3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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ItsMyTurn 10-28-2011 02:01 PM

Jen - So glad you were able to get your teeth and hair done! Sometimes that is cool to perk us up a bit :) Can't wait to see pictures of the new do!!!!

Transforming - You are so busy!!! I can't wait to hear what everyone's reactions were to seeing the new you! I am excited for you!

momwannabe 10-29-2011 02:13 AM

Good morning everyone!

Khumphrey: So sorry for your loss. I haven't managed to log in this week so only saw the news now. Really hope you're all doing ok.

Itsmyturn: So sorry you've been under the weather. Really hope you start feeling better soon!

Jen: Cool on the hair! Let's see it!

Transforming: Beautiful pics! Hope the party goes well - it's always so exciting when people start noticing the weight loss. At this stage only my mom is giving me compliments and you can't believe moms - they're biased! HOpefully at some point people will start noticing. Not that I'm doing it for compliments, but it always gives a boost. Maybe when my pants land on the floor as they're threatening to do at the moment when I forget that I need to wear a belt!

Everyone else: Still fighting the good fight?

This week has been crazy busy at work. I've been soooo tired that I just cried the whole way home yesterday evening and was in bed by 8:30. I know, very sad. I know everyone has many more responsibilities than I do and I respect you all for that. But honestly, between work, trying to get to gym (didn't happen at all this week), social responsibility (my charity boxes are due today), keeping up with friends and actually trying to date (this one seems like a bit waste of time right now!), life seems a bit overwhelming. Anyway, despite the bad work week, my weight week was good, and I'm down to 154 pounds. I've lost just more than 16 in 7 weeks. Exciting weight for me because this morning I was at exactly 70 kgs. Which means that the 60's are in sight. Haven't seen those in many years! Hope everyone has a really good weekend. Mine is just work, nothing exciting, but always good to be able to do that from home :-)

jitterfish 10-29-2011 05:19 AM

Jen we needs pics! I haven't dyed my hair in forever, use to always have it coloured but now I have just accepted my hair colour. I did spray it black the other day for a party. I dressed up as a geisha, painted my face white and hair black. It was not a pretty sight alas because alcohol was involved and after many years of not drinking I had a wee bit too much to drink. Plus my face paint came off as the night progressed -LOL- I'm considering posting a pic, I can't remember if I did or not (I posted so many darn pics all over the place I forget where I have and haven't!).

Transforming how exciting for you with your party! Nothing better than people who haven't seen your for a while getting to see a positive change, enjoy!

IMT you must have some amazing inner strength, kudos going to you lady!

geauxgirl 10-29-2011 08:53 AM

Morning everyone! Been a busy week for me so I haven't had much of a chance to check in and I'll try to catch up on posts in a bit.

Not much new going on here. I've finally seemed to have broken the 222-221 numbers, only just though. Today I am 220.6. Which I'm proud to say is exactly 20 pounds down from my actual recommitting date on 8/22/11. So I'm pleased about that. Now next week I want to see some numbers in the 2 - teens!

I also went to Academy yesterday and got some new tennis shoes. Needed them badly apparently. I was reading some websites that say you should change your shoes out about every 6 months. (My old pair, I had them for 2 years!!). I noticed yesterday while I was doing my c25k thing that I was slipping a little during an area where I ran thru a small patch of sand. So I checked the bottoms of my shoes, and they were quite worn down. So I got me some new Asics, new socks and 3 long sleeved tees. I got 2XL thinking that since that's the size I'm wearing now, that would be a good guess. Well got them home and ugh, too tight. I know I"ll be in them soon but that was a little discouraging. Speaking of discouraging, they just do not have any good selections for ahem, "bigger" people who are TRYING to lose weight! Apparently Academy only caters to size 2-6's. UGH ok vent over.

Where do you all buy your exercise clothes? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Ok off to the gym and then a ton of errands, housework and laundry. Ugh. Have a great Saturday everyone!

ItsMyTurn 10-29-2011 04:23 PM

Well, as predicted the scale was up this morning. I am not concerned about it and refuse to adjust my ticker to match it... started TOM and have been battling the medical issues for the last week and a half but have stayed OP for my food intake, so should see it drop back down next week. So much for meeting goal this month though... eh

jendiet 10-30-2011 12:05 AM

omg, the scale is up 5 lbs! What conceivable thing have I done to gain that much weight???? And for it jump up 5 lbs in a few days. Please, please, go back down. I don't get it. I stopped eating alot, because I was just sure that was causing me to gain...and now this?

gg, yay for new shoes. That is always a treat in my eyes.

momwb, I am green with envy--You go girl! 154 lbs!!!!

transforming, I am glad things are going well for you, you may need a little bit of rest after everything though.

afm: still in shock about the scale today, but that didn't stop me from eating junk. I needed it. I didn't eat that much today, but I'm afraid the scale will keep going up....I will try to analyze my calories...but i've really been eating alot of fiber and its not going anywhere if ykwim. I bet that is part of my problem. But I am really loving apple cinnamon oatmeal right now.

I will talk to you all later, and try to get a pic up for you. My computer is being so slow and stupid.

jitter, the visual had me laughing alot. I am sure you had lots of fun. I will try to get a pic up. I don't know if you will be able to tell the difference from a pic though?

momwannabe 10-30-2011 01:26 AM

Itsmyturn and Jen: looks like the morning for "ups" I put on just under a pound. My body tends to do this though (I keep a log of every day's weigh in) and I seem to get 3 mini losses and then a mini gain and stabilising for 3 days and then 3 mini losses again. Who knows why. I guess I should change to weekly weigh ins, but I feel like I'm still trying to analyse what works for me and what doesn't.

So we'll all just "vasbyt" (awesome term meeting "grit our teeth" or literally bite fast) and keep going.

jitterfish 10-30-2011 01:58 AM

gg: New shoes, new clothes, both things I love and both things I haven't bought in ages! Because I lost weight then gained again I had a selection of clothes at lower sizes that I've been able to fit. Now though I am at the stage where I have no smaller sizes so I will actually have to go shopping some time soon. Problem is I haven't lost my Mummy tummy so I can't actually drop a size even though other parts of my body are ready to go down!

I did buy new lingerie on the weekend because my lil boy weaned a couple weeks ago (didn't quite make it to 1yr like I hoped, but 11mos is all good!) so bye bye nursing bras! I bought sexy too vavavooom.

Momwannabe: Interesting body rhythm, my sister has a similar cycle that is either three weeks gaining or staying the same before losing all at once.

I know you guys have said this to me, don't focus on the scale too much! A gain will be followed by a loss.

afm well I went for a short run/walk this morning and am pretty happy with the day. Resisted carrot cake which I love! And Monday tomorrow so off to the gym yay.

geauxgirl 10-30-2011 08:15 AM

Well crapity crap. Scale went back up to 221. I'm so dang tired of seeing that number. Onederland by Jan 1st, now may be just a pipe dream.

Jitter - that's awesome! Nothing makes a girl feel sexier than getting some new bras and lingerie! Good for you!

Mom and Jen - sorry about the scale. Frustrating isn't it?

Jen - maybe you are retaining some water? Are you drinking enough h20?

Itsmy - sorry about the scale. (And hope you feel better) Good job staying OP even during all this (especially during TOM).

khumphrey - I'm so sorry for your loss (((HUGS)))

Transforming - omg I can't wait to hear how everyone reacted to seeing you! How exciting!

TransformingMyself 10-30-2011 10:19 AM

Itsmyturn, thanks. :) I love your attitude, keep moving forward, it will come off. Hope you are feeling better. ((hugs))

momwannabe, Thank you! :) I know how you feel, I thought the same way about my husband, he noticed and complimented me, but when you hear it from other people, it is different. LOL Sorry to hear about your week. I know how overwhelming life can get, and each person can only handle so much. Hope this week is better for you. ((hugs))

jitterfish, Thanks! :) GREAT job on the temptation. It makes me feel stronger/proud when I can say no. LOL

geauxgirl, Congrats! You will see the 2teens next week! Thanks for the tip on the shoes, I didn't know that. I usually buy a new pair each year (Fall). Don't let that discourage you. You are doing great, and will fit them soon. I usually buy my workout clothes at the thrift store or Kohls. Keep pushing forward, don't let it discourage you. You will get past it!

Jen, Thank you. Keeping track of your daily food intake is a great idea. You will be able to see what you need to adjust. Hang in there girl, don't let this discourage you.

As for me, the party was great! It was good seeing everyone. :) I had a lot of friends/family ask me "how I did it?", and wanting me to help them. Hearing the compliments were nice. Made me feel good! Happy to say, we avoided the party food. They had fried chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, taco dip/chips, spinach dip/bread/pretzels, crackers and cheese, chips, soda, chocolate cake and yellow cake. Hubby and I packed our own food. The party was 2 hours away, so we snacked on veggies during the ride, and ate before we got there. Just drank bottled water while we were there. Of course they expected us to eat, but understood. Which was a huge relief, normally, someone says you have to eat......LOL

When we got home, my daughter (19 years old) was waiting up. We talked for a couple hours. She just started her healthy lifestyle yesterday, is about 25 lbs overweight, spent the day writting in her journal, goals she wants to obtain, workout routine etc. What made me feel good was, she said "mom, I hope I look like you when I grow up. What have been your secrets, to staying young?" I told her "drinking water, staying out of the sun (except for 10 mins a day for Vit D), wear sunscreen when you do, and don't smoke/drink." She pulled out her journal and wrote it down. Too cute!! My daughter is beautiful, so to hear that, made me feel great. :)

Here is a pic of her.

I never want to go back, I haven't felt this good, or been this happy in a long time. That is one of the things that keeps me going. Everyone needs to figure out their "why", why they want this, and that will be the secret/key to their success. :)

geauxgirl 10-30-2011 05:58 PM

Aww Transforming!!!! Your dd is GORGEOUS! I know you must be so proud of her! Best of luck to her on her journey. I know she will succeed because she has a GREAT role model in you! You are doing so fantastic. And what a great idea of packing your munchies and eating before the party!

shalyn 10-30-2011 10:59 PM

Just checking in, catching up on posts. I'm holding steady at 206, not sure if the carbs and fenugreek are keeping my breast milk supply up anymore...i don't know whats up with that.

I'll be around...lurking! Hope everyone has a great Halloween!

geauxgirl 10-31-2011 07:30 AM

Good to see you still around Shalyn!

Happy Halloween everyone! Don't eat too many treats! :devil::haphal::dracula:

TransformingMyself 10-31-2011 11:25 AM

Wishing Everyone A Happy Halloween!


geauxgirl, Thank you so much! It means a lot! :)

Hi Shalyn! :)

As for me, everything is going well. Enjoying my last day off. Hope everyone has a fun and safe day! :)

ItsMyTurn 10-31-2011 01:01 PM

Jen - I have no doubt those 5Lbs will leave you when you...umm... "get rid" of the fiber :) Can't wait to see the pics!

Momwannabe - I do weekly weigh-ins, though I do sneak a peek mid-week through, LOL. I am glad you are noticing your patterns though, that usually helps me to reason out gains and losses to know what causes both.

jitter - Congrats on moving on to a new chapter in your clothing life... the sexy undies that follow the nursing bras is always exciting...add to that, the loss you have had, and I am betting you are feeling pretty good! Congrats on the resisting the cake and I hope you have a wonderful Halloween :)

geauxgirl - I am sure you can hit Onederland by the new year... you totally got this... just the scale messing with ya right now ;) Thank you so much for your well wishes... I am still slowly coming around and have already lost half of the water weight I was carrying at WI - so that will dissipate soon and hoping to be full force on the wagon fitness-wise in no time :) You will make your goals too.... that accountability of posting and surrounding yourself with encouragement here will help ;)

Transforming - Sounds like an amazing time at the party and even more amazing time after the party with the DD! She is gorgeous like her mommy - and has you to lead her correctly on her own path, no doubt that will have a huge impact on her :) You have done such an amazing job with your own journey, that it will sure make a huge difference with her health on her own path!

Shalyn - So glad to hear from ya!!!! Sounds like you are doing real well at keeping yourself in maintenance goal range from when you started focus on the nursing, that is excellent!!!! I am so proud of you!!! Happy Halloween!

On my end - I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off this weekend, LOL! But at the end of it, got all the kids the stuff they needed to be fully prepped for Halloween happiness :) I had also picked myself up a denim skirt at the thrift store while we were there... it's black denim on top, then goes into a flowy skirt (so very appropriate for work)... bought it a juniors 13.... got it home... and it's loose enough I could have went down another size! :O Holy crow! I weigh the same now as I was as a misses 14 a few years back, but... I think that my working out is what has totally reshaped me this time around. When I was this weight before, there was no working out, no strength training...these are all new implements this time around and they seem to truly make a huge difference :) It was really nice to see that. Anywho... hope everyone has a great Halloween! I won't be home in time from work for the first trick-or-treaters...but my son is going to pass out until I get there - such a great guy :)

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