3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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khumphrey 10-12-2011 08:14 AM

All of you are doing awesome and this is just the encourgement that I need to get rid of this excess weight. I weighed myself this morning and I am at 201, almost there I can't wait to finally be back in the 100's. Good Luck everyone!

2sw33t 10-12-2011 09:22 AM

Hi everyone,
Just found the new thread, now I have to go back and read the 6 pages of posts that have already accumulated!

Anyway, some news... I'm pregnant! Could be why my weight loss stalled. Now, instead of getting down to Onederland, I need to reduce my tendency to gain tons of weight during the first trimester.

2sw33t 10-12-2011 09:33 AM

Transforming! Onederland!
Woo-hoo!!! I'm a week late here, but so excited for you! And what a cute pic! So awesome!

rachaelm 10-12-2011 09:47 AM

Congratulations 2sw33t! What an awesome reason to be off plan!

geauxgirl 10-12-2011 09:56 AM

2w33t! OMG Congrats! That's awesome news!

Khumphry - you are knocking at the door! You will get there soon!

AndLy - CONGRATS!!!!!!

As for me, apparently being sick and not being able to exercise has actually helped. I peeked at the scale this morning and it said 221.6! WTH?! I havent exercised since Monday and to have such a loss? I'm confused but hey I'll take it! I've been OP with eating and maybe consuming a little less than normal. Nothing seems to taste good with this sore throat.

ItsMyTurn 10-12-2011 11:53 AM

2sw33t - Wow! Congrats!!!!!

geauxgirl - Your not exercising means muscles aren't holding water. Something that can help you with that when you are back to exercising is simply drinking lemon juice with heated water in the evenings and you won't have so much water weight that snags on ya

I picked up my car finally yesterday and then mom and I spent the day shopping. Burned a ton of calories with all the walking and have stayed totally OP for eating too. DD1 has gone to PT now and then we are all going as a family to Rawhide City... it's a western city thing and a ton to do... so watch out calories, you will be burned again! LOL

dogdaysofdiets 10-12-2011 07:05 PM

2sweet - CONGRATULATIONS mama!!!!! How wonderful!! Definitely the best reason EVER to have a weight stall. I hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months.

khumphry - ONE little teeny pound away. Keep up the good work - can't wait!!

geauxgirl - Sorry to hear you were ill but YAY for the new low! Hopefully you get to keep it.

ItsMy - I hope you had fun at Rawhide City. Sounds really fun! Glad you're having a nice visit with your parents.

As for me...I've been staying on plan for food and exercise and the scale is still behaving. New low this morning of 168 even. I'm soooo hoping to see 167ish tomorrow because that will be my 50 pound weight loss mark. Fingers crossed.

TransformingMyself 10-12-2011 09:06 PM

AndLy, Awesome job! Congrats! Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a GREAT day! :)

dogdaysofdiets, Thank you so much. It feels really good, getting it cut, feels light etc. I hope your daughter has a GREAT birthday. Yes, enjoy some cake, how can you not share cake on her special day? ;)

Shalyn, I hope everything is ok. Try not to stress over it. I know that is easier said then done. Make sure you up your protein and fiber, it will help you stay fuller longer.

Jen, Thanks. I think you would look great with darker hair and layers. You definitely have the face for it. It will look REALLY good on you. We took our updated pics, I kept my hair down. I will post them as soon as my husband downloads them onto my laptop. Then you can see my hair better.

khumphrey, you are almost there! I can't wait to celebrate! :)

2sw33t, Congratulations! Thanks so much. :)

Ok, I will catch up on the rest of you girls asap. Hubby is waiting on me, going to do some last minute shopping! :) Hope everyone has a good night!

shalyn 10-12-2011 10:22 PM

Jen- I am still nursing. In fact, I had to recently go to strictly nursing because the baby can't keep anything else down. Every now and then I give him baby food with cereal and about 4 oz. of juice but other than that it's all breast milk. What kind of "cleanser" did you use?

2sw33t- congratulations!! and welcome back. I gained 28 during my first pregnancy (started at 210) and only 10 lbs for my second (started at 219) and I wasn't trying to eat healthy at all. In fact I ate very unhealthy for my second. It was like I couldn't help it, I always craved pastries.

I'm back at 203 but I've upped my carbs and calories a bit to restore my supply of breast milk. Not sure if it's working because I'm still running out in the middle of the night. Not good. Not sure what I'll do if it dries up cos the baby spits up anything else I give him.

dogdaysofdiets 10-13-2011 07:23 AM

I rushed past 167 to 166.9 this morning. 50.1 pounds lost! :carrot:

geauxgirl 10-13-2011 10:08 AM

Dogdays - :bravo: :dancer::congrat:

jendiet 10-13-2011 10:43 AM

sw33t, CONGRATULATIONS. Take my advice, don't gain too much. It's hard to undo. I'm so happy for you!!!

dogdays, wow! I'm so excited for you. You are blasting through the 160s.

myturn, yay for the car! also, we had a place we would go to, silver dollar city I think? I hope you have fun.

transforming, I like layers around my face, but that is it. Have to get some moolah in order to do it though. can't wait to see your pics.

shalyn, one take a preggo test. That messes with your supply. Just to say you did it. 2, I know what you mean. I am pumping to get mine back up. I'm fat, why does my body think it needs to hold onto stuff because I want to cut back? oh yeah, i took the smooth move tea.

oh yeah, I woke up and weighed in at 189.0--I think it is sticking. I am going to shoot for 2000 today, and see what the scale does.

khumphrey 10-13-2011 12:31 PM

shalyn, I have just got done breastfeeding my second son for over a year. Pumping as much as you can stand, and their are supplments out there that are suppose to stimulate lactation. (Milk Thistle, I just google Breastfeeding on line) I have also heard that if you drink 1 beer the yeast helps with production.

To the rest of you thank you for the great encouragement. I know I can do it!

ItsMyTurn 10-13-2011 01:44 PM

dogdays - Congrats staying on plan and you are seeing results!!! YAY!!!! :dance: Here is to the 50Lb weight loss mark being reached !!!! :woohoo:

Transforming - good luck with the last minute shopping

Shalyn - My youngest did that too, the spitting up when I took her off my breast milk... I tried a soy formula and she did better - turned out the lactose of the regular formula after having been on me so long was just too harsh for her system. Maybe worth a shot?

Jen - It sure sounds like that is your new weight area to me! Congrats! That's great!!!! You are officially in the next decade!!! Thank you, we were going broke putting average 400 miles per day on our 12 yr old big Buick Century... this 2011 Sonata though is holding gas wonderfully and will be perfect for work!!

AFM - Rawhide was wonderful fun! Put 2 oldest into a coffin and it simulated the whole burial process, LOL! We got to watch on a camera thing. Then they all 3 rode the Death Train. The headless Horseman was stalking DD1 and S1 was threatened to be beheaded too, and DD2 was hi-fiving him, LOL! The 3 of them were babysat (so to speak) by a cowboy... they were thrown in jail by gunpoint by the sheriff, then we watched a theater show of a gun fight, and my mom got a real pretty charm bracelet and each of my girls got a ring made out of the nails they put in horseshoes on the horse... it was a full night of pure fun!!!! Lots of walking for mom and I too - win win! Today will be more traditional exercise :) Have a great day all!

momwannabe 10-13-2011 03:26 PM

2SW: That is such wonderful news! Can't say I'm not jealous, but also incredibly happy for you!

ItsMyTurn: Yay for a new car!!! I'm sure the new you looks gorgeous in it!

Dogsday: 50??? 50!!!!! That is phenomenal. Well done. I'm really feeling pressured - you're catching me fast and I'm still firmly stuck in the 160s.

As for everyone else - you're all doing great. Hang in there!

I'm a bit stuck this week, but that time of the month, so pretty happy I'm not picking up. All I wanted to do today was eat sugar! Shame, my receptionist was so worried about me because I was very light-headed and she decided I needed sugar. I almost took the top of her head off. Don't you know I haven't eaten sugar in a month, lady!!!!!! But I had some honey instead, and it seemed to do the trick. Ok...back to work if I ever want to sleep tonight.

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