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Old 09-12-2011, 11:17 AM   #1  
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Default ****$$ Weekly Chat 9/12 to 9/18 $$****

Good Morning Girls!

So this morning has been just wonderful (there is a serious amount of sarcasm in that statement lol!). DS was up with a fever, cough, runny nose ALL night, literally was up every hour poor boy! So I was up every hour. Luckily whatever he has DD hasn't gotten yet (which I am sure she will as soon as DS gets better and then the sleepless nights will just continue, that is the joy of having LOs lol!) which is at least a good thing. However, no Insanity this morning before they got up since I had about 3 hours of sleep (maybe) total all night. *SIGH* oh well, I will get it done later today since it is recovery week and the workouts are not insanely ridiculous lol! I AM bummed because this means I won't be able to go to the gym today . I don't want DS to infect the other children haha! On the upside, TOM is on it's way out and I am back down to 154, hoping that when it is totally gone and I weigh in on Monday there will be some sort of loss there! I am reconciled to the fact that I won't see the 140s for at least another week maybe more (serious bummer lol!). Okay girls, chat away and let's have a great week together, I hope that everyone's weekends were OP and fun!
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Old 09-12-2011, 02:05 PM   #2  
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Hey everyone! Hope you hadn't forgotten me!
I'm back from the seaside, I'm tanned (well as much as a normally ghost white person can be), I've recharged my battery and I'm ready to get fitter and healthier.
I got back Saturday evening, I maintained - weighed at 175.0 this morning and I got back on plan today

Munster, first congraths on the normal BMI!
And don't beat yourself for stepping the game down a bit, those germs can infect you too! Hope DS gets better soon and no one else in the house gets infected!
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Old 09-12-2011, 07:47 PM   #3  
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Munster: Agreed, don't beat yourself up! Changing gears isn't the same as stalling out

Healthy4: Welcome back! And nice to meet you .

As for my mini goals yesterday, I succeeded (woo!).

However, yesterday I did wake up with some sort of germ infecting the general area behind my face and ears! I went to bed last night hoping it was a 24 hour thing, and it's not. My fellow peers sent me home, and the GF set me up on the couch, and headed back to work.

On the downside, I'm sick, and bored, and sleeping.
On the upside, although I'm bored, I'm not grazing, which is a feat in and of itself (except for that handful of cashews o: ).

I'm looking forward to feeling better, and staying in routine.

Hope everyone had a good Monday!
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:02 PM   #4  
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Hi all! Had a bit of a rough Sunday!

Firstly I attempted my 5 mile run, I got to 3.5 miles and I needed to pee SO BADLY that I couldn't run any more. Seriously, every time I ran it was going to burst out of me and I did not fancy pulling a Paula Radcliffe. So I had to walk the rest of the way home =(.

Secondly I had a huge argument with the BF that night. We had arranged to Skype and he was late - not a big deal. But when I mentioned it to him he just spoke to me like it was nothing, and I got super p!ssed off at him because I know for a fact he would not treat anyone else that way. Then when we finished arguing/force talking, he had to leave. I got super upset because I was dying to talk to him properly, so I asked him if he could stay for a short while to let the dust settle and catch up with his family later (they were going to dinner).
I would never ask him to make that sort of compromise for me unless I was really upset, and I was crying when I asked him, but he left me anyway. So today I've been feeling really bummed out about it all. He sent me a text after he left saying how much he loved me, then he sent an email saying more of the same and said he'd never do anything to hurt me (but he did). What's worse is that now I've formulated my thought and sent him an email saying why I was really upset and hurt by what he did, I have to wait until tomorrow to get a reply. I really hate the distance and the time difference in these situations, I really really do.

My eating hasn't been as good as it could be. I think my TOM is approaching because I'm getting a monster appetite. I've not done anything crazy, when I had a bit extra for lunch yesterday I ate mainly fruit for the rest of the day. I bought a Pepsi today at work though, because it was so dead and dull I just needed the sugar! I'm still trying to get used to the meal plans, eating every couple of hours and trying to actually make everything. It's a big change for me, so I'm not feeling too guilty about not getting into it straight away, but I do need to try harder to ease into it.

Tomorrow is a new day though, and my weight has stayed the same. Sorry for the ranting, thanks for all those who've stayed with me this far!

munster - Awww, sorry to hear that your boy is sick! And sorry that you didn't get to Insanity yourself up! But enjoy a much deserved rest =).

hh4l - Woohoo for staying the same! Good job! And I hear you on the tanning front, I'm so white the chlorine in a pool turned my skin green once...yup, a sad true story.

Mande - Sorry you feel sick but congrats on not snacking! Great work!
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:39 PM   #5  
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Hello, everyone. Another busy week ahead of me with student teaching Monday and Wednesday and then adult classes Tuesday and Thursday. DH kept DD today. Everything went just fine....thank goodness. Today was the first day DH has had to watch her all day.
Anyway, I didn't go to the gym yesterday like I had promised myself, BUT I did get a good workout in by playing tag with DS. He's fast! Haha! And I made a point to constantly move for 30 minutes with either walking or running. My legs are still a little sore from it all because I did some serious sprints when getting away from DS and when I was trying to catch him. It was a lot of fun though and this is the first time that I've ever played with my son like that. He didn't know Mama could move so fast. Ha!! I'm planning on heading to the gym tomorrow morning before class. I think I'm just gonna do the first week of C25K again. I don't know if I'll do it the whole week, but I'm going to do that walk/run interval tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on to week 2 yet. How do you know?

Munster -Hope your DS gets better soon!! Nothing worst than a sick kid.

- No!...we have not forgotten about you!! Good to hear about your maintenance while at the seaside.
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:44 PM   #6  
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We cross posted!

MandeLea - Sorry to hear that you are sick...get better soon!!

Riestrella - Sorry about the BF. You said that AF was around the corner so you could be extra emotional because of that too. And I hate when I have to go pee during a workout. It really, really annoys me when I have to stop.
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Old 09-13-2011, 01:35 PM   #7  
Insanity Round 3!!!!
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Good Morning!

Okay ladies, so TOM is on its way out and I am hoping for a decent loss on Thursday when I weigh in! I am planning on DROWNING myself in water for the next two days to eliminate any lingering bloat! Hoping for at least a 153 #, things are slowing down the lower I get so I would be happy with 1 lb a week loss from here on out. Did Insanity yesterday afternoon so felt better about not going to the gym yesterday since I at least got that in. Hit the gym this morning and did the Jacob's Ladder and sprint intervals, and I am doing Insanity in a few minutes. Taking DD to the Dr. later this afternoon for her tiny little ears (I know she has an ear infection poor baby girl ). Hope that you ladies all have a great day, and that we can lose some good weight this week!

HH4L-HEY!!!!! Glad you had a good vaca, and great job on maintaining while gone . Thanks for the congrats, I was SUPER excited when I hit that 154 lol! Now I am trying to kick my a$$ for those 140s they are so close I can taste them haha! Keep working, you will see a quick loss I'm sure now that you are back .

-I'm sorry that you are sick! hopefully you will get better quickly! I know when I am sick I feel like grazing too because I am bored so great job on resisting the temptation! Staying OP when you are sick is a great thing, sending good health vibes your way so you can get back into it soon! Changing gears is a good thing for sure, I just like to get in at least 90 minutes of intense exercise every day so when I don't it feel sort of blah lol! Oh well, got it in today so back on track!

Rie- I'm sorry about you and your BF. I know that it has to be difficult having such a distance and really getting to connect with each other. You will work it out, and YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN!!!!!!!!! You are doing so well, and have so much to be happy for, there will always be issues with us and our men, because hello, THEY ARE MEN!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! They really don't get some things because they have that pesky Y chromosome, and let me tell you even being married for over 5 years hasn't much changed the confusion that comes with that Y chromosome lol! I think even after 60 years it won't! So just keep working with each other, supporting each other, and you will be fine. On the eating front, it is hard if you have to work and can't "cook" every meal, but there are things that I make even when I am home that take 5 minutes, and I can just eat really fast. Spinach salad with chicken and fruit, the peanut butter and fruit sandwiches, raw veggies, raw fruit, protein bars, etc. You will get comfortable and figure it all out I promise! Here is to seeing those 160s...GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RIE!

sgregg-OMG if I chase DS around for 30 minutes I am covered in sweat lol! It really is a good workout because of their limitless energy. It's always, "just one more time mommy" too lol, so even if you are tired you do another one! Woohoo for playing haha! I have never done c25k but I think it is like anything else, you have to try the next level and if it is hard but you can push through it then you should. If it is something your body is telling you ABSOLUTELY NOT then you should back off. Your body will let you know. As far as DS goes, he is better today, but DD has and ear infection (I think I am going to get them checked later this afternoon) and is trying to pull her tiny little ear off . Add that to the major nose production, won't drink her baba, and not wanting to lay flat and I am in serious ear watch mode lol! Bummer, oh well hopefully she will get better fast too!

Ladies, have a great day and I am finishing my snack and guzzling water . Praying weigh in goes well for everyone!

Last edited by munstermommy; 09-13-2011 at 01:36 PM.
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Old 09-13-2011, 09:30 PM   #8  
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I have been bad, bad, bad today. I have not drank nearly enough water and I sat in class all day. I did get my workout in this morning. I ended up starting week 2 on the c25k. It was a GREAT workout and now my knees hurt. But I did it and I didn't give up or take any breaks. Week 2 is 1.5 min runs and 2 min. walk intervals. You start off with a 5 minute brisk walk and end with a 5 minute brisk walk and do the run/walk intervals for a full 20 minutes.
Oh, I wanted to ask...has anyone had their feet/foot fall asleep while walking or running? My right foot fell asleep close to the last run, so around 23 minutes of the workout. I just kept going through it, but it was really annoying. It didn't get back to normal until after I stopped completely sometime after 30 minutes.

Munster - Ear infections can be horrible for a mother. I would be taking her as soon as I saw the first signs. That's just not something I want to deal with in the middle of the night. DS had one over the summer. He complained just one day of his ear hurting and I took him in the next day. He said it didn't hurt anymore, but he couldn't hear out of it good, so I went ahead and took him. The N.P. took one look in his ear and her eyes got huge. She said that she didn't know why he wasn't crying from excruciating pain because his ear was so infected. Even his other ear was infected, just not as bad. Anyway, I hope your LO is not in that bad of shape and she gets over it quickly!!
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Old 09-14-2011, 06:24 AM   #9  
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Hello beautifuls!

The argument I've had with the BF was stretched out to 3 days. Seriously. We both have work, so we miss each other on IM so we had to rely on emails. I HATE emails for serious talks. But we finally got everything sorted, it's just been a bit of an emotionally draining process. The good news is is that we both have a day off today and have set aside time for each other to talk on Skype. So maybe this time we'll get it right ;p

In weight loss related news I woke up to 172 lbs!!?! I've no idea how that happened, and believe me I checked multiple times! I can't believe it really! But I'm super happy about it, will get all excited and update my ticker, but I'm half expecting it to go up tomorrow, haha!

I've now got 3 days off. I'm going to try my best to focus on eating correctly. I've also got a 4 mile run to do today, wish me luck!

munster - You go girl, you drown yourself in wawa! But not too much because it can be bad for you . I'm sure you'll hit that 153 lbs because you're actually a workout machine. Like, wow. Awww, thank you sweety, you always make me feel so awesome about myself!! I hope I can provide the same support to you. Yeah men can be awkward...I hate sounding so womanly but it's true!!

sgregg - If you got your workout in then don't worry too much! If you're serious about running then I highly recommend getting the right pair of shoes with the right arch support for you. You can go into proper running shoe places and they put you on a treadmill and analyse your pronation, which is basically how you run. I have high arches, so they need the support, I once really injured my left arch and I couldn't walk properly never mind run for about a week.
I also have Orthaheels, they're insoles that you put into your trainers that help with pronation that reduce the chance of heel, knee and lower back pain. If you're overweight, your knees are taking most of the strain when you exercise - especially if you're running since it's a high impact sport, so you need to give them the right support at all costs. I'd also recommend perhaps taking some fish oil supplements to help with your joints too.
Immediately after your workouts, or when you get home from the gym, ice your knees. Do 10 minutes on 10 minutes off 3 times. It will HURT at first, but it reduces the chance of inflammation. I was doing this with my injury too and it helped.
I've never had problems with my foot going to sleep actually, so I couldn't help you there! Perhaps you have a circulation problem?
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Old 09-14-2011, 12:51 PM   #10  
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Thank you everyone for sending health vibes my way, I am feeling much better today. I think it's bronchitis, but since I can feel everything draining, the headache is gone, and so is the fever, that tells me it's licked with out antibiotics (which I hate to take).

Apparently being sick has been good for me. I didn't lose as much as I was hoping, but with all the sleep I've had and the exercise I haven't had, I'm not surprised. On the upside, today is my Friday, with two glorious days off before I must return to work, and I switched a shift for a late start today, which meant not feeling all rushed this morning. Since putting back on the 40 Lbs I lost, I realized my energy has flown right out the freaking window. I'm excited to feel it coming back.

Resisting temptation hasn't been as difficult for me this time around (it was pretty much an uphill battle on my previous attempt), so I'm going to put all my focus on consistency with my workouts.

Good luck to everyone today!!

Rie: It could be related to TOM... In that situation, I would feel the same way you did, TOM or not. It probably wasn't his intention to leave you feeling like you were not priority. Distance can be a funny thing. It sometimes removes some of the oomph from spoken feelings (even if webcams involved). I have a dear friend that has a booked called "Our S**t." Basically, because they aren't confrontational people, they write down the things that have upset them in this journal, so they have time to read, absorb, and then will talk about it. If you have limited time to spend talking together, there may be subjects that can take a backseat, it might be a thought . And CONGRATULATIONS on the loss! Don't check tomorrow! LOL
sgregg: That's fantastic! I like the though of "energy be gets energy." I also imagine that your DS felt the exact same way, ecstatic . As for your foot, have you had your circulation checked lately? It could be just the weight on the foot, and not being used to it, or something serious such as restriction in your veins/arteries, or a blood clot. Best to get it checked!
Munster: I hope she feels better, poor thing. You are an exercise machine! Good luck on 154 .
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Old 09-14-2011, 01:55 PM   #11  
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Goooooood Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so got on the scale this morning (I know I don't weigh in until tomorrow, but I couldn't help myself) and.............153!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! HAHA! So I am happy and hoping that the last of the bloat will be gone tomorrow and dare I wish for a 152 number? Who knows! Okay so that made my morning, plus the fact that I slept from 10:30pm until 6:30am this morning was amazing, I NEVER get that much sleep at night lol! So busted a 1.5 hour gym workout this morning, cardio+strength and just finished Insanity Core Cardio and Balance. I have 3 days left on recovery week before Month 2 Round 2 begins! Oh boy that scares me haha! I know I will lose a bunch more but man those workouts are so intense it is intimidating even though I have done it before lol! Anyway, eating my cotttage cheese/protein bar snack right now and then taking the LOs to the park, they are both better praise be! Hope that you are all having a good mid week, let's get back to Friday please lol! Have a great one ladies!

sgregg-YAY on the workout! Great job . There will be less intense days, and you just have to make up for it when you can. I swear being a mommy burns at least an extra 250 cals a day with the picking them up, hauling them around, chasing them down etc. lol! Yes the ear infections are the worst, but Dr. said that her ears were clear (hmmmmmmm) but that she has a red throat from the drainage so that she might be confusing the pain of that and her teething with the ears. I am supposed to keep an eye on her in case the cold symptoms do lead to the ears though. DS was the CHAMPION of ear infections from about 1-2 years so I am praying DD isn't the same *sigh*. Hope today is good on the H2O front, make it work girl!!

Rie-HAHA on the "wawa" that is what we call it in this house right now because of DD. Thank you for the support, and WOW 172????!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I am telling you the change to eating is the major key. I am sorry about the whole BF thing, but at least you worked it out and you can move on from here . Keep working, get those runs in (I am going to start again after Round 2 of Insanity, running feels so good ) and work it out!!!!!! You will be in those 160s in no time the rate you are going now, KEEP-IT-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mande-I know how you feel about meds, I haven't taken any antibiotics for almost 2 years now because I was pregnant and I almost never get sick. However, I definitely have had those same types of sick when you just HAVE to get it knocked out with meds. I am glad you are feeling better and hopefully you will be 100% soon! Maybe your body will kick start like crazy since you had to take a little break! Keep working >

Okay ladies, going to get myself into DS room and change for the park. Hoping we all have a great day and please get closer to Friday faster lol!
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Old 09-14-2011, 10:50 PM   #12  
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On a crazy cat is stinkin' up the house with her poo!!! Ugh, ugh, ugh!! Her litter box is right next to the table where I keep all my class stuff, laptop, etc., and it stinks so bad. I'm so thankful that I can take my computer to another area, but heck, I shouldn't have to!! I even buy that expensive litter and we have a covered litter box...AND she has expensive food to try to help with the smell! So, I don't know what else to do. If it were up to me, we wouldn't have a pet inside, but it's not, so UGH!!

Okay, I got that out of my system. Haha!!

WEIGH-IN DAY TODAY!! I'm 3.6lbs down for the week!! Yay!!

- Glad to hear the kiddos are feeling better. How was the park? Woohoo for getting to that 153!! I hope you have a good number tomorrow!

Kawaii...where are you??!! I hope everything is going well with your low-carb diet.

Rie - Glad you and the bf got things resolved. I know it has to be so hard with the distance. Is he from where you live now? How did you meet? Oh, and thanks for the tips! I don't even know of where a running place would be around where I live. I'm sure there is one out there somewhere. I just got some new Nikes before I started c25k. They actually feel really great and my knees aren't hurting today, so I'm just gonna chalk it up to being overweight. If isn't bearable then I would check into it more, I think. But thanks! I really appreciate any advice you can give.

Mande - Hope you get in some good workouts! I'm pulling for you! And no, no circulation checked since I have no health insurance I can't just go to the dr for regular checkups or whatever. I have to save my money for sickness. So, if it isn't keeping me from working out, then I'm just gonna push through it, I guess.
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:44 AM   #13  
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Just checking for the evening to stay YES! Another day of successful eating!

I also wanted to say thank you again for the support
Munster: CONGRATS!!!
sgregg: That is really lame . Sometimes I forget that people can't just walk into a clinic and receive service without paying out, while in Canada I end up having to wait 7 hours or longer in an emergency room if I'm not bleeding to death, having a heart attack, or have stopped breathing, but on the flip side I can go to any clinic and see a doctor (which if serious, will just send me to emerg lol). It seems between public and private health care, there is no 100% win. One thing I can say is that if it's circulation, garlic is a great natural remedy to promote healthy circulation, and garlic capsules aren't too much (from personal experience, I recommend carrying gum around lol).
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:33 AM   #14  
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Alrighty all! I'm still at 172 lbs today, but I think it's probably going to go up because the dreaded period is coming. But still - happy with my progress!

My eating yesterday was GREAT! I ate every couple of hours and I just felt so great about it all. I went to the gym and did a workout, couldn't help but notice a thin blonde girl complaining to her trainer that she couldn't do the rowing he had asked her to do. I felt like saying "STOP WHINING WOMAN AND KEEP MOVING!" and thought of munster doing her Insanity workouts in comparison to a bit of rowing =p.

Things with the BF are clear now, we moved past the argument and spent a good 3 hours talking on Skype yesterday. I got to show him my new haircut which he really liked, and we just chatted for ages. Was nice to be able to sit down and spend a lot of time with him.

Today I'm meeting up with a high school friend and watching Friends with Benefits. Should be a fun day! The weather looks great, so I might try and sneak in a run on my favourite route - I avoid it if it's been raining because it gets too muddy.

Hope you all have a great day! Oh, and I'm thinking, for next month should we try having a monthly chat instead of a weekly one? Because there tends to be only a few of us who are consistent with it and it would be easier to keep track! Just something to try out really!

Mande - Glad to hear you're feeling better and you're more determined to lose weight this time around! This is my third serious try at losing weight, and I've seen the best results possible. Keeping up to date on this site has helped! Congrats on the healthy eating day!

munster - WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 153 LBS!!!! Huge congrats! Seems like yesterday was a great day for you!

sgregg - Ew for cat poop! But congrats on that loss, that's incredible! Good trainers are every runners best friend, and they're expensive, so only get them if you see running as a long term plan for your exercise. But definitely ice your joints if you have any more problems.
As for the BF, bit of a crazy story, I'll try and keep it simple! He's from CO in America, I'm from England, we met online when we were 13, became best friends and talked every day, started having serious feelings for each other around the age of 15 but never did anything about it because of the distance, met in person for the first time when we were 18, had a bit of a summer romance then went our ways, a year later he was unhappy with his Uni so somehow I convinced him to go to a different Uni and he chose to go to mine, he came to live with me and go to my Uni at 19, we lived together for 2 years, then we finally got together when we were 20. We've now been officially together for 2 years, although it's been on and off for about 7 years. Phew!
Now that he graduated he's back in America, but we're both moving to Japan next year. Visiting him in February, which is a major target of mine right now to lose as much weight as possible!! Did you mention you have a hubby and a daughter?
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:09 PM   #15  
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Hey Ladies!

Okay so this morning got on the scale and the bloat is FINALLY ALMOST GONE! I was 153.7 yesterday and I am 153.2 today, so I am hoping that by next week's official weigh on Thursday I will be back to what I "actually" weigh without all that water weight! So, that made me happy . Worked out with Shaun T this morning at 5:50am, couldn't sleep so I though, WTH might as well get it over with lol! Took the LOs to the gym and KILLED it at the gym. OMG so many calories, so much sweat it was crazy! Did 30 min of ARC trainer on a hill workout, and then busted the 30 min. sprint/incline intervals. I felt bad I told the girl next to me on the other treadmill "I am really sorry if I am sweating on you" and she laughed and asked what I was doing! It was pretty funny. So finished ALL the working out for the day by 9:30am woohoo! Now DS is at school and DD is down for her nap, praise and halleluia mommy needs a nap lol! Hoping all of you are doing well, keep up the good work, BUT WHERE IS EVERYONE????????????????

sgregg-WOW THAT'S AN AMAZING LOSS!!!!! You go!!!!! That is so great . You are doing such a great job of staying on track while you are in school . Keep it up! Bummer on the cat box, DS and I are NOT pet people so we don't have any of those yet, although I am sure DS will be begging for one once he goes to school and hears about all the other kids' pets. We are still working on ways to get out of that lol! We did make it to the park, we have a TON of parks within walking/biking distance (we live in a super cultivated neighborhood, a bunch of community parks, splash parks, etc. it's awesome) so we went to the one close to us with a splash park and DS went crazy in the water lol. DD and I hung out and she had her lunch and I talked with the moms in my moms group. So a good day! Bummer too on the health insurance, when you do start teaching is there good insurance for teachers where you are? DH's insurance through our district is AMAZING so I would think that most school districts have good insurance? I hope that you are doing okay and definitely don't injure yourself!

-Thanks for the congrats . I hope that your journey continues to stay OP and let us know how the numbers are working out for you, you will do great!

Rie-YAY for getting you and BF on track lol! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA about the tiny blonde lol! I sometimes want to snarl at the little slender girls who are all dolled up to go to the gym to walk on the treadmill, lift some 3 lb hand weights, and walk around looking for a man. I mean, I am there sweating like a pig, kicking my own a$$ for an hour and there they are all makeup and shiny hair not out of place. I mean seriously???? LOL. I really do get the urge to growl haha! Oh well, just think of how ripped you will be and that is way better compared to being "skinny fat" if you know what I mean, plus I am sure you could kick her a$$ in running lol! And yes, yesterday was a great day! I don't mind doing the weekly chat, it really helps me, but I would post every day for the monthly too so it doesn't really matter for me personally. I think that some people definitely use it as a big accountability tool so whatever you all think is best. I just like coming on and getting support and encouragement from you all!

Okay girls, back to nap time! YAY! Going to hit the hay for about 30 minutes before I have to do more stuff before DD wakes up. Have a great one, and here's to more weight gone forever!
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