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mdchick88 02-28-2011 05:35 PM

MissSMcC - I'm counting calories and trying to watch my sodium intake. I also just started 30 Day Shred, which is currently kicking.my.butt. I think after that I'm going to start a pumped up version of the Turbo Jam rotation, but we'll see what happens.

Kim - we've got the exact same weaknesses, haha! I don't know that I can stay away for all of March, but my plan is to abstain until I get under 170 (which, who knows, may be a month! I sure hope not...)

oOPeanutOo 02-28-2011 08:05 PM

SweetPeach – That’s always the way. You plan something low key and then it turns into a massive night. Good luck keeping the drinking in check – those liquid calories will get you every time!

angeluv – I can’t even manage 1 push up so if you make it to 100 then that’s awesome!

KimWin – Bikram Yoga. Wow. I would absolutely die if someone put me in a room that hot and wanted me to actually work out! I’ll probably need to snag some of those low cal recipes from you. I have a friend working their way to becoming a vegetarian and I’d have no idea what to cook for them.

Matilda08 – Hey again :wave:

mdchick88 – How far into 30 Day Shred are you?

mdchick88 02-28-2011 09:52 PM

Peanut - today was day 3, I'm on level 1 right now. I'm planning on doing 10 days at each level (1, 2, and 3). It's already easier than it was the first day, so I'm hoping it just gets easier from here!

Holy crap - I just googled Bikram... I'm pretty sure I would run screaming if I went to work out and the room was 105 degrees!!! You are insane Kim!!

KimWin 03-01-2011 12:00 AM

@Mdchick- I want to make it all of March as this last month, even while short, wasn't good. January was awesome, but we'll see. I don't like treating myself with food. However, Jillian Michaels also loves Nachos and I know how to cut the calories in half, so we'll see... Also, I have and love Tjams and Tfire. I am currently doing a hybrid Tfire/Brazillian Buttlift/Charlean Extreme rotation for all of March. We shall see the results! I also have 30 day shred, LOVE IT, but doing the same routine was rough on my knee! :)

@Peanut- A great place to start is Vegetarian Times . com. It's great and easy. But I have a KILLER vegetable chili recipe (just had it tonight). It's actually from a SBD book and my entire family, even meat lovers LOVE IT! :) It's super filling and tasty. At only 250 some calories for a meal that lasts 4-6 hours- I'd say WONDERFUL!

@angellov- I hear you on the weight loss! Where did the time go? All of a sudden we are in March and I'm still carrying around holiday weight. Granted, I think I have lost about 6-8 pounds, but still- not enough! We can do it! April is totally doable to lose weight! :) I mean what, at -2 pounds a week that is close to 8 pounds a month! I'm only 5'3 so that is a huge difference on my frame! :) You can do it! :)

@misssmscc- I know what you mean with the clothes! I live in AZ so it's already short sleeve weather! last year I was at a good weight and lived in tanks/tubes for the first time in awhile. I can't wait to get back there again! YOu can do it! :carrot:

Bikram yoga sounds crazy, but I love it! It's so intense and it's really about building mental focus as well. It's "moving meditation." I can't wait for my class tomorrow! :)

Well, good night! I am going to do some stretching, massaging of my hamstrings and then off to read! :hug:

katylil 03-01-2011 10:01 AM

MissSMcC: I'm a bit vague with my food plan. I calorie-count (1200 a day) and also limit carbs, filling up on lean protein instead. I take vitamin supplements and green tea capsules, and make sure to drink at least 2 litres of water a day (usually more). My exercise regime is a bit floaty... I do at least 3h of modern dance a week (two 1 and a half hour classes and sometimes more depending on our show rehearsal schedule) and an hour and a half of ballet. I've also recently started going to a girl's boxing class which is actually the most fun and amazing workout session I've EVER done. It's all girls and the two male trainers are lvoely and so supportive but they really do KICK OUR ARSES. I love it. They even bring us pink boxing gloves to use! :P

Peanut: my housemates aren't being as helpful as they were. Not intentionally, just we've all got distracted I think. One of them got ill last semester with stress and lost a lot of weight so is actually trying to get healthy again, but the other one is pretty good :)

KimWin: that vegetarian chilli recipe sounds good! could you possibly post it here? I'd like to try it for my veggie housemate! :)

mdchick: I really want to try 30 day shred. Everyone's been recommending it to me but at the moment I'm too ridiculously poor to afford it... :/

It's been a strange week. Since Friday before last I've been watching over all-day rehearsals for the opera we're performing this weekend, plus I've had tons of line-learning for Cabaret to do AND I've been ill (still am actually) with a cold and tiredness and just feeling like death in general. So my food's been kind of...chaotic. Someday's I've been angelic and others have just been an absolute nightmare! Roll on the end of this week when I can get back into a routine and sort my life out a bit, get some sleep, eat properly and hopefully get better! :)

Hope everyone's having a good week!

MissSMcC 03-01-2011 10:53 AM

30 day shred is so tough! by the second set of cardio im dying lol
played wii sports boxing with my daughter last night and my arms are killing me, then this morning i had a meeting and the office we had been assigned was up 3 flights of very steep stairs so i think that counts as a workout (at least according to my legs it does!)
hope everyone is having a good day :)

KimWin 03-01-2011 01:53 PM

@katylil- The entire 30 day shred series is on youtube, in three part 10 minute segments. There is even a playlist of it, so you don't have to keep hitting play at the beginning of every segment! Give it a whirl! I really liked it and do it when I want a different workout, but I gotta say, it's always been odd to me as it goes against the type of training she talks about. I would use it alternating with something else, not just doing it every day... Then again, to each their own! :)


1T extra virgin olive oil
2 Red Bell Peppers
1.5 C chopped mushrooms
1 Large Onion
2 celery stalks (I add 3-5) such a great crunch!
3 garlic cloves
1 T chili powder
1 T dried oregano
1 t ground cumin
1/4 t salt (I use celtic sea salt)
2 cans (15 oz) pinto beans or kidney beans (I use kidney, white northern and pinto beans- also I use the dried kind)
1 Can No salt added tomatoes (you can even have chili ready flavoring!)
1/4 t crushed red pepper (optional)
*Heat oil and garlic then add peppers, mushrooms, onions, and celery. Cook until the veggies soften (~7 min)
Add all dried spices- cook 5 minutes, stirring to evenly coat all veggies
Add Beans and tomatoes with their juices.
Bring to a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally for about 20-30 minutes.

I seriously make this at least 2-3 times a month. It's so healthy and fresh and good for you! :) I have done some 20 variations, just using what I have on hand. Once i started everything and didn't have the tomatoes, so I used fresh roma tomatoes and some red pasta sauce (sugar free of course!) LOL It tasted pretty good!

I have also added fake ground beef to it, didn't like it as much.

However I have added whole wheat elbow mac before and it's SOOOOOO GOOD tasting like a goolash! I LOVE IT! :)

Well, did my 60th class today, got a bracelet for finishing my challenge and a round of applause! It felt great! I am about to do Tfire HIIT 15 (interval training) and a 35 minute Tfire Sculpt workout.

I also can't wait for dinner! OH MY! Bought 4 bunches of kale and i am going to add some garlic, red peppers and some ricotta cheese and make a lovely creamy kale with sauteed mushrooms! I wish I could eat it right now! LOL Oh wait, I just ate! Okay, I'll have to wait!


oOPeanutOo 03-01-2011 04:32 PM

mdchick – That’s good news if it’s already getting easier for you!

KimWim – Awesome website! It looks there are heaps of yummy recipes. I’m definitely going to try your Chilli recipe. I’m not much of a cook but even I can follow that!

katylil – I hope that your roommate is a little less stressed this semester! Sorry to hear that you’re a bit under the weather. I think that the fact that you have had ‘good days’ food wise this week is great. I know when I’m sick the last thing I want to think about is being on plan. Have you started rehearsals for your starring roll yet or is it too early for that?

MissSMcC – Any day that you have to take the stairs over the Elevator definitely counts as extra calories burned! Before I started I couldn’t make it up half a flight of stairs without needing a break.

It’s going to be a relatively low key day for me today. I have the day off as there are bathroom renovations happening at my place and someone has to be home to supervise all the tradies. Is it wrong that I’m hoping that they’re young and cute instead of middle aged men?

mdchick88 03-01-2011 11:24 PM

Kim - I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow and I am absolutely getting the ingredients to make that chili!!! I never get enough veggies in a day, and I can tell I would devour that stuff!

Peanut - Were the bathroom guys cute? Haha ain't nothin' wrong with hoping for some attractive men!!

Even though 30DS still kicked my booty today, I was able to get through all of it without stopping!! Well, okay, I skipped 2 of the bajillion lunges, but still, wayyy better than the past few days!

oOPeanutOo 03-02-2011 12:13 AM

mdchick - Sadly they weren't :( It wasn't even a case of "they look alright from a certain angle". All 3 of the tradies were a lot older than I was hoping for!

KimWin 03-02-2011 12:56 PM

Glad you guys are liking the website and the chili recipe! I have a theory about Vegetarian/Vegan food and it's this: "if it's good, people will eat it!" LOL

Sooooo, I did Tfire30 today and also Tfire Tone with a resistance band. I am sore! LOL I am going to Bikram in about 30 minutes and then home to read and go look for a new bike helmet!

Have a great day! Think, almost time for our challenge to begin!!!!

MaddieBPhoto 03-02-2011 05:45 PM

I soooo wish we'd started this week! I'm kickin' a$$ & takin' names! 5.6lbs since Thursday. :D

Hi, I'm Andrea! I'm 27, married, mama, photographer. I want to be healthy, fit & active for MYSELF, my hubs & to be a great example to our daughter. I don't want her to struggle like I did & the best way is to show her how to do it right. :) I'm heading to CA in 2 weeks to see family who haven't met my daughter, so I'm working my a$$ off to hit 165 - judgmental mom. =/ I want to look HOT getting off that plane.

MissSmcC - I'm calorie counting, 30 day shredding. I've lost 20lbs since Christmas, so it seems to be working great.

Kim - I wanna try that chili recipe!! Any idea how many calories in a serving? And what a serving size is?

MD - Woohoo on shredding! Yesterday was much easier, but those lunges kill me too. The push-ups are what make me want to yell EFF YOU!

dj mayhem 03-02-2011 10:29 PM

Hey everyone! I''m on team tulip and this is my first BL challenge! I'm really excited! I just have one question: what does SW stand for?

mdchick88 03-02-2011 10:35 PM

Starting weight :) When I first joined 3fc, it took me at least 3 months to figure out all of the acronyms haha

Welcome to the challenge!!

oOPeanutOo 03-02-2011 11:17 PM

KimWin – I just finished making your Chili recipe for a friend and it was a hit!

MadisonAvePhoto – 5.6lbs!! That’s Awesome! How old is your daughter?

dj mayhem – Welcome aboard :wave:

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