer work. I try to actually take lunch away from my desk but the truth is my job is so "interrupt driven" I most often can't. I also am TRYING to have a peaceful breakfast every morning with my partner so lunch can't be too complicated because there isn't too much time to make it. Besides, my partner lovingly prepares my lunch every day and grows increasingly tired of asking me "what do you want for lunch" and getting, "I dunno" almost every time. :dizzy:Any suggestions and thoughts would really be appreciated.


jewell0607 06-26-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by MamaBplus3 (Post 1747855)
I woke up this morning thinking that I really should get back OP right away...I mean how many days in a row can a person eat chicken, ribs and cake!!!:lol:

LOL Ain't that the truth. I know that after extended periods of not-so-good eating I've grown tired of even the yummiest food, and nothing feels appealing. The trick for me is to remember that feeling before I binge...so that I don't. It's so hard tho. :(

I remember reading (or hearing) once, "Nothing tastes as good as being thinner feels". I guess I need to laminate that and post it somewhere...or better yet make a card to carry with me.

AmmiUK 06-26-2007 11:07 AM

Lilion - thanks for asking :hug: Unless things have changed since yesterday, Sharon although living quite close to all the flooding, is fine. Me, I'm nowhere near it, but I've been glued to the weather reports hoping that the torrential rain doesn't head our way next. So far so good.


Ammi :chicken:

toofatforu 06-26-2007 11:22 AM

hello Ammi

AmmiUK 06-26-2007 11:43 AM

Hi Patti, sent you an email, hope all is well and am glad to see you posting again even if I'm in lurk mode :lol:


Ammi :chicken:

voodoo1 06-26-2007 11:48 AM

Hi, Lilion, I live between Derby & Nottingham, we live half-way up a VERY big, steep hill. The small town below us is segmented by the Derwent canal & often floods, they were sand-bagging around all the shops last night, 'just in case'. We DELIBERATLEY lived on a hill, no floods for us! Thanks for the concern though. I wondered where you were, have you been ill or just busy? How's the renactment/fayre thing going?xxxxxxx
Ammi, glad you aren't flooded out either!xxxxxxx

dogpal 06-26-2007 12:11 PM

OOOOOO I'm miffed. I went to my weigh in last night and I am UP 6 pounds! I asked how in the heck can I be up any when I haven't cheated and I have exercised like crazy. It is determined by the report that prints I am up 3 pounds of muscle and 3 pounds of water again probably due to premenstral. I am better today after being upset last night. I decided to fight and not give up!

I have gone to the Orthodontist at 7 am then went to my walking buddies house and did my walking at the park. Now off to do abs, bike and swim today.

I hope you are all op and doing wonderful.

Lilion glad to see you again.

Sharon: Glad you are on a hill and safe

Ammi: Hugs

Catherine: that plate sounds cool

Misti: Yep it feels good to exercise.

Motivated: Yipee to you on a size 24!

Donna: I think it is the aliens. lol.

Well hugs to everyone and have a great day.


Torister 06-26-2007 01:06 PM

Annie - Girlfriend, I am NOT surprised that you put on 3 lbs of muscle! Silly you! Your exercise lists are exhausting to me just to read, let alone DO! :dizzy: Keep up your good work. You are just doing so GREAT!! :hug::hug:

I have a NSV! Today at work, a ring that I had made two years ago and that I wear on my right ring finger, was literally falling OFF!! A co-worker said "Time to either resize or find a different finger for that ring". :D It can now fit on my right middle finger! I was SHOCKED!! I also was able to take off my wedding and engagement rings this AM for the first time in YEARS!! They are not loose by any stretch, but they won't have to cut them off if I needed to remove them as they would have earlier this year.

I mentioned in the Exercise thread that I finally tried Dance Dance Revolution last night. WOW. First off, I am not really good at it :o, but I was better at the end than at the beginning. I will get better I am sure. Also, I only did 15 mins and I was was working up a good sweat. I can see me using this as an exercise method. Its kinda fun. ;)

I am on my 2nd week of an increased amount of thyroid meds and I feel much better. I am no longer feeling like an extra from the Dawn of the Dead movies. ;) I still have to go back in 6-8 weeks for a re-check. No biggie. I want to get this under control.

I am meeting some friends tonight for dinner at Applebees and already have my choice made. LOL! Hubby says I "overplan", but he is so darn proud of my changes I have made so far that he doesn't kid me about it too much. A very smart man!

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day chickies. It is really HOT today. Thank goodness for my air conditioned office job...did I mention I am not a fan of the heat? ;):D

:hug::hug: Be well everyone!!

toofatforu 06-26-2007 01:38 PM

Annie dont you just hate those nasty scales? i do!
Ammi i am mostly in lurking mode too!

Lilion 06-26-2007 01:48 PM

Sharon and Ammi, glad you are both fine. Sharon, I live on a hill too, on purpose. I live in a riverfront town.

Annie, don't you worry about those lbs. Everyone has them from time to time but they DO go away again.

I've been really busy...trying to lurk but not posting much even over on Old Hen's. June is crazy time for me. Work is really busy. I worked thru my "vacation" taking two, 3-day weekends instead of the 9 days in a row I was supposed to have. I still haven't gotten the bath remodled. I've been working on the garden (waiting for my ripe veggies!) and we had the renfaire last weekend! It was a success as far as I can tell - I'm too busy to really enjoy it myself. But we got over $4,200 in paid attendance (at $1 per person over 3) and with the toddlers and sneak-in's counted we think the final tally was closer to 6000 patrons. (In a single, six-hour day) It's finally over, but we have a wrap-up meeting in two weeks and this coming weekend I am doing a medieval demo for a children's camp. It's a special camp for the children of service men and women in the Middle East. Maybe after that I can get back on track. Last visit to the dr. showed my weight up a tad...but not enough to worry about just yet.

:hug: to everyone!

Ratkitten 06-26-2007 01:57 PM

*waves at Torister/Peggy*

I tried DanceDance Revolution last night too!! It took a bit for me navigate around the Xbox stuff. I had 2 controllers attached and it defaulted to the handheld one several times. After fussing with the system, I got it going. The basic edition was start and stop, but I got pretty good grades. The master edition quest mode was HARD, even in beginner. Still I had a great time.

Let me know how you are doing on it!!!


CatherineM 06-26-2007 02:38 PM

Sue-I knew we were meant to be together when I saw that he stored books in his oven. It didn’t work, and he needed the storage space. We don’t do that now of course. He was a man in desperate need of a woman’s attention, and as a proper Southern woman, I am convinced that all men would be unfed and unkempt without a woman looking after them.

Motivated-getting into smaller sizes is great isn’t it. I expected my clothes to get bigger, but I didn’t expect my pant legs to get longer, and my shoe size to go down. That was really weird. I lost 2 shoe sizes. I’ve gone back up one now since I’ve been walking so much, but it is still weird.

Meta-In AA they teach people that in order to keep it, you have to give it away. Your being willing to share your discouragement allows us to offer something in return that will in fact help us too.

Donna-Well I don’t know about you, but I could definitely eat ribs and cake everyday, that ‘s what’s wrong with me. The only kind of alien that I’d like to have right now is a tapeworm one.

Jewell-I used to like Boca burger/veggie burger on whole wheat pita, or tuna. Salad is good, as is some brands of soup. Tofu dog with sour kraut on a whole grain bun. Make a list of 5 that you like, and tape it to the fridge, and he can go down the list. It is great that he is being supportive. That makes a big difference.

Ammi-Glad to hear you are okay. The way the weather is changing world-wide, you can probably expect hurricanes next.

Annie-At least they can tell you that it is water and muscle. The not knowing is harder. You can’t let “it” win by giving up. We are the Fatchicks, and we are tougher that “it” is!

Peggy-Tell him that it is better to overplan than to be overwhelmed. I was thinking about a Wii as exercise, but DDR sounds just as fun, and probably easier to get my hands on. The thing that got me the most about my thyroid being bad was losing my hair and having my skin itch all the time. This is the first time I have been able to grow my hair long in my entire adult life. Kind of nice and girly at the same time.

We have an appraiser coming over this afternoon. Now that I’m legal, we can refinance the mortgage at a lower rate. At least I know about this one. The first one that came over himself let in while I was still in bed. I realize that he is a bit thick about things, but I explained very gently to him if he ever let a strange man into our bed room while I was asleep and undressed again that he would probably regret it for the rest of his verrrrry short life. My mom used to say that’s why God invented cast iron skillets.

dogpal 06-26-2007 03:52 PM

Peggy: Yeah about your ring! Wonderful job planning your meal at Applebees before you go. Nothing like trying to figure out the calories on something only to eat it and come home and it was wayyyy off. I'm proud of you!

Patti: Yep, I do hate scales. It takes everything I have not to toss my two I have to weigh on. LOL.

Lilion: Wow, you are a busy little bee my friend. LOL.

Catherine: I was LOL at your hubby letting someone in while you were sleeping, especially an appraiser that will have to come into your room.lol. Sounds like something my sweetie would have done in the "early years" of our marriage. You go girl, train him up right! I hear ya on not giving up. I was watching a program last night on TLC about a nursing home type place for super morbid obese and there was a man there that had been there for 7 years I think and he actually has gained 300 or 400 pounds since being in there. I was first very critical of him and then I just repremanded myself and said,"Annie but for the grace of God you could be in his position". I just am so amazed at how we allow ourselves to get to our size and what it is driving us there. I am determined to WIN this battle and have my body back so I can be relatively healthy and move easier.

Blessings to you all,

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