HElP !!!

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  • Good Morning! Hello JiffyPop! I'm still trying to figure this site out. Yesterday did not go well. My daughter is not letting us see our grandaughter as she tells us what is going on @ there apartment! Took all my strength just to get out of bed @ 10:00! I'm real tired of being so confined to this house , and very unhappy about my weight. My whole family is not letting us talk to our DGD that's a story in it's self. My DH says they have always been jealous of me so move on. If you buy them cigerettes or something , they will advocate bad behavior My mom has always played the devil's advocate for my GROWN KIDS!!! I set out in life to make something of my self and I did. I have a beautiful condo and a great life, I did until the weight and me letting them pull me down. How are all of you doing today? If I could I would shower and go to the boat and win a big Jackpot There are alot of bazaars this weekend, but I'm afraid I will run into the two friends I had for 40 years that dumped me I only hear from them when there dh's don't want them or they need something. My dh says they don't want me around as I'm not gossiping about my dh, who knows! Sorry about all this You see I have had a lot of people that hurt me Now , I would love to hear how all of you are doing , and have a fun day. Be good to your selfs Love, Godschild

  • A bit late...

    But Welcome Aboard! This is a great place for support, inspiration and encouragement. Make yourself at home and post away!!!

  • Godschild, I don't know what you can do about your family, about not being able to see your DGD -- obviously, we can't understand what's going on with all that. Is your daughter angry because you won't buy her cigarettes?? Or that you won't give her money? If your mother is giving financial support to your grown kids and you refuse to, rest assured YOU are doing the right thing -- they need to grow up and take care of themselves, and giving them money only teaches them that they don't have to take responsibility for themselves.

    As for those so-called friends, you shouldn't let them keep you from going places you want to go ... But it does sound like you need to get out and make some new friends -- nice people, not ones who just want to use you for complaining about their husbands. Think about looking into volunteering opportunities -- it's a great chance to meet some nice people, plus it gives you a reason to get out of bed.

    Take care!
  • Good Morning! My situation is that my daughter will not let my husband and I see our grandaughter. She tells us of the parties and things that go on at her apartment, and then my daughter thinks well I had better keep her away from my mom and dad so she don't tell. As for my family members, mother, sisters and niece, I will not help them financially anymore but my daughter will do things for them, so they advocate her behavior to the point of even denying me visitation, or @ least stating to my daughter WE WILL NOT BE A PART OF THIS!!! My DH believes they like to see me suffer ( my family) as I have done real good in life and they have not. I have always been there for my family and love them very much, but this was it! Also, if I don't have DGD my niece or whoever has her gets paid $$$ to babysit!! I hope this makes it clear in what we are dealing with. The hardest thing is knowing my DGD is so sad, and they won't even let her call , or get on the phone when we call. Thank you for listening and I hope I can be of some support to all of you! I have been getting out of the house. I now have higher blood pressure then I ever have had 153/100 usually low 113/78! or should I say good! I did get to the doctor and my bladder is fine Praise The Lord!! I hope to learn all your names and post to all of you I made the Diet soup and it was good have any of you ever tried it? Here it is:

    1/2 head cabbage
    1 onion
    2 carrots
    2 stalks of celery
    1 chicken breast cutt into pieces
    2 cans ff chicken broth
    1 pkg onion soup mix
    1 quart of tomatoes

    Cover fresh veggies with water and bring to a boil making sure veggies are tender, add rest of ingredients and simmer for 1 hour. O pts as , this serves @ least 10 large bowls MMM good and very filling

    Blessing ,Godchild
  • Godschild, I'm glad to hear you're getting out. Meeting some new people with some positive attitudes can help a lot in getting out of what seems like .

    I'm so sorry for your family situation. People can get so jealous and hurtful when they see someone doing well financially when they are not. On the other hand, you might give some thought to whether you might have prompted their attitude by essentially bragging about how well you're doing -- I'm not saying that you've done that, but some people do flaunt their success, and that can be so obnoxious! Again, I don't mean to insinuate that you are this way!

    Do you think your DGD is in any kind of danger? For example, do you think there are drugs in the house? If I knew that to be the case, I would contact social services and do whatever I could to get her out of there ... but ONLY if I had a certainty that illegal activity was going on. Of course, the entire family would then resent you even more. I guess one would have to decide what's more important - being liked or doing the right thing ... Perhaps your daughter is simply trying to get your goat.

    Take care,
  • Hello! No I do not flaunt my achievements, infact I share the wealth that I have earned. When one has $$ family members seem to think we should give it to them. It' s odd as Oprah had just said" everyone wants me to buy them a car or a house!!! My GD is not in grave danger, as she is lacking love. We will be seeing her, as for my family I forgive them, but I am not ready to have tea with them! Go after your dreams!
    Quiters never win and winners never quit I'm so thankful that I found this site, as you all have been so helpful DH and I are going away for the weekend, so I better get packing

    Blessings to all