3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Krizstyling 03-08-2011 04:13 PM

It's Tuesday!!! We have the rest of the week left to keep at it and make a difference for Sunday's weigh in!! I just keep asking myself, on Sunday do I wanna be teh same weight or have lost some? Everytimeeeeee I want something outside of my calorie range.

Has worked so far...let's hope it keeps going!

oOPeanutOo 03-08-2011 06:57 PM

MissSMcC – Good job keeping your calories in check with a busy day.

angeluv – Definitely keep going this week regardless of whether you weighed in or not!

Bulletproof Heart – DDR is definitely a good work out. The way I look at it is, if it gets you up and moving then it’s doing you some good.

JLNichols07 – Still on plan this week?

Krizstyling – Good point. I think that will help me avoid the M&Ms today.

I totally just made an a$$ of myself in the office. I went to sit on my chair and nearly missed but was lucky enough to catch the edge of it so didn’t fall straight down. Sadly the chair has wheels so I think saying ‘lucky’ was premature seeing as all that did was make me slide back and then onto my butt because I couldn’t keep my footing. Hmmm, not going to live that one down for a while.

mdchick88 03-09-2011 09:38 AM

peanut - that sounds like something I would do!

angeluv - don't get upset, just post it next week!

Today I weighed in at 172.4! I was stuck, and it now appears that I'm unstuck :) I'm hoping to be 171 for weigh in - that would be the biggest loss week I've had since mid January.

katylil 03-09-2011 12:21 PM

Peanut: definitely something that would happen to me!

mdchick: nice one md!!!! :D:D:D:D well done!!!

So today is the first day of Lent. I'm not religious but my housemates and I are giving up chocolate and alcohol for the next forty days for it, which I think will help curb the insatiable chocolate craving I've had recently!

Been good yesterday and today, stayed completely within my calories, even with yesterday's two pancakes :) we had a design day at Cabaret rehearsals so we got to see the kind of costumes we'll be wearing for the show which I think has scared me enough into seriously working on this!!!!! Images of myself in skimpy, flimsy babydoll dresses and stockings/suspender combos are giving me the push I need for this to happen! Aiming for 7lbs by the beginning of April. Bit of a high goal but I reckon I can do it.

Last BL Challenge, we had daily questions to get covnersation flowing and get to know our team mates, and we haven't had any yet this time so...

Wednesday/Thursday question: what eating/exercise plan do you follow? Why did you choose it?

I do calorie counting because it's the one thing that's worked for me over the years! I tried Weight Watchers and also a few fad diets but counting is what I know works, so I'm trying to stick to it! I do a lot of dancing as part of my course so this is my main exercise. I also walk everywhere (mainly because I'm just a poor student with no money for any other form of transport!)

Hope everyone's having a good week! :)

JLNichols07 03-09-2011 12:52 PM

Peanut:...I've been doing good this week! Staying on plan and exercising! How bout you?

Hey everyone! I've been working my butt off this week working out..and I'm really hoping it reflects my weigh in on Sunday! ...We'll see though! TOM should be here anytime and I usually don't gain during TOM but I'm so bloated (sry TMI!) and I'm dreding it getting here But I hope everyone is doing good & staying on plan. GL! :)

glitterhairdye 03-09-2011 03:47 PM

Woo you girls have been chatting a lot since the start of this thread.

Lately, I haven't been doing so well. I was following p90x but life got in the way and I fell off the band wagon and then I started eating badly again. I'm up a few pounds but as of right now I'm getting back on it. I really liked part of the p90x program but it was really geared towards arms and it was also 1-2 hours every day which is a lot considering I have to take care of a dog and walk him for an hour+ every day. I'm still doing c25k so that's something but I need something else that's a little less time consuming but pretty intense. Ideas, anyone??? Also, tomorrow I'm restarting the cal counting. I'm not going to get on the scale till weigh in either and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. I hate when I do this to myself and fall off the band wagon. But 22 years of bad habits are hard to get rid of at once.

Good job to everyone else and hopefully we can keep each other motivated!

glitterhairdye 03-09-2011 03:56 PM

Woo you girls have been chatting a lot since the start of this thread.

Lately, I haven't been doing so well. I was following p90x but life got in the way and I fell off the band wagon and then I started eating badly again. I'm up a few pounds but as of right now I'm getting back on it. I really liked part of the p90x program but it was really geared towards arms and it was also 1-2 hours every day which is a lot considering I have to take care of a dog and walk him for an hour+ every day. I'm still doing c25k so that's something but I need something else that's a little less time consuming but pretty intense. Ideas, anyone??? Also, tomorrow I'm restarting the cal counting. I'm not going to get on the scale till weigh in either and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. I hate when I do this to myself and fall off the band wagon. But 22 years of bad habits are hard to get rid of at once.

Good job to everyone else and hopefully we can keep each other motivated!

MissSMcC 03-09-2011 05:21 PM

do they have pancake day in the US? we had it here in the UK yesterday, i made some with my friends and our kids, i was very good and only had one.

mdchick88 03-09-2011 07:15 PM

MissSMcC - is that like Fat Tuesday? That's what we call the day before Ash Wednesday.

katylil - Yay for Lent! I haven't yet decided if I want to give up red meat or not (I think I will, because chocolate is totally not possible). Today is crappy because we are supposed to fast today, so I'm hungry and cranky. My boyfriend tells me he doesn't like to be around me when I haven't eaten because I get SO moody :o

And I like the idea of a daily/near-daily question!
I am a calorie counter, mainly because it seems like the most realistic thing to me. I want to make sure that I do something that I can do for the rest of my life, and I like to not feel like I have to eliminate a certain type of food. It's also really simple and you don't have to buy/subscribe to anything. I also try to watch my sodium and carbs, but I'm not really strict with that. I just make sure they're not getting out of control.

oOPeanutOo 03-09-2011 11:21 PM

mdchick88 – Awesome News!! Hopefully the scale continues to go down for you.

katylil – Chocolate & Alcohol... I think either of those on their own would be hard to give up but both? With any luck you’ll be able to get through it as a group.

JLNichols07 – So far so good for me. I think it’s the best week I’ve had so far.

glitterhairdye – We all have bad weeks. The important thing is that you’re picking yourself up and getting back on plan. How’s C25k working for you?

MissSMcC – We have that as well in Oz. I decided to skip the pancakes this year. Well done for stopping at One.

Wednesday/Thursday question: what eating/exercise plan do you follow? Why did you choose it?
Calorie Counting for me as well. To be honest, I haven’t really tried anything else. I considered Jenny Craig & Weight Watchers but I didn’t like the fact that I may have to attend meetings or see or a consultant. The whole points thing with Weight Watchers was also too confusing for me. I don’t have an actual exercise plan in place. I’ve recently started walking (at a very slow pace) and that seems to be helping.

MissSMcC 03-10-2011 04:56 AM

im calorie counting too, in the past ive done atkins, weight watchers and slimfast, they worked but i just gained all the weight back (and more!), but for me calorie counting is less a diet more a lifestyle.

ChubbyBride325 03-11-2011 02:48 AM

Hi everyone! I hope it's ok for me to pop in on the chat. I haven't been on since my weigh in....I have had a TON of stuff going on lately! I'm amazed that I even remembered to do my weigh in. All 3 of my kids have taken turns being sick over the past few weeks. My four year old (who was the first to get sick) still isn't better after 2 rounds of antibiotics that were 10 days each. I have taken him to 4appointments with his pediatrician in 3 weeks. Now he is having new symptoms that have nothing to do with the strep he was originally diagnosed with & they are doing some tests to see if they can locate the problem. So visit #5 happens tomorrow! On top of all of this, we had a death in our family last week. Take all that & add in last minute wedding plans & juggling the kids to and from school & T-ball practice and what you get is major stress!!

Anywho, the good news is that I have managed to stay on track with good eating habits through all of this! =) I have had to skip a workout here & there but I am still losing. So overall I would say I'm doing great!

I'm sorry to ramble about my problems. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still on track and that I will be doing my weigh in each week, even if I can't be on to join in on chatting with everyone as much as I would like. I didn't mean to pop in & throw myself a pity party or anything, but I have to admit that it felt really good to just vent about the things that are stressing me out. So I hope that's ok. I hope all of you ladies are doing well and having much success reaching your goals!

Please, if you pray, say a prayer for my little boy. He has been very sick today & it scares me to think that the doctors can't help him if they don't know what the problem is.

oOPeanutOo 03-11-2011 04:14 AM

ChubbyBride – Aww I’m so sorry to hear about your little boy!! You weren’t rambling at all, sometimes it helps just to get it off your chest. The fact that you’re still on track is amazing so just stop by whenever you get a chance. There’s no pressure to keep up with the chat. I hope the kiddo is better soon!!!

MissSMcC 03-11-2011 04:41 AM

chubbybride- thinking of your wee boy, hope the docs get it sorted and he feels much better soon :)

mdchick88 03-11-2011 10:02 AM

chubbybride - I hope he feels better!

:carrot: :carrot: Today I was at 170.8!!! I've been whooshing like crazy this week - I already have over a 4 pound loss! I think it''s partially due to switching to level 2 of 30 day shred, and partially due to Madison's suggestion of a super high cal day last week. Thanks for the idea! I now know what to do if I hit another stupid plateau.

Friday question - What's the biggest obstacle in your weight loss attempts?

I live with my boyfriend, who constantly has junk food in the house :/ It makes it really hard to resist all of the chocolate, chips, etc. I now make him keep it all in one cabinet, and I just don't let myself open it up. Outta sight, outta mind!

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