Exercise Accountability

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  • Quote: Oh ya... I lost 2 more lbs! I'm at 297 now! Tell your friends!
    That is awesome! Congrats!!!!
  • I got my squat stands yesterday! I even managed to put them together by myself. (And only broke one nail*. And the fact that I cared made me laugh because, seriously, to go from "Yay, new toy to pump MOAR IRON!" to "Oh, I broke a nail!" in the space of two seconds was a funny juxtaposition to me.) They are a little more wobbly than I had hoped but I think switching out some of the hardware should fix that.

    I feel like my updates here are so boring. I'm always just, "Yep, another NROLFW workout!". Now that I have the stands I'm really curious to see how much I can squat. I'll find out tonight!

    In somewhat related news, I had a dream last night that I was on the uneven bars. I was in gymanastics for several years as a kid and even though I was never very good I still loved it. Anyway, in the dream I finally managed to do a kip! It's a pretty basic skill but I never could manage one in real life. So now I have added it to my list of physical things I am determined to learn (or re-learn, as is the case for some of the other items on said list).

    *Don't worry, nail triage performed immediately. Debating applying Orly's Cashmere Cardigan or Misa's The Great Green Whatsit tonight.
  • did 2 hrs of cardio, food was fine today. not too much to report here. Take care everyone!
  • Quote: Have you always been a runner? Meaning, first day, did you hop on the treadmill and run a mile?

    I HATE running. HATE it. But I want to run. On my lunch hour, I have 35 minutes at the gym and on cardio days, I do the treadmill for 35 minutes. I started doing 4 minute interval walking, running the last minute of a 5 minute set. Then a few weeks later, I did 3.5 minute interval walking, running the last 1.5 minute of the 5 minute set. This week, I pushed myself to 3 minute walk, 2 minute run. I am surprised with myself with even being able to run for an entire minute. I have no idea how long it will take me to be able to run the entire 35 minutes but I hope that day does come.
    ive always wanted to be a runner...i like it because it is great cardio and works my entire body...and i like doing things that i never thought that i could do...ive been overweight my whole life...

    i started by running minute intervals, run one minute, walk one minute...then run 2 and walk 1 and i got up to where i could run 4 and walk 1....i have to carefully manage my asthma which is why i continue to do intervals even now...i've pushed myself and i know that i can run 2 miles without stopping to walk but my lungs DO NOT like that no matter what meds i use to control it...

    then i started to track distance instead of minutes and right now i'm running 2.1 miles total of 0.2 mile intervals and it is GREAT on not aggravating my asthma...i also walk after i'm done with the intervals at a fast speed, usually at an incline, until my time on the treadmill is done
  • Quote: I got my squat stands yesterday! I even managed to put them together by myself. (And only broke one nail*. And the fact that I cared made me laugh because, seriously, to go from "Yay, new toy to pump MOAR IRON!" to "Oh, I broke a nail!" in the space of two seconds was a funny juxtaposition to me.) They are a little more wobbly than I had hoped but I think switching out some of the hardware should fix that.

    I feel like my updates here are so boring. I'm always just, "Yep, another NROLFW workout!". Now that I have the stands I'm really curious to see how much I can squat. I'll find out tonight!

    In somewhat related news, I had a dream last night that I was on the uneven bars. I was in gymanastics for several years as a kid and even though I was never very good I still loved it. Anyway, in the dream I finally managed to do a kip! It's a pretty basic skill but I never could manage one in real life. So now I have added it to my list of physical things I am determined to learn (or re-learn, as is the case for some of the other items on said list).

    *Don't worry, nail triage performed immediately. Debating applying Orly's Cashmere Cardigan or Misa's The Great Green Whatsit tonight.
    How did the squats go?

    I am going to the gym today after a 2 day hiatus and going out to dinner last night. It was Japanese food (mostly sushi) so hopefully it wasn't that fattening but still... hard to know calories. I actually skipped lunch b/c I was so busy (I hate doing that) so hopefully it kind of evens out. We'll see when I step on the scale today.
  • things are going well so far. I've had my 2 yr old nephew since thursday morning and we are both getting used to the new routine. He's getting acclimated to playing at the Y and I'm learning how to get the most of my workout since I can only expect him to hang in there for half as long as I'd like to work out. Mama has been around a lot in the evenings and this weekend so that helps. It's been an adjustment for me to have a little guy to contend with and he is realizing when he's with Auntie Lolo he gets more activities (ymca and park) which he likes but less cartoons and candy/junkfood which he also loves. So its a balance but so far so good.
    Thurs 50 mins exercise
    Fri 80 mins exercise
    Sat 90 mins exercise
  • down to 173... things are moving in the right direction. Thank goodness b/c I've gone out to eat twice this weekend. I think I was retaining a lot of water from weight-lifting I haven't done it since Wednesday, so that's gone down. I'm going to lift weights tomorrow, so I need to make sure I keep my eating reasonable so that if I have up to a 4 lb weight gain again this week I'll know it is the water retention from the weights. I tend to fill up like a water balloon, and never have been able to drink enough water to mitigate that even when I try!
  • I still haven't gotten to my squats! When I posted I forgot that I was scheduled to do my B workout and not the A (which includes squats). That night I didn't get a workout in at all as life got in the way and I had to help a friend through a personal crisis instead. Couldn't work out yesterday because of family commitments. Finally got back at it today! It was good.

    I went to a nearby park afterwards to play on the monkey bars. I fooled around doing monkey bar rows, hanging sit ups, and just swinging around. Turns out I can only go from one bar to the next 3 times in a row. I was wearing gloves, but man does it shred your hands! Anyway, it was a fun little break from the norm. I think I might do it more often. I've looked up monkey bar workouts so I have more fun ideas of things to do. Maybe someday I'll actually be able to pull myself on top of the dang thing. Dream big!

    Glad things are going well, Faunaflora. How long have you been lifting? I found the first month or so I held on to a lot more water weight after workouts than I do now. I think my body knows what to expect now or something and doesn't freak out as much as it did. I know that bodypump isn't exactly the same as lifting heavy (because of the much higher number of reps) but it could be a similar circumstance. Alternatively, have you tried tracking your weight according to your own cycle rather than by the calendar? I started doing that and found that a lot of the time when I thought I was retaining water from a workout or a lot of sodium or excess carbs or what-have-you , it was really just my body's normal fluctuations. I have graphed my last four cycles and it is uncanny how similar they are. I can now predict each day. I knew I was going to be down somewhere from half a pound to one pound on Saturday because every Saturday of week two of my cycle I am. I knew I was going to be up by about two pounds this morning. I know that tomorrow I'll be down by about a half. In the last 15 days I've only been off by more than half a pound in my predictions two days. Now maybe this is old news to people who always got their periods regularly, but it's completely new to me. I have PCOS and have always had extremely irregular periods. Before I switched my hormone therapy (read: birth control pills) I would bleed two or three weeks out of four. I am just so giddy to finally have figured this out! (Hence the rambling and tmi, for which I apologize.)

    Chubbygirl, it sounds like you are a truly fabulous aunt. It's wonderful that you've been able to balance your needs with your nephew's. And it sounds like you've been a great role model for him. I don't know your situation; how long will he be with you?
  • Quote: Glad things are going well, Faunaflora. How long have you been lifting? I found the first month or so I held on to a lot more water weight after workouts than I do now. I think my body knows what to expect now or something and doesn't freak out as much as it did. I know that bodypump isn't exactly the same as lifting heavy (because of the much higher number of reps) but it could be a similar circumstance. Alternatively, have you tried tracking your weight according to your own cycle rather than by the calendar? I started doing that and found that a lot of the time when I thought I was retaining water from a workout or a lot of sodium or excess carbs or what-have-you , it was really just my body's normal fluctuations. I have graphed my last four cycles and it is uncanny how similar they are. I can now predict each day. I knew I was going to be down somewhere from half a pound to one pound on Saturday because every Saturday of week two of my cycle I am. I knew I was going to be up by about two pounds this morning. I know that tomorrow I'll be down by about a half. In the last 15 days I've only been off by more than half a pound in my predictions two days. Now maybe this is old news to people who always got their periods regularly, but it's completely new to me. I have PCOS and have always had extremely irregular periods. Before I switched my hormone therapy (read: birth control pills) I would bleed two or three weeks out of four. I am just so giddy to finally have figured this out! (Hence the rambling and tmi, for which I apologize.)
    Thanks for the in depth discussion, I appreciate it!

    Maybe I will start tracking, that's a good idea. I'm bad at tracking stuff but if I start feeling frustrated about weight loss I may find the frustration worse than the work it takes to track!

    I had been lifting for 4 months, then took a two month hiatus and fell off the wagon and gained 10 lbs back of 30 I had lost. I started lifting again last month, and only last week did I start approaching what I used to lift. So maybe it's that my body hasn't readjusted to lifting heavier in Pump and is freaking out.

    When you do your squats, report back!
  • hi everyone. I got 75 mins of exercise today and did 4.5 miles.

    I'm pretty pleased where I'm at on my Sept goals especially considering I'm babysitting.

    My goals progress report:
    3 lbs lost, 10 to go
    51.25 miles logged, 48.75 to go
    16.25 hrs cardio done, 43.75 to go
  • Thistleberry-
    Thanks, I really do try to be a good aunt. Especially right now when he doesn't have his parents and he misses them. I've had him since 9/6 from 7:30am till midnight every day and will continue to have him thru 9/24. He sees mommy and daddy for only about a half hr each morning. I know it's hard on him. Bedtime especially. But hes a happy kid and doing well. I know I do things differently than they do but he is adjusting well.
  • i ran today...same amount etc...nothing new to report...very cloudy and turned rainy and windy and cold and my knee is acting UP(!)....very achy...i dont think it's the running, i think it's TOM approaching as well as the weather turning colder
  • not much to report here either. I weighed today but no change. My arms are a little sore from my strength training. I only got to do a little over an hour of cardio but calorie intake was good today.
  • Skipped the gym Monday and Tuesday b/c I was so busy with work.

    Tonight I did Body Pump and Zumba, feeling great! I scaled back on weights a little b/c I skipped two days of exercise and I think I could have done a teeny bit more. I really want to try to get to the gym on Friday so that I can do Body Pump again.

    Sitting at 173 still, but retaining like 1/2 a pound of water, so not too bad. I need to remember to weigh myself less often while I'm having the H2O fluctuations.
  • Do you suppose bruising causes water retention? I was hooping yesterday for almost an hour trying to get better at hip hooping and moving the hoop from my waist to hips. I'm bruised all along my pelvic/hip bones. Glad I didn't use a weighted hoop! Yikes!

    I finally got to do my squats on Tuesday. I was able to up the weight by 15 lbs! I was very happy about that. Terrible DOMS yesterday and today though, which I'm less thrilled about.