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nancylmrn 02-01-2009 02:11 PM

WW @ Home Support 2-1 to 2-7 New Month New You
Ok chickies you all supported me while I was a whining clucker now I am ready to get back in the game...and what better time than super bowl sunday...Since I am not a football fan I will cheer for myself as this week goes on and 'score' a touch down next wi.

I am thinking though that I need more players for this team....you all up for it???
I am going to play the one of the open exercise/op positions (there are enough open for everyone) and as for the opposite team (gainers) we are going to kick their butts. :carrot:

ok now for the wi yes I was up 1lb but I knew that so today here is what is going on:
b; two high fiber english muffins 2pt, 2 egg beaters 1pt, 2 slice canadian bacon 1pt
s; cherry tomatos 0pt
L 2 turkey wrap on flat bread 4pt
D to be determined looking for a new recipe to try something different

8/22 still a ways to go but I am sure I will fill in the blanks...and one exercise dvd this eve for a good 50min workout

chelley123 02-01-2009 06:58 PM

Well, so far today I have had Cereal with skim Milk for Breakfast and a sub for lunch. I have 18 points left for dinner and I have an omelet, potatoes, and an english muffin planned. I think I will still hav epoints left so who knows what I will end up with.

nancylmrn 02-01-2009 08:17 PM

Great Michelle I have not done so well today and I started out with good intentions and it went south I am no out of points and still have dinner to go.

lunch was a roast beef sandwich and the restaurant put the calories in so that was 12 points then I drank 1.5 beers so unless I dip into my flex points ...and my daughter decided to have a superbowl party for her and 3 of her teen friends and they have taken over my workout area so no exercise tonight....

but I will make up for it tomorrow as for dinner tonight I am just going to eat a few pieces of boiled shrimp

chelley123 02-01-2009 11:15 PM

Nancy, i'm sorry that you had a bad day but it's just one day and you will do better tomorrow.
I can't keep off the scale and it is showing a gain but I hope that in the morning I will have digested everything and will have lost for the week. this morning i was showing a 2.5 pound loss. I have my fingers crossed!!!

chelley123 02-02-2009 08:54 AM

Well, It's not quite 8 AM and my day already sucks! My official weigh in was down .8, so not even 1 pound! I forgot my lunch, my hair won't cooperate and I couldn't find anthing to wear, it's officialy Monday! This week I am going to see how eating all my WA points and activity points works for me. The last time I used a good portion of my WA points was the last time I had a small loss but I'll try anything to get a better number than this.

nancylmrn 02-02-2009 09:56 AM

Michelle hang in there! You are right it is a Monday and we will do better. I have a dr. appt this morning so I will be going into work late. But this gives me time to plan and maybe even prep some eve meals.

I know what you mean about the wi day. It can be disappointing but I see it as next wi will be awesome. Try staying off the scale until wednesday, work out tonight and tomorrow then lets see where you are at....my pattern is a bit different from you my weight will stay the same for days and days and days then all of a sudden a drop then nothing again for like 5 or 6 days.

and to the rest of our at home chickies I hope so far you day has gone great

babynurse91 02-02-2009 12:43 PM

Hi ladies! I am starting WW at home again today!! I am going to do it this time!
I am motivated and if you wouldn't mind me joining this group then maybe I will be able to keep it up!!!

gonnadoit 02-02-2009 01:54 PM

:wave:I am in my second week of WW at work and love it. I am looking for new ideas to keep me motivated to keep going. Right now I am still fired up and ready to go. Just want to make sure it stays that way.

chelley123 02-02-2009 04:42 PM

Welcome Gonna and Baby!!!!!

I decided this after week's low loss to use all my WA points, so today I ate at Quizno's and actually got the cookie. But, after 5 weeks of watching what I eat so carefully I feel SOOOOOOOO guilty LOL. Also, my stomach has been making funny sounds all day. It's just not used to this anymore. I will workout tonight and trry to eat all my points in a healthy way for the rest of the week.
Nancy- I hope you are right and I have a 4 pound week next weigh in!!! I should just be glad I didn't have to drop another point this week. I'm sure when I get down to 26 points I will be STARVING!!! :p

chelley123 02-02-2009 09:03 PM

AW Crap! I did really bad today! I went over my daily points by 16! I know that I planned on using my WA points but I feel so bad that I used so many today!
B: Fiber Plus Bar (2)
L: Large Quizno's Turkey/Cheddar (20) Choc Chip cookie (9)
D: Chicken breast w/parmesan (4) Green Beans (0) Southwestern Corn (1)
S: Mini Wheats (4) Spongebob Cheese Its (4)

What was I thinking? Weight watchers is a great program but I hate the guilt I have for deviating from plan even a TINY bit!!! I hope that I can use all my points and still lose at least 2 pounds so I can get over the guilt.

babynurse91 02-02-2009 10:56 PM

Thanks chelly for the welcome!!
I had a great first day! Got some AP's in and I stayed OP!! I AM going to do this this time!!!

nancylmrn 02-02-2009 10:57 PM

welcome gonna and baby! we always like to see new people jump in :hug:

Michelle, don't worry about those points! that is what those spare ones are for. Take me for example I am not sure how many points to count this but I would love your opinion or anyone elses that could figure it out

Went to papa murphys -- you know the take and bake stuff. Ordered their veggie de-light...but I had them use 1/2 the sauce, onion, olive and green pepper and NO cheese. I know the olives will add up to a few points but I think I am looking at the equalivent of two pieces of flat bread for the curst...it was so thin it could not even hold the weight of the sauce. and if I sliced it into 8 pieces how many pts per piece?

I did not get a chance to exercise, had to take my foster daughter on an errand but thought I did ok with the pizza I know omitting the cheese was a huge +

well I am off for now check in with you tomorrow

chelley123 02-03-2009 09:27 AM

Nancy- I would say 3 points per slice. Here is how I figured this: In my WW dining out book 1/10 of a large veggie delite is 4 points. Since you cut it into 8 pieces we have to recalculate points so 10 pieces time 4 points= 40 so 40 points divded into 8 pieces is 5 points per piece WITH cheese. I would say the cheese would be 2 points per slice. SO that is why I say 3 points per slice!
Hope this helps!!!

nancylmrn 02-03-2009 02:30 PM

yes it does help thank you
When I make them at home I use 90 cal flat bread, sauce and the same veggies and it comes out to about 3pts per piece of bread and I eat two

1 for flat bread, 1 for sauce, 1 for misc veggies and no cheese so I am thinking somewhere in between all this we have the magic number!

So far today is going well, today for lunch it will be veggie & barley soup, then dinner ....well it is taco tuesday so beans on torilla with some veggies tossed in yummy


Welcome Gonna & Baby!!!
Michelle, dont worry about those points. I think I have you beat.
I ended up not sticking to my plan on Sunday and I cant even tell you how many points I ended up with. I did get a 1 mile walk in with my Mom. Then yesterday instead of getting back on track I went on a food binge. I ate so much junk it's horrible. I couldnt quit eating. I had little debbie snacks, chips, ice cream, you name it I think I ate it. Today I feel like a huge fat blob and on top of all the food I hurt the top of my abs really bad. I couldnt stand up straight Yesterday, but with the help of icy hot, muscle relaxers, and pain killers they still hurt but at least I can stand up straight. So no work out for me yesterday or today, I think im going to start back tomorrow and just focus on my interval cardio for the rest of the week and give my abs a break.

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