3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mamamuse 06-26-2007 05:36 PM

Just waving "hi" again!
Still a newbie here, but wanted to say hello and congrats to those who are already having successful weeks...and "Hang in there" vibes to those who need them!

So far it's been a good week for me, food-wise. This is a victory because it's been a STRESSFUL week....yet I have not caved into the temptation to binge or self-comfort with food. My grandmother had surgery almost two weeks ago, and has basically been an invalid since she got home. Yesterday and today, I had to go take care of her for several hours while my mom took a break. Let me just say that my hat is off to nurses everywhere for the hard...and sometimes nauseating...work they do! My back is killing me this evening. We're trying to get a visiting nurse to come in until Grandma recovers more of her strength.

I have not gotten much exercise this week...just one 20-minute yoga session on DVD, and a short walk. I know I need to move more, but waiting on my grandma is draining...I just want to take a nap til DH gets home! LOL

Anyway, that's my week so far. Hope everyone is doing well!

babyblueangeleyes 06-26-2007 07:00 PM

Hi there ladies,

I hope everyone is having a great start to their weeks..

Your messages give me such inspiration and a giggle along the way as well..

I have lost another 5 pounds this week.. Thats a total of 22 wow, I can hardly believe it.. Its a short step in my very long journey but hey I will take it! :carrot:

Rochelle :D

TheStorySoFar 06-26-2007 07:52 PM

Hi All~

Looks like everyone is doing great so far this week. I am doing fabulously over here. I was given the okay from my doctor to go ahead and start back to exercising slowly, so I will be out walking on Thursday, guess I will still have a few minutes to add to my goal for this month. :D

I also had an appointment with my WLS this afternoon for a fill, however, I didn't actually need to have my band filled. I was actually really happy about that because I was not looking forward to having a needle stuck in my stomach. I have been losing about 2 pounds a week which is what they want and I am feeling full without having to eat more than a little bit, so they are going to see how I do for the next couple of weeks and then decide if a fill is needed then. And for whatever reason, my acid reflux has started acting up, so I will be having to take Pepcid for awhile to see if that helps, but you know, I am not complaining. :)

My week has been crazy so far and thank God, after tomorrow it will be calming down and I can get back into my exercise routine. For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I miss my morning walks.

Anyway, I don't want to make this any longer, so I hope ya all have a great rest of the week. :)

PS ~ It is official...my scale here at home adds 4 pounds to my weight. :D

healthymonster 06-26-2007 08:05 PM

Hi, I'm Jenni. I'm new here. I'm 38, and last time I weighed I was at about 362, the biggest I've ever been. I'm ready to get healthy. I'm using Spark People to log my calories and exercise. I just started going to the pool for water aerobics twice a week. Looking forward to making new friends. I also want to get fit so that I can get pregnant for the first time, SOON!

CatherineM 06-26-2007 08:05 PM

Annie-When I feel like giving up, I go back and read the clippings I have cut out over the last 5 years. The one I go to is the lady in Florida who had stayed on the couch so long she became fused to it. They had to take her out on the couch to remove it at the hospital on a flat bed truck. I’ve had horrible scenes in my head about that story, and a couple days ago for a story about a special EMS team in Calgary, they actually showed the news footage of that woman that I’d never seen before. Calgary got a new ambulance with a lift that can hold up to 1000 lbs. and this kind of air bladder system for lifting someone off the ground or bed to put them on the special stretcher. They were talking about trying to maintain a person’s dignity, and the TV ran footage of this large woman laying on a couch being loaded onto this trailer that looked like it could have taken a bulldozer on it. I’m sure that must be footage of the Florida woman. In my book I talk about it hoping that she was unconscious, but if this was her, she was awake, covered just with a sheet, and everyone in the neighborhood was out gawking at her. That could easily have been me. I don’t know how long it will take for me to get that sight out of my mind. Maybe I should be grateful to have seen it.

Vortex_VVV 06-26-2007 09:33 PM

Hi all,

Thought I'd try coming back to this thread. It moves so fast I had to give up before, but I'm going to try to keep up.

I've been doing better with exercise this month--not great but better--and a little better with eating. I hope to move into an even more serious mode in July.

Catherine, Your ticker is an inspiration! How can I complain about how far I have to go when you've come so far?

Healthymonster, Welcome!

shadiepurple 06-26-2007 10:15 PM

:hug:ROBYN, :carrot: :welcome: This is a

super place. But I had to clear one thing up.....I am the biggest PRINCE fan

ever.:whoo:I fell head over heels as a young chicken. I saw him when he came

to portland for his EMANCIPATION tour.. We had purple section seats. I could

count his teeth.:dancer: OHHHH please chat with me about him. Like my mom

would have said" He's dreamy":cloud9:No I'm not total freak, but my name IS

purple. Any who, so glad you're here. Keep coming!:D

NotTheCheat 06-26-2007 10:54 PM

Just a quick pop in tonight to say hello. I have been doing a lot of shopping and planning. Mostly the last few days I have been agonizing over my choice of vacuum cleaner and microwave. I want to get the best ones I can find for the least money possible. It also seems with these types of items that for every one person who says it is the best one they ever used, there is another person saying it is the worst. Argh! So tonight I bought a regular broom and that takes care of the vacuum question for awhile, but I am still not sure on the microwave. More research, I guess.

I got my time off approved so I will have Friday through Wednesday to get moved over and settled in. I am really thrilled that one of my new friends from the gym has offered to help me move. This will make it so much easier than with just me and my ex! The box moving is great exercise, but it does have its draw backs – my arms are starting to be covered with bruises. It’s a small price to pay though.

CatherineM 06-27-2007 12:31 AM

Vortex-Don’t feel bad about complaining. I do it every day. I’ve come so far, and still have farther to go. Sometimes it feels like trying to dig a deep hole in the sand. For every foot down you get, the sand caves in about half of it. If you can’t keep up with the posts, just make sure to read them, and then post how you are doing. I had to do that for a long time until it got easy enough to do personals. We don’t hold grudges if you can’t be as long winded as the rest of us.

Shadie-I realize that this will date me, but is Prince some kind of singer?

Nancy-The key to microwaves is to keep in mind that their seals start to go literally years before they quit working. There are a lot of people who use a microwave everyday that leaks and they don’t even know it. It’s better to buy a cheaper one that you are more likely to replace sooner than an expensive one.

Heather 06-27-2007 12:37 AM

Wow. This thread moved fast today!

Just a quick shout out to Donna -- wtg on getting back on plan! (or at least trying!) how did it go???

dogpal 06-27-2007 12:47 AM

Rochelle: Good job on loosing another 5 pounds. You are doing awesome!

Kari: Any exercise is good exercise. Way to go.

Storey: Feel better real soon.

Jenn: Hi and welcome to our little corner. We are so happy to have you here.This is such a wonderful place to make friends and get support and to support others.

Catherin: I think we are both lucky to have seen what we have seen and keep it in our heads. I know I watched the rest of that program tonight that I was watching last night and I got off the sofa and did another 30 minutes on my exercise bike while I finished watching it. LOL. Yep, Prince is a wonderful super star singer from Minnesota. He did a movie called Purple Rain in the 80's. A couple of other movies too that had lots of music in them. He is eccentric and can play pretty much any instrument. He is a tiny little svelt African American and Hispanic I believe. Most of his songs are very sexual content. I fell in love with him when I was a teenager and can't seem to stop being enthralled when I see him on TV. Tee Hee.

Vortex: Welcome Back. Glad to see you posting again.

Shadie: Hi my friend. How are things? I miss seeing you around.

Nancy: oooo how exciting. I can't wait until you are settled and are thriving on your own! Good luck hun and blessings to your on your new home.

Miss you Ammi, Zelma, Sharon, Sandy, Michelle, Jilly, Xena, Brandnewme, All the mia ladies, Brenda.... hope your friend is doing okay hugs to you all. All the

Blessings all,

shadiepurple 06-27-2007 01:20 AM

:DMy sweet Cathrine:hug:

PRINCE is a singer who came out of Miniapalis Min.<sp? in the late 70's. He sang things like:love::love: Little red corvette,:cb: 1999, then later he sang :dance:Purple Rain. He changed his name for a while to a symbol because of all the prostitution the record company was doing to him:bomb: with holding him to his contract them. They had started with a deal that he would have complete control over his music and he played all the instruments on recordings himself, but they used loop holes and changed his music into cookie cutter dance tunes. I don't think he would appeal to you much because he has some colorful/dirty lyrics. I like his more hidden spiritual/cultural messages. I really like the remake he did of What if God was one of us.:cloud9: But hey, I like some of the dirty ones too :o:rofl:if I'm singing alone in my car. But the boy has eyes to die for. Well, sorry you got a small synapse of the man and his history when all you asked was WHO is he.

:dust::sunny::wave: OOOHHH and his color is PURPLE for royalty.

Love and prayers to you my friend...xoxo

shadiepurple 06-27-2007 01:55 AM

:hug:Oh ANNIE my sweet:hug:.


I am a grown 43 y/o women married and have 6/8 kids, but :flow1:MR PRINCE RODGERS NELSON :flow1:is hanging on my adultlike bed room wall. My hubby doesn't mind at all:D. He bought me one of his old cds for Christmas, inside he was laying:sssh: naked with a purple sheet j u s t hanging on th his behind. I had a good laugh that only,;) MY hubby would give me a nakie guy for a present and not be intimidated. He is the best hubby.

I need more contact with you girlfriend. K?? xoxoxox Shari

P.S. You are doing soo :queen:fab-a-lus dahhhling. And I think I have a crush on your papa. :lol3:What a sweety heart.

voodoo1 06-27-2007 04:41 AM

Shadie & Annie ME TOO!!!! Gett Off, what a rude but FANTASTIC song!!! I often wear purple now, even my bedroom is, thanks to him, lol!xxxxx
I've lost4 of the 9 lbs I gained last week already & I'm EATING!! Slimming World is great BUt I really hope work picks up for hubby soon, I REALLY want to go back on liquids.
Catherine you aren't much older than me, if at all (I'm 42) How come you never heard of Prince???
Gotta go & research a new phone socket, ours was blown from the storm & we haven't be able to call out since the 15 of this month, though only just found out that was the problem. We bought new phones thinking the storm knocked out our digital ones.

Misti in Seattle 06-27-2007 08:26 AM

Hi everyone. Wow, this will be a drive by post as I got into a super busy situtation last night and didn't have time to come on except to read a bit... will try to catch up tonight!

Catherine I am cracking up about the books in the oven story! LOL a man after my own heart! :) Glad you domesticated him a bit... bet he enjoys that and having some actual FOOD coming out of the oven!

Donna, LOL so glad you got back on track and we didn't need to use that nasty ole butt kick icon! :) Good for you!

Jenni... welcome! Glad you joined us. And to any other newbies I missed in my rush through!

Last night I got home and had a message that a woman from a yard sale I had been to on Saturday had brought in huge bags of clothing and toys to the church! She had gotten our name from the dinner flyer I handed out and she knew I was buying stuff for the pregnancy resource centers. So I went down and hauled 4 bags of baby stuff home, dumped them out and sorted. Most of it was for older kids or not nice enough for the centers... so I am taking it back (and they kept the rest of it) for the kids' fund raising yard sale on Saturday. Busy busy busy. That was really nice of her to think of us!

More tonight... everyone have an OP day and let's try to leave that :kickbutt: icon buried away ha!

MamaBplus3 06-27-2007 09:14 AM

Good Morning Ladies!:coffee:

Heather: Thanks for the "shout out" ;) (I was cracking up because at Sammi's dance competitions they are constantly doing them!!) I did well (pats self on back), although my parents are here until this afternoon, and as much as I love them to death, it is stressful enough to make me pig out!! :ink: I was tempted to scarf the last piece of cake, and almost threw it at my poor Andrew, but he was happy to eat it~that boy is a 6'5" eating machine!! I know it takes alot to just fill up his long legs, but holy cow :moo: that kid can eat!!! I appreciate your advice, and I would never feel like you or anyone else were saying anything to hurt my feelings!!:hug:

Annie: I have watched that program too, and I got really upset knowing that if I didn't take care of myself, it is just a short step over the fine line and I could be there too. I am keeping that in mind as motivation to stay OP. (Plus the pictures I just saw from the Graduation Party :yikes: )
I loved Purple Rain and all the music, but I haven't enjoyed him as much since he became "Formally known as...". Musically he is definately a genius!

Nancy: At least the bruises will go away! Just think of all the muscles you are developing! I am so happy for you!! :hug:

Peggy: DDR is just too hard for me. :dizzy: I bought Sammi a game called Twister Dance which is a little bit slower. It breaks down all the steps and then once you have learned them, puts it all together. There are different types of steps and music, so you can go at your own pace and find what you like. It's alot of fun!!! :dancer: I hope you had fun at Applebees...their WW Menu is great!

Catherine: EWWWWWWWWW!!! Have you ever seen a tapeworm?? :eek: Just the thought of it skeeves me!! When Sammi was a baby, we used to get slugs in the kitchen...one day I looked down and she had one dangling out of her mouth!!! :faint: That is one gross picture that is burned in my brain forever. :barf:

Kari: I don't know if I have said :welcome3: yet...I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. And I hope your Grandma is ok! :hug:

Jenni: :welcome3: to you also! This is a great place for motivation, advice, and friendship!

I have a really busy day today...back to the foot Dr. to find out if I need another shot {{shiver}} and lots of in and out of the car exercise for me!!! :exercise:

Have a Great OP Day!:cheer2:

33tekfan 06-27-2007 09:19 AM

Good morning chickies!

I've had some super busy days so it took me awhile to catch up with all of you this morning. I'm not even going to try to do personals today except for this: PRINCE ROCKS!! Count me in as a big fan since 16. When you're 16, Prince lyrics are very "dangerous" which of course was the draw! For some reason, Tim was not aware of my fascination until this past Super Bowl when he did the halftime show and I sat there enthralled for the whole show - shushing anyone who DARED talk during any part of it! LOL!

I have not had great op days since Friday. Too busy and too much work. No excuse but according to the scale this morning, there has not been too much damage done so now I just move forward again!

Hope you all have great op days! Welcome to all the newbies!


toofatforu 06-27-2007 09:37 AM

good morning everyone. i made the mistake of stepping on the scales today... not good at all.. anyways i will do better this week and not weigh again til next friday.. and i am leaving my ticker as it is cuz i will be back to that weight soon and lower i hope!

jewell0607 06-27-2007 10:25 AM

Oh my, I come out of the closet as a Prince fan and see what I've started. ;)

shadiepurple at best we tie as a big fans. I've loved him a long time. I have to say your husband is a gem; the man formerly known as my husband hated him. I'm lucky enough at this point to have a partner who is as hooked as I am. We are both adult women (I'm 45 and she's 57) but we have his pic up all over our home and his music/videos are always on somewhere. He's kinda a hobby and an addiction. I'll IM you; I LOVE to talk about him.

3tek fan, I see you're in New England--me too! Glad to meet another woman who shares my passion (Prince) and my struggle. Sorry your week hasn't gone as well as you'd hoped but today is another day, right?

Vortex: Cool that you feel you are doing better with eating and exercise. It's hard, I know, but each day we do "a little' better is a step---and when you add up all the steps you move along in your journey. You can do it! We both can.

Donna: Good luck at the doctor!

Sharon: Another fan--and a lucky one at that. Are you going to any of the shows in London this August? Congrats on losing the 4 lbs! :carrot:

Yesterday was hot as an oven here. I could barely move when I got home, but I did manage to drink all of my water and managed the cravings for cold and sweet with a sugar free icee. Today I am going to keep focusing on drinking water and decaf green tea throughout the day. I'm doing well so far, but I have to say I am worried about the weekend. Those are always tough for me....Ah well.

I adore you wonderful women!!! Have great days!


Ratkitten 06-27-2007 11:18 AM

Greetings all!

I'm relatively new here too and I have found everyone to be very supportive. You all mean a lot to me!

I have been playing DDR :carrot: and ended up playing for an HOUR yesterday. That was on top of a 15 min morning session. (yes, I'm putting this all up on the exercise thread :)). I managed 10min on the treadmill this morning for a half mile even though I was late for work and will prolly play DDR later tonight as well.

I was worried about a weight gain because of my new exercise regime. I did see a difference in the first few days, but today I was back to where I was originally. I have also been drinking all my water and staying OP (currently doing WW). I think the water has been the key.

I ordered a new DDR mat that is supposed to be better than the one that came with the game. I had foot surgery in April and a little padding will help da foot a little. All in all, the treadmill and DDR (as well as cycling the half mile to work) hasn't been too stressful on the repaired foot. The doc has signed off on my exercise, btw. He said it will facilitate additional healing and circulation.

I'm waiting for the exercise to kick in those reported endorphins and energy!! Some peeps say it's like a drug. Since I'm all for better living through chemistry, I'm gonna do this exercise thing!!! hehehehe

Luv to all,

toofatforu 06-27-2007 11:39 AM

how did you guys learn to do DDR/ i am still having trouble learning the moves lol

MetaChick 06-27-2007 12:42 PM

Annie....I'm THRILLED that you gained 3 pounds of muscle! That extra 3 pounds of muscle will burn 5 pounds worth of extra calories without you doing a thing over the next year, 50 pounds over the next decade...etc. And water schmater. :) You should be incredibly proud of your dedication to your exercise.

Sharon, really glad to hear you're making progress in giving those pounds back. There is little more frustrating than re-losing the same weight. I'm doing that too this week.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Ratkitten 06-27-2007 12:45 PM

In my DDR (DDR Universe game) there is a "basic edition". It's just beginner moves and I think meant for kids. Those are what I'm doing currently.

I tried to do the master edition questing and started laughing at myself for missing easy steps and getting flustered (just imagining what my neurotic parrot thought I was doing as he watched me bounce along to this funky music). I decided to do the basic edition first, and then move onto the harder stuff. Besides, this program grades you and I HATE making an F.. hehe. (Perfectionist? Moi? ... yup!). :^:

Hope that helps.. it might be the game version?


dogpal 06-27-2007 01:02 PM

Shadie: Yes, we will have to keep in contact more. You are doing Fabooo too my friend. My Pappa is a doll. I think your hubby is a sweetie too for getting you the Prince stuff.

Sharon: Congrats on another -4. You are doing awesome. I hope your hubby gets to work some ot again too. In the mean time, keep up the great work!

Donna: Good luck at the foot Dr. Hugs.

Cris: Okay, come on Cris you can do it get back on this wagon. Here's a hand up! Hugs.

Patti: COme on Patti, you can do it too. Another hand up back on the exercise wagon. Hugs to you.

I'm off to swim in about a 1/2 hour. Hope you are all op and having full of exercise and energy days.


dogpal 06-27-2007 01:03 PM

Meta: Thanks sweetie. I am pretty okay with it now too. Hugs.

Bless you,

toofatforu 06-27-2007 03:51 PM

thanks Rat i guess i will just do what can do a step at a time lol.
thanks Annie have a good swim

CatherineM 06-27-2007 06:57 PM

Okay everyone, I was kidding when I said that I didn’t know who Prince was. That was sure one way of getting the thread moving.

Sue-I’d like to think it was my feminine wiles, but I’m fairly certain that with this lug, the way to his heart was definitely through his stomach. I put a decent scald on some chicken and made gravy, and he proposed right after dinner. He doesn’t get that stuff much now, but he’s getting used to the tofu dogs.

Donna-When I had one 14 year old and one 17 year old at the same time I felt like a full time cook. They’d eat everything I’d made for dinner like it was the appetizer. That didn’t count when they brought friends over. I had a brother who used to eat wooly worms, but never slugs. They were too much fun pouring salt on to eat.

I spent all day with bureaucrats. Getting all the forms filled out for my grants to go to school. These are in addition to the scholarship, and will pay my transportation and if I need a tutor. Since I’m classified as permanently disabled by the head injury, they will bend over backwards to help. I guess going back to school after 15 years is a bigger thing than I realized, at least in the government’s eyes.

Tomorrow I will have been OP for two solid weeks. That is the longest I can remember in maybe a year. I just kept trying different things, and finally found a combination that I can live with, that goes with the changes that being married and moving to Canada have brought. I finally feel like I am beginning to get settled.

dogpal 06-27-2007 09:16 PM

Catherine: Wonderful job staying op for 2 solid weeks! I am so proud of you! It is so hard especially when you first get married. I'm glad you are settling in now and feeling more married! Hugs. That's great about school. I think you deserve it and so much more. Maybe they will pay a PE type class for swimming? That would be awesome too. I figured you have got to know who Prince is LOL.

Well, I have already racked up 123 minutes of exercise today and I am planning on going back on the bike for another 30 minutes. I am pretty sure I will make my exercise goal of 1500 for this month. I did most of my workout before and after swimming then pulled the rest of the weeds in the back yard corner and cleaned the Master Bathroom and bedroom including the drawers and closet. It was all pretty neat and organized already but time to vacuum in the closet and make sure no dust bunnies are in there. I also had to clean our spare bedroom dresser out and closet out as much as I could do the closet. My 26 year old niece who my DH and I used to be very close with is coming to stay a couple of months with us this summer. She should be here this weekend I believe. She already has a job lined up at the Coeur D Alene resort waitressing I think, then she will go back to college at the end of August or the 1st part of September in San Luis Obisbo, CA CalPoly. Can you tell I love her bunches. She is a doll.

Well, hope everyone is doing wonderful. it is very warm here with thunder/lightning likely tonight and tomorrow.


CatherineM 06-27-2007 10:28 PM

Annie-I wish the college had a pool, but it is a theological seminary. It's got a chapel, library and classrooms. I guess they think that seminarians and grad students don't need exercise. I'm actually getting some exercise. I'm just getting it done walking and doing yard work.

Misti in Seattle 06-27-2007 10:30 PM

Hi everybody! Whew busy day! LOL I thought I had done pretty well on exercise until I read Annie's report... made me tired just reading it! :)

Catherine, shhhhhhhhhhhhh just don't let your hubby hear you say it was not feminine wiles that got him. Ha! If food works, go for it. :) Congrats on staying OP for two weeks!

Gotta run... hugs to all


Xena2005 06-27-2007 10:50 PM

Wow, all this DDR talk is making me want to get one. Is it an XBox game or what? Forgive my ignorance. :dizzy:

Catherine - Way to go 2 weeks OP!!! :carrot:

Annie - You are really rockin' the exercise. It makes me tired just to read about it.

As for me, I am supposed to be working on updating my resume. I've already turned in my MBA school application but they want a resume too and I haven't updated it since moving to my currrent job 5 years ago. I think I am going to skip it tonight and go to bed early instead. I missed my morning workout Mon and Tues and just barely made it this morning. I am really committed to getting my morning exercise habit back and in order to do that I must get to bed at a decent time. So I guess the resume will have to wait until tomorrow.

Nighty-night everyone!

Ratkitten 06-27-2007 10:57 PM

Hi Xena,

yes, DDR is Dance Dance Revolution. You can get a regular xbox (refurbished for $50-80) and the game used from gamestop (about $30) and the dance pad for $20-60. OR.. you can get an xbox360 and get the Dance Dance Revolution Universe package with pad (latest version) for about $500.

It's a fun game that you'd think was easy until you try it. I do more sweating with it than on the treadmill for 30min. It's a nice addition to my exercise routine.

You can google it and read about it as well. You can also get the game for PS2! My bro in law said the graphics on the xbox were better (probably his personal preference.. but he's tried all the game consoles).

Hope that info helps!! I'm having a blast with it and finished unlocking all the basic starter songs this evening. Time to move up to the big kids mode!!


Vortex_VVV 06-28-2007 12:22 AM

Not too bad today, but like Xena, I need to get to bed so I can get up and exercise in the a.m. Only got a token 10 minutes in today. Food was okay, but I'm just too tired to even think tonight. Sleep tight all.

dogpal 06-28-2007 01:33 AM

Night Night ladies. I am pooped too. My walking partner already quit on me. So, I am thinking about taking my dogs. I'm not sure how hard it will be for me to handle them alone. I probably should wait. They get very excited and loose their little minds when it comes to going out of the area. lol. Maybe I will walk around my block for a bit. I'm kind of nervous to go to the park alone. It is sooooo secluded and foresty. I have read too many things about people getting murdered when they are alone. Maybe paranoia is setting in. lol. Have a great night all.

Oops I almost forgot. Catherine. I'm so impressed with the school you are going to. Please be careful of your feet when you are doing lots of walking. Hugs.

StormieAngel 06-28-2007 03:24 AM

ok now I am gonna start keeping my eye out for DDR and Twister Dance.. I have a PS2 and An XBOX and GAME CUBE.. soooo i have all the systems ( except the new one which we will not buy till 1 they go down in price and 2 they get all their glitches out).

I figured out I am definitely not flexible enough for Yoga ( may have sprained my knee a lil doing it *Sigh*). The SFBW video I am only being able to do about 1.5 miles when I was doing 2 before. I would like to find something more like the DDR type thing so it is fun and something that I can do with the kids as well. And maybe learn to dance out of it as well...

My friend I guess u can say told me about a website last week or so called flylady.com . The person who started the site has written several books as well. The one I would like to get is called "Body Clutter" and it tells you about how your surrounding very much effect your weight and by decluttering the things around you , you are about to declutter your body and be able to lose weight.. Well not in those words but...Anyways.. I finally checked it out last night and had been following my friends advice about decluttering around me. I FEEL BETTER! I love how clean and un cluttered the house is getting. ( Wish I could trash some of hubbys stuff as well he has ALOT of clutter). I feel like I have done more and feel like I am loosing weight. Still on my not checking the scale often thing.. lol But here soon I will probably break down step on the scale and check my measurements. Crosses fingers...

Torister 06-28-2007 07:30 AM

Morning all!

Got back from my morning walk a while ago and am just getting caught up on things before I head out to do errands. My office is closed today as they are doing waterline work in front of the building and they are shutting off water to the building for the day. Paid day off!! WOOHOO!

I will be back later to check in....take care! :hug:

Misti in Seattle 06-28-2007 07:53 AM

Good morning, everyone! Peggy I am jealous of your paid day off. :) Enjoy! Great job for getting in your walk nice and early! :cheer:

toofatforu 06-28-2007 09:51 AM

annie wow thats all i can say lol. i think i too will look for twister dance!

LKBHouston 06-28-2007 10:02 AM

Hi Everyone!

I had my weigh in this morning and lost 3.3 pounds. That brings me to 39.9 pounds lost (I'm calling it 40!!!) in the last 3.5 months - average of 11.4 pounds per month. Hope everyone is doing well!


NotTheCheat 06-28-2007 11:00 AM

Annie – You are totally rocking the exercise!!

Catherine – That is fantastic that you have been on plan for two weeks! Sometimes we just need to find our groove and then make sure to stay stuck in it.

Stormie – I have heard of flylady and I actually have the body clutter book in my “to read” list. I know I feel a million times better about things when the house is clean and tidy. It just makes so much more feel possible – like blank canvas rather than something that needs to be done or worked around.

Robyn – Where in CT are you?

I think I would totally love DDR, although now that I will be above someone I will have to gauge how loud the floors are. I don’t want to invest in something I can’t end up using without driving my downstairs neighbor insane.

I wasn’t planning on it but I ended up working out last night anyway. The major road I take to get home – a major 3 lane highway, had all lanes closed due to flooding from this amazing thunderstorm we had yesterday. I had meant to go to my new place to get a few things done, but after working out and then getting suckered in to looking at one of the trainer’s vacation photos until after 9pm, it was too late. At that point I was so hungry that I just went home. Luckily the traffic had cleared out from earlier and I made it home ok.

There is a new trainer/nutritionist at the gym who introduced himself to me last night (although I can’t remember his name right now). He had that eager gung-ho “I’m going to change your life” vibe, which of course immediately turned me off. I don’t feel like I need a nutritionist. I know what to do, it’s just actually doing it that is the problem. Also, I have a really hard time taking advice from a man (#1) who has probably never been significantly overweight (#2). I know it is somewhat prejudiced of me, but I can’t help it.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it, but I got the time off work. So, I have from tomorrow through Wednesday to move in and start to get settled. I take my computer down tomorrow afternoon and won’t have my new internet installed until Monday, so I will be offline for a few days. I promise to report in on how the move went as soon as I can.

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