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Old 06-29-2007, 03:00 PM   #1  
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Default Do people think before they put their foot in their mouth?

What is the worst ignorant/hurtful thing that has every been said to you about your weight?

I had an old neighbor that I ran into recently who I haven't seen since I put on 100 pounds who said something like "what have you been up to, god I see you've gained A LOT of weight".
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:14 PM   #2  
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I find for me it's more about people saying hurtful things about fat people without acknowledging there is a fat person in the room. Like I'll be out with friends and someone will comment about a stranger walking by ("My god, she's HUGE!") or ("So-and-so-famous-person has totally let themselves go, they got so fat!"). I'm left thinking, HELLO?! I'm way bigger than that!
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:14 PM   #3  
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Well, that was really rude. I don't know what I would say. When I was over 200 pounds a neigbor said "No wonder you are fat , you eat all the time." I didn't know what to say then , either.
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:17 PM   #4  
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Wow, Shelby! That's a horrible thing for her to say - I wonder if she's older and has lost some of her ability to censor things...

I have gotten the classic, "When are you due?"

But the worst was from my husband. I've been trying to get him to notice my weight loss, and when we were at the swimming pool, I asked him if he could tell that my swimming suit was now much longer than before, as I thought this would at least be fairly easy to notice. He responded, jokingly, of course, "Of course I noticed. You used to be HUGE and now you're super skinny." Not funny! His way of telling me I'm bugging him too much about it, and he's probably right that I am, but still... Not funny!
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:22 PM   #5  
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CC -- my husband does that all the time -- if we are driving somewhat and someone overweight is biking, jogging, etc. he'll say "they would have to jog to Canada to get thin" or something rude like that. And the same, I'm usually bigger than they are. He told me last year "he doesn't like fat" -- which of course I am and he's thin. But, I'll get there for me!!!

If someone is disabled, has a scar in a prominent place, etc. most people have the decency/intelligence to not point it out -- why is overweight pointed out like we don't know we are or something?
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:33 PM   #6  
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I use to be skinny... when i first got married... and got fatter and husbands uncle saw me and said " Boy you got fat"
and him looking like he is 16 months pregnant... men are the worse!

I know a lot of ladies here have struggled with weight their whole lives and dont know what it would be like to be skinny.. well this coming from an ex-skinny person... YOU DO GET TREATED BETTER WHEN SKINNY! At least by men... I told my husband when i loose this im going to keep my fattest pic with me . laminated around my neck...and when a man flirts or opens a door for me im going to flash it and say would have done that for her?

I see men open the door for skinny women all the time and when i get to the door they pretend they dont see me and walk in front of me to cut me off... i guess so he can see her skinny butt! And the closes in my face or i have to grab it to keep from hitting me.

I sell things on ebay and when i go to the post office this happens everytime without fail... no one will hold a door open for me and my big boxes!
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:41 PM   #7  
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Ooh, love the laminated card!
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:42 PM   #8  
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this didnt happen to me but a friend that is the same size as me..

She was in walmart in the food section and two teen boys were on the opposite end of the isels and were following along side of her and laughing... she didnt realize it was at her till after a few passing shelves. They were mooing and holding their arms out like they were as fat her and holding air in their cheeks... she stopped at the end hoping they would go on , after peeking if they had gone, they knew she was paying attention to them... and one yelled... "Hey fat girl come on out we can still see your big a** sticking out from behind that can of economy size beans you are going to eat tonight"

she just happen to next to the jumbo cans.... i wish i could have been there... fat flying i would chase them down and beat them!

Me and hubby are both over weight .. we make sure to raise our son without judging people for being skinny or fat
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:52 PM   #9  
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I remember once a few years back my grandma said in front of everyone "where is that skinny girl at?" referring to the fact I used to be smaller. It probably kills her that am I even heavy now then I was when she made that comment.
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:54 PM   #10  
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I've had a lot of people ask when I was due, and of course had to tell them that I wasn't pregnant, just FAT!!!!

Why would someone even ask that if they were not sure?
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Old 06-29-2007, 04:09 PM   #11  
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I've had the pregnancy thing several times. But, the most hurtful thing was when Hubby told me that my fat turns him off.......granted, I pushed him to find out why things werent "happening" much around here lately. But, that did hurt. You see, Hubby is as overweight as I am, but I'm still attracted to him!
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Old 06-29-2007, 04:23 PM   #12  
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When I was out running a couple of weeks back some teenage boys were making pig noises. I'm assuming at me. I wanted to kick their a$$e$ but I just kept running, instead.
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Old 06-29-2007, 04:26 PM   #13  
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What I hate most, is when people ask me "how far along are you?"

I've never been pregnant. People dont think, sometimes.
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Old 06-29-2007, 04:34 PM   #14  
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Sometimes DH will make a comment about someone in the parking lot or a store and now that I've lost some of my weight I do call him on it. We were in a parking lot a few weeks ago and there was a plus-sized woman in work out clothes gettiing out of her car. DH said something like she's going to have to run further than that or something. I told him how does he know she didn't just come from the gym and that she didn't just lose 50lbs? He actually apologized and said, "You know what? I don't. That's very true. I'll remember that from now on before I open my mouth." And for the most part, he has.
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Old 06-29-2007, 05:09 PM   #15  
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Before my hubby got a clue we were going thru the Kroger parking lot and a woman my size was in the way... he yelled inside the car..." move your fat a**".... i sat there for a minute... " She is mysize" i said.... he got all defensive..... " I knew youd say that"

I never said another word.... i know my husband when he realizes he screws up he will turn it on you... after we were far from her he tried to claim she was bigger then me..... whatever!
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