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I was bad again last night. I just dont know what my problem is. I know I should be good, but I just cant do it. I hope I can snap out of this funk and fast.

ChefsGirl 02-06-2009 02:12 PM

OMG South Beach Living Fiber Fit bars – Mocha flavored. They’ve got this layer of mocha gooeyness on the top of them. I don’t know where the 9 grams of fiber are in there, but I’m loving these bars. 2 points & YUM!

What’s been going on here ladies? I see lots of posts about “being bad” & “falling off te wagon”? Do I need to come across country for a visit? Let’s get it together! You guys can do this. You’ve done it in the past & can do it again. Tonight take 10 minutes to yourself & really think about what’s standing in your way & tomorrow post about it so we can try to help you figure out how to get past it.

Don’t be so hard on yourselves tho! You are all wonderful, beautiful women & you deserve to be healthy & happy. We can do it together!!

Anna – you say that if you work out after work you can stay OP w/out a problem. Since you can’t work out right now, is there something work-out related that can keep you motiviated to stay on track? Can you read a workout magazine or watch a TV show that is workout related?

Nancy – you love wine, as do I. I think you really need to plan for a couple of glasses at night so when you induldge in them, you won’t feel like you are being “bad”, instead you will feel successful b/c you are doing something that you planned to do. Sounds like planning would be a great tool for you, maybe you could try to plan your menu for the next day the nite before & include a couple of glasses of wine in that plan? Don’t deprive yourself of something you love! That’s what WW is all about right?

We’re going downtown tonite to see a band. I’m super excited! We haven’t really been out since NYE & I need to release some serious stress. This week has been nutty at work. I’ve got psycho energy today from all the good foods I put in yesterday & good sleep all week long (thank you Ambien!). I am much looking forward to partying late into the night. Yay Friday!

I didn’t even get all my pts in yesterday b/c I was so busy & stressed. I did however, meet all my health guidelines so that was a good thing. DF made shrimp stir fry last nite w/ fresh shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms, snap peas & brown rice. It was so good! Such a great way to get those vegtables & whole grains in.

My new jeans that I bought in a size smaller last Fall are officially too big. I’ve been walking around pulling them up all day. DF said I had “baggy butt” this morning :)

I’m a bit bummed b/c I really like them & they are barely worn, but of course I’m also thrilled b/c I’m losing this weight. I have no idea what I am going to do for clothes during this in between phase. I can’t quite fit into the next size smaller in my closest. I don’t know what I did while I was gaining this weight….walk around naked?

Have a good one ladies! I'm thinkin' about ya!


ChefsGirl you are very right. Im going to sit down tonight and write a list all of the reasons why I want to get healthy and lose the weight. Im sure that will get my determination going again!!!
Maybe you can get your jeans taken in, im not sure of the cost, but you would still be able to enjoy your jeans for a while longer!
Nancy, it's a great idea to save yourself some points each night to drink wine.

babynurse91 02-06-2009 03:43 PM

Hey ladies!!
I have had a better day today food wise but I feel terrible. I am full of this cold that I can't get rid of. I am just tired and want to rest. I am trying to keep hydrated most of all.
I too am going to sit and really think about why I am doing this. I know I want to lose this weight....I just now have to set my mind on it and keep going. I remember from past times that the first few weeks were the hardest cause old habits are hard to break. Well I am almost through week 1 again. I can do it!!!!
Have a great weekend ladies!!

chelley123 02-06-2009 08:56 PM

Well, there is good news and bad news! The good news is that I was only 1 point over for the day. The bad news is that I ate 2!!! WW Smart ones desserts. I keep telling myself that 6 points is less than one regular dessert but I still know that 2 desserts is too much!
I am not in a good place with my diet. I have been working SO hard and last week and this week I am not losing! I won't know for sure till Monday but I bet I am down less than a pound AGAIN!!!
I'm not giving up and tomorrow is another day but if I have another bad week it will take a lot to keep me on track!

nancylmrn 02-06-2009 10:49 PM

Well this has certainly been a challenging week for us all. I say we re-group in the next day or two...take some time to re-think our goals, our challenges and find a way that we can weave a happy medium.

I for one really need too. Yes in my head I want to lose weight to feel better, look better, and just to be better...but the devil is sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear go ahead and eat those cheetos and drink another glass of wine. So I am starting my week on Sunday morning!

That means this week including tonight and most likely tomorrow I will not feel guilty for my indulges...and I WILL plan out my meals with consistency that include my indulges one or two nights a week provided I counter it with some exercise...

Now is this do-able? My heart says of course! my head is balking...it likes eating those bad foods and drinking that wine...how does one rein it in???

kicking my butt did not work, the thump never penetrated past the fat LOL...so I have you all for support + no. 1 and we have this forum which is chalk full of ideas + no. 2, I have a supportive family + no. 3 (but they are only the cheering section they do not hold me accountable)

help me out here chickies

chelley123 02-06-2009 11:27 PM

Nancy- I know the feeling! I think maybe a few days off is what you need but don't go hog wild before Sunday or you will undo a lot of hard work.
I am going out tomorrow shopping and to the flea market. It will be hard not to pig out since all the food court restaurants will be calling my name (I don't want to even think how many points are in a Cinnabon, LOL) I think I WILL have Chick fiil A but I will just work it into my menu.
I think I will have a granola bar and maybe some pineapple for breakfast. I will pack some shredded wheat in a baggie for a snack. Have Chick fil A for lunch and then find something low points for dinner. I will definitely get some walking in between the flea market and the mall. I plan to go to Sam's and pick up another Linda Sansome walking DVD. They really work for me and Sam's had the DVDs for 8.88 and they came with a certificate for a 1 year subscription to fitness magazine.

nancylmrn 02-07-2009 11:47 AM

chelly it sounds like you have a plan too. well of course I did indulge last night with some wine and cheetos LOL but this morning I toasted two high fiber english muffins (2pts) cooked 2 egg beaters (1pt) and had two slices of canadian bacon (1pt) for breakfast. Lunch will be either the ww taco soup recipe (2pt) or veggie stir fry from one of our favorite viet. resturants (4pts)

Dinner stir fry sesame noodles from ww cookbook but I add tons more veggies but it will work out to about 7pts...then if I want there will be a little wine. so for me that sounds reasonable? my point allowance is 22 per day. and if I am under today well that still will not make up for the week of poor eating but it is a start

Maybe I just need a new dvd to get me in exercise mode again?

ChefsGirl 02-07-2009 02:15 PM

Baby – I’m sorry you’re sick! It’s so hard to stay on plan when you are not feeling well. There is some kind of nasty bug that is going around my office too. I’m doubling up on my Vitamin C this weekend.

Nancy & Michelle – you guys are doing great planning your days today. Good for you!

Man, talk about overindulgence. Holy hangover. I didn’t even feel like I drank that much but I am definitely out of practice. I feel it today, but it was totally worth it. We had a blast & the band was phenomenal! Def got my cardio in from all the dancin' that was done. So fun!

Sitting here w/ a huge glass of water, trying to replace those lost fluids. Ugh, at least my headache is gone. I thought my head was going to blow right off my shoulders this morning. I’m not moving far from the couch today.

It was so great to go out & have a blast w/ my DF. It has been too long & we used to have so much fun together. I’m so happy we still have it in us & I feel completely de-stressed today.

Got our taxes done last nite. He owes, I have a big refund coming so it pretty much evens out & we have enough to pay off one credit card. Guess my dreams of a tropical vacation to get out of the cold are not coming to fruition. But it is warming up here. All the snow is melting & I didn't even have to wear a coat yesterday.

Have a great weekend ladies! I might check in later, but I have a date w/ my DVR now :)

nancylmrn 02-07-2009 11:05 PM

oh my oh my Jill! but I am so glad you had an awesome time! those blow out are so worth it!

well I took an hour or two and planned my eve for the next week and I love it I printed off the menu and put it on my frig so everyone knows what we are eating and they are all new recipes LOL whew I hope they like them and if not...well oops

tonight I induldged in some wine and cheetos but like I stated earlier I am not going to feel guilty just move on...besides my budget will not support wine this week hehehe

ok new thread tomorrow! what should the topic be????

babynurse91 02-08-2009 09:18 AM

Hey ladies!
Still feeling awefull. I started out my day yesterday with a good breakfast and lunch and then all went downhill after that. As the day went on I felt worse and all I wanted was comfort type food. I wanted quick fix dinner and snacks. Grrr.....well I have enough flex to cover but didn't want to use them.
Well here's hoping I can stay on track even though I feel terrible.

mishi09 02-08-2009 07:14 PM

Hi all! Can I join?

I'm doing WW @ Home too. I started again the last week of January and found this site while searching for some support groups. My mom, sister, and I are all on a WL journey. Unfortunately, we don't live in the same town, but we are trying to be accountable to each other anyway.

I'm down 6 lbs so far, which is great for me. Due to some hormone imbalance issues I am a very slow loser. I can use all the support I can get.

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