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Old 04-12-2007, 01:50 AM   #1  
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Default I fell off the wagon

I was doing SO well. Drinking water, watching my portions ... all the good things. Until Easter.

My mom bought me a Cadbury Egg and I figured I'd done so well, I could reward myself and eat it. She'd also made my favorite ... lemon bundt cake. I ended up having a slice of that. And then another slice.

Then my niece brought me some gummi bears and worms (my FAVORITE) on Monday. They were gone by Tuesday.

Then tonight, I binged. I don't even remember how much I had but it was all Reese's cups, Rolos, Kisses, Whoppers ... :: sigh ::

I'm really hating on myself right now. I feel like a giant cow. I wish I didn't have these STUPID cravings.
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Old 04-12-2007, 03:35 AM   #2  
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Aw, don't be so down on yourself. Everyone slips up occasionally! I think a lot of people, including myself, had trouble over Easter because of all of the candy, but what's important is to get back on track. Look at it this way, it only took you a few days to realize that you were getting off track. That's progress right there. Now, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive yourself and get right back on the wagon! You can do this!!!!
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:39 AM   #3  
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Thank you, Lindsey!! It's even harder with that candy in the house. I'm gonna have to either get rid of the candy or lock it up or something. Until I'm able to curb those cravings, I just absolutely cannot be around anything that tempting. I keep trying to convince myself to go off of my diet until Monday (after my doctor's appointment), but I think doing that will be damaging. I can practically hear that chocolate calling my name!
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:21 AM   #4  
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Rather than beat yourself realized you need to lock up the wicked ole candy. Now dust your self and climb back on the wagon.
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Old 04-12-2007, 03:46 PM   #5  
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You are so not alone. We have all done it. I too am guilty. I have 4 small children at home (ages 8-3yr), so of course the Easter Bunny has to come to our house. What I do, in these cases is buy stuff I don't like! If I were you I'd take the choclate to work (it will disappear faster than you can blink, in some cases) or give it away. Temptation is a very hard thing to resist. My weaknesses are Donuts and chips. So, of course I don't buy either. Well, I buy cheetos for my kids, but again, those are not my weakness.

Sometimes we take 1 step back and then 3 giant steps forward...You can do it!
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Old 04-12-2007, 05:35 PM   #6  
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Carrie - hi, and a belated from me I just wanted to say what others already have, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself about falling off the wagon. You know if we had just 7 or 14 lbs to lose then fair enough it would be really slack to fall off the wagon. But we have such a long journey to travel to get to our goals that falling off the wagon, either because of uncontrollable cravings, or just choosing to have some time off, is inevitable We just have to have our breaks, our falls, forgive ourselves and just carry on. Quitting is not an option. So as I said, don't be hard on yourself, just get back on track and you will soon be losing those lbs


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Old 04-12-2007, 08:25 PM   #7  
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I have been there so many times myself.....truth be told what I am finding is that whatever it is that is making me want to eat those things when I eat them I find myself feeling worse. I am most definitely an emotional eater and what I am hoping for me and for others is that their are even bigger rewards out there when we are feeling healthier. So....short term satisfaction or long term rewards.

Just think of some things you could do that you can't do now.....

For ME!!!!
I'll swim again someday.....
I'll feel more comfortable dancing in front of others....
I'll feel like I fit in with my friends....(all skinny minnys by the way)
and even Maybe.....I'll turn some guys heads now and again...hehe!!!!
I used to think at I haven't found someone to share my life with because I was heavy.....but I truly beleive that what they say is true....."Its hard for someone to love you if you don't love yourself" And I know that I have let my own insecurities interfere with possible relationships...

So.....It's time to do it for we can feel good about US!!!!

Last edited by chelbell95; 04-12-2007 at 08:42 PM.
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:34 PM   #8  
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Hear, hear, you can't beat yourself up about not staying perfect on easter. It is Easter after all. As long as you get back up and keep trying. You can do this. It's just not worth beating yourself up about, just remember that the candy is just not worth your happiness and self esteem either. So, jump right back in and by the way, Welcome to 3FC!!!!
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:42 PM   #9  
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I'll answer one at a time.

Thanks for the encouragement and hug!!

I love that name! I don't work so I can't take the candies to work. Is it horrible to pressure your kid to hurry up and eat the candy? Normally I'm saying, "No more chocolate tonight." Now I'm saying, "Just one more, Josh!" LOL Buying things that I don't like is a great idea though! Thanks so much!

Thanks for the welcome! You're right. I hadn't thought of it that way. It is a long journey and beating myself up isn't helping me, but rather making me feel worse! I will NOT quit!!

I'm totally an emotional eater too. I want to take steps toward my future; however I'm having to sit here and wait for the word from different places. I want to go to school in the fall but I have to wait to hear from Pell Grant. I applied for disability and we've done all the doctors appointments and interviews and now I'm just waiting to hear their decision. I applied for medicaid and I'm waiting to hear from them. And last but not least, I'm waiting to hear from my friend in the Philippines and ever day that goes by I miss him more and more. I feel like my life is stagnant right now and that irks me! I like how you listed the things you want to do. Here's a little of my list:

I want to dance again without being winded (I dance now but can only do so for 30 minutes before I'm completely exhausted. Used to, people would have to drag me off the dance floor!)
I want to sit down, pull my knees to my chest, and hug my legs. I miss being able to do that.
I want to run. I miss running so much.
I want to go skating with my son.
I want to wear cute outfits again.
I want to feel energetic and healthy again.

In general, you guys are so awesome! It feels so good to have so many supporting and encouraging thoughts coming my way!! Also I'd like to congratulate all of you on your progress!! I love reading everyone's signatures!
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:44 PM   #10  
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Oops! I posted right after DJCJRun and missed her!

Thank so much for the encouragement. When I was eating the sweets I kept telling myself, "You're gonna be unhappy about this later." But the fat devil on my shoulder said, "But that's later. It's SOOOO good now!!!" I need to learn to thump that fatso of a devil off my shoulder!! I'm tired of looking like him!
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Old 04-13-2007, 09:27 AM   #11  
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I hear ya Carrie...

I too fell very hard off the wagon and so need to get back into control of my life. I also want to be able to go ice skating again(haven't skated for 12 yrs and I used to figure skate) and teach my daughter how to skate. I too want to dance like I did when I was a teenager as I had a blast then. I also want to be the 'FUN' mommy and do things with my kids.

Good luck to you and me and anyone else with getting back on the wagon.
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:04 AM   #12  
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Getting back on track after eating a bunch of sugar is really hard – because it is definitely one of those foods that just makes you want to eat more of it! If find when I don’t eat it, I don’t crave it. But as soon as I do eat it, I get cravings like crazy!

However, hating yourself for eating something isn’t going to help at all. The most important thing, as others have said, is to not look back and just keep on trying to move forward.
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Old 04-13-2007, 12:20 PM   #13  
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I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has moments of weakness. Good luck to you as well!!

It is hard to get back going in the right direction. And you're right. I wasn't craving the chocolate until I ate some! I told myself I was going to wait until Monday to really start again (I have a doctor's appointment and I know they're going to put me on all new meds), but waiting it just putting off the inevitable. I love your user name and the picture of The Cheat in your signature!!

Thanks guys!!
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:02 PM   #14  
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Don't feel too bad. I also fell off the wagon over Easter weekend. I was good until Easter Sunday dinner when we had pie and cookies. Who can resist pie when it's all over the place? At least I stayed away from the candy the stores were practically giving away the next day. I also managed to get a little bit of exercise in, too.

I have been struggling with motivation this week. I gained 2 pounds and having been holding at 283 for this week, but it's not been easy. I wasn't able to go grocery shopping this weekend, so I am out of all my favorite healthy foods. This, of course, just leads to more eating out and temptation by unhealthy food choices. So, I've got exercise planned for the weekend, and I'm going to stock up on all my favorite veggies & low fat cheeses.

Watch out, next week. I'm coming back with a vengeance!
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:06 PM   #15  
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Don't feel bad.. I fell off the wagon four weeks ago, and jumped back on in a major way just yesterday.. You can do it.. everyone here is just so helpful!!
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