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Old 08-19-2008, 11:43 AM   #16  
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Hi everyone. Do y'all mind if I join your chat? I'm fairly new to 3FC, but not to WW. I've been doing WW for almost 2 years now (on and off). I made goal the first time about a year after I joined (lost 35 lbs). But then I got too comfortable and gained a pound here and there and now I'm back. WW is the only thing that works for me.

Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself. I look forward to getting to know all of y'all.
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Old 08-19-2008, 02:25 PM   #17  
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36Paws and KristanAnne!
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Old 08-19-2008, 07:13 PM   #18  
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Welcome 36paws and KristanAnne!

Thanks for all the kudos chicks!

I get Curve Bars at Wal-mart. They're in a purple and white box in the granola bar aisle. They're one POINT, but they're small. I really like the Fiber One bars for 2 POINTS better, but I'm out of them and back to school killed my budget, so I'm eating the stuff I'm not as fond of for a couple of weeks.
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:18 AM   #19  
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Well I had some dental work done yesterday and am sore and swollen. I am not counting points for a few days and just eating whatever I can manage! Kind of crappy considering I gave it a good start but I will continue once the mouth is better!
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:48 AM   #20  
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Good morning, everyone. I started off with a really good day yesterday. And then I used 3 flex points. I always feel like I "screwed up" when I use flex points. I know that's what they're there for, but I tend to be really hard on myself. I did earn on AP by playing with my dog, though.

I woke up this morning thinking that I was gonna "scrap" WW again, because I "screwed up" yesterday, but then I remembered something I read in WW magazine:

"You wouldn't throw a whole set of china away because you broke one piece, so why would you give up because you had on bad day?" (or something like that).

Anyways, it helped me to realize I was being silly, so I thought I'd pass it along.

Here's to another good day!

PS - Cierasky, I *hate* dental work. Sorry you're all swollen and stuff. Hope you feel better!
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Old 08-20-2008, 11:13 AM   #21  
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Heylo ^^ I'm new to 3FC and 3 weeks into WW online I started because my mom has been on it for a while and she looks so amazing it made me mad, haha. I've lost 14lbs so far and have a pretty high goal but I'm certain that with this program I'll reach it After 4 years of not being able to do anything but gain, 14 is a reason to celebrate for me! My weigh-ins are monday mornings, and I just started to fit in some exercise into my program this week. Having a free zoo 10 minutes away helps a lot with fitting walking in! If anyone else here happens to be in St. Louis, let me know and we should go walk the zoo together once in a while!
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Old 08-20-2008, 11:18 AM   #22  
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Originally Posted by KristanAnne View Post
Good morning, everyone. I started off with a really good day yesterday. And then I used 3 flex points. I always feel like I "screwed up" when I use flex points. I know that's what they're there for, but I tend to be really hard on myself. I did earn on AP by playing with my dog, though.

I woke up this morning thinking that I was gonna "scrap" WW again, because I "screwed up" yesterday, but then I remembered something I read in WW magazine:

"You wouldn't throw a whole set of china away because you broke one piece, so why would you give up because you had on bad day?" (or something like that).

Anyways, it helped me to realize I was being silly, so I thought I'd pass it along.

Here's to another good day!

PS - Cierasky, I *hate* dental work. Sorry you're all swollen and stuff. Hope you feel better!
I think that is an important thing to remember.... all is not lost if you mess up one day...... just move on..... allow yourself the day and forget it....

as for so glad I haven't had to go to the dentist..... yuck

i have been paying attention and have a few stickers on my calendar.... I am such a visual person that the stickers help me to do well..... and not break my streak...

I got on the scale this morning and am down 4 lbs. so I am pleased about that considering I just started on sunday..... but I also know it slows up after a week or so.... so I am prepared for that but for now.... I am happy about it....

took Shalva (one ofthe dogs ) for a walk last night.... am going to have to remember to wear sneakers and not my keens so I dont have a bazillion stones in my shoe again tonight

right now however, I am fighting an asthma attack.... I was touchy last night with my asthma.... and now I am in full blown asthma attack mode.... damned allergies and asthma..... I checked everything I ate to make sure I didnt eat peanut or any of my other assortd allergies by accident and I didn't so its just plain old asthma right now.....

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Old 08-20-2008, 11:21 AM   #23  
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Hi KristanAnne! Looks like we have similar goals, welcome to the board.Cierasky, dental work really does suck... hope you feel better quickly.
Things here haven't been great lately. I have been eating around 25-30 points per day. I am supposed to eat around 23. I could sit here and blame my family all I want, but I know that it is my responsibility. Only I choose what goes into my mouth. Today I am eating a lighter breakfast, just some fruit and yogurt, to allow for more points later on to avoid running out so quickly.
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Old 08-20-2008, 04:12 PM   #24  
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Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Boo for asthma. My sister has asthma and I remember when she would have attacks. It must be so scary and frustrating!

Time2Shine, it does look like we have similar goals. I ultimately want to be in the 120s, but I'm going to rethink that when I get to 135 to see how I feel. I've been down to 132 and I remember wanting to lose more though. I get 22 points per day. You should still be okay because of flex points, though, right? Maybe you could earn some activity points by taking a jog or going for a walk? Especially if you go overboard, maybe after dinner you can go for a walk or something

Right now I am hooked on drinking hot tea when I feel snacky. I have some organic decaf herbal tea that I've been drinking like 3 times a day now and I feel like it has really helped me rethink how many snacks I feel like I "need".

How is everyone doing with getting their water in? We're supposed to be drinking 8 cups per day. I am up to about 6 cups per day. I've got to get those other 2 cups in!
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Old 08-20-2008, 05:30 PM   #25  
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Good Afternoon Everyone,

I have been within my points for the last couple of days. Yay!

I really loved your quote KristanAnn:
"I woke up this morning thinking that I was gonna "scrap" WW again, because I "screwed up" yesterday, but then I remembered something I read in WW magazine":
"You wouldn't throw a whole set of china away because you broke one piece, so why would you give up because you had on bad day?" (or something like that)."

I will have to remember that after I have had a bad day or a bad weekend staying within my points. I know that I am not getting all of my water in either and that would probably help with my daily points too.

36Paws - Congrats on the 4 pounds gone!

XenophonicScream - Wow! 14 pound loss is amazing!

It's so inspiring to hear others success with weight watchers and it gives me the strength to continue.

Thanks for sharing,

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Old 08-20-2008, 11:11 PM   #26  
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I am about to go to bed, but I just wanted to check in again because I had a really awesome day. I even have 4 points left, but I'm not hungry.

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday so I made some Coke Zero cupcakes and got some fat free Redi Whip for the frosting. 2 points a piece! They're so tasty and I'm proud of myself for only eating 2 and then stopping even though I could have had 4 of them for the leftover points I have. But I am not hungry and my sweet tooth was satisfied. Yeee haw!

I think the reason I had a good day today is because I've been drinking a lot of hot tea (decaf) instead of snacking. It really helps me realize that I'm not hungry. It tastes good and I can drink that and be satisfied instead of reaching for something my body doesn't really need.

Tomorrow may be a test for me because we'll likely go out to dinner for my mom's b-day and restaurants are a downfall for me. I know all the things I need to do, like check the nutrition online for a meal before we leave the house, and all the other little "restaurant tricks", but it all seems to fly out the window when I see all the yummy things on the menu. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Good night!
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:32 AM   #27  
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Morning all,

I've been kind of quiet this week due to having a new routine. My little boy started Kindergarten this week so our schedules have changed a little bit.

I did my WI today and I'm 136, 1 pt from goal. I've been awefully bad this week though and eaten chocolate chip cookies twice this week. I'm having such the hard time and I think a little scared that I will actually reach my goal. Does anyone have any ideas on how to "maintain"? I've been in Weight Loss Zone for so long I have no idea how to just "stay".

Keep up the good work and take one day at a time. That is all you can do. I'll check back later in the week.

Thanks for your tips and welcome to all of the newbies.
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:54 AM   #28  
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Welcome 36Paws, KristanAnne, and Xenophonicscream!
Sorry I have been AWOL for a few days. I have been a little frustrated with my exercise as it seems to create problems with the nerves in my legs and with my ankles (both of which are weak due to past injuries). I'm working with my chiropractor trying to improve this situation. In better news, I have been doing fabulously with my eating this week. It's more due to the huge sore I have on one side of my mouth than with my will power, but hey, I'll take it! At a mid-week weigh-in, I've ALREADY lost two lbs... good incentive to continue to be careful even though DH's birthday is Saturday, right?
I don't know much about maintaining, as I've never been to goal and tried to do it on purpose... I hear the Maintenance forum on here has some really great ideas though. That's so cool that you're almost at goal!
I hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:18 AM   #29  
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Kristen - Yeah I know what you mean.... my FIL turns 80 this weekend and they are doing the big dinner out party thing.... I am not sure if I should just not eat during the day and then be able to not worry about dinner or use up those flex points.... I am sure we will be going to a steak and seafood place so I can probably get some fish and a potato..... but yeah its hard at those kinds of things.....

Briana - WTG that is most excellent congrats....

CTR - sorry to hear that you are sore exercising.... hopefully the chiro can get that sorted out and you will be able to do the stuff you want.....

My kitten comes home in two days so I am counting down... I am just so excited...... but I am a bit stressed about it and getting him settled in with my Janet..... so we shall see how that goes.....

I have to go back and reread Talcott parsons today as it went in and out in the same second..... patterned variables drive me nuts....and then have to hit goffman by tomm. I dont think I will get much done this weekend so that stinks and my exam is on Thursday of next week. Of course I can take it again but I would rather not do that.... this is one of the few times in my life I wish I was a hearing person..... oh well what can ya do..... keeping my nose in a book has definitely helped me to not be grazing......

have a great day all

oh yeah and here is "Walter" who comes home on Saturday.....

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Old 08-21-2008, 09:46 AM   #30  
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Walter is adorable! I love cats but am allergic to them. And DH is very allergic to them and has the opposite of love for them. So I don't think we'll ever have one. Sigh.
That's nice that studying helps you NOT eat. Whenever I had a lot of studying to do (or a big paper to write) it made me EXTRA snacky!
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