Weekly Chat April 5-12

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  • How can I go from "yeah I'm totally gonna go to the gym when I get home" to sitting on the couch and crying so quickly?
  • Stella - I'll share my running skillz if you give me your Stairbeastmaster talent. I wonder if I can go 45 minutes on that thing. I think I might fall off and pass out. No joke. Stick with whatever makes you comfortable. No point in doing an exercise that you honestly don't enjoy, although prime incentive is CB

    Aliquot - I'm sorry to hear that you're crying. I don't know what there is I can do to help but I hope you feel better.
  • Quote: Icon- this is a really random question but since you brought it up.... do you know if your bf's mom makes her dhal with a pressure cooker? If not what does she use? My friend Holly who I got the recipe from uses a pressure cooker and the one at my house is broken. She uses 3 cups of water per cup of dhal and I didn't know if it made a difference pressure cooker vs. crock pot. I googled and Ragout comes from a french stew. Mine was actually REALLY good except I got excited with the chipolte peppers and it was HOT HOT HOT. I like hot, but this was a little much. It didn't make me sweat though!
    I'm pretty sure she uses a pressure cooker, just about everything indian seems to be cooked in a pressure cooker Or cooked really slooooowly in a more traditional way but no one has time for that. You could probably use a crock pot, I'm not sure sorry

    Stella- i think I'm an endomorph...which means I am round and soft? And should do cardio and medium weight weight-training. Which is what I do. Yay my PT is on to it xD

    Interview today, scary >.<
  • Jess- I'm gonna email you... I dont do one everyday no...but I have for the past 4 days... it just happens that I've haven't had to work
  • My goodness, everyone has been very chatty this afternoon!!!!

    I went into work today thinking that it was going to be a better day than yesterday. I really didn't think it could be worse....boy was I so WRONG!!! haha

    Class started and about 10 minutes into class, someone walked by and yelled out one of my students' names. He went over to the door to talk to that girl and after about 2 minutes (since I figured she was just saying hi or something and would be on her way), they were carrying on a conversation like it was no big deal. It's an Academic Support class, so the students are supposed to be working on classroom assignments and whatnot.

    I asked my student to tell his friend to go to class and come in the room and shut the door.....no response. So, I said it again, a bit more forcefully this time and still no response. So, finally I was like "Or you could completely ignore me...that's another option". Usually at that point, my kids will be like "Oh, sorry.." and it will be over. Not with him. So, I went up to the door and told the girl that her friend was supposed to be working in class and she needed to go to her own class at which point the girl looked at me and said "Well, I'm signing out today so I don't have a class to go to. So, oh well". The absolute balls some kids have!!!!

    I looked at her and told her that she didn't have to be so rude at which she accused me of being a rude *****. I was so freaking mad at that point that I just looked at her, said "Well, good luck with signing out of school" and shut the door in her face. LOL If you're going to call me a *****, I will act like one

    That was all at 7:20 this morning. Needless to say, it was a really long day!!!
  • YIPES you guys are chatty! I tried to go through and catch it all, but there is no way!

    I did see P90X mentioned... we have it and I am thinking about attempting it again. I did the first week and it kicked my arse. It was tough, but I was soooo.

    BUT I don't know if I should try and lose more weight first? Because I know its for toning, but it helps you lose inches... dunno?!?

    Ali I don't know what is wrong but I am sorry to hear you are crying Probably its along the same lines as me eating really good today and going to come home and exercise.. to seeing a student eating hot Cheetos... wanting some and stopping at the gas station as soon as I left the school :X

    Chele You go! Sounds like some of the snotty girls I have. One called me a b*tch and I just told her thank you. Respect is a word they don't quite understand.
  • Jess - my secret to the stairmaster - music videos on my ipod. With interval running I just pick fun songs and run to the beat. I can't do that when I run run (because really, who can keep up with Tik Tok for that long) but it works in short bursts.

    Sam - /hug I'm sorry My trick is just go to the gym before I get home. There's always time to cry later

    Okay, I'm almost done with the second question (out of 4, and the last 2 are short).
    I just hate typing - can't I have an oral exam? I can explain the history of Medicare, but I'm really done with typing about it...
  • I went to the gym. Skipped to week 3 of c25k...I got tired of being on week 2 over and over when I don't do it a whole week. It was not bad, although i did not do it as fast.

    Metallica made me feel better. I just missed my boy and had a rough day at school and am very stressed out over giving my final masters presentation and finishing up the semester and wrapping up my job and STILL not hearing from Rutgers about getting accepted...

    Also I'm just getting frustrated with seeing 220.5-221 every day for the past week and a half on the scale. But that is neither here nor there...
  • Jess- yeah it's the fact that they can run 8-9min miles with minimal exertion that pisses me off! lol.

    Haley- School stuff is majorly stressing me out right now, too. Have faith, it'll work out.

    Aliquot- I go from fine 1 second to crying the next these days too. See above.

    all around, in fact.

    Kelli- p90x puts you at a slight calorie deficit I think if you follow the diet, so it should work for both your wl goals and your fitness goals.

    So, OT advice-- what would you guys do:

    Georgetown: ~$50,000 debt at 8.5% over 10 years after graduating
    Columbia: ~$70,000 " " " "
    Harvard: ~$115,000 " " " "

    The programs are basically the same, but Harvard's is the strongest, and it's Harvard. It has cachet and opens doors in ways that no other school does. But Georgetown and Columbia are obviously great programs and I realize I am very lucky to have this choice to make. Also I have no debt currently except my mortgage, and my home equity is enough to pay off most or all of that student debt if I were to sell my house.

    I know this is a highly personal decision, but I'm seriously at a loss here.
  • Forest - do those include housing costs as well? I only ask because I figure if you go to Georgetown you'd stay with the 'rents. Also, I'd selfishly say "go to Georgetown" so we could hang out (but I kid).

    I'm not a believer in the whole "the more expensive the school, the better it is" but if it truly has the best program, than I say go for Harvard, especially since you have the equity to cover the debt. If you have something seriously against Boston over NYC or DC, then go with that, but you got into the best, so go for the best.

    Also, I just walked 4 miles in 45 minutes. Why the heck can't I run that fast...
  • Quote: Forest - do those include housing costs as well? I only ask because I figure if you go to Georgetown you'd stay with the 'rents. Also, I'd selfishly say "go to Georgetown" so we could hang out (but I kid).

    I'm not a believer in the whole "the more expensive the school, the better it is" but if it truly has the best program, than I say go for Harvard, especially since you have the equity to cover the debt. If you have something seriously against Boston over NYC or DC, then go with that, but you got into the best, so go for the best.

    Also, I just walked 4 miles in 45 minutes. Why the heck can't I run that fast...
    Thanks for the feedback! Those are estimates including cost of living, so I factored in the housing savings of Georgetown (though not the added benefit of having you and Jess for running buddies ). Really all other things are equal (cities, programs, etc) except that Harvard is ranked #1 in the country for social policy (Gtown and Columbia are about 14th) and is the most prestigious.

    That is some FAST walking...I don't think my legs would take me that fast without breaking into a run. We're all built for different things...nothing wrong with playing to our strengths
  • Forest Thanks for the P90X advice... I don't really care for the diet that comes with it though. They suggest protein shakes and I would rather stick with my CC diet. Wonder if that will still work.

    And about the school choices... I really have no idea. I went to a college close to home. I could understand wanting to keep the debt smaller.. I have some from school and it makes me sick to think about... then Harvard is well.. Harvard. BUT all of those schools are amazing. I think seeing any of those on your resume would be awesome.
  • Forest- I will give you some advice that I was once given... or rather a question I was asked...would you rather be in top of your class at a less prestigious school or at the bottom or a nobody at the best school... Personally I'd rather be a somebody at the top of my class.. Yes it is Harvard however Columbia and Georgetown are both great as well... hey I'm here too...but probably not for long lol

    Stella- I'm jealous you can even walk... I dont think I would walk if I tried...my legs hurt so bad

    Sam- things will get better... put the scale away for a couple of days or switch up the workout...seriously it does scale wonders

    So my dinner was yum... I had deviled shrimp...aka spicy shrimp and I did eat two flour tortillas and some guac and sour cream and guess what I way over guesstimated and I'm within my calories... makes me feel good... I did however resist chips and salsa
  • Kelli- I don't know how CC would work but the workout was killer and I'm not doing the diet so I'm sure you'd get some benefit out of it.

    Haley- I have a feeling I'd probably be in the middle of the pack at any of those three schools. One of the considerations is that Georgetown's program is a lot smaller, so I'd get more attention, which I definitely like. And sorry to have left you out--I would love to have an excuse to visit the southern shore (that's where you are, right?), since I've never been. We can go to The Green Turtle
  • Forest- is there a southern shore? lol I just know that the people on the Eastern Shore like to refer to my area as the Western Shore... eww...I'm in Southern Maryland... South of DC but not far... about a 40 minute drive... Ahh the Greene Turtle... we have one of those here...but not as fun as the original in OC... Also I like the idea of a smaller program because that does give you a chance to stand out... and living at home is such a bonus haha.. I'm sure that would be lovely after living on your own for so long...but you will know what works best for you and in the end you will have reached your decision... which one would be the closest to the bf? I know he is kind of far from you already