3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jen-L 08-03-2001 04:01 PM

YOU GUYS, I AM AWESOME!! I have the LDC List on-line for us all to see!!!


There were a couple people on there that haven't posted except for the one time to get in on the challenge... I dropped them until I hear from them again... mostly for space! COME SEE! And if you want to see me at my heaviest weight... and wedding photos from almost 3 years ago... come see at...


That page hasn't been updated in a long time... but if you hang in there... I may get to it soon! I have been wanting to update it for awhile and add Emma pics... heck, I don't even have Sadie Pics!

Jen-L 08-03-2001 05:53 PM

OK... sorry about the LDC page. I have the page created and out there, but for some reason it is not linking properly. BUt my personal page works. I'll see what I can do about the LDC page! Sorry again!

Carriekaye 08-03-2001 11:05 PM

Great Job Jen

That link is awesome! I have WI on Monday, so hopefully I will be okay....I am about to get my period so I hope I didn't gain because of that...I will have to pray to the menstrual gods to grant me my period before WI. I have not been doing well....even though I am staying within my points, I feel like it has all been junk, you know? I will give you my point breakdown for today...tell me what you think:

Breakfast: 1 small pita with jelly 2pts

Lunch: 1 salad with curry chicken and apples no dressing 7pts
french fries (small side) 5 pts

Snack: 1 miserable miniscule cube of Entemans fat free cake 1pt
1 fat free sugar free jello 0pts

Dinner: Fat Free Turkey w/ skim milk cheese on a pita 3pts
Bowl of Kashi Golean (FOR DINNER???) 4pts

Snack: 3 miserable miniscule cubes of Entemans 3pts
1 fat free pudding 2pts

TOTAL POINTS: 25 (I am in the 22-27 range)

I have to stop buying that entenmans stuff....because I use up my points on fat free stuff that is not that tasty! I also have been slacking on my journal. I feel myself slipping and will NOT let that happen! On a happier note, I bought a size 12 suit this week! I haven't seen size 12 in years....true, it is probably the ONLY size 12 in the world that would fit me...but whatever cut it was, it made me jump up and start screaming in the store....

Okay ta-ta for now!!!:)

wenwella 08-05-2001 09:01 PM

Hi girls, just checking out the LDC link and realize some of my stuff got lost in transition. . I believe I had posted it before but maybe it wasn't seen. . in any case. . no stress. .

My LDG was 12 lbs. . up to date I've lost 6.5.


Carriekaye 08-05-2001 11:35 PM

Wedding Pic
Since I am fairly new to the challenge, and to the 3fc website, I thought I would tell you guys a little bit about me. My name is Carrie, and I live in Arlington, Mass, which is a town outside of Boston. I just got married to my sweet husband Chris, who is very supportive of my Weight Watchers adventure...but boy does that guy LOVE TO EAT!!! That makes for a tough dinner situation, but we are dealing....I have attached a picture from the wedding! Hopefully I will get to know all of you!!


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