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teacher1 03-20-2012 02:35 PM

dogdays- yes, the allergies are better but the rain keeps coming

jen- how are you doing? any update on the pet front?

star- sorry about the job... good thing your husband is noticing your hard work.

kay- glad to hear your spirits are up

Raining all day again. My poor brother is so bored. But my parents will be back tonight and we have some family stuff planned later in the week when another brother will be visiting from MU.

dogdaysofdiets 03-20-2012 07:41 PM

Itsmy - I'm sorry you were passed up for the job. I hope you find an even better and more prosperous position soon. I'm sure you've tried this already (if you're a determined individual like me, LOL) but have you tested your scale's accuracy using a dumbbell or something? I find my scale gets stuck sometimes and will give me the same reading over and over, so now I step on, reset it, step on again while holding an 8lb weight, reset it and then step back on again without the weight. I find this gives me the most accurate weight. Annoying, but accurate. Or I can bug my DH to weigh himself right before me and that works too, LOL! Anything to take the weight out of the scale's digital memory. I'm only sharing because I wonder if the same thing is happening with your scale - does it ever fluctuate, even a few ounces?

Teacher - sorry the rain is still sticking around. I hope you enjoy your time with your family this week! Have fun!

Kay - good for you for finding your motivation again!! The right guy will come along. The more confidence you have, the more attractive you'll be to a guy worth catching.

Jen - thinking of you. Hope everything is okay.

Nothing too exciting here. Weekend/TOM water weight is coming off so I'm curious where the next little whoosh will take me. I'm getting a lot of comments from people along the lines of "you're done losing weight, right, because you don't have any more to lose", which of course isn't the case. Wish it was! That old saying...if only they could see me naked...LOL!

ItsMyTurn 03-20-2012 09:20 PM

Kay - So happy to hear of the return of your motivation!!! Great job! Yes, we have lawn, I insisted. My father knew how much it meant to me, so when he was here - after my failed 2 prior attempts - he got my lawn going for me! He watered every 2 hrs until it started fruitation while I was at work. I love my daddy :) Felt bad that is how he spent the last days of his visit here, but then again, he got to know some of my neighbors that way, LOL!

Teacher - sounds like you are having steady traffic around your place with visitors :) That's so cool!!!!

Dogdays - I have had DH get on scale in between to make sure it wasn't lacking sensitivity on the padding, LOL! So yea... guess I am just as determined. Doesn't seem right that many inches JUST from the waist without much movement and not being at my "low" I had so far on this journey. It does fluctuate a few ounces, even up to a pound and a half - been losing and gaining same 5lbs since December - seems like an awful long time - especially since I haven't stopped. In all actuality, no movement on the scale, now that I have my HRM, is physically impossible - yet somehow that seems to be the case as of right now. DH says that the inches are coming first, the scale will catch up... so I keep waiting. This happened to me near the start of my trying weight loss too... that one lasted 2 months. I was shrinking, tightening, inches gone... took 2 months for scale to move, then it didn't stop - every week I was losing. I only hope I am on that road again and can't wait for it to start.

As for the job - I don't know what to say. Disappointed and ticked off... but... at least I have a job at a decent company, right? DH made supper tonight cause he knew I wasn't feeling well - one of my tonsils is totally inflamed. I am hoping it was just irritated by allergic post-nasal drip and will amount to nothing :) Fingers crossed. Either way, not letting it slow me down. I am about to go change clothes and do strength training - my 2 oldest have been waiting on me since they got out of school. Since I don't get home from work until almost 3 hrs later, they have been impatient to know how I will work them today. I really need the workout. When I got home, received news a good friend of mine passed today on his birthday... I have known the man my whole life so it has left me saddened for his daughter and wife. Time to take the emotion out on the machines :) Have a good night all!!!! *hugs all around*

KayNicole 03-21-2012 12:06 PM

Itsmy- I am so sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

I forgot to report that after TOM I was down 4 lbs and back at 175. I will take it! I haven't weighed myself yet this week but I don't feel like I have gone back up so I think I am doing OK now!

jendiet 03-21-2012 03:02 PM

I'm trying to remember stuff but my brain is pretty numb. To top it off, my friend just told me she doesn't want to talk about Hope or Naomi.

I was listening to a radio station with praise music and a couple came on that had lost a baby girl named Hope. I thought it would make my friend feel better, but she refuses to talk about any of it. I tried to share my grief with my cat.. . I will get to that. . . but she refused.

On to my sweet Naomi. I couldn't believe how much fluids I had to keep giving her. that is why I wanted to give her another 300 ml at the vet. The vet told me at 8:30 am that I should do the humane thing and put her down because she was in renal failure, and that is why I had to give her so much fluid.. .I got mad. i took her home determined it would work.

I kept giving her fluids and got her to take some chicken and gravy. Her breathing kept getting more awful. It took 3 hours for her to totally decompensate back to the condition before she had the bolus. I was so sad for her. I pet her, I caressed her, I loved her. She started to meow pitifully. She tried to purr when I pet her but she couldn't. I HAD to take my son to get his shots, because he needed to be caught up, and I couldn't reschedule again. His appt was at 2:45, but I could get there as late as 3:05.

i agonized over my suffering kitty, and I could not stand to leave her and let her suffer without me--or die without me there. So I made the decision to put her down before she suffered even more. I am aware that the possibility of drowning in fluids due to kidney failure is very real. I did not want that for Naomi, she couldn't hold her head up.. .and I couldn't bear it.

So I packed up the baby's stuff, I put the laundry basket Naomi was laying in the car. The whole way there she meowed pitifully at me while I cried and pet her soft fur. I got to the vets and shook with grief. I tearfully told her how much I loved her and that i was so sorry. The vet came in and gave her the shot at 2:30 pm. I was shocked when she sat up and cried out and looked back at me. Then she relaxed while I pet her fur. I know it is quick but I wanted to make sure she was gone before I stopped petting. I had to go to my appt for the baby and made it in tears.

We got his shots done but the little booger had a breath holding spell in my arms, and scared the nurse, all i could think was what if he just died. Then he looked up at me, and he was fine.

I took him home, and then went out to get my baby girl. She was already in rigor, unlike when it first happened, when she was so relaxed and soft. it made it easier to deal with. The technician there was so sweet she told me she knew I did the right thing, she had a fur baby that she let die naturally and she regretted it alot. She gave me a beautiful poem for my grief.

I painted her box with a kitty silhouette and then I did the same for her tombstone, we didn't get her buried until last night. I wanted it done a certain way.

I am pretty numb. I hope it makes sense. I am still trying to stick to any kind of plan. I saw 190.6 on the scale. star, I know about losing inches and not weight, but I think that is good. building muscle.

KayNicole 03-21-2012 04:26 PM

I'm so sorry Jen. :hug:

teacher1 03-21-2012 05:49 PM

jen- I'm so sorry.... crying while reading your post. Hopefully, now you'll get some peace eventually.

star- I'm so sorry that you lost your friend.

kay- good job on the loss

dogdays- hi

I went to a different chiropractor today and he's suggesting I go to physical therapy for my ligament. This is frustrating cause it's getting better but not completely healed. I'm going to give it some more time.

dogdaysofdiets 03-21-2012 06:35 PM

Jen - I'm so sorry about Naomi. You did everything you possibly could and I'm sure she knows that. It's so difficult to make that decision. :hug:

Itsmy - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. What a tough time. I hope you were successful in taking it out on your workout last night.

Kay - great job on the loss! I hope it keeps moving for you. Perhaps your mini break was a good reset period for your body and now that you're refocusing, you'll enjoy a nice whoosh! Here's hoping!

Teacher - Sorry your ligament is still bothering you. I know I said this before, so I apologize for sounding like a broken record, but ligaments definitely take a long time to heal. Was your tear pretty significant (did they do an MRI...can't remember)? If the pain doesn't gradually improve, don't hesitate to return to the doctor...sometimes significant tears require surgical repair. My DD's tear nearly required surgery. It took 12 solid weeks before anyone could touch her wrist without her yelping. It's better now, nearly 10 months later, but still bothers her on occassion.

jendiet 03-22-2012 01:54 AM

star, I am sorry for your loss. I know how shocking it is to lose someone so close to you. I pray for comfort for you.

Kay, I agree great job on the loss.

Teacher, I am sorry about your pain, I was told I had bursitis of my hip, and it wouldn't go away, but when I got treatment for my thyroid it finally went away. i don't think you have an underlying condition causing this, because you have been working out, but if doesn't go away take dogdays diet and find out if it is more than just a slight injury.

dogdays, I find the most comfort in hearing that she knew I loved her, I tried to make it apparent to her. I felt so bad when she sat up and looked at me, I knew I had to love her through that moment. I don't know what made me feel worse, forcing her to take fluids and food when she felt so awful, or taking her to put her down? All I know is that all of these actions were from love, and I know she took that with her. I am so thankful for the years of love and comfort I have received from my beautiful girl. Abby is still alive, but I just never bonded with her like I did Naomi. I do love her, and I am looking out for her grieving, but I miss "My-omi".

I wanted to say, as you get closer to your goal weight, I would focus on things such as bloating and muscle weight. Maybe a few trips to the sauna? When I lost a bunch of weight, eating very very clean for a few weeks really helped my digestion, and made my skin look so much healthier. Muscle tone is very beneficial to the naked body.

food wise, I guess I did a little better today. I hope to get in the 180s soon.

KayNicole 03-22-2012 12:06 PM

Thank you ladies!

I hope you are right dogdays!

teacher- I am glad your hip is getting better but I hope you are back to normal soon.

I will be going back to yoga either tomorrow or Monday. I look forward to being back on a regular schedule.

teacher1 03-22-2012 12:13 PM

dogdays- no MRI just a x-ray. It's getting a little better but not great. I'm doing some workout videos and elip but I really miss the y and zumba. I might try cycling tomorrow and see how my ligament feels after. I miss zumba and my friends from that class. But I know that class really hurts it with all the hip swaying.

Jen- you're right. I do need to probably focus more on my diet since I can't really workout hard. I was counting calories but haven't been lately. I plan to start journal and counting calories starting April 1. Since next week I'll have my brother and sister with my parents out of town. My eating is better but it's a huge weakness for me.

Kay and Star- hi :)

The rain continues but the forecast is showing sun for tomorrow. My brother is coming in town tomorrow from MU where is getting his doctorate in science. He'll be here until Tues. so it should be a nice visit.

jendiet 03-22-2012 03:34 PM

kay, have fun at the yoga class.

teacher, yeah I'm a foody too.

dogdays, you are awesome with your progress, I would start toning more and more if I were so close to my goal weight. I actually wouldn't even care what the scale said while I was doing that. You will get sexier and sexier naked.

Today has been better. I cleaned up. My landlord came and fixed a few things for me. I feel special when a man fixes things for me. I wish my SO could get into that. My dad used to let me watch him fix things around the house, I really liked that.

anyways, God's grace is sufficient. I am trying to be mindful that I am on a diet. My scale said 193.0 today. So need to watch my food.

Ruthxxx 03-22-2012 04:02 PM

This thread is way over the 500 post limit. Please start a new thread. And congrats to all who have reached ONEderland! I know the feeling!

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