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chelley123 02-03-2009 04:39 PM

Anna- I hope you get to feeling better and good luck getting back on track!

I'm doing pretty good today. We have a new sub place in town called Submarina and their nutritional information is awesome! It gives a fabulous breakdown of each element of a sub so I can find out exactly how many points I'm eating. I had a 6 inch sub for 7 points today and I am still full! So after breakfast and lunch I have 18 points left for dinner.YAY!

nancylmrn 02-03-2009 11:02 PM

You both did great today, I was good until this eve. I even made a low cal version of enchilldas with no cheese on my part...and instead of using a flour torilla I used herb flat bread interesting texture to say the least, then filled it with black beans, salsa, onion, a little rice, and tvp it was really good actually

but then after dinner hubby popped a cork on some wine so I drank two glasses but I am still within my points for the day

And of course the best intentions with the exercise and did not make it...the eve was a bit messed up. If I can't work out when I get home then it gets to late and I will be up all night...tonight I was a bit late getting in then my dau let me know she needed a ride to a meeting so all I had time for was to make the dinner, go drive her, come home eat a bit pick her up and now here I am ... LOL excuse excuse excuse

what is that song???? Tomorrow Tomorrow I love ya Tomorrow there's always .....

ChefsGirl 02-03-2009 11:07 PM

Hi everyone! I’ve been a bit MIA, but have been thinking about you!

Best on-plan day I’ve had so far this week. Really rocked the nutrition today so I’m hoping that my small Superbowl gain will leave me! The party was fun tho, but I probably shouldn’t have drank the ENTIRE 6 pack of Fat Tire beer I brought. Geesh……..

Welcome Babynurse & Gonnadoit!

It’s hard not to feel guilty when you splurge on something like a cookie huh Michelle. That happens to me all the time. We had Perkins muffins for a co-worker’s birthday a few weeks ago and about half way thru mine I was like “OMG I’m cheating on my diet!!!”. Then I remember that I had PLANNED that muffin & all was right w/ the world. Think of it long term, it won’t feel like you are depriving yourself if you allow yourself the treats you enjoy & you will stick to the plan longer & lose more weight in the long run!!

I had to drop 2 points this week (I forgot to last time), I thought it would be traumatic, but I haven’t really noticed that much.

No cheese on a pizza Nancy! That is awesome. Serious will power there girl! And w/ the calculations Michelle…….you are becoming a WW pro!

Man, I forgot about Taco Tuesday!! We’re having taco salads at work tomorrow tho & DF is coming for lunch so I guess it’s Taco Wednesday for me tomorrow……oh wait!!! I had WW Enchilidas Suizas for lunch! See, even when I don’t realize it y’all are in my subconscious :T

Michelle – I think you need to go to Subaholics Anonymous. "Hello, my name is Michelle & I'm a Subaholic" :lol: But seriously, I love it when you find a new place to grub and they actually publish the nutritional info. My café at work has started doing that & it makes it so much easier to stay on track when they are serving something I really like. So congrats on the new find!

Anna – how was today? I really hope it was better for you.

I finally found Dunkin' Donuts coffee beans at Target today. I was pretty freakin' excited about that as everyone says it's better than Starbux. We'll see!

My DF is playing Grand Theft Auto & the noise of it is driving me nuts so I’m going to bed. Nitey nite chickies!


Thanks Ladies,
I had a great OP day yesterday! I did stop by Starbucks this morning for a Venti Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte. Its 4 points which is a lot for a drink, but man 30 degrees is just way too cold for Florida. It warmed me right up so I figure im just going to count it as my morning snack. I cant believe im about to say this, but I am so excited to be able to get back to working out today!!! Even though I was bad for 2 days, I really would like to see some kind of weight loss when I WI on Saturday.
Nancy, I wish they could find a way to come up with a 0 point wine!!!!! Life would be great

ChefsGirl 02-04-2009 02:20 PM

It's 30 degrees in Florida?? That's just wrong.


I know it is very wrong and it looks like tomorrow morning is going to be the same way if not colder. I feel that if it's going to be below freezing, then I should at least be able to enjoy some snow. Snow is the one thing I miss the most, but I love the sugar white beaches more!

nancylmrn 02-04-2009 11:15 PM

IMONOT if they came up with a 0point wine I would be at my goal weight in three months ago or better yet I would never have gained in the first place :carrot:

And flordia gets cold???? LOL I really enjoyed going to destin I prefer the gulf side

OK I was good on pts agian untill.........damm and damm that wine lol but I did limit it to 2 tall glasses

well the week is not over I am just having a bit of a meltdown and I should be over it soon


I was so bad last night.. It's just sad. I was good all day Tuesday and all day yesterday until it was time to eat dinner. I just dont know what's wrong with me!!!
Nancy I live near Destin in Fort Walton Beach,
I hope everyone has a great day OP!!!!!

chelley123 02-05-2009 10:38 AM

ImNot- I sent you a PM then saw your post saying you live in Destin, that's so funny! I live in Crestview, maybe we could meet sometime!


We should meet sometime!

babynurse91 02-05-2009 02:20 PM

Well I am not having a good day. I have been back at this for 4 days and I had a break down already. I am sooooo mad at myself. I am feeling terrible. I have a good cold happening and I am tired. I went for the easy fix and feel guilty.

Ok rant over. I am going to get back on track tonight with a really good dinner and hopefully feel better tomorrow and back on the treadmill.

Could someone kick me in the pants????

nancylmrn 02-05-2009 02:41 PM

baby consider yourself kicked! and please kick me back LOL I am on day 13 of really bad days in a row...

I don't know why I am so good for 4 or 5 weeks then poof I just fall and fall hard off that wagon.

I do well durning the day it is the evenings that things deteriorate So if I can jump back on do can you

chelly and imnot that is so funny that you both are so close to each other...of course I am at the opposite end of the country but hey I am there in spirit!

Today I have started off good just hope I can get by this evening will check in later


babynurse here is another kick in the pants, if only you can return the favor.
Nancy, Ive been the same way. The evenings are killing me. I have done great today, I just have to make it thru tonight and the weekend is right around the corner which is normally a downfall for me. I need locks installed on my pantry and fridge, then my only options for me will be water.
This may sound crazy, but I feel that if I work out after work then I can stay OP without a problem. I tried working out again and it hurts my abs way too much so working out this week is shot for me.

babynurse91 02-05-2009 03:02 PM

Thanks ladies!! And consider yourselves kicked back!!!

I guess it is totally normal to have a day like this but so soon is what I am upset about. I do feel like crap today though. I need to find something else to make me feel better and make it not food!!!

Thanks again ladies!!

nancylmrn 02-06-2009 10:46 AM

imnot I know what you mean about working out after work..if I can go straight home and work out I have not problem with my points as a matter of fact I tend to not eat enough. But if I go home and start to cook dinner or don't have anything planned I snack on bad things, I eat too much and then the wine bottle gets cracked open

Well for tonight the wine is gone in the house so that temptation is gone. Today I have some homemade, barley & vegtable soup that when I calculated it, it works out to about 3pts per 2 cup serving so I will have that for breakfast and lunch since I did not bring anything else for work..dinner don't know what I am doing yet

you know what else I noticed during these bad two weeks I have not kept up with my food journal either..there is another problem OK today I will log all my food no matter how painful

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