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Old 05-04-2011, 12:45 PM   #1  
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Talking Steel Magnolias #21


Wind. We have wind here in the Heartland this day. I don't have much planned yet to do this day and need to get a list going. I do best when I start out with a list. That just made me think of one thing that I need to do so I have started a list. Will went to the museum this morning and is not back yet. He has been doing some cleaning up of some pages of an old book they put out for they want to make another printing. It is quite a process since the company that printed it before years back threw out the original instead of sending it back to the museum as agreed upon. So the process begins again. He got me the neatest insence thingie. It is a bunch of tiny bamboo rods that you put in a small bottle full of fragrance and they dispurse it in the air subtly. Not overwhelming just makes the room nice. He got me two ~ Sweet Pea & Lavender. They are called Fragrance Reed Diffuser. I set the sweet pea one on a high shelf so it won't get bumped. I guess the little bamboo 6 inch rods suck up the fragrance and then it goes out into the air. They say these are great for folks with alergies since you don't lite them like the regular insence.

All you Magnolias have a wonderful day.

Last edited by Maggie; 05-04-2011 at 02:04 PM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:31 PM   #2  
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Good afternoon, ladies! Pouring rain, thunder, lightening - a miserable day and 52 degrees.

I went to water zumba and water aerobics this morning and have no plans to do anything but read this afternoon. It's a good thing for a rainy day.

Maggie, I wish I could have some scent in my house but it affects my breathing something awful. There was a lady in my water aerobics class that wore a ton of perfume. She is old so maybe can't smell too good. I finally asked the instructor to ask her to leave it off until after class. No matter where I went in the pool, that lady would follow me and I'd be huffing and puffing on my inhaler.

Gail, your FIL should be thankful he can come to you for his recovery. I'll bet he likes to watch Dancing With the Stars.

Jean, I miss my exercise when I don't get there. It gives me energy and helps with depression and I seem to eat less when I'm exercising.

Faye, did you forget us today?
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Old 05-04-2011, 02:05 PM   #3  
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Maggie -- Thanks for starting the new thread! I've had the fragrance diffusers and like them alot. You can turn the bamboo sticks upside down to refresh the scent if necessary. Will does pick out nice surprises for you. The wind has picked up here and the white caps are rolling into shore on the lake.

Susan -- I'm sorry you are having crappy weather on your day off. I'm glad you were able to today. My mom never wore perfume and hated sitting close to anyone who did. I have an older lady in my crafty club and I think she must put her makeup on with her eyes closed. She leaves a white ring around her hairline and then has two bright red blotches on her cheeks. She is a dear, but I wish her husband would notice, and tell her!

I'm off the return books to the library and pick up bread and milk on my way back home.

Last edited by Jean; 05-04-2011 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 02:14 PM   #4  
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Talking Back To Yack


Had some lunch and am back here in my office for a few moments and decided to make a peek in.

SUSAN I understand about your alergies and would respect you and not wear any fragrance around you at all. Once when we were living in MN a lady came up to me and said that so-and-so was alergic to my perfume. I went to that lady and talked to her about it. What she told me was a hoot. She said that that busy body that came to me wears real cheep perfume and so she is "alergic" to that brand so please don't quit wearing what you do for it smells grand. Mine isn't cheap. Good for you for speaking up. You are doing so well with your exercise that you will certainly maintain all that you have lost. I am so very happy for you.

JEAN That is a hoot about how that lady wears her makeup. Poor dear probably can't see well at all and wants to look "presentable." Don't you just love how that fragrance difuser just puts out a hint of fragrance. Just a hint. Looked into the eagles lately? They are growing by leaps and bounds and uglier by the day. Talk about ugly ducklings.

GAIL How nice to give up your room for your father in law. Hopefully he recoups quickly and can get back on the floor so to speak. AH about my hair, when I was younger I had lots of it and you are right it was long. Through the years my meds have taken a tole on my folicles and I now have very thin hair that does better short. Real short in fact. I keep it red though for it goes best with my complexion. And that is the way of it. Gone are the days of the lucious long locks.

DONNA FAYE Where art thou this day?

Yak at y'all later

Last edited by Maggie; 05-04-2011 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 02:47 PM   #5  
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Well, since I zoned this morning I guess I will say Good Afternoon to all of you. I slept lousy on the recliner last night waking up about every hour or so. I do that every once in awhile and it drives me nuts. On top of that, I was anxious about the garbage as today is garbage day and Jack usually hauls it out around 5:30 but he doesn't get home until 7:30 now and sometimes they do come by 6 so of course I was on pins and needles and finally just hauled it all out at 4 am. I then came in and forgot to post even though I was awake. GRRRRR!

Gail: Criminy kiddo, don't let the food thing get you down. It is tough traveling and trying to keep op then having stress like you have been having lately. You are doing great and will continue to do so. I hope all works out for FIL as I know that will be a relief for you all. My bil was a real pain when he had to go to the nursing home. He got really demanding of my sister and expected her to be there when he called not even caring she had a full time plus overtime job she couldn't just up and leave as it was paying for his care! He was a real pistol and sometimes I just wanted to slap him. He was about 10 years younger than my sister, who is 67 and she has to be at work at 4 am and usually doesn't get home until at least 7 and he demanded she come by everyday no matter what. I feel bad he passed away, but on the other hand she has some relief now. Thank you for the lovely compliment about my knitting. I love doing socks, mainly 'cause they are quicker to do, but they do have a bad side and that is you finish one, you still have the other one to do! Some knitters do two at a time, but it drove me nuts when I tried it so I stick to one at a time on my trusty dpn's. I am sure you will be glad when the baby blanket is finished. Big projects would always get to me too. I am waiting for some cool yarn to come so that when I am done with these socks I can make my dil a pair of fingerless gloves that has a scarf to match. She loves scarves and wears them all the time and she lives up north where it is cold a lot so it should work out fine. I promised her some fingerless gloves and her birthday is in July so hopefully I can get them done by then. My hands and shoulder are giving me fits at the moment from arthritis and all this damp cold weather. I try to ignore it, but frankly sometimes I just can't.

Susan: The woman that is the receptionist where my husband works wears the worst smelling stuff and it is strong. She sort of bathes in it as you can smell her when you walk in the plant so you know it is bad when you smell it over the sewage smells1 I hope the leader can help the lady understand your predicament.

Jean: I have very deep veins and it is hard to get a needle in so I understand where you are coming from. Last time I had to have blood drawn she was wiggling the thing back and forth and I thought I would go through the roof before she pulled it out and went somewhere else. You should see some of the old ladies at the casinos. Oh my goodness, they look like clowns the poor dears, especially the ones who shave off their eyebrows and pencil them in with black pencil. The last time we were down there to go to the buffet this lady who had to be over 80 was dressed like a gypsy with long skirt and top, bangles everywhere and ropes and ropes of chains on her neck with bright and I mean bright red hair and make-up up the wazoo. I was expecting her to walk up to people and tell their fortunes. How she kept from breaking her neck in her stilettos is beyond me.

Maggie: I am a perfume lover and have several different kinds I like. Right now I am on a Dolce and Gabanna fragrance named "The One," and Donna Karan's Cashmere Mist. I like soft fragrances and literally gag at anyone who wears something that has patchouli in it. That is the nastiest smelling stuff. I have a reed difuser in my bedroom and it is sandalwood. I know that is sort of a men's smell but I really like it in there and our bedroom is more masculine in burgundy and gold than it is feminine anyway. I have cherry furniture and gray and burgundy walls so the smell works!

This work schedule with Jack is going to be the death of me. It is going to take time to adjust to and just about the time I do he will go back to his regular schedule. Oh and Maggie, I forgot to answer your question about meals. Jack comes home about 7:30 and goes straight to bed, gets up around noon and makes himself some breakfast, then we eat dinner at around 5 and he takes a sandwich and ff chips with him to eat about 1-2 am he said. He took a ww ice cream last night and I will have to ask him how that went. They have a freezer there so he could store it when he got there. He sits in a truck all night long though, can you imagine. My knees would be killing me and he said today his are hurting, but he thinks it is the cold weather, but I think it is having them all scrunched up in the truck. He is 6'2" so not a short man and have really long legs.

Well gals, I need to go. You all have a great rest of the day and we will talk to you tomorrow morning if I don't forget! Faye
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Old 05-04-2011, 04:02 PM   #6  
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Good afternoon! I think the rain has stopped although the weather did not keep me inside today. I went out and bought my grandson's birthday present (he will be 4 on Saturday), walked the mall a little to get a little exercise, and then came straight home.

Maggie, I bet you look stunning with short hair! And the freedom you have with the maintenance. I keep my hair shorter these days also. As I'm aging I'm finding my hair is thinning a little and you're right thin baby fine hair looks better short. My FIL is settled at the rehab hospital for now. He's happier there than at the regular hospital. Right now, that is the plan--to transport him up to Delaware although now I'm wondering about physical therapy for his leg because I'm sure that is going to have to be continued up here. After this weekend when I know more I'm going to look into that.

Oh my gosh...the SUN is shining!

Susan, my FIL is a trip! And I mean that in the nicest of ways! He says that the dancers on Dancing with the Stars don't dance like they should--"That's no cha cha cha like I dance!" We've tried explaining to them they are probably putting extra fancy steps in their dance. I've heard wonderful things about Zumba exercise. One of these days I'll look into that.

Donna Faye, I knit socks the old fashioned way also--with DPNs and one at a time! I'm a slow knitter. BUT...[drum roll]...the baby blanket will be finished TONIGHT! While eating lunch today I flipped through my yarn catalogues: KnitPicks, Yarn Barn of Kansas, Lionbrand, and Patternworks. I'm itching to pick up the phone and order some yarn but I'm trying to behave myself! My FIL is a little "high maintenance" and he's frustrated that we are not dropping everything to be with him this week...but Wayne will lose his new job and there's really nothing we can do for him--he is being taken cared of and we made sure he had anything he might need before we left. My brother volunteered to take anything he may want to him if needed. But he really wants Wayne there and no one else.

Jean, okay...gas has reached $3.98 a gallon here. What's it like where you live? Chances are her husband either doesn't see the white ring around her hairline or he may have told her and she may have said unkind words to him. Perhaps she puts her makeup on without eye glasses?

Okay...time for me to take the laundry out. The washer and dryer we bought in the Fall, play music when the loads are finished... So much nicer than listening to BZZZZZZ....
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Old 05-04-2011, 10:57 PM   #7  
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Maggie -- The eagles' nest is beginning to look rather crowded! They certainly aren't the cute fuzzy balls they were a month ago.

"Gma" -- I hope you got a nap in this afternoon. I hate going to bed with something on my mind that I need to remember to do the next day. We've got to a few receptions at a casino and I've seen some of the get-ups the "old" ladies wear. Bob's comment is usually that they're trying to hang on to their youth with both hands and both feet . . . without any luck! Does Jack drive around at night or does he just have to sit in a truck? I would think he could walk around the truck every once in awhile to stretch his legs.

Gail -- Gas here is $3.88 right now. My elderly friend doesn't wear glasses -- maybe she needs them to put her makeup on. What kind of washer and dryer do you have that plays music? How fun!

I did pick out new glass frames -- an entirely different pair from what I brought home. I had to wait a bit so wandered around looking at frames and found a pair I liked better.

I have had a nap in front of the tv and now think I will catch the weather before heading to bed. We are going to Zowie's "graduation" from preschool tomorrow and I'm hoping to go early enough to do some mall shopping. I need a birthday gift for Amanda and also for my "mom."
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Old 05-05-2011, 08:25 AM   #8  
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Good morning Ladies! It's going to be a bright and windy day here in my neck of the woords!

Jean, my washer and dryer is by Samsung. Both play a sweet melody when the cycle is finished. I got a great deal on them (along with the pedastal drawers) from Sears last Fall. I'm still not fond of doing the laundry thought!

Not a whole lot going on here today. I'll finish up my grocery list and start cleaning out some closets. Nothing that is going to take up a whole day so I'll be knitting. I'm almost finished with the baby blanket!

I'll peek inside later....
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Old 05-05-2011, 08:56 AM   #9  
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Good morning to you ladies. Sunny and cool this morning and we sure will take that. I had another bad night and some more female issues again so don't know what's with that, but it made for an uncomfortable night, especially since Fortune realizes Jack isn't home so sleeps hunkered up next to me all night.

Jack just got home and is fixing his meds before heading off to bed. I asked him how it was and he said, "long." He is going to be worn out by the time this is all said and done working 7 days a week. This guy has always really looked forward to his weekends. He said everybody at the plant knows they just have to suck it up and do it so they do. They expect the Mississippi to crest around the 11th at over 50 ft and the flood level is 34 ft so you know what that means. They had to move the famous bbq contest to the old fairgrounds because by next week the park and Riverside drive will be under water. It is dicey getting around town. You have to look up on the internet the streets that are flooded and closed before you can venture in certain areas because of the flooding. I will be glad when everything goes back to normal, that's for sure.

I have only dusting and vacuuming left this morning, but will wait until Jack has left for work this evening to vacuum the dining and living room rugs so I don't disturb him. He isn't getting near enough sleep, but I can't do anything about it. He says he doesn't want to bother with breakfast before he goes to bed, but waits up really hungry around noon so he gets up. That is only 4-4.5 hours of sleep. He is supposed to take a nap again until dinner, but yesterday he sat and watched the Cubs game in the afternoon and only got about half an hour nap when the game was over. Ahh well, he says he is fine so I have to trust him I guess.

Jean: Thomas's and Jackson's birthdays are both next month. I have to get a list of what they want. As I said before, I am going to get Thomas some mice cufflinks, but don't know what else. I told him on Sunday I needed a list and not of $2000 stuff either, stuff under $150! He just laughed. I told him to run it by his mom this year so he wouldn't get into trouble too! No he doesn't drive around, the pickup is just parked at the pump building and every half an hour goes in and either shuts off the pump or turns it on so he does walk on an off all evening, but the combo of this weather and sitting in the truck has made his knees sore I know that. From what I understand, when waste comes into the plant it is separated, solids from liquid. The solids are treated and basically squished down and the liquid is decellanized (sp) and bacteria is put in it and stuff to clean it. It is actually cleaner than the river water. Anyway, once it is cleaned it goes through a pipe that is put at a decline from the plant to the river to release into the river using gravity alone. Well, the river has now come up over that pipe so the water can't be released and they have to pump it out, but basically, they pump a batch then wait for the next one and so on so that is what his job is right now, just going in and switching on and off the pump! I guess his boss was flabbergasted he wanted the overnight shift as no one ever wants that, but Jack loves working the evening over overnights as he hates mornings. I have an eye appt a week from Sat for new contacts and my yearly eye exam. The bad thing though is that Walmart gouges the heck out of their customers with the price they have for their contacts. I have $150 towards contacts from my insurance, so I can buy 3 out of the 4 boxes and pay like $23 then I go online and buy the rest because they are way cheaper.

Gail: Our gas is $3.68 at Walmart at the moment, but it fluctuates during the day sometimes, which I think is plain ridiculous. Actually, you can drive around town and have prices be 20 cents higher across town. I am sure sooner or later you fil will settle down. They do come to face it sooner or later. I don't watch DWTS but I do watch the little clips of the dancers sometimes and boy Ralph Macchio can really dance. He did a fox trot the other night that was great. Must be all that "wax on wax off" Mr. Miyagi taught him!

Well gals, I am going to fix myself some breakfast and take a nap. I am pooped! Faye
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Old 05-05-2011, 09:42 AM   #10  
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Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining and the wind is blowing as usual. I have a house to declutter before we leave for Sioux Falls at noon. Bob wants to stop and look at a fishing boat along the way.

Gail -- Do you like the front loading washer? I've thought about the steam option and wondered if it is as good as it looks on tv. I will be going to the grocery store tomorrow. We have been invited, to my 'sister's' on Saturday for lunch, to celebrate my 'mom's' 85th birthday and Mother's Day. I'm taking the 7 layer lettuce salad so want it to be as fresh as possible. Is the baby blanket for a special baby? It will feel good to have it done.

"Gma" -- I asked Zowie what she wanted for her birthday and she said, "a horse, of course!" I wondered if she wanted a real one -- she gave me THE look and her reply was, "no, a stick horse." Guess we will visit Toys R Us and see if they have one. I'll bet it is a long night for Jack at work. I'd be afraid I would fall asleep between trips to the pump. WM is definitely NOT cheaper on lots of things. Both Beth and Amanda comment that our smaller local store is higher priced than their's. We get a 10 cent discount on gas if we use the Shell credit card, and that's even lower than the WM price here. I don't buy anything at WM unless I absolutely have to have it and can't find it anywhere else in town.

I need to scrub my grubby sink and decide what I'm wearing to the "graduation." Have a terrific Thursday and remember to big!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 05-05-2011, 09:49 AM   #11  
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Donna Faye, my Wayne is just like your Jack! There were a few times in Wayne's working career that he had to work a midnight shift for a few months at a time. Comes home; will not eat and goes to bed. And as time goes by the length of sleep time gets shorter and shorter. I don't know about your husband but when that happens to Wayne as the sleep time gets shorter he gets a little grumpier. Not that I ever blamed him! It's just not normal to sleep during the day. Some people can do it on a regular basis but not Wayne. Wayne worked a lot of over time while at Chrysler, working seven days a week months on end and he swore when he found a new job this time he was not going to do that. Well, he's not working weekends but he is being made to work over during the weekday...and he's not happy about that. I've also asked him how his day was and he has also said the same thing: "Long." And the housework all gets done at a time when he's trying not to sleep. It was difficult trying to keep the house quiet when the girls were little too. The news has been covering the Mississippi River and how much more flooding is expected. The weather across the whole nation...the world for that matter...has been crazy for the last couple of years. My advice: Stay dry. Stay quiet (for Jack). Keep knitting!
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Old 05-05-2011, 01:34 PM   #12  
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Talking Titilating Thursday



I am a happy camper on this day for the mail man brought me a couple of packages. I got the "Walk It" kit from WW that contains, Drawsting Backpack, BPA Free Water Bottle (24 oz), Thermal Sleeve for bottle, Sun Visor and two SPF 15 Lip Balms. And from Chefs ~ the Griddler Waffle Plates that included a nice little recipe booklet with yummy looking recipes with the nutritional information on them. I really like the fact that the recipes did include that for it makes it easieer for me to count every p+ that enters my lips. I am going to have fun reading the recipes and thinking of how I can lighten them. One recipe that caught my eye for a dinner is called Savory Parmesan Rosemary Waffles. Now those would be good to serve with soup or eggs and bacon for a brunch or supper. I will lighten the recipes before using them though by using less fat and beaters instead of whole eggs. I have several recipes I have saved for I have one of those stove top waffle makers that I have had for years. One we can take camping even if we wish. Yep will have fun lightening all those recipes that came with it. Not much going on here today. Will just left for his volunteer work at the Museum and the dogs are out side. I will have to figure what to make for dinner for he will be gone until dinner time. It is noon now and I have not eaten nor am I hungry. Just enjoying sipping on my coffee so far this day.

DONNA FAYE That would be hard for me to work like Jack is. I would have to have something to keep me occupied while waiting to turn on or off the pump. But to each his own. When I would pull an all night shift we were required to walk the halls every half hour to check rooms. Then call control with our count. In between the times I walked the halls I would do what work I had then read a book. I called that my easy money shift. But I wasn't out in the cold sitting in a truck that's for sure. Poor Jack ~ I feel for him.

GAIL I just found out this morning that Cuisinart makes a Griddler Gourmet for these waffle plates fit either. When I need to replace my Griddler I am going to see what the Griddle Gormet is all about. Or maybe before. Do make a Paninni. You will be glad you did. So easy and so good and a great meal. I thought of you when I opened my walking kit for you are a walker. So far I have just been inside but when the weather is condusive to it I will walk out side.

JEAN A boat. Get one that you can ski behind. Dual purpose. Or is it allowed to ski in Storm lake? Yikes ~ it has been years since I participated in water sports. The thing I miss most living here in the Heartland is being land-locked. I need to see the ocean. My Pacific Ocean to be exact. After all it is part of me for I grew up just 2 blocks from it. We went skiing on the lake though. We had those around close also. Have fun at the graduation. I always liked seeing those little ones graduate.

SUSAN Hope this day is going well with you.

Type at y'all later. I am off to figure points on waffles.

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Old 05-06-2011, 12:56 AM   #13  
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Gail -- I would think working so many extra hours would cause burnout and/or accidents to happen more often. When our daughter worked security for Gateway, she worked 11 pm to 7 am and liked having her days off in the middle of the week. But she wasn't married and could sleep all day because the rest of the apartments were empty and quiet during the day. That schedule sure wouldn't work for her now.

Maggie -- I know you will enjoy your new "toys." Beth had to walk around the plant and also drive around the different buildings to check outside doors. When the boss was gone she had to travel to his fancy house and do a walk around which I didn't much like at the time. Bob wants an 18' aluminum fishing boat so he and Ian can fish together. We have a bigger boat that the kids ride the torpedo tube behind; I'm not excited about them fishing from it. So far no one has been brave enough to try water skiing.

We just got home from Sioux Falls -- long ride home. I did get most of the shopping done that I needed to do. There are some major ugly clothes on the racks out there!
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Old 05-06-2011, 06:55 AM   #14  
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Good morning to you all! Fortune again wanted out early, he is on the same schedule as the rest of us I guess so I decided just to stay up. I went to bed really early last night because all of this is catching up with me I guess. The phone rang around 8:30 and scared me to death as I had just gone to sleep and it was a wrong number as since it was the same area code as those idiots who can't seem to get I am not their friend, I let it roll over to voicemail.

Jack called on his way to work last night and said he had to turn around and take another route as the cops had the road blocked off as it was under water. The guys, and the couple gals that work out there could be headed for trouble though. The main entrance to riverport road is undergoing heavy construction and has been closed for nearly 2 years now. It isn't near completion so I don't think there is anyway they could open it up. The second way, is the way Jack and pretty much everyone else is going including the semis. This will impact more than just the plant as there is a big Hostess distribution center out there, a Fleishmann's yeast plant and a big new rail yard out past Jack where a lot of semis go to either load or unload. The only other way in is through the state park, and it has the possibility for flooding too as it has wet lands around it. It is going to be interesting because now projections are the river will crest at 50 ft, which is 16 feet above flood stage. Jack found out yesterday that besides time and a half for his ovetime, he gets three shift differentials for the hours he works. I guess people who work from 7pm-11pm get an extra 46 cents an hour, then from 11pm-3am gets an extra 65 cents an hour, then 3-am-7am gets an extra 96 cents an hour! Those dummys in payroll are going to mess this us soooooo bad! They goof up end of the year pay every year. Jack and a couple people are the only ones who get paid all the chopped up stuff, but they decided to have the foreman's figure out the pay and send it totaled as gross before taxes and such so the payroll people will work straight from that. Otherwise, who knows, we may be paid what Obama gets! Anyway, looks like between now and the payday on May 27th Jack should earn an extra $6000 or so. And I say.......HANDBAGS AND YARNNNNNNNNN! Just kidding. Actually this will pay for any ac repairs and all of our remaining vacation costs and we can put the rest aside for next year in savings. I included a collage photo of some of our area. The far left picture is one of the school bus lots! These pics are closer to the Navy base. Quite a mess, huh?

I saw a thread as I was coming in here in the weight loss support forum that said, "baloney nachos, yum." Balogna nachos? euwww! I mean, I have ff bologna sandwiches but nachos?

Jean: I worked the overnights at 7-11 and had little kids and it was really really tough. Jay went to school, but Kelly hadn't started school yet. I would lock her and myself in my bedroom with her toys, snacks, etc since it had a bathroom and crash on the bed. That job didn't last long for more than one reason. My dryer has a great damp dry setting I really like for wrinkled stuff, though I always found a wet hand towel put in with wrinkled clothing works just as well. I have to say, I really like this new dryer a lot with its drying time adjustment. I never have to keep going in and putting more time on or finding the clothes got too dry and all wrinkled. I would love to have one of those pair of the expensive washer and dryers with all the fancy stuff on it, but it isn't going to happen. Not unless we get rich. I will be happy just to have a washer and dryer that works that I don't have to go to the laundromat. Thomas just got some kind of his first awards for boy scouts and Kelly posted it on facebook. One of her friends said she didn't know what that was, but congrats to Thomas anyway. My sil always the one with the wit told her "it is kind of like a parole hearing!" That man is something else. I imagine Ian will love being able to fish with grandpa.

Gail: I am thinking of running the vacuum and getting that done before he gets home this morning, but I imagine the neighbors won't be happy. Of course all the bedrooms are upstairs in the condos so I don't know how much noise there would be doing the downstairs rugs. I just wasn't feeling up to par yesterday and didn't get much done at all except laundry and daily chores. I feel right as rain today so maybe I can finish up and get Fortune over to the vet and such. How is the blanket coming along? I have seriously got to get a lot done on that sock if I want to get them finished in time to ship.

Maggie: Jack is getting his fill of movies, that's for sure. He takes our portable dvd player with him everynight. It has a cigarette plug adapter so he can watch movies all night long. He ordered "Gettysburg" and it came in yesterday so he had a new one to watch last night. He is a big John Wayne fan so he always takes at least one JW movie with him. I guess we must have 300 videos! He really loves watching movies at night on the weekends and I think he is going to miss that. He makes himself some popcorn and stays up watching movies until 2-3 unless we have something to do the next day. Anyway, with his overnight job strictly being turning on and off that pump, he has a lot of time to watch movies or read. He has books on his Iphone he reads too while he is in the truck and he does doze. He has a clock in his Iphone and if he feels sleepy he can set an alarm on it to wake him up so there is no problem there.

Well gals, I am going to get out of here and get things started for the day. You all have a wonderful......uh Friday I think! My days are all mixed up with him working overnights and 7 days a week. Anyway, have a great day!!! Faye
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Last edited by gma22; 05-06-2011 at 07:00 AM.
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Old 05-06-2011, 07:09 AM   #15  
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Happy Friday morning all. This is going to be a busy day for me but every Friday is a busy day for me. It's my errand day. And I'll try to catch a WW meeting and weigh in. If not, I'll go tomorrow morning for sure.

I phone my FIL regularly to check up on him; to see if he's okay. Bless his heart, he's already frustrated, annoyed and resigned to the fact that there is nothing for him to do at this point. He just needs to do his physical therapy (yesterday was the first PT), relax, sleep and do whatever the rehab hospital staff want him to do. And I feel guilty for not going to see him this weekend. Wayne is leaving either tonight after work (depends on what time he gets out of the plant) or extremely early tomorrow morning. He has a list of things to get for his Dad and another list of "to do's". I am not going because I've prepaid money for a bus ride, entrance fee, seminar fee for Sunday (yes, it's Mother's Day as my children have pointed out to me) at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. If it were only me I would call it a loss but if I don't go I'm afraid it would cause my friend not to go and then she would be out of her money as well. So Wayne said to stay, go to the event on Sunday, and enjoy; that he's got it all covered for his Dad in Va. Beach. However, I will go next weekend. If we could afford the gas and toll money I would go down to Va. Beach by myself during the week. We can't do that.

My FIL told me yesterday that a lot of doctors are coming in to check him out. And they are finding other things wrong with him! I told Wayne to get a list of doctor names as I think we need to speak some of them at least. My FIL told me they are questioning "his mind" because of his age (he's 86). One doctor asked him if he knew what day and month it is and of course my FIL got it wrong but I probably would've gotten it wrong too! Gosh, when you're in the hospital you lose track of time! Some have to look at a calendar to see what day it is! Unfair question. Of course, as Wayne pointed out, IF something is going in his mind the doctors and staff will find it...and I know he's right. Gosh, so many questions. So many concerns. he's not swallowing properly. He complained of a sore throat. When he drinks liquid sometimes it goes down his windpipe so they took xrays. I don't know what they found...and that is another worry.


I know everything will work out. It seems the older I become the more I pray.

Maggie, I love getting packages in the mail! It's like...Christmas or your birthday! Do you know I have the panini grill and NEVER made a panini!?! I used it last night to cook hamburger patties. Cooks fast grilling on both sides at the same time. As you know, I love and collect cookbooks. And of course I now collect knitting books. That WW package you received sounds like fun.

Jean, you've noticed the ugly clothes too! Phew! I thought it was just me! I tell myself at least I'll save a little money from not buying clothes this season.

I need to get moving....
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