3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Diana3271 07-31-2017 01:15 PM

August 2017 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!
Hi, Everyone! :wave: Welcome to the Check-In! Let's make it a great month!

I want to welcome everyone to the Daily Accountability Check-In. Our goal is to stay accountable and on track by posting our daily food and exercise choices. All food and exercise programs are welcome. Consistency is the key to reaching our weight loss goals.

Introduce yourself or jump right in and tell us what you have been doing.

:cheer2: Here's to the start of a great month! :cheer2:

ems_70508 07-31-2017 02:07 PM

Hi There!

I used to be pretty active on this site (mostly Ideal Protein threads) around 2012-2013 but stopped using my account. So much so, that I forgot my login info and just created a new account. I miss the daily check ins and having the community. Excited to get back involved in these forums! Always helpful.

Catya 07-31-2017 02:17 PM

Hi, I'm Catya, a new member. I only decided to join after breakfast! So far, it's been a store-bought bran muffin and coffee with 2% milk. Have I planned a snack for work? No. However, I'm determined to start right now and will report tomorrow morning.

Diana3271 07-31-2017 03:36 PM

ems_70508 and Catya Hi and Welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

Sencha 07-31-2017 04:42 PM

Hi everyone!
I'm just starting to lose weight. 3FC has been so helpful with my questions, etc. I'm trying to lose 5 lbs. in August, and hopefully will lose more than that. I just got back from vacation a few days ago. I put a couple pounds, but it's already starting to come off. Haven't been able to exercise because I got a ton of mosquito bites on my feet and ankles, so putting on shoes and socks makes me itch like crazy. I am sticking to my calorie limit, though. Yesterday I ended up having a huge bowl of cereal instead of my planned snacks, but still hit my calories for the day. Today I'm doing better. I found out that a protein bar and banana is a good breakfast for me. I have trouble hitting my protein goals for the day, so the bars really help. Soon I'll get some protein powder and frozen berries and start having a smoothie for my lunch.

Diana3271 07-31-2017 04:45 PM

Sencha HI and welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

nancylmrn 07-31-2017 06:12 PM

I always get excited about the new thread each month! Welcome all the new faces ;).....and you know as you lose weight you get a new face right?

I was looking at our weather forecast for the week and it looks like will be breaking triple digits on Thur and Friday. this is not good for us barely fair weathered people. We will melt! Thankfully I have a portable a/c unit in my bedroom and we can cool that room enough to sleep.

So tomorrow till be day 2, week 3 of my 8 week exercise and I got to tell you this round is kicking some serious backside. But alas still not weight loss :o

Back in the moring

Chunkahlunkah 07-31-2017 07:54 PM

Hi, all! :wave:

magistra - I saw your post about staying up later to avoid waking up at 2 in the morning. I was too tired to respond when I read that yesterday lol, but I put it into practice. It worked! Thank you. :)

BW - Good for you for listening to your body! So much of this is an individual experiment to find what's optimal. Best wishes on South Beach. :carrot:

nancy - What's the name of the workout program you're doing? You cracked me up in last month's thread when you mentioned the extra credit routine and asked why. :lol: Why, indeed! The program sounds like a killer as it is!

Diana - I hope Cody's eyes clear up soon.

:welcome: to Sencha, Catya, and ems! It's good to have you here. :)

Diana3271 07-31-2017 10:11 PM

nancylmrn and Chunkahlunkah Welcome back! :welcome2:

2Bees 07-31-2017 10:12 PM

Hi everybody. I am just starting out on weight watchers at home and am logging my food in there and at fitday.
I started the journey by buying Diet to go meals for a few weeks to give myself an idea of food portions and menu choices. I did the low carb meals so I would not have sugary breakfasts.
Hope to make my own frittata this week. I need to buy groceries to do anything.

Diana3271 07-31-2017 10:16 PM

2Bees Hi and welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

magistra17 08-01-2017 01:38 AM

Hi Diana! I am joining in for August. This month gets a little crazy for me with the looming start up of school. My work is already starting this week with some teacher’s meetings. At some point posting for me may become sporadic or even nonexistent. I want to do my best to keep up as it really does help me stay on track, but I’ll probably leave off on doing personals. Just know that I am reading and caring about all of you!

I spent most of the day cooking. I was cooking for my son who wants to be on my diet but can’t figure out what to eat, and then I was cooking soft foods for my daughter whose jaw is still swollen from her surgery. I had to run to the store in between cooking sessions and get more food. Then I was cooking dinner for everybody. Cooking today was a labor of love. Well, at least I was on my feet most of the day and not sitting!

B: mashed plantains fried in avocado oil (these were so good!), coffee with cream, and a little coconut oil.
L: sliced up portobello mushrooms cooked in evoo with onions and parmesan cheese, romaine lettuce leaves with guacamole
S: one square of dark chocolate, a few pistachios
D: Grass fed ground beef cooked with evoo, garlic, onion, carrots, collard greens, lemon juice and a bunch of spices. This was so tasty! Among the spices I did use some Hungarian paprika and cayenne pepper which turned out to be too spicy for DH, but everybody else loved it. I served this with Chapati bread made from almond flour.

Have a great Tuesday everybody!

flower123 08-01-2017 03:43 AM

hi all
this will be quick. It is late. And I still have things to do for my 21 day challenge. ( guess it was not such a quick check in)

WOW 4am workout. That is AMAZING

Diana, I hope the Angioedima resolves quickly. So a flair up can happen due to stress? I think stress should be abolished from the land :hug:

Magistra I love reading your daily menus. Thanks for the support re: sleep. Honestly it would be better if I could sleep early. But to me ealy would mean 1am :lol: I cannot imagine waking up at 5:30 in the morning. But it does sound healthy.

Nancy, that sunday hike sounds great! So healthy. wow triple digits for temps. Hope you are able to stay cool in that nice AC room.

BW Glad you are back eating some carbs. I had something very similar happen to me on very low carb diet. I hope your apt goes well tomorrow. :hug:

moumallick6 great to meet you. Beautiful Avatar picture!

Kelejpa I hope you enjoyed that pizza and ice cream !

GettinFit I hope that scale likes you more tomorrow. These scales sometimes are just so rude !!

msgooch congrats on the measurments going down !!! That's awesome. Re: comcast, I dream of a day where there is good quality competition for internet, cable etc. Hope the internet prob. gets more stable.

ems_70508 welcome back. Great to meet you

Catya great to mee you. Sounds like you are off to a good start !

Sencha good to meet you. Sounds like you are on your way to that August goal !

2Bees good to meet you. Great re: eliminating sugary food for breakfast!

:wave: everyone else

So I still have my Jin Shin Jytsyu to do. And 3 more minutes on the :trampo: and one more cup of water to drink. Then I will be done with all the day's assigments. It's called procrastinating.

Seems I cannot now eliminate the popchips. I have to make peace with it for the next few days. Long story. But the calories are not too bad. Even with the popchips. I do not consider this negative.

B coffee with cocoa powder etc 300
S popchips 360
L Salad with chicken sausage and BHF dressing 410
D chicken with vegetables 250
S frozen lemon and whey proten stuff 90
Total for day: 1410

I hope everyone has an awesome Tuesday !!!

kelijpa 08-01-2017 06:14 AM

Good morning all!

August already! I actually noticed there's a new thread right at the beginning of the month :lol: good day yesterday, it'll be a challenge to get back where I was last week before Thursday weigh-in, but who isn't up for a challenge?!

Diana Hunter is doing well, except for getting up in the middle of the night, going outside and just sitting there looking around, maddening, it's one thing if he needs to go out...oh well, he's lucky he's so cute and lovable during the daylight hours :lol: I wonder what is waking him up. He often has a little tear by his eye, sometimes more from allergies I guess, it doesn't seem to bother him except when I wipe it off :lol:

Flower the pizza and ice cream was yummy, usually I would do better on Sunday, but our weekend was a little out of the ordinary because his parents came up for a visit. I tripped at the ice cream place going up some steps to a picnic table, so I have a nice reminder of the day on my shin, luckily the ice cream didn't hit the ground, after making sure I was ok DH went back and got me a cup. It was a good laugh after determining that me and the ice cream were ok. That's why they call me grace :lol:

Well, better get moving, time goes by so fast in the mornings!! :wave: waving Hi all around:wave:

Hope everyone has a great day:sunny: :grouphug:

Sencha 08-01-2017 07:25 AM

Early morning for me. Trying to get everybody back in the habit of waking up at the right time in anticipation of DD going back to school soon. I'll be going back to school soon as well, so I have to make a point of not napping during the day, which is my homework time. I napped a lot last semester and ended up doing homework at really odd hours, which was just awful. Down to 325.4 this morning, which is a loss of nearly 2 pounds. Best I can figure is that I had a lot of fluid retention from the foods I ate on vacation. I'll take it!

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