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Diana3271 08-11-2017 09:35 PM

HI Everyone! :wave:

I didn't do well today. I didn't go overboard, I just didn't do as well as I should have. Exercise: 30+ minute swim

Enjoy your evening.

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

August 11

Luke 7:50
And he said to the woman, 'Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.'

God will help us as we diet, but the weight of the responsibility still lies with us. We have to really want to lose weight. God will not do it for us. Faith is the key to unlocking God's power in our lives. When we put our faith in God, He is able to lead us in new ways. He fills us with strength, courage, purpose, and the will to succeed. God has already placed those qualities in each one of us. Faith is our way of allowing God to show us how to use what we've already got. Let us remain open to God so we can succeed in losing the weight that doesn't need to be there.

Today's thought: God has given me everything I need to fight fat!

magistra17 08-11-2017 11:46 PM

I did magically lose one more pound before my doctor appointment today. I am now officially out of obesity range. Yay!! When I got to the doctor’s office, they weighed me and I weighed two pounds less on their scale than I do on mine. It might even be three pounds less, because I weigh myself in my undies and I was fully dressed at the doctor’s office. Either my scale is off or their scale is off. I hope it’s my scale that’s off. I like the idea that I actually weigh less than what my scale is telling me.

B: one green banana, one omega 3 egg fried in coconut oil, coffee with coconut oil and cream
L: arugula salad with avocado slices, evoo and balsamic vinaigrette dressing; 4 small slices of Formaggio Lagorai Italian cheese (I got this cheese at Trader Joe’s and it is delicious)
S: Quest double chocolate chunk power bar
D: one artichoke, one sweet potato sliced up and sautéed in olive oil, and doused with butter, a dollop of sour cream, and salt.

nancy Whatever happened good for you! Enjoy it! The body is such a mystery sometimes. I'm glad for you!

Have a great day everybody!

kelijpa 08-12-2017 08:09 AM

Good morning all,
175.1 this morning

Things are going well, I feel like I got back on plan, could have been worse, yesterday being Friday, but I went in to work and didn't snack. Stayed within my points and got in some walks. My walking buddy is going to be off work for a couple weeks, so I need to make sure I don't fall off that routine.

Nancy congrats!

Magistra congrats!

FYML good job owning your off day and getting back to it.

Diana nice you could go swimming. Enjoy the vacation and thanks for the devotion. :)

Msgooch congrats!

Fashinjunkie good job working your plan

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend:sunny: :grouphug:

msgooch 08-12-2017 08:53 AM

WI today 174.4 I REALLY want to get into the 160's! Like seriously and really - lol

Nancy - do you take days off of exercising? I find my body really needs the recovery time, and it's after that when I see weight loss
magistra - congratulations!! Well done. Such a huge thing you did for yourself.
Diana - the good news is today is a new day with a new opportunity for better choices

I wear a fitbit when I exercise, but not during the day. I just like to check my heart rate and I'm always curious about the calories I burn. Yesterday's spin class I burned more calories than I usually do and I'm trying to figure out why. I didn't kill myself or anything.

The big excitement - we have a pool house where my son is living right now, and my gym is in the basement. We had another huge storm last night. At 3am he came and woke us up - the basement was flooding even worse than last time. We ran over there and water was pouring through the wall, the two sump pumps couldn't even keep up. We have major drainage issues apparently. We just moved here last year. Luckily hubby remembered we also had a pump for the pool and he hooked that up as well to help drain. Serv Pro will be here in half an hour. Again. I just hope the treadmill isn't ruined, not sure if the water got to the motor or not. What a mess. The landscaper comes Monday to start working on the drainage.

nancylmrn 08-12-2017 11:01 AM

Good morning to all here
WI woza two days at 159.2 I am still in shock how this has happened
WO none planned today
Stress today will be on high alert, I am going to buy a new car, or at least that is my plan after weeks of research and test driving. My old baby will hit 300,000 miles before I get out of my neighborhood today. Got to love toyota's so going to get another one

msgooch I am so sorry about the flooding wish I could help so sending long distance :hug:. as for workouts and recovery maybe I needed it since the last 5-6 weeks my glutes were always sore and my knees protested squats, they really feel good now without all that DOMS

magastra....oh yeah for you!!! that is so exciting

Kellipa Good for you on will power

FYML 08-12-2017 12:32 PM

Didn't post last night because I was being lazy... again!!!! Yesterday was a -1/5 day for me for the second day in a row.

1) Workout: 15 mins on treadmill before work (not what I had planned at all)
2) Carbs - Too many to count (again)
3) Veggies - 0.5 if pickles count :/
4) Steps - 9800
5) Clean Eating - Not even close

Breakfast: 3/4 cup greek yogurt with vanilla extract, blueberries, strawberries and cinnamon
Lunch: Egg salad (2 eggs & mayo) on 2 slices of Daves killer bread and a banana
Dinner: 1 slice of pizza, 3 slices of cheesey garlic bread, 1 macaroon, and chocolate milk.
Snacks: Apple with almond butter and cinnamon, a banana, 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate, 2 cups organic whole wheat popcorn, cheese, pickles, ice cream and a swiss roll (bad bad bad)

I got home from work yesterday and instead of getting into the grind of things, I put off my workout and dinner until I was really hungry and I had nothing prepared and nothing out so I ate leftovers from the night before. I didn't have a single vegetable in the house! I went out shopping last night to get some supplies for the weekend.

On a plus note, I weighed myself this morning hoping to see that I lost 1 lb or at least didn't gain as motivation to keep going despite my two set back days and the scale showed a loss of 4 lbs this week! My official weigh in is next Saturday so I will post more about my weight loss then.

Three things I want to make this weekend:

1) BBQ Chicken w/ a cold pasta side (whole grain pasta, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, feta, lime dressing)
2) Homemade butternut squash soup (Butternut squash, red pepper, shallots, garlic, carrot)
3) Chicken fajita bowls (Chicken breast, red pepper, yellow pepper, red onion, fajita seasoning, whole wheat taco bowls)

If I make these items there will definitely be photos on my instagram: DAK209

fashinjunkie09 08-12-2017 12:40 PM

Official WI this morning was 210.5 which means I'm down 4.5 lbs this week and 6.5 overall! I know a lot of that is water weight and it will slow down but it's nice to see the scale move in the right direction even when I had a couple slips last week.

Today's plan is not for sure yet but here's what I have so far and I will edit later.

B- coffee w/ creamer, 3 eggs scrambled w/ a dash of milk and 1.5 T shredded cheese, two slices whole wheat toast w/ 2 tsp light butter, water
L- 1 c homemade chicken salad, 1.5 servings zesty ranch cheese it grooves, water
D- grilled steak & shrimp, baked potato w/ light butter and sour cream, 1/4 avocado, 3 squares dark chocolate, water
= 1,882 calories

Sencha 08-12-2017 01:55 PM

magistra17 what do you think of the Quest bars? I like them, especially the Raspberry White Chocolate ones, but they're bit too hard on my budget to have regularly.

Yesterday I stayed on plan and came in significantly under my calories for the day. I did eat all my meals, but for some reason my lunch of a protein bar and two string cheeses was very filling. I don't know if it was a fluke, but I'm going to try it again today.

2Bees 08-12-2017 02:22 PM

Sehcha-glad you found a quick and easy on plan lunch. Magistra-I have seen the cauliflower 'riced' in my grocery. I might try it to make something . I like cauliflower if it is not mushy so hope that keeps its texture.
Felt awful yesterday. My total steps were <400.
Doing ok today. Took a short walk and then went back outside to snip a few hedge branches.
I had an omlet made just with egg whites. OK but not as filling. I also had asparagus for breakfast.

Diana3271 08-12-2017 09:30 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I was in the pool for 1+ hours today. I swam for at least 30 minutes and then the rest of the time I play catch and tag with a little girl. It was fun.

Food was far from on plan. I am sad about leaving tomorrow. I think I have an inner beach bum that has started to surface the last few years. I don't like being in the sun on the beach or in the surf. But there is something that keeps drawing me to the beach. I even bought me a beach dress yesterday. It is really cute and classy looking at the same time. I wore it today. I never wear dresses so this is huge for me to buy something like that and actually wear it out all day. Tonight I also had a couple tropical drinks. I have the balcony door open and the drapes are blowing in the breeze. You can see the mist from the salt air under the outdoor lights. I am listening to Glen Campbel Gentle on my Mind. I can't wait to do this again.

Have a great evening!

FYML 08-12-2017 09:56 PM

Today has been decent so far! Posting early because I'm sitting back to relax but I will update later as well

1) Workout: 30 mins on treadmill
2) Carbs - 3
3) Veggies - 3.5
4) Steps - Currently at 8,500
5) Clean Eating - No - I baked some squash cupcakes that contained sugar and white flour

Breakfast: 3/4 cup greek yogurt with vanilla extract, strawberries, and cinnamon
Lunch: Homemade butternut squash soup
Dinner: BBQ chicken breast with tzatziki sauce and a cold whole grain pasta and veggie salad
Snacks: Butternut squash spice cupcakes (made from the soup I made) and a banana

nancylmrn 08-13-2017 04:29 PM

Hello to all!

WI holding steady at 159.2, I just hope it stays there when I get back into my exercise routine next week.
Eating has been good even if we went to breakfast this am still made good choices.

Stress eh....purchased the car yesterday and this morning dinged the edge of the hatch back who know it would go up too high in my garage and hit the open garage door

Took our 5 mile walk this morning too so that should off set some of breakfast.

Back later

2Bees 08-13-2017 08:39 PM

Some good summertime work going on in here.
I was able to take two short walks today. Still well under 10k. steps. I may make t thousand steps if I do anything more today.
Food was good, calorie wise. I don't like cereal as a breakfast, but I have it in the house so I eat. I made egg drop soup and added chicken,mushroom and onion. Had that for lunch and dinner.

nancylmrn 08-13-2017 10:14 PM

Hey 2Bees I have not thought of egg drop soup in a long time...thanks for the reminder I see it working its way back into my menu rotation

Diana3271 08-13-2017 11:30 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I am back home and unpacking, UGH! Anyways, I swam everyday but didn't do any extra exercise since I wanted my trip to be more relaxing. Food was delicious but way off plan. I am back at it tomorrow. I will give myself this week to drop some of the water weight and start weighing again next Monday. Did someone say, "break out the fat pants?" LOL

Rest well.

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