3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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shalyn 10-04-2011 02:08 PM

Approaching Onederland and Beyond. Come Join Us! We did it; you can too!
I came to post and saw the moderator request to start a new thread.

I hit a new low of 202.2! Only by .2 but still the lowest I've been in yearssssss so I'm pretty excited!

Have a good day everyone!

Jojo381972 10-04-2011 06:33 PM

You are so close Shalyn!! You can do it! :)

I'm counting down to onederland and hope to be there by end of December.
Just thought I'd say hi in this thread. I'm doing the Christmas challenge as well. I'm finding it very hard to get out of the two teens. Time to blast through them in the next three months.
Off to the gym now. good luck everyone!

TransformingMyself 10-04-2011 06:38 PM

Congrats Shalyn! :)

Hi Jojo :)

TransformingMyself 10-04-2011 07:39 PM

Here is a pic of the jewelry I made for my pirate costume. :) The photo doesn't do it justice, on the choker I used black swarovski crystals and regular crystals. Nice sparkle to it. Not sure if I will change the style of the choker or add another necklace. Pirates are all about their jewels! LOL I need a couple more bracelets though. I am looking for huge rhinestones for one.


jendiet 10-05-2011 01:58 AM

transforming, I love the jewels. Cute costume I bet.

Shalyn, so close! Keep up the good work.

caramel--from the other thread. welcome

dogdays, thanks!

everyone else. I hope you are doing well!

Well, I got through that rough patch with my project. Ended up with a B, well you win some and you lose some. I am soooo tired, but yet I sit here.

Hmm, I ate low carb yesterday, and my milk supply dwindled. Today, I got into a batch of cookies at my son's get together, and my supply started to pick back up. Please! tell me I can go lower than this without damaging my supply.

btw, bad bad bad jen. I ate a bunch of junk, but started out with good intentions. I know the scale will be unforgiving...nothing to do but get back at it. One victory. I sooo wanted to munch tonight, but I made popcorn instead, and it was filling and satisfied me.

I CAN not find my tape measurer, but I must be getting smaller, the band on my bras for ALL but 2 of them, is getting wayyy to biG to hold the girls up. still it would be nice for some of this tummy to go too!

shalyn 10-05-2011 04:30 AM

Jen- I noticed the same thing in my bra. I have been wearing nursing bras for so long, when I finally put on a real one the other day the smallest set of hooks is loose! It used to feel tight on tight on the biggest setting. Exciting!

Transforming- pretty jewelry!

Hi JoJo!

I did really well with eating yesterday. Like Jen, I think low carb is depleting my milk supply. I think I might have to eat higher in carbs tomorrow and every few days to help that out. Because of appointments, etc, I haven't walked in over a week...blah. but I start again tomorrow.

What ever happened to m3rmaid?

dogdaysofdiets 10-05-2011 08:45 AM

Thanks for starting thread #3 Shalyn. We're a chatty bunch, ehh? ;)

Shalyn - Congrats on another new low!! Glad to see your body is getting back into the loss groove and you can enjoy the success of your efforts.

Transforming - OMG I love the jewelry you made. You are extremely talented! You'll have to post pictures of pirate night with you & DH all dressed up.

Jen - yay for the NSV! My bras are getting annoyingly too big as well. Makes my back hurt from the lack of support.

JoJo - Welcome!!! Good luck with your journey and stick around to chat with us. :)

ItsMyTurn 10-05-2011 02:06 PM

Shalyn - Excellent on your low!!! I am so happy for you! How wonderful to see movement down!!!

Jen - Sorry to hear of your milk supply. I wish I had advice for you, but it's been such a VERY long time since I nursed, that I don't know if I would even remember what I did, LOL. Glad to hear of your shrinking though!

Jojo - :wave: Hello!

Transforming - I am unable to view the pictures here at work and haven't really had time to check in at home... but I am sure they are wonderful...you are so creative!!!

dogdays - Good to see you :) How are you doing?

Fit in my workout last night... have not taken a rest day this week (usually gave in by now), but think I will save it and see how the scheduling all works the rest of the week :) Have a great day all!

dogdaysofdiets 10-05-2011 04:00 PM

Hi ItsMy! Way to go with your workouts this week!! I'm impressed! I hope it translates to another new low for you Saturday morning.

I'm doing well, thanks for asking. The scale finally started moving again this morning so I'm hoping this is the beginning of a whoosh for me. Fingers crossed. I've started stressing a bit about how to handle my vacation at the end of this month. I'll be traveling with my mom and aunt and since they're normal eaters, I don't want to subject them to my low carb IF'ing, but at the same time I'm worried about staying off plan for a whole week. My mom and aunt will obsess over me 'not eating enough' or me being 'picky' if I look to low carb options. A week could really derail me and bring back those carb cravings I kicked to the curb back in June. I have to figure out how to balance it all.

ItsMyTurn 10-05-2011 04:27 PM

dogdays - I sure hope so too!!!! After no loss last Saturday, I am sitting back and fighting at the same time, LOL! I hope your scale moving is a sure sign of a whoosh for you too! You have been sooooo good and deserve to see your just reward! I can hear the worry in your writing of the trip. I don't suppose there is a way to let them know you have been eating a certain way to attain a goal and have them actually understand without feeling the need to advise is there? I know it would be done out of care to tell ya to "eat normal", but sometimes it's also out of not realizing?

TransformingMyself 10-05-2011 04:42 PM

Jen, Thank you. :) Sorry to hear about your day. Good job with the popcorn snack! GREAT to hear about your bra's. I am sure you are losing, even when the scale tells otherwise. I never breast fed before, so I do not know anything about it. Sorry, low carb treats your body that way. Hopefully, you find a solution.

Shalyn, Thanks! :) Sorry to hear about the issues with low carb. I never breast fed, don't know too much about it. Have you discussed it with your doctor? What works best when trying to lose weight. I am sure you have. Just not something I ever thought of before. Hope you figure out something that works good for you.

Dogdaysofdiets, Thank you so much! :) I started making jewelry about 10 years ago. Mainly working with sterling silver, swarovski crystals, and gemstone beads. I haven't made any jewerly in about 2 years, but now that I have lost some weight, buying cute clothes, I need accessories. :) I will definitely post some pics. I can't wait! I know how you feel, I have been wondering how our trip will go. I plan on staying on track, but you know how things can "happen". The last thing I want is to come back and be knocked out of onederland. I am sure that will keep me on plan! I just hate stressing over it. LOL I hope your mom and aunt respect your wishes, on how you want to eat. My family is very pushy, and will bug you to do/eat stuff. I just wish they would understand, that this is my new lifestyle. Try not to worry about it too much. Just make sure you don't use words saying, you can't eat something, because that makes them want to push it more. From my experience anyways. Just go out and order. Don't bring attention to yourself. That is what I do now. They will ask "what are you eating", and I will not discuss eating healthy, and order a chicken salad, with dressing on the side. Just don't bring up your diet. ;) Hope you have a GREAT time!

Itsmyturn, Thank you! :) GREAT job with your workouts! That is a great idea, take the off day, when you really need it. :)

As for me, I hit my low, 202.2!! I didn't think TOM would allow it! I have been bloated etc. Not feeling all that great, but pushing through! I can not wait to see 199.8! I can't believe my time is almost there. Feels like I am dreaming. :)

I hope everyone is having a great day. I am so happy to be home from work. :)

Caramel33 10-05-2011 05:10 PM

Jendiet - Thx

Ladies, I am wanting to lose a good 3-5 lbs this week but starting to wonder if its possible. I am currently going to the gym and getting on the treadmill for 60min, but thinking about dropping it to 30min then do the other 30min on the elliptical. I would love to spend more time on cardio but being a single parent with a kid that need a lot of help/attention when doing school work I can't spare more time. Any ideas on what else I should do?

TransformingMyself 10-05-2011 05:29 PM

Hi Caramel, Jillian Michaels has an awesome dvd workout, called 30 Day Shred. It is only 20 mins, and she kicks butt! It cuts down travel time to/from the gym, and I am sure you will burn just as many calories. Amazon has it for $7.95, or you can find it Walmart/Target for under $10.

dogdaysofdiets 10-05-2011 07:49 PM

ItsMy & Transforming - thank you for your kind advice. As you both suspected my mom & aunt are super kind people who mean well but...my mom is 1/2 the reason I'm overweight to begin with and doesn't understand or support my IF'ing/low carb lifestyle. It's hard for me because she's overweight herself and gets a bit sensitive. Don't get me wrong - she's been HUGELY supportive of my journey these last few months, but at the same time she just doesn't "get it" if that makes any sense. I think I confuse her at times because I'll still eat a teeny piece of cake on special occasions by working it into my carb/calorie load for the day (that's the part she doesn't see), so she probably thinks I just cheat all the time. Sigh...it's hard. My aunt has always been skinny, so she's never seen a diet in her life. I'm not too concerned about choosing low carb options for myself (I'm good at getting creative with menus when eating out, LOL!), but I don't want them to feel I'm being judgmental about what they're eating because my mom tends to go there sometimes. So those are the gory details surrounding my dilemma - probably more than you wanted to know, LOL. I'll figure it out. I don't WANT to go off plan all week - I'll do a couple days here and there - I've come way too far to slip up.

Caramel - I like the 30 treadmill/30 elliptical idea. Or 60 mins high intensity on the treadmill. I also like the Jillian Michaels idea for you - might give you some better time management options. I know the busy mom thing all too well, so I feel for you there - my DH works nights, so I get home from work and immediately go into full mom taxi mode and struggle to find time for myself. In addition to the exercise - how are you doing with diet? That's the biggest component of weight loss, so a combo of cutting back on calories and working out should be a win for you. I have certainly seen 3-4 pounds in a week at the beginning of my journey. Good luck!!

dogdaysofdiets 10-05-2011 07:54 PM

LOL - my daughter (8 years in TWO days...not that she's counting down the seconds or anything, LOL!) just peeked over my shoulder and said "mom, you need to find a skinnier cat picture for your avatar now that you've lost almost 50 pounds." She must be priming me for a good birthday present, LOL!

I suppose I better go find a less obese cat for my avatar. :D

shalyn 10-05-2011 09:01 PM

Jen- I'm curious, how many carbs do you consume a day? I've been doing under 100. Probably not good for breastfeeding.

Jojo381972 10-05-2011 09:57 PM

Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)

Many of you are so close to onederland which is so exciting! I've been trying to get there, but I got off track in March, and gained eight pounds back. I just started going back to weight watchers a few weeks ago.

So I've made a lot of changes lately with my diet and I'm trying to be consistent with working out. I hope to see a woosh on the scale next week for sure. My goal is to work out 5-6 days this week. Sometimes I wonder if I should be doing more cardio. I usually do 40 minutes of eliptical or running, but maybe I should up it to closer to an hour? How much cardio do you all do? I started doing aerobic classes this week (step and total toning) They are pretty intense.

Transforming, I love your jewlery. Sounds like a fun Halloween you have planned.

dogdays, Congrats on your huge loss. Your child sounds so smart and cute.

Caramel, good luck on the weight loss this week. Let me know if you find increasing the cardio helps with the weight loss.

itsmyturn, Congrats on getting in so much exercise. I can relate because I'm trying to get in six days this week with one rest day.

shalyn and jendiet, how low carb do you go? I was looking at trying to get between 50-100 carbs per day which I read is good for weight loss. I believe that below 50 carbs per day puts your body in Ketosis.

TransformingMyself 10-06-2011 06:38 AM

Jojo, Thanks so much. :) Working out 5 - 6 days is great! I think 40 mins is really good, if you are able to do 1 hour, great, if not that is good too. I started out doing cardio 30 mins a day for 2 months (3 days a week, plus 3 days of weights), now I am doing cardio for 1 hour. I workout 6 days a week, 3 days cardio 3 days weights (alternating days). Your aerobic class sounds awesome! GREAT job!

TransformingMyself 10-06-2011 08:56 AM

Weighed in today, I am at 201.2! Shocked! Tomorrow is my official weigh-in day. We will see how that goes. I can't believe 1.4 lbs away from onederland! Hopefully I see it this weekend. I hope! :)

Caramel33 10-06-2011 11:32 AM

Transforming - Thx I will check into that dvd
Dogdays - I am actually doing ok with my diet, I'm saying ok b/c sometimes after cardio I am way under my 1200 calories. I know that my body will go into starvation mode so I try to stick with my 30day meal plan to have enough calories.

luvinit 10-06-2011 11:58 AM

Hi! I've been sitting at 204-206 for a couple months now and then just weighed in at 210! Wrong direction! I've been trying to do this by myself but now I'm really considering Weight Watchers. I have a friend who is a life member coming over today and I'm going to ask her more about it.

I can't let my sweet tooth keep me from Onederland!

geauxgirl 10-06-2011 12:50 PM

Morning everyone! TOM has hit me full force today so all I want to do when I get home from work is snuggle with my heating pad and some chocolate. Maybe I'll ditch the chocolate at least! Other than that and feeling bloated as all get out, I've been doing well. Tomorrow will be w1d3 for C25K and it's been going surprisingly well. No knee pain thus far and day 1 was easier than I expected.

WOW look at you all so close to Onederland!!! Now off to get caught up on some posts!

geauxgirl 10-06-2011 01:04 PM

Shalyn - You are doing fantastic! ONEderland bound!

JoJo - :wave: I tend to think to just go with what you feel comfortable with.

ItsMy - Rest days are VITAL sometimes I think. I'm actually thinking about taking one today. TOM cramps are really "cramping" my style today. Back on the exercise wagon tomorrow though.

Transforming - Awesome! You are about to knock down those 200s for good!

Caramel - ditto about Jillian's 30 day shred. I need to pick that back up again myself. That will help the days I'm not doing c25k.

Luvit - hello!

Sorry if I missed anyone!

ItsMyTurn 10-06-2011 03:30 PM

Transforming - Excellent that you hit that weight despite TOM! Your onederland party will surely be happening momentarily :) I am so excited for you and shows that when you push through, even when not "feeling it", it really does make a difference!!! You are taller than me, but we started at near the same weight and it feels AMAZING to start seeing a "1" in front of the reading on the scale! *preparing the party hat*

Caramel33 - Elliptical work sure won't hurt you. The only advice I dare give is to remember to keep mixing up your routine in some way. As far as anything else, I don't think I would be much help - only 1 time since I started this, did I ever lose 3 or more pounds in a week. I am usually up to 2Lb/wk ... a slow loser.

dogdays - I LOVE that your daughter said that! Out of the mouths of babes, :lol:

Jojo - Sounds like you have a great beginning to restarting your journey :) Personally, I do strength training 3x/wk (and it's fast paced like circuit to keep heart rate up), and cardio the other days. I usually take 1 rest day during the week, but get super active on the weekends. Everyone is different, but I feel my best and less stressed if I do this much

Luvinit - You need to find the plan that works for you, that you can live with :) You are still lower than when you first started, so ahead of the game in that respect :D

geauxgirl - Sorry to hear TOM is hitting you so hard. Seems to be the theme for us all this month. So glad to hear you have been sticking to your fitness plan, and certainly taking one day off for rest isn't going to hurt a thing for you ;)

As for me - TOM should be completed for me today (YAY!), so time to hope the water weight will be gone by Saturday's weigh in! I hit the gym last night and stretched too. I am proud that I have stuck to plan with the added company at the house, and honestly only thing I am slacking on is getting enough sleep... good deal!

momwannabe 10-06-2011 03:48 PM

Hello everyone!

What a busy week. My receptionist and practice partner are off for the school holidays (it's a short holiday here), so I'm running my practice on my own. Not much to report on my side - I'm recycling the same 1.2 pounds and have been for the last 10 days. Very disheartening, especially with how limited my calorie intake is. But never mind!

Everyone seems to be hanging strong. Is it just me or have you all formed a TOM club?! :-) Shame to all!!!!

TransformingMyself 10-06-2011 03:58 PM

Caramel, if you get it let me know how you like it. I have all of her dvds. :) She is great!

Luvinit, if one thing isn't working for you, you should definitely try something else. I hope your friend can give you all the info you are looking for. Good luck! :)

geauxgirl, I just got rid of TOM. Happy to see it pass. Happy to hear you have been doing well.

Itsmyturn, Thanks so much! :) No one is more shocked then me. I told my husband this weeks weigh-in wouldn't be good. I honestly didn't expect to lose anything. Well my body felt so bloated and sore, that I didn't think I would, so it is a nice suprise. Wish I would see onederland tomorrow, but I know that will not happen. Hoping over the weekend. ;) Yes, I know the feeling is awesome. It has been such a long time since I have been in onederland. I am so happy! I can't wait to see the party hats! :) LOL We had TOM at the same time. Mine just ended today. Hope you have a GREAT weigh-in on Saturday. Awesome job with your workouts. I know how hard it is not want to workout during TOM. Especially the first couple of days. Yuck!

As for me, I am home from work. Feels great! I can't wait until the weekend. It will be nice having a few days off. :) Anyone have any plans? Fall cleaning, baking, yard work, special workouts?? Saturday, we have a party to go to, for my husbands job. Sunday will be our shopping/cooking date day/night. Other than that nothing much going on, maybe laundry and cleaning.

TransformingMyself 10-06-2011 04:01 PM

momwannabe, LOL it is funny to see so many of us dealing with TOM, I would say it is a TOM Club. Sorry to hear about your status. Keep pushing forward. Sooner or later it will come off.

TransformingMyself 10-06-2011 04:32 PM

I tried something a few weeks ago, and with Halloween coming up, I just thought about it and wanted to share it with all of you. If you love taffy apples you are going to love this. Cut up an apple (I had a Gala apple), and eat it will some walnuts. OMG reminds me of a taffy apple without the caramel of course. So good! :)

jendiet 10-06-2011 05:47 PM

ugh computer ate my post! Well, I don't really know. All I do is grab MOSTLY low carb foods. I need to write it down, but today my supply is MUCH better. I also revived MyNetDiary from my IPOD.

well, it's time for progress pics, although NO WEIGHT loss. Kind of silly. But maybe you will see a difference.

overall, I see my diastasis better. lol. I think my legs and arms look funny with my fat tummy and chest.




gah, i tried to resize them, and none of them worked--well one. I don't care. Takes too long. stupid computer!!!!

dogdaysofdiets 10-06-2011 08:23 PM

Jojo - Your workout plan sounds great. Like ItsMy said, definitely mix it up a bit so your body doesn't get used to a specific routine. You're well on your way - good luck!

Transforming - CONGRATS on your new low today!!!! I squealed with delight, LOL! I'm looking forward to a sneak peek over the weekend so I can bring out my party hat!!! :cool:

Caramel - I still struggle with calories too. I end one or two workouts a week under my calorie target, but honestly, it hasn't stalled me out, so I've decided to stop stressing about it. As long as I feel well fed, and know that I'm eating healthy and getting my daily nutritional requirements, I'm happy. Good luck to you!

Luvinit - WELCOME!! Thanks for jumping in and chatting with us. I'm sorry to hear you've gone in the wrong direction recently. But the good news is you know what caused it and know how to fix it. Good luck to you! I hope your WW friend was able to offer some motivation for you today. :)

geauxgirl - sorry to hear about your TOM cramping and bloating. It's the worst, isn't it?! Glad to hear the C25K is going well for you! That's fabulous!

ItsMy - I'm so proud to hear you've been sticking to plan despite your visitors. I hope it makes you proud too - to know that sticking to plan during challenging times proves you're making a permanent life change that will stick with you long after the weight loss part of your journey has ended. I hope your water weight whooshes off in time for your Saturday weigh in!!

momwannabe - wowsers your week sounds very busy indeed! I hope it eases up for you a little. Hang in there with the scale frustrations. You could be building muscle faster than you're burning fat so you're not seeing the scale descend yet, but it will. Have you tried taking body measurements to see how much you've physically changed. I bet you'd see movement there. It WILL happen for you if you stick with it.

Jen - OMGosh what a HUGE difference. HUGE! Your legs, your ribcage, your back, your stomach, everything - I could go on! Definitely significant. I'm not sure why it's not translating on the scale for you, but it's very very obvious to me. Great job!!! A true non scale victory for you!! You should feel really good about your efforts.

jendiet 10-07-2011 03:40 AM

thanks dogdays, like I said I am soooo tired of the scale, but if you see improvements, I am going to just ignore that for a while and keep keeping on.

I know my rib cage is smaller somewhere, because my bra bands are too big now...

sorry I missed alot, been wrapped up in a project. Hoping for an A, but I eeked it out at the last minute again. So who knows.

transforming, NEW LOWS rock! yum, i love gala apples. I have to admit, I would miss the candy part alot!

jojo, i think i told you that you have a great plan, just don't stress yourself out too much. It is 80% diet.

caramel, I can't stop eating, so when people say "I eat too little" I tend to scoff. Though I think it is very real. I had an Aunt that LOVED to cook, she ate like a bird, but never lost weight.

luvin, just get back on hun. You are not that far off.

gg, that is why I love to bf, its great for me and bb, but I don't have TOM.

Momwb, wanna have a scale kicking party?

itsmy, i commend you for staying on plan. If I had a good plan, I'd stay on it too.

so far, only forgot to put in my info after dinner, had to keep up with some tea and semisweet chocolate as well as dinner (deer meat, beans, rice)

TransformingMyself 10-07-2011 07:31 AM

Jen, GREAT pics. I do see a difference in your stomach, legs, shoulders and back. I know how frustrating it is when the scale doesn't move, just keep taking pics and measuring. Also the way clothes fit, doesn't lie! You are doing great. :)

dogdaysofdiets, Thank you. I hope you get to bring your party hat out this weekend! :)

As for me, I will be weighing in, in 1 hour. I know 199.8 is a far stretch, but one can wish! LOL So happy today is Friday. I have so much stuff to do before our trip, it will be nice having 3 days off. I hope everyone has a good day. I will post my stats asap. :)

shalyn 10-07-2011 07:46 AM

Quick check in.

I had a planned high carb day (about 200g) on Wednesday (trying to increase milk production) and i only saw a lb gain. Yesterday I did about 150g in carbs and I'm back down to 202.6. I think I'll plan a high carb day (healthy carbs) every 3 days or so to see if that helps.

Jen - great pictures! A definite change, especially your legs!

Transforming- fingers crossed for onderland! Let us know!

Jojo- I usually try to stay at about 100 carbs or less. But I'm breastfeeding and noticed I'm not producing enough milk since starting low carb so I'mtrying to fix that without gaining the weight back! I think Jen is having the same trouble.

MyTurn- great job staying on plan!

TransformingMyself 10-07-2011 08:26 AM

Shalyn, I hope that strategy works. You are doing great.

As for me, I weighed in at 200.4! So close I can taste it! LOL Maybe tomorrow is the day......:)

dogdaysofdiets 10-07-2011 10:15 AM

Transforming - SOOOOOO close!!!!!!! Keeping us on the edge of our seats, ehh?! Glad to see another new low - you keep rocking it!! Enjoy your time off and happy packing.

Well...remember when I hit the 170s and said I wasn't sure how I'd act if I ever saw the 160s? Well...I can tell you now! :carrot::carrot: A new decade this morning - I whooshed right past 169 (never saw it) to 168.7. I'm sure I'll bounce back up to 169, but as long as the 160s are my new home, I'm stoked!

Here was my reaction:

TransformingMyself 10-07-2011 11:16 AM

Dogdaysofdiets, thank you! :) When I got on the scale I was just hoping not to see 200 even. That would have stunk! To be .2 away. LOL .6 to go! Feels GREAT! Congratulations on the 160's!! Woohoo! I know you are on top of the world! Awesome job!! :)

jendiet 10-07-2011 11:34 AM

thanks ladies. STILL, i long for the weight change.

Shalyn, i like the strategy and I think it will work.

dogdays, HAPPY FRIGGIN DANCE!!!! I'm jealous of your scale victory! I know how hard you are working for it though. I need more discipline, and I might see the victory too. I love the pic of kitty.

transforming, you will see ONEDERLAND this week!!! I just know it.

so yesterday was my first On Plan DAY in a while.

ItsMyTurn 10-07-2011 02:52 PM

shalyn - That sounds like it just might work :) I sure am happy to hear the scale didn't make you hurt from it... but so happy you may have found a way to increase milk production

dogdays - :dance: :woohoo: Great job getting into the new decade!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Transforming - You are killing me! Everytime I look, you inch closer and it's got me in some big suspense!!!!! You are so going to be crossing into onederland in no time! I just love a reason to throw a party!

Jenn - Sorry to hear that you are in a funk. I was super happy to hear you stayed on plan yesterday... one day at a time! With all you take on at once, you show strength in all you do... you can do this!!!!

Sorry there isn't much to report on me - parents still here, Amber still recovering, although my son got a great word at the doctor: His growth hormone is FINALLY right where it should be and no pressure on the brain!!! Also, his cortisol is where it should be now and his testosterone shots are where they should be (unless he wanted to grow hair, but son says no... wish I had a choice to not shave my legs! lol). The youngest is calming back down a bit and DH is keeping track of all his fantasy league teams...and I am on plan and still doing daily workouts. Same ol' same ol'... trouble getting to calories (but have reached them 4 times this past week, so that's awesome)...and no trouble hitting the fitness end. Looks like I have a normal boring post. I hope everyone has an awesome day!!!!

TransformingMyself 10-07-2011 04:03 PM

Jen, I can't wait! :) Congrats on getting back on plan. How is everything going for you today? ust take it one day at a time. Soon you will form a habit, and it will be easy sailing. :)

ItsMyturn, I am killing myself! LOL Each day looking and waiting! Well hopefully the wait is over tomorrow. :) GREAT to hear you are doing well on plan. You are a busy girl! Don't know how you do it all.

As for me, I am off work, and VERY happy! Hopefully the weekend goes by super slow. One can wish! :) Hope everyone has a good night!

shalyn 10-07-2011 09:16 PM

Jen- I really hope this strategy works. I don't want to stop breastfeeding yet but I don't want to gain any weight back either. Fingers crossed. I hope you can figure something out too! Great job getting back on plan, keep it up!

Transforming- so close! 44 lbs already gone is amazing!

MyTurn- Glad you have good news from your sons doctor! How old are your kids?

I got my test results back. I had an allergy panel of blood work done. I found out I'm allergic to a few things:
marsh elder-?
cock roaches-eww
bermuda grass-that explains a lot!
dust mites-great. I have carpeting.
shrimp-this one is huge for me living in south Louisiana. I never had a reaction before!

I also found out that my liver and kidneys are ok so I'm not sure what this weird feeling under my right rib cage is. After I'm done breast feeding I'll have an abdominal CT done. I also had a thyroid ultrasound done and found out that I have a nodule on my thyroid so now I have to have a biopsy to see if it has to be removed. I watched a video of it being done and it made me queasy!

I'm feeling extra bloated for the past few days with all of these extra carbs I've been consuming. I'm trying not to use it as an excuse to have bad things. Although I did have a pumpkin spice frapp today...sinful!

Hope everyone has a good night!

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