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Old 04-09-2019, 01:12 PM   #1  
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Default Still a 30 something

I turned 39 in February so still in the 30s!

There is a motivational sign just outside of my town that has read "Day 1 or One Day? You decide!" and it really clicked with me. So yesterday was Day 1. Enough of this one day bs, you know - one day I will lose the weight. One day I will get in shape. One day I will feel sexy and happy with how I look.

I already said this in my introduction page post but basically I am doing the 100 day of exercises challenge, as a start to train myself to just do something every single day. I already eat not too bad, so cleaning it up, drinking water instead of pop or ice tea, really watching my portions because man does my portion control suck!

My biggest challenge is that I am primary caregiver (aka Mom) for a severely disabled teenager and her needs come 1st. And sometimes 2nd and 3rd. My weight problems actually began during a massive depression after her diagnosis - I was one of those sickening people who wore her prepregnancy size 2's a week after giving birth and within a relatively short time I gained 30 pounds. Looking back I thought I was obese then but now that is actually my goal weight lol. Then she developed life threatening seizures. And I packed on another 30 lbs. When she was finally stable my partner and I decided to get married and I lost about 25 lbs over a year. I have totally gained that back and more, as herself has had a relapse and several surgeries. So yeah, hard to put myself first but I know I have to. I have to be healthy and strong or caring for her is going to crush me.

OK wall of text! Thanks for making it through that! Can't wait to get to know you all!
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Old 05-02-2019, 06:23 PM   #2  
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I think it's great that you have been able to recognize your challenges. For me eating right is the hard part so I am already impressed! You've got this.
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Old 05-06-2019, 11:38 AM   #3  
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Thanks Denver_determined! I just have to keep reminding myself that it didn't go on in a day it's not going to go off in a day. Knowing where to start is a great thing - good luck to you too!!
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Old 09-26-2020, 05:32 PM   #4  
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I'm about to hit 30 in a couple of months and it's scaring the **** out of me. My twenties sucked hard, I can't help but wonder if it's still possible to live a meaningful life after that. Is it still possible to achieve something worthwhile after you hit 30, or is it all downhill from that point?

Kodi nox

Last edited by amelbeabk; 09-27-2020 at 06:09 AM.
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Old 09-28-2020, 10:18 AM   #5  
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Amelbeabk, girl! Your life doesn't end after 30!! I loved my 20s, but (corona aside) I'm loving my 30s even more. I'm 31. I have the successful career, wonderful husband, beautiful house, nice car, etc. aka all the things that 20 year old me didn't have (or know she wanted tbh lol). Sure, 20 year old me was way hotter/fitter aka subjectively more attractive. But thankfully attractiveness isn't the single barometer for life success or personal value. IMO your life goals should become more lofty the older you get. Welcome to the club!
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Old 10-02-2020, 04:46 PM   #6  
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i'm 37 and I get motivated by you lovely lady's here
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