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Old 05-05-2002, 11:03 AM   #1  
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Default #153 Determined Women! (and men!)

Where are the guys anyway?? Oh Steeeeveeeen? You hiding out there somewhere? Oh well, if the boys don't want to play, we'll have fun all by ourselves, right ladies? OK, JUst wanted to get this started, I'll probably start the new Butt Movers thread tonight before bed, instead of waiting until tomorrow...
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Old 05-05-2002, 04:54 PM   #2  
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I am here. I am trying some thing new for my focus. it may be helping i shall wait till the next few days before i can really say that is is helping.
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Old 05-05-2002, 09:41 PM   #3  
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Well today was a horrible day. I guess I got the flu yesterday and don't feel any better today. I just hope I feel a little better tomorrow. I would like to go to the gym. I think that if I do feel better, I'll just go and take it easy. Just swim or something.

Food today has been sparce. I don't think I even made 500 cal. today. I have tried to drink but it ends up out the other end just as I put it in, lol.

So hopefully I'll at least be able to drink more tomorrow.

My activity was ok. Yesterday I took my kids to the zoo before I felt to bad. They loved it and we walked a lot.

Today I just sat on my sick but all day long.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Old 05-05-2002, 10:31 PM   #4  
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Hey, people. I'm still around. Was pretty busy this weekend. I did well last night. I DID go to bed instead of eat. I lay awake til after 1 AM though. I'd drop off then wake 10 or 15 min later and lay there for another hour or so! I hate those kind of nights! And it's always on a night when I have to get up and be presentable for public!!

Today I had a greek salad for lunch and cereal and milk for dinner, with an apple and 2 oranges in between. So, I guess I'm ready for weigh-in tomorrow.

I don't know if remembered to tell you guys this or not. I talked to the girl in the Dr's office, and she told me my cholestrol had gone from 270 to 154 in three months. I'm thrilled to death. So, I can say that Lipitor and changing the diet really brings MY cholestrol down! And as the dr expected, my thyroid tested high which means the opposite of what you would think, and it's not working properly so he raised my dosage of my thyroid meds. So, I should be in great shape for summer.

I sure would like to be at 290 by Memorial Day, but that's kind of a lofty idea! But, I'm going to aim for it anyway! That's 14 lbs for the rest of this month.

My best friend, Debby, has been struggling lately. But she is going to our weightloss club with me tomorrow. She's so depressed. I am trying to be supportive without being bossy! Now, folks, that is a tall order for me!! I'm not the most subtle or diplomatic person. But things are going OK for now. If you pray, please put us on your prayer list!

PNG, I want to thank you for starting the weekend challenge. It really helped to keep me in line the past two days. ~ Good job staying off those scales!! It's almost like not being allowed to play with a new toy! The sugar thing will help, I'm sure! ~ How is your mom? Anything to do with the heart scares me! My prayers to you and her.

Sue, I sure hope your new ideas work well for you! Sometimes a change is what we need to spark us again.

Jennelle, I guess 'TGIF' must have been written for teachers! I have another friend who is a teacher. We haven't been together regularly for several years, but I remember her grading papers most evenings that I spent at their apt. MAJOR KUDOS TO YOU FOR TEACHING THE KIDS OF TODAY!!! I wouldn't do it for all the $$ in the world! It takes a special person to teach. ~ And congrats on your butt! Losing is a good thing!

Bella, I'd put money on the fact that you weighed more because of the water. I'm really anxious to see what you find out tomorrow.

BA, did you have a wonderfully romantic weekend. Hope so, you deserve it!

Sandi, is Jacob better now, it's sooo hard to have a sick baby in the house! Hope you were able to get some rest, at least.

Jennifer, how was the weekend? Were you a good girl and stay away from the bad stuff? Are you all better now?

Carol, are you OK? How are your sinuses? That is sooo miserable. We haven't heard anything from you for days. I hope you didn't get blown away!

Hope everybody had an OP weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing from everybody.

I'm going to go to bed soon. Maybe I'll sleep the whole nite...hope, hope, hope!

I'll check in tomorrow.
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Old 05-05-2002, 10:37 PM   #5  
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You were posting while I was writing that short book! I'm so sorry you got so sick yesterday! Talk about miserable!! Hope things straighten out soon...look at it this way...You're bound to lose this weekend!!

Good Luck and I hope you're better by now!
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Old 05-06-2002, 12:43 AM   #6  
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Well, I'm bummed now, somehow I've grown in the bust, went shopping for bras, got a just my size 44dd, and the bastage doesn't fit! I did get a 46 sportsbra, finally got one of those to fit, so I don't get bruises when I jump rope... Done good today, even after all my food today, I'm still down by like 300 cals or something for reaching my minimum cals... so, I'm gonna pop some popcorn here in a while, and crunch my blues away... I'll try to get in for individual replies tomorrow...
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Old 05-06-2002, 07:16 AM   #7  
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Default Hi

Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Lost 5.8 last week. So now I am in the mood for another good week.

Very sore from all the walking and playing I did outside yesterday. Which I know is a good thing. Means I am getting muscles used that do not get use muched.

The weekend was good and I am still OP. I have been for the last 28 days. I have been on WW now for 1 month and I lost 13.6 pounds.

If you get a chance check out my food journal with the link below. Off to get ready for the work week. First I have a meeting at DS school.

Have a great day!!
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Old 05-06-2002, 09:02 AM   #8  
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Goodmorning and Happy Monday. Yeah right. Wishing it were still Sunday so I could be in bed, but you have no idea how much I need the structure of my work week. I was anything but OP so I am positive I didn't reach my "where I want to be by next Monda goals". I am disgusted with what I did over the weekend. No water or exercise. Not too bad on food, but not good either. Why oh why?

It's gonna be a hot week here in NY this week. And hot weather does two things for me. Reminds me of how miserable I am with my body in the heat, reminds me of my clothes that aren't fitting right and reminds me that I should be wearing short shorts and tshirts. So, I am sure it will be a good OP week for me.

Pryia..WOOOHOOOO! That is a wonderful loss!!!! You rock!

PNG..I have a hate/love relationship with my chest. I feel your pain.

Velvet..Looks like you've really done a lifestyle change. I am sure you were estatic about your test results. Woohooo!

bella..I hope you feel better sweetie!

nasus..Hmmm, whatcha doing?
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Old 05-06-2002, 09:07 AM   #9  
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im here, every saggy flabby fold. ive been real bad on my eating. here is just YESTERDAYS food chart

1 bag nuker popcorn, 2 tbsp salt, 5 (prob more) tbsp parmesan cheese

2 hamburgers tons of ketchup and 2 tbsp salt

half bag of chili cheese fritos

found a cheese cake freeze bar thingy

pb & j sugar toast sandwhich, (wheat bread, that make it not bad? *LMFAO*)

probably more, but cant remember. back is KILLING me.

ive been walking about 25 mins twice a day, but cant do it right cause my brother walks with me and he has a SEVER weight problem. he ways around the 380 or higher mark and hes been that way long enough that he now has arthritis and something else in his feet, so he cant walk fast.

not doing the water thing, hardly drinking anything for that matter. not been on the net all that much, been depressed kinda.

its so easy to gain weight, why couldnt it be that easy to lose it? *L*
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Old 05-06-2002, 01:10 PM   #10  
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Well I am back. Home today from work. I had a meeting at the school this morning. So I walked there and back. 1 hour of walking. I count it as light, but I am not a slow walker so it maybe even moderate. All I know is I HURT today. From the walking Sat and Sun and then my arm hurts from throwing balls and hitting balls to DS yesterday.

I am cleaning up my house and just enjoying the queit day. Only 3.5 hours left. Man this goes by to fast. I am done with the kitchen and part of the dining area. Just taking my time and enjoying myself. I am not touching DS's room, he has to do that later.

Poet: That was yesterday. Today is a new day. You can do it. Just make good choices. You can have the foods you love, just not all in the same day. There was one day last week I had a bag of cheetos. I love cheetos. And at one time I would eat 2 or 3 a day an not bat an eye. But this time I had 1 bag. And ate a few closed it and when I felt I wanted more. I knew I could have the whole bag and either do it all at once, or spread it out during the day. Either way the 8 points had already been accounant for them.

Do not be so hard on yourself. It does get easier as the time goes on. Keep up the good work you can do it!!

Small question? You said your brother walks with you and can't right now. Why not? I am not trying to be mean...We have to decide that we are going to take of yourself no matter what. I know you said your back is killing you. I can relate. 13.6 pounds ago, I weighed 239 and man my back and my knees hurt. It had come down to I had to wear tennis shoes to work, cause I hurt so bad. Well I went back to WW, cause at 34 I should not hurt like that just from walking around work. I did not excerise in the beginning. Heck walking around work was enough. I don't have a job were I sit much. So I changed my eating and used my running around work as my excerise. And now my back and knees don't hurt anymore. I just added in excerise on Sat. and I am sore from walking 7 miles in 3 days. But it beats how I was feeling at 239 pounds. So chin up!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Just work on one day at a time.
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Old 05-06-2002, 01:35 PM   #11  
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Originally posted by Pryia
Well I am back. Home today from work. I had a meeting at the school this morning. So I walked there and back. 1 hour of walking. I count it as light, but I am not a slow walker so it maybe even moderate. All I know is I HURT today. From the walking Sat and Sun and then my arm hurts from throwing balls and hitting balls to DS yesterday.

I am cleaning up my house and just enjoying the queit day. Only 3.5 hours left. Man this goes by to fast. I am done with the kitchen and part of the dining area. Just taking my time and enjoying myself. I am not touching DS's room, he has to do that later.

Poet: That was yesterday. Today is a new day. You can do it. Just make good choices. You can have the foods you love, just not all in the same day. There was one day last week I had a bag of cheetos. I love cheetos. And at one time I would eat 2 or 3 a day an not bat an eye. But this time I had 1 bag. And ate a few closed it and when I felt I wanted more. I knew I could have the whole bag and either do it all at once, or spread it out during the day. Either way the 8 points had already been accounant for them.

Do not be so hard on yourself. It does get easier as the time goes on. Keep up the good work you can do it!!

Small question? You said your brother walks with you and can't right now. Why not? I am not trying to be mean...We have to decide that we are going to take of yourself no matter what. I know you said your back is killing you. I can relate. 13.6 pounds ago, I weighed 239 and man my back and my knees hurt. It had come down to I had to wear tennis shoes to work, cause I hurt so bad. Well I went back to WW, cause at 34 I should not hurt like that just from walking around work. I did not excerise in the beginning. Heck walking around work was enough. I don't have a job were I sit much. So I changed my eating and used my running around work as my excerise. And now my back and knees don't hurt anymore. I just added in excerise on Sat. and I am sore from walking 7 miles in 3 days. But it beats how I was feeling at 239 pounds. So chin up!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Just work on one day at a time.
well, my brother weighs in at nearly #400 probably around the 380 mark or so. and hes been like that since he was in his early to mid 20's. he is 31 now.

all that weight plus multiple sprains and a strains his ankles are shot. also has arthritis in them. so walking long distances or walking fast can make it to where he cant walk hardly at all for days and sometimes a week or more. so we have to take it slow and easy when he walks with me. and that wasnt a mean question at all
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Old 05-06-2002, 01:43 PM   #12  
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Hello All!! Well it's Monday and I am back on the staright and narrow. I went off my plan on Monday night last week when Jacob got sick and I haven't been back. No water, bad food and no butt moving. I am not EVEN going to WW tonight. I'll face that demon next week!! But today is a new day and so far I am doing good. Jacob is feeling better, so that is a relief.

I started reading Dr. Phil's Life strategies this weekend. I'm hoping that book will help motivate me to get it together. I need to be much more consistent than I am.

The good news is that I am part of another group and we log exercise minutes. My total for March was 433, My total for April was 645!! For someone who previously moved NONE, that's pretty HUGE!!! Maybe some good habits are starting to form!

Steven - To make you feel better, this was my sucky lineup yesterday...
Chocolate donuts and milk
Nestle' Crunch
Long John Silvers
Pizza and breadsticks
5 gourmet chocolate chip cookies and milk
I think I have you beat! Is it really any wonder that I am this heavy...this used to me every day, now it's my shame day...soon it will be a NEVER day. Hang in there sweetie!! Today is a new day!! How is today going?

Jennifer - I'm with ya! OP all week!! And a good weekend too!!

Pryia - 5.8!! Missy that is awesome!! Good for you! You keep it up!! I can't believe you have been OP for 28 days!! That is so impressive!!!

Gayle - Jacob is better and Mommy is better!! Thanks for the constant encourgement!! We all need to set some Boston Goals!!

Bella - I'm sorry your not feeling well. I hope you get well soon!!

PNG - some would think a bigger chest is a good thing

nasus - so is your new thing helping?

Have a great week everyone!!!
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Old 05-06-2002, 02:17 PM   #13  
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today is goin ok, ive been up around 7 hours or so now and ive had a bannana and a bag of nuker corn, (nothing on it). so i guess im doin ok.

well find out tomorow, after tonight. nights are my worst time. used to be id eat two sandwhiches, a bag of chips and anything else i could find between 10 pm and 1 am.
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Old 05-06-2002, 04:56 PM   #14  
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Mystic , Don't feel bad about yourself it doesn't help and really only makes matters worse. Babe, we all have blown it big time as we walk along this path. We here, are fighting a major battle not just of pounds and genetics but also the longer you carry extra weight the more fat cells the body creates so yes it is much harder. The real battle however is in the mind. You see we get to feeling deprived of our COMFORT food when in reality our comfort food deprives us of our lives. The freedom to move easily, to work well , even to play as we all need too. Sadly we are even deprived of being comfortable in our own skins. How many of us suffer raw thighs, rashes from the moisture between the folds of skin, backaches, leg pain , feet pain, swollen ankles and so on . COMFORT food deprives us of our self respect from others and from ourselves. Personally I avoid the camera like the plague. I have become most skilled in this area. The last picture I liked of me was 10 years ago at my wedding and my friend I had a weight of 289 lbs so from the neck down ..........well you know.
We have to learn to love and like ourselves and our lives more than the comfort food. Sometimes in life we have to learn to let go of old friends for many reasons especially when they turn on you and betray you. That is what has happened to us all. You are not alone and there are many here who care about you , want the best for you and want you to be happy in life so when it it gets you down remember that. Hug that knowledge close . I assure it is true. Hang tough Babe.
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Old 05-06-2002, 05:16 PM   #15  
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I've said it before, in one of my many lectures, and I'll say it again now, Steven, you buy, and eat some of the worst foods on earth, hehe, go to the library, and check out a book on nutrition, not a fad diet book, or even a book on vegetarian nutrition, just a recent look at the foods you should be eating... study it, look at the foods I eat, I still have room for (already b'fast, morning snack, lunch, and a treat, cappucino, and I STILL haven't cracked 1000 cals ) Also, walk with Bill, but don't let him be your crutch... get him out and walking a b it, and when he gets tired and goes home, keep going Get yourself some handweights, can use those ANYWHERE... hehe, now I get to lecture you all over the place, you have NO WHERE TO RUN Muahahahaha!
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