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nancylmrn 06-01-2009 10:48 PM

WW at Home June Jabbering
Ok it is a new month and for me a new commitment. I was so lax for so many months that I refused to move my ticker higher. I know I will be back down to my ticker in no time this month ---fingers crossed---

I started to get back in an exercise routine and have recruited my 17 year daughter...so far I am 9 days in a row, dd 6 but that is ok with me

Please post often and keep us all updated on what is going on with your :o ups and :D downs

Leeesa 06-01-2009 11:20 PM

Warning: Copious amounts of whining below....

So I turn 40 next week, PLEGH, I'm not exactly excited at the prospect, however, everyone else around me is!

I'm not sure how I'm going to get through June unscathed and within my daily WW points since every single weekend from now until July consists of some sort of celebratory event, including a 5 day trip to Las Vegas (which I'm very excited about, but also a little worried about how to maintain damage control), two days after I get back from Vegas we are heading to the in-law's cottage on the lake for my dad-in-law's 80th birthday, which coincidentally falls on the same day as my first son. We are there for a week. When we get back we will be having yet another party for my son who is turning 4. It is also my mom's birthday, my older sister's birthday and father's day in there. We like to call it "festivus"

So, that's basically two weeks out of June, shot in terms of regularly schedule exercise (which I rely on heavily) and a routine eating plan. I'm really happy to be doing all this fun stuff but at the same time I'm feeling like I'm going to be in a perpetual state of "ok, time to face the music" what's the damage this week?

I know what to do, I know how to make good choices, I know the only person that puts anything in my mouth is me, and I pledge to do my best to reign things in so that I don't undo months worth of work.

But oooooh, it's going to be TOUGH!!! ARRRRGGGHH!!!

*vent over*

Ok, I feel better now, thanks for listening!!

nancylmrn 06-02-2009 10:19 AM

Leesa I have been there done that LOL :hug:
Last July I turned :p 50! and that was when I decided I needed to really get serious about my health. I was good for about 5 months lost almost 20lb and now have gained back 9 due to my own fault.....I put the food in there, I did not exercise :mad:

Anyway you will get through this month. Just like I will and everyone else, we may not be at our best at times but I am confident we will make progress!

Leeesa 06-02-2009 07:04 PM

Thanks, I hear ya, I recently decided that I should be lighter in my later years (having maintained a very fit 170-175 for the better part of my 20s and 30s), but now I'm striving for 150 because my theory is that as I get older, being lighter will keep me mobile longer which with two young boys I will need this decade!

I'm also coming up on TOM so I'm HUNGRY and cranky, bad mix! Oh boy my wiegh-in on Thursday should be interesting, yikes!

nancylmrn 06-02-2009 08:17 PM

FYI Leesa enjoy TOM while you can--really once it stops all **** breaks lose :joker: You have night sweats you can weight by looking at food you are worse than cranky at times.

I kept a fit 130-135 until 6 years ago, then had to start taking blood pressure meds...and my weight started to go up. Every six months when I went in for a check up I complained about gaining it wasn't until I had gained 40 pounds in two years he finally said gee guess you are gaining weight (duh!) anyway he is no longer my dr. .... and yes I am whining!....so between medication, age, menopause a triple wammy it is a slow battle for me so you hang in there!

determined09 06-02-2009 09:38 PM

I'm new at this and going to go gung ho (at least for the first month)! I hope I can stay as excited about loosing for months to come. I recently started to walk 30 minutes every other day with my dog. I'm also going to start an excersize class during lunch at work. Wish me luck!!

texscrapper 06-03-2009 05:20 PM

Hi everyone :wave: I'm back on the WW wagon again - with DH this time.

I lost LOTS of lbs with WW last year (54 lbs), but I have gained some back (about 20 lbs). I'm ready to finish this out and reach my goal. Hopefully, I can lose another 30 lbs before our trip to Disney World in Dec.

Hope all is well! :hug:

determined09 06-03-2009 09:41 PM

I'm so mad at myself!! I already caved and just started WW on Monday!! I ate so good today. Oatmeal w/blueberries for breakfast, salad w/grilled chicken oil/vinegar dressing and some fruit for lunch, and snacked on veggies througout the day. Why would I then decide that I needed a McDonalds cheeseburger for dinner??!! I went shopping and was frustrated with not being able to find a shirt that fit me right and was tired. I caved and went through the drive-thru!! UGGHHHH:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Leeesa 06-03-2009 10:36 PM

NancyLynn only in my DREAMS could I imagine 135! I think I was that weight maybe in grade 4?? Welcome determined and texscrapper. Determined, don't sweat it, you didn't blow it, use your flex points, I think those burgers are about 12 points each or so (unless you got the teeny tiny one which is 8 points) do some extra activity, drink loads of water and I don't think it will do too much damage (maybe some water weight from the sodium)...

Hello Nurse 06-03-2009 10:46 PM

Hi, I recently started WW at home, and I have some pretty big challenges coming up also. This Friday and Saturday I will be at the Indy car races, in a suite filled with FREE FOOD! I mean, enormous, never ending buffet, binge eater's dream kind of free food. I mean, white chocolate and macadamia nut cookie kind of free food. (mmmmm, cooookies). And remember, this is not only for one race, but two! I have no idea how I will survive!

And, once the terrors of the weekend are over, then I have another feast to look forward to on Monday! The annual nurse's brunch for the school district, this year at a fancy schmancy country club type setting. I anticipate lots of sweet pastries and cheesy quiches. (mmmmmm, cheeeesy).

I can only eat an apple before going in and do my best! I weigh in on Saturdays, so at least I will have a fresh batch of weekly points for Sat. and Mon. Friday I might just eat before I go and ignore the lucious goodies. Wish me luck!

nancylmrn 06-04-2009 12:52 PM

Welcome determined, hellonurse and welcome back texs!

We all know how hard it is to stay focused when there are social events we must and want to attend. I know it has helped me in the past to eat before I go and pack my 'own' snacks and food. I have been known to take baggies full of cherry tomatoes, radishes, a tortilla wrap sandwich using low carb/high fiber tortilla's, dill pickles etc. And you know most times the other foods did not tempt me so bad I felt I had to do more than take a taste.

well yesterday was the first day I skipped my workout I had to work very late and did not get home until 8pm...but today is new day

nancylmrn 06-05-2009 11:25 PM

Well my chickies,
Made it another day ....whoo hooo for me I got a new Leslie Sansone dvd 5 mile something??? anyway did all 5 tonight and boy did that make me huff and puff :carrot:

Then I still had to make some dinner so I broiled some fish with a recipe I found in a ww mag. you use some miso paste, soy, little sugar & ff mayo spread it on the fish--broil about 7 min and dinner is done. It really tasted good!

Ok I will check in with you all later :hug:

Leeesa 06-05-2009 11:33 PM

Good day Nancy, well done! I did a huge run today too and I'm planning a 2 hr mountain bike ride on Sunday which will hopefully mitigate the upcoming disastrous food extravaganza this weekend. I did manage to lose a bit this week (thank god for small miracles!) So I'm pretty happy. One day at time right...???

texscrapper 06-06-2009 01:21 PM

Hi everyone! Well, I managed to pull off a party last night and still stay within my points value for the day :carrot:

I hosted a Girls Night In spa night which was LOTS of fun. Since this was the theme, I tailored the menu to lots of healthy choices. I did have 1 Sangria, but still stayed in the range, so at least I am beginning to remember that it CAN be done! ;) Hope that everyone has a great weekend!

nancylmrn 06-06-2009 07:58 PM

Leesa good job on your loss...a 2 hour bike ride -- darn girl I would keel over and die :hug:

texs that party sounded like so much fun! Please tell more more details! I would love to host something like that for my girlfriends

Well today so far on am on pts but the evening looms...Don't know why WE are such a challenge for me sometimes. Maybe because I don't plan my meals near as close as I do during the week when time management is a must?

But I do plan to walk away those pounds with one of my dvd's think it will be the 4 mile one tonight...then I will figure out some dinner. I have been eyeballing some turkey ham that is in my frig. and pairing it with some steamed brocolli

Chrissy1175 06-08-2009 10:38 AM

OK... time for a little praise and prayer. :)

I went almost a whole week not eating out. That is a really big deal for me. I live alone so most of the time I just figure it's easier to go through the drive-thru on my way home. Most days I will even go out twice in one day. But last week I ate at home from Sunday until Friday night. :carrot: I was so excited and I must admit a bit proud of myself.

On Friday night I did decide that I wanted to go out instead of cooking, but even that turned out better than I had hoped because I ended up driving around town for about an hour because nothing sounded good before deciding that I wanted a grilled chicken sandwich. I realized that it wasn't that I wanted to go out for dinner so much as I wanted to get out of the house for a while. And when I did eat I didn't eat the whole meal. It was a good feeling.

Realizing that I wasn't really wanting to eat out was a ah-ha moment for me. I paid really close attention to my behavior over the weekend and discovered that many of the things I did I only did because they were a habit and not because I really wanted to do them. Strange I know.

So this weeks goal is to do things only because I want to do them not because I've programed myself to do them. First thing out.... not eating out unless I want to. By this I mean, if I have to sit around and decide where I want to eat for more than a few minutes, then I don't really want to go out and I'm going to make something at home. More than once I've realized I was hungry about 5:30 or 6 in the evening and then sat on my couch until 9:00 or 9:30 trying to decide where I wanted to go get something to eat. How crazy is that? I mean in that time I could have made a nice meal, eaten it, and then cleaned up the kitchen AND then even taken a nice walk around my neighborhood or something. So that's my goal for the week. Send me all your good vibes 'cause I'm gonna need them I think.

Anyone else have an ah-ha moment?

nancylmrn 06-08-2009 12:53 PM

Chrissy that is wonderful! and I am sending you all the good vibes I have.

On this whole journey I think we all have had more ah ha moments than we realized. I realized I eat when I am bored or like you it has just become a habit i.e. sitting in the eve watching tv -- must have some snacks (habit), at work, snacks at computer while I am doing projects (habit). So the ah ha was eat 0 pt snacks and it is working for me. Meals I never was one to go out much but I would grab unhealthy foods to make "quick" meals. I am slowly changing that and planning my meals and find I can do a healthy meal in 15min or less that everyone likes (move over Rachel Ray)

Keep us all posted on how you are doing this week! :flame:

Hello Nurse 06-08-2009 03:54 PM

Just an update on the challenging weekend I posted about...it went great! Of course, I did have some nummy treats, but I counted everything and stayed well within my flex points, in fact I had 10 flex points left over! I also did a lot of walking and I actually ended up losing a few ounces over the weekend! Woohoo!

As for the breakfast this morning, since I did not know the menu I did not get to plan very well for it, and I used up more of my points for breakfast than I usually do. But, since it was more of a brunch (10am), I only had a 0 point slice of bread with a little peanut butter for lunch, so I still have plenty points for supper and a snack later if I need it.

All in all, a very triumphant weekend! Go me!

nancylmrn 06-08-2009 10:52 PM

hello nurse :carrot: that was awesome! It is so hard sometimes to resist temptation and I know when I do I feel so empowered!

Well when I started this thread last week I said it was going to be my best month...And now I want to toot my horn. I have worked out 14 out of 15 days each for 50-65 minutes. I have been doing the walk away the pounds dvd's I now own 5. One that does mile 1,2 & 3...after a few times even with added weight I felt it was to short so I jumped up to 4 miles with 'boosted walking' I have 3 of those and one 5 mile walk slim so they are keeping me motivated and huffing and puffing LOL but I feel so good

wish me luck to keep it up! for the entire month

Leeesa 06-08-2009 11:08 PM

Oh wow, everyone is doing so great, awesome job!!! Looks like I have some serious catching up to do. Did anyone hear that crash as I fell off the wagon? Oh boy... I actually tallied it up and even WITH a huge amount of activity (60 pts) I'm STILL in the hole by about 23 pts and weigh in is Thursday!!! Ack! I don't know what happened!! Actually, I do know what happened... I turned 40 and there was a line up of martinis out the door, and well... that's all I got *sigh* But I picked myself up this morning and carried on, starting with a punishing hour of Chalean Extreme, so, I'm back on track, still thinking of skipping out of my weigh-in though I just don't know if I can take the bad news.

nancylmrn 06-09-2009 05:35 PM

Leeesa you can't wimp out now! You are back on the wagon and you deserve to know what you are up against. And wow 60 activity pts the most I have ever done was 35

BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You deserved to celebrate that milestone.:carrot:

My weigh in is tomorrow and I am a bit worried I watched my pts and used 15 flex with 32 activity so far so I will see

nancylmrn 06-10-2009 10:56 AM

Well I weighed in this morning and am down 1.0 but I am still a bit disappointed. You know when you have worked out extra hard all week (34pt), did not use all your flex pts (still had 10 left) and feel like I lost more only to be down 1.0.

I know I should be happy for the lose but at time it is hard to stay positive when I was expecting more. I will keep up my routine this week and chalk this up to my body adjusting???

nancylmrn 06-11-2009 10:49 PM

Wow I did not workout last night and going at it again tonight was so hard to get motivated! But counting those activity pts felt good.

Ok going to whine now

Today was one of those I just can't seem to feel full days? Every have those? I started the am with an english muffin, egg beater and candian bacon (3pts). then ate some radishes, then dived into celery, then a turkey wrap made with low carb wrap (1pt), turkey (1pt) lettuce (0pt) then there was some turkey ham for dinner (3pt) with a potato (3pt) I know there was more but just can't remember but I used up all my pts and some flex pts and still don't feel....satisfied?

What do you do for days like that

nancylmrn 06-12-2009 11:03 PM

:o another night of walking away the lbs--- did the 4 miler tonight! whew I am so proud of myself.

My food pts have been ok but not great but I am hoping with the activity pts they balance out

Hope you all are doing

Leeesa 06-12-2009 11:18 PM

Oh oh, Nancy, the not feeling full days, I call that "bottomless pit syndrome" I get it about once a month, I don't know what exactly it is that will give you that "satisfied" feeling, but I do know what you are saying, I have yet to figure it out... let me know if you come up with a strategy! Good job on the 4 miles, I went for a big run today too, I somehow managed to dodge a bullet this week with a .6 loss after the big weekend of gluttony so I'm feeling keen again. Leaving for Vegas on Tuesday so I have 3 days to work my tail off in preparation. Hope everyone else is having a good week!

nancylmrn 06-13-2009 10:41 PM

Great job on the loss Leeesa and Vegas will be so much fun...enjoy yourself -- bet $5.00 for me :hug:

Today was a good day for me, I tried a new recipe for some low-carb bread using flaxseed and soy flour in the bread machine it actually was really good and according to master cook when I pluged in all the info it comes out to about 1 pt per small slice.

I also did the 5 mile walk away the pounds tonight just to get a few more activity points I know I am having wine later and that is my downfall

Hope you all are doing awesome

chelley123 06-15-2009 11:37 AM

Hey Everyone!
After a disapponting week last week I have bounced back with a 2.2 loss for this week. I will be 31 on Thursday and I am glad that I am starting this year under 200 lbs!!! I also had a NSV yesterday: I have NEVER shopped in Gap, EVER but for some reason I wandered in last night and found that not only did I fit into clothes I didn't even wear the largest size. I also got a form fitting tee at Kohl's (size Large) and It looks GOOD!!!! My stomach is getting flatter, I still have a lot of work but I am finally seeing some good results. I am no longer a fat chick just a plump one, LOL

nancylmrn 06-15-2009 11:25 PM

That is so cool chelly! I have not gone shopping at the gap for years and years. And to find somehting that fits and makes you look hot DOUBLE WHAMMY :carrot:

nancylmrn 06-16-2009 10:56 PM

Well I have been looking over my food journal and activities points...I just want to give myself a :carrot: I have exercised 13 out of the 16 days so far this month, each being a min of 50 min with max at 65. That is super good for me.

I am so trying to make this a good month. I also did some reflecting on my eating and choices...in Jan I was my lowest in weight (151) and I let it just keep creeping up on me, I wish I knew why I allowed myself to think oh a pound here, a pound there I can take that off easy and next thing I know I am up 10 when I worked so hard to get them off. Maybe I don't want to be healthy??? Am I afraid to be in the 'noraml' weight range?

OK enough of my whining I am moving forward Thaks for all your supports and listening to this Grandma's whoa is me story :hug:

andi654 06-17-2009 02:22 PM

Hi! I've been doing WW since September. I've only lost 30 pounds and I have over 100 to lose. The past several months I've been losing and gaining the same 6 pounds. Right now I am doing the plan on my own. I couldn't afford the fee again until this coming September and I fully intend to have lost weight the next time I rejoin. I was so glad to come across an At-Home group, because it's so helpful to have the support also outside of the meeting environment!

andi654 06-17-2009 02:29 PM

It didn't even occur to me until right now... is it ok for me to post here even though I am not currently a paying WW member? I was a member from Sept '08 until just 2 days ago. If I'm not supposed to post, then I'm REALLY sorry!

nancylmrn 06-17-2009 02:36 PM

andi of couse you can post here....anyone can all are welcome! Doing what ever plan they are on we are all here just to support eachother.

I know what you mean about gaining and losing the same weight I am in the same boat with this set of 10 (that is how I put it to myself)

Please post often and tell us how your are doing. Are you keeping a journal of your food and activities? I find that does help me but Ihave my bad days to be sure

andi654 06-17-2009 02:49 PM

Hi nancy! Thanks for the reply! Yay, I'm so glad I can post! I've really missed the accountability that I had when going to meetings, so I was so happy to see this thread.

I don't know why it is but motivation and desire can sure get stomped by life sometimes. LOL. I think it's really important that despite gaining or losing the same few pounds, we are committed to getting it turned around. I wouldn't have done that a year ago. I would have looked for the next fad diet that would have promised me a 20 pound loss in 2 weeks! I was the WORST serial dieter out there!!! Thank goodness for Weight Watchers. Now, to just keep it going.

I plan to post often. I'm not working at the moment, which is bittersweet. I started journaling again after 3 weeks of not. I had a few journals leftover from meetings. I think somewhere I have an old 3 month journal, too. LOL. I agree with you about it helping!! It's a day and night difference for me when I journal as opposed to skipping it. I really really have to get some exercise in. I messed up my knee and I think I'll be having a scope sometime this summer, but I do have a stationary bike I can use painlessly. I'm SO lazy!

Hope you're having a great day and thanks for the support!

nancylmrn 06-17-2009 05:33 PM

andi please don't say you are the worst serial dieter LOL I personally think there should be a 12 step program for me! I have tried them all (well almost all)

I have never been to an actual meeting all the information I have on ww has been through my research on the internet and reading the cookbooks. I did order the 'kit' off ebay and it has been a great help.

When I start to get lax aboiut planning my meals then I go here or grab one of my 6 ww cookbooks or low fat cook books and force myself to try some new recipes. And you know what I have tried some great things I would never thought I would like. Then when I find a good one I will print it out (if online) and then I keep them in a folder in my kitchen or cliped and hanging on my frig so I don't forget that it was good and to make it again.

Hmm exercise is so hard to get started and if you have an injury it is so much harder. I started using Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds and that is working for me and beleive it or not my right knee is almost pain free now after only three weeks.

Going to scoot but will check back in later tonight

Chrissy1175 06-18-2009 10:53 AM

It's been a few weeks since I've been here....and my weight shows it. I've gained back all the weight I had lost and even an extra pound. :( I just can't seem to stay motivated. I do really good for half a day or sometimes a whole day but then i get tired on my way home from work and stop and get some fast food. And what kills me is I know the program will work if I'll just work at it. If I plan ahead what I'm going to eat and when i'm going to workout. But I can't seem to plan anything now. Why is it so hard this time? I feel so defeated.

OK.... enough.... I'm done whining.... I'm at work now and surprise surprise I don't have any work to do.... so I'm going to plan... i'm going to take the morning to work out menus and exercise logs and stuff that I know works. I need to put my big girl panties and do it. :)

Chrissy1175 06-18-2009 11:03 AM

OH and Andi... I agree with Nancy... you'd have a lot of us that'd fight ya for the worst serial dieter title.... I know that I still want to look at those those ads that claim to make you lose a bazillion pounds in no time. I have a girlfriend that has been taking the lated and greatest thing and she's lost a bunch of weight...at least it looks like it. Really she's only lost what I know I could lose if I worked the WW program. But I still was tempted to try it. Besides... I know WW works and isn't going to have a warning a recall in a few years.

Nancy... I just reread your post and can I just say Thanks!! I used to use my ww and low-fat cookbooks to motivate myself too.... thanks for reminding me. I need motivation so I'm going to pull out those old dusty cookbooks and try some new old recipes. Thanks! :)

andi654 06-18-2009 11:46 AM

Nancy- That is a fantastic idea about looking through some cookbooks as motivation. I think it's so easy to get stuck in a rut with food choices. It's great that there's so much WW information out there, it really helps to save $. Thank goodness for ebay, too! I'm glad that you're not feeling any knee pain! I hope to be there in a few months too. I had a scope on my right knee this past November for 2 tears and osteoarthritis. Then once I started healing after that my left knee started giving me trouble. I go to the surgeon next week to have the MRI read. I just want to have another scope and get on with my life! It's great that there's so much WW information out there, it really helps to save $. Thank goodness for ebay, too!

Chrissy- Good for you for making a plan! In WW meetings our leader gave us quote, "Failure to plan, is a plan to fail." Or something like that! You'll find you're motivation again, just hang in there!:goodvibes I'm up about 8 pounds from when I made 10%. Hope you find some great recipes!

I actually got some exercise in yesterday! I rode my stationary bike for 20 min. It felt good to accomplish something. My knees are kinda sore, but it could be from the exercise or a weather front! LOL. I decided to put a sticker or check mark on my calendar for each day that I track points/journal and another one for exercise. I'm a visual person, so maybe seeing progress will keep me going.

Have a great day! I'll check in later!

nancylmrn 06-18-2009 04:21 PM

Whoo Hoo I just read your posts

Hey what if we all post a 'new' favorite recipe each week? I saw a recipe for some slow cooked chicken curry in a ww mag. when I took my mom to the dr. I want to try it, if it is any good I will pass it on. I think it was 5pts per serv and the thought of dinner being done when I get home from work is so appealing

andi would you beleive I have my food journal that I track my food, flex and activity pts, I cary it with me everywhere and then a calendar that I put a sticker on everyday I exercise. To me it is very motivating to look at that monthly calendar and see all those stickers. I just bought a package of these round clear avery stickers then printed on them exercised, or way to go, good job etc.

kiki100 06-19-2009 10:41 PM

Leeesa, a little late but I thought I'd mention...I got back two weeks ago from 5 days in Vegas...I gained 4 lbs but they came off in 3 days. You CAN do it!! I ate from the coffee shop for breakfast most mornings...a decaf coffee and either a low fat/cal energy bar they sold or fresh banana. For lunch I usually ate at Subway or had a salad with dressing on the side...for dinner...I enjoyed myself and didn't worry too much about it. You do ALOT of walking...that helps! I think you just have to let some things go and ENJOY when on vacation...but keep some things in check also...dinner was more important to me. Oh, and drinks...they were important to me too. :p :D Good luck! I can't wait to hear how ya did!! (AND how much fun you had!).

I seem to fluctuate around the 75lbs loss mark. I can't get much lower right now. I have all of a sudden an insatiable appetite...so I try to eat healthier options and keep on truckin'. Summer is so much harder for me...we socialize ALOT more...drink more often...it's just more tempting.

Also, I think FINALLY that my body is reacting positively to weight watchers!! I was on a 1200 cal a day diet for 5.5 mos and lost fast. When I joined WW I was told that I could gain in the beginning because I would be eating what I SHOULD have been eating to lose in the first place but being that is was more food than I was accustomed to that a gain was possible. I was told it would even out and the loss would come. It's been a couple of months and I think it MIGHT be true!! Seeing that I've been eating like a mad woman and not gaining...keep your fingers crossed!! I am!!

nancylmrn 06-19-2009 10:41 PM

Well I have a confession to make, my weigh in's are on wed morning and this past wed I did not lose an ounce...I was truly bummed out after exercising and watching my points...

I rarely ever sneek a peek but I did this morning and the scale had moved a pound down. I have my fingers and toes crossed that it will stay that way until next wednesdays weigh in.

Anyway I have had a good day today, worked out and have enough pts left over tonight to have a few glasses of my favorite wine (this is my big downfall I admit)

Last night I was a bit short on pts and made english muffin pizza that was a great snack!

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