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Old 01-05-2003, 11:25 AM   #1  
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Default Week of January 5th

Hi All,

I'm here, counting the minutes until DH gets home with my Benedryl!! Hope everyone's having a great weekend! I have to go into work and finish cleaning off my desk today, since I didn't do it yesterday.
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:43 PM   #2  
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Hello....all is well and asleep for a moment soo I have time to say hello!!! She really didnt sleep too well last night, and I must say it is rough when U R not feeling up to par!!!!I did put on some jeans today..for 1 well but didnt feel well with that incision..It is soo low that even the maternity jeans rub that low and it bothers some...I will be glad to be back to myself soo I can think seriously about doing it again!!!

Tech--Thanks for the info..I will get things moving after my 6 week check up and I am set free!!!!!

Take care!!!
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Old 01-05-2003, 06:58 PM   #3  
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Hi all,

I spent a very lazy day today. I read my book and that's about it. Now I have to get busy and do some laundry . That's what I get for being lazy all day. I totally forgot I had to get a baby shower present while I was out shopping for Alex yesterday. Maybe I will get serious and get something for Alex too when I got out shopping again.

Lauren: Hope the Benadryl made you feel better. Drink lots and get lots of rest.

RR: It's only been 2 weeks!! Give yourself some time. Besides, aren't warm-ups more comfortable than jeans?

I bought several baby magazines yesterday so I've been reading up on how to treat colds, soothe a fussy baby, buy a car seat..... whew, sure hope I'm ready when the time comes.

Have a great evening.
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Old 01-05-2003, 08:10 PM   #4  
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Hi All,

I'm still miserable. A little dryer, but still achey. My whole rib cage hurts from coughing. I had to go to work today and finish up things since i didn't go yesterday, and didn't finish Friday. I was there from 1:00-almost 6:00! At least I got everything cleaned up. It was snowing when I left though.

Karen- I'm a total magazine junky. We have a Graco travel system with the infant car seat, and we're getting the Britax Roundabout convertible carseat for when he gets older. It's pretty expensive, but it's the best one out there.
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Old 01-06-2003, 11:47 AM   #5  
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Hello all!!! Doing nothing and enjoying my time alone!!! Thank goodness everyone is at school and work and I am just sitting here with my baby!! We have read books, eaten, changed diapers, eaten, changed diapers, eaten etc etc!!! She slept every 2 hrs exactly last night soo she is better!!!!

Lauren--I have been packing up over bought things to bring back..DH brought back over $100 of stuff not needed..I had no clue when I was buying things..It is too funny how minimum U need for the beginning...just a good bouncy seat and car seat and that is it!!!Glad U R done with work and resting..Hope UR better today!!!

Karen--when is your due date???
Have a good day all!!!
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Old 01-06-2003, 12:35 PM   #6  
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Happy Monday,
My spa day was absolutely magnificent!!! I felt guilty spending that much money but then I thought about how much DH spends on his boat and I didn't feel so bad anymore. Besides it's a once a year treat for myself.

I had a good weekend but didn't do much. Finished getting the house put back together after the family left and I did lots of sleeping. I think my body was very tired. I'm all better now and even made it to the gym at 5:20 this morning. It was fun to see everyone again and we are all dreading how lazy we were over the holiday. My legs and rump are already feeling a little sore so I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow.

So far six days and counting with no alcohol. That's a miracle for me. I've wanted a glass of wine a couple of times but instead I've been carrying around a big bottle of water with me in the evenings to sip on. It's not quite the same but it's doing the job for now.

RR, it sounds like the two of you are on a good schedule. I hope it stays that way. Enjoy your time alone!!

Lauren, I hope you get to feeling all better soon. Get lots of rest -- you're gonna need it.

KK, did you enjoy your lazy day? I was lazy all weekend. My goal was to just get one thing done each day and I barely managed to do that. Thank goodness DH felt productive.

Have a great week!!
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Old 01-06-2003, 01:30 PM   #7  
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Hi all!

Busy weekend, just getting stuff done around the house. I didn't track points all weekend, but I did stay aware of what I was eating & think I did pretty well. My "official" Monday morning weigh-in says I lost 3.6# since last week, so I'm on track to get to 145# in the next 2 weeks!

Lauren - hope you're feeling better now

Liz - good job staying away from the wine!

It's starting to get busy again at work. I'm going to try to post at least every couple of days and not disappear again, but I may not be able to always respond to everyone's comments and goings on, so please don't be offended if my posts aren't long the next few weeks!

Have a great day all!

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Old 01-06-2003, 03:25 PM   #8  
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Hi All,

I'm feeling a little better, but I took my last Zithromax this AM, so I hope it's gone! I am taking 1 regular Benedryl every 4 hrs. and it's really throwing me for a loop. I was up at 6:30 (well, actually 5:30, but laid in bed til DH got up), took all my drugs, and fell asleep on the sofa around 8, until almost 11:00 I think it was.

Finally dragged my butt up, got a shower and went grocery shopping. By the time I got home, I was totally exhausted (was only gone about an hour and a half total), so I laid on the sofa again to watch my soaps. I took more Benedryl at 3, so I should probably be about ready to fall asleep again any minute now!

LE- Congrats on the loss!! I just got a good look at your avatar today, that's really cute!

Liz- Glad you had a great spa day and are feeling back to yourself! And good for you staying away from the wine and drinking water!!

RR- I wish I had been smarter and not taken the tags off everything and washed it all! I'm just such a sucker for all those cute outfits, I can't wait to dress him in them all!

Hope everyone's having a great day!
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Old 01-06-2003, 04:34 PM   #9  
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Hi all. I've been so busy, but thought I'd pop in for a minute. Nice that we have some people back!

I've really got to run - but I'll be back.

I rejoined WW and think I'll have a good weigh in this week - the holidays were tough!

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Old 01-06-2003, 07:59 PM   #10  
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Hi all,

I had the day off today because we have a low case load. So, I got all the stuff done that I should have done yesterday!! I did the shopping and had lunch with DH. That was nice. There's a tavern by his work that has been around since the late 1700's. It's pretty cool. The original building was the fellows house along with being a tavern and inn. It's so small it's hard to imagine that that much stuff used to be in one building.

RR: I am due May 1st. It seems so far away and yet, it's already January . I just got the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy book and I am enjoying reading it. What kind of things are you returning? so I will know not to even purchase it!!

Liz: I enjoyed my Lazy Day very much!! I paid for it last night by not being able to sleep but I had a very nice day. Cool on staying away from the wine and WOOHOO on making it to the gym at 5:20 in the morning. I've no idea how you can do that!!

LE: No biggie, just stop by when you can. We're always happy to see you.

Lauren: Hope you are feeling better with all the drugs. Did you guys get lots of snow today? We got lots but nothing that stayed for long. The trees were pretty while it was snowing.

Rabbit: Sure hope you have a good weigh-in. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Have a great evening!!
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Old 01-07-2003, 09:10 AM   #11  
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Hi All,

Feeling a little better this AM...finally! Still pretty stuffed up, and coughing, but I also just got up, so once I take a shower, I should be better.

Karen- Yeah, we got snow on and off all day, but nothing that really stuck to the street, just the grass. I was looking at the trees around our property too, and they did look really pretty! A girl I work with is due May 1st too!

Rabbit- Good to see you!! Hope things slow down a bit for you, so you can check in here!! Good luck at WI!

Well, at 11:30 last night, DH was pulling apart the sofabed. He decided to sleep on the sofa since he only got 2 hrs. of sleep the night before listening to be cough. It's a very comfy sofa...great for Sunday afternoon naps...but I guess he figured he'd rather stretch out. Anyway, my mom bought this sofa out of the paper for me, for $99., about 6-7 yrs. ago! It was probably about 7-8 yrs, old then, one of these big contemporary style things with the removable cushions that I have a love/hate relationship with. Anyway, I think it's more than paid for itself, and now the frame on the bed is bent and twisted...not sure how that happened, but it has been moved 3 times!! I told DH today I'd call the town and find out how to get rid of it, and we'll check the paper for another used one. He suggested maybe checking out Ikea, because we're going to go there this weekend with the pick up to pick up some furniture for his friend. I dunno, I like Ikea stuff, but I don't think I'd like their sofas, not comfy enough, ya' know? I think I will call my SIL today, because DH told me they redecorated their family room and made it a game room, which means they don't have their sofa in there anymore! It was pretty much the same as what we have, just a different print. I'm hoping they still have it in the basement or something.

I really hope I'm feeling a lot better today or tomorrow, because there's soo much I need to get done, and I just don't have a lot of energy to do it!

Have a great day all!!
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Old 01-07-2003, 10:31 AM   #12  
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Good Morning!!! Rough night last night...WOW..this is soo hard not to get irritated when U R awakened every hour and then forced to stay awake for 2-3 hr intervals...I think it was my fault cuz Refman played hockey last night..came home late and me and him talked which made her think it was play time and she refused to go to sleep.....Of course now..she is asleep and I am too tired to sleep..My mom came over yesterday, gave me a 2 hr nap and bathed Kaylee for me..What a big help!!!

Lauren--Glad U R improving!!! Not too much longer..maybe the cough will dilate things and get them moving!!! haha no such luck huh????(check yahoo mail)

Karen--Let's see..My MD doesnt allow lotions or powders..brought them back..I bought way too many bottles(I am breast feeding), bottle rack for drying, changing station,(have one in my diaper bag), spoons(dont need them now), 8 blankets(too many), way too many burp cloths etc etc....I wash soo much that U really dont need too much. BTW--Buy the largest container of Dreft..U will need it!!!!!!May 1st will be here before U know it!! DH and I are gonna consider getting pg again in August...We are gonna have a serious discussion..

Rabbit--Hello again!!!!!
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Old 01-07-2003, 01:01 PM   #13  
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Hard to believe it is 2003, huh? I keep writing 2002 . . .

It is so warm here today, the snow is melting. Guess we are having a January thaw.

Ds is home from school for his break - nice to have him. He will be starting his last semester in a couple weeks. Time flies! He has applied to law schools and is just waiting to hear.

Lauren - hope you are feeling better today.

RR - wow, you're already talking about another one?

Ok, gotta run. Have a great healthy day all.

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Old 01-07-2003, 04:49 PM   #14  
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Hello All,

Not doing too well on the diet front. Guess I don't have Liz's willpower, we've got WW tonight so we'll see how much damage was done over the holidays. I'm due for TOM so I can't seem to stop eating, I mean my stomach is growling even though I'm eating what I normally eat. Does anyone else have this problem????

Anyway, I haven't gotten much done, I took down the tree on Friday, but still haven't taken down the rest of the decorations. I like how the windows in the dining room look and I haven't gotten around to making treatments for in there yet. Been paying bills and stuff today, I really need to get a better paying job I'm tired of scraping by. Why is it the good paying jobs are a pain and the fun ones don't pay squat . Oh well, it'll work out soon.

LBH - Sounds like you're feeling better. Good luck with "Petey".

RR - From what I've seen Grandmas can be a godsend. My mom helped out my sister a lot in the first few weeks. Of course she was off work on medical but that's another story.... Get sleep where you can and have fun. From what I've seen you can never have too many burp cloths, that kid must go thru a dozen a day!

LE - Congrats on the loss , check in when you can, don't worry about responding.

Liz - Glad you had a good day at the spa. I've got a couple of gift certificates to redeem but haven't. I tried to the week before Christmas and it was ugly (looooong story). Congrats on staying away from the wine. I've not been so succesfull.

Rabbit - Hope WI was succesfull for you. You are always so active, I'm impressed.

I forgot to mention my cat came back last night. He'd been missing since 12/17 and we figured he was a goner. K thinks he might have been back a couple of days ago he saw paw prints but figured they were the neighbor's cat's. It's good to have him back but he lost a lot of weight, never thought there'd be something in this house that was too skinny

Oh well, should probably go. Maybe we can walk the dog's before we leave. They'd like it and I need to get moving.

Have a great week everyone.

- Tech
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Old 01-07-2003, 05:57 PM   #15  
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Rant from a Pregnant Woman...Feel free to skip....

DH just invited people over for dinner without checking with me. I realize that hormones are probably making me overreact but I am so mad right now. The house is a wreck, the dog has shed all over the floor and they are going to be here in about an hour. I hardly know what to do. I haven't done anything but run around like a crazy woman trying to straighten stuff up and the dog is standing in our bedroom door looking at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am .

OK, thanks for letting me get that off of my chest. Sorry to rant and rave so.
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