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Old 03-18-2006, 10:43 AM   #1  
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Smile #153 Turtles on the fly!

We are the Turtle Group here at We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration, we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor because he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on even when the odds seem against us. We believe in giving each other support. Good luck to us all!
(for Lin and Lauren)
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Old 03-18-2006, 10:49 AM   #2  
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Hi Turtles,
Please check out the last few posts on thread #152 because there's lots of good information and insight there.
Welcome again, Princess. Glad to know about you and we hope you'll be as happy at this site as we are. Good luck with losing weight.

Mousie and to you!
Have a great day and enjoy yourself! Glad to read your update on your profile too because I learned a little more about you. Great!

Bandit, and good cheer for you and your program this weekend.

To all of us, keep on keepin' on. Take care, do what you intend to do, and keep the most important desire up front!

I've got a pot of soup bubbling on the stove. I took the veggies from my St. Patty's Day dinner (not cooked in corned beef water) and added some boullion cubes and tomatoes and beans. I'll have a lovely and healthy soup to eat right before I head to my dniece's today for the birthday party. I know if I go hungry, it's much harder to stay on track and I intend to stay on track. Last night I had a great dinner with family, and I counted all the points that were not core. Interestingly enough, much of the meal was core.
Now I intend to make today a great day and to concentrate on people, not food.
Everybody have a good day and chime in when you can.
Judy Itry
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Old 03-19-2006, 10:53 AM   #3  
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Happy Birthday, Mousie!!! Welcome Princess!
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Old 03-19-2006, 11:35 AM   #4  
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Good morning Turtles! I hope Ariana and Princess find our new thread.

Yesterday was lovely, I spent the day mostly in bed, for various reasons. I made myself crepes with Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread, it's like chocolate peanut butter) a couple of times during the day, and then hubby took me and my mom (dad's off job interviewing in Dallas) to Claim Jumper for a birthday "cake" (dessert). The experience was...enlightening?

I've been eating very very clean and very very natural foods for a few weeks now, so much so that apples are starting to be very very sweet (they didn't seem so, before). My body tolerated the crepes with Nutella, so I thought it would be okay with dessert, too. What can I say, it was my birthday, and in my silly mind I thought I was giving myself a 'present' by relaxing my 'food rules' for the day.

Dessert experience. I ordered lemonade (I don't drink caffeine after 4pm, or else I won't sleep through the night) and it was make-your-mouth-pucker sour. I couldn't drink it. My brownie was very, very floury. It seemed dry, somehow. It tasted like flour, I don't know any other way to explain it. Hubby got half slices of two different cheesecakes, and I tried a bite of each. They were AWFUL! It was shocking, they were so SOUR! Ugh, I was horrified. My mom got an apple pie thing with ice cream, and I ate the apples out of the middle--the crust it came in was WAAAAAY too floury for me to handle. It was such a strange taste experience, Turtles! I'd been abstaining for so long, looking forward to my birthday treat, and I wanted...the apples? How strange!

I got home--having had no vegetables, only the apple in mom's pie, and the protein in the two eggs in the crepes as my "good choices" for the day and the rest of my food being carbohydrate and sugar--and felt HORRIBLE. My stomach felt full and empty at the same time. It was like...I was technically full, but I was in no way satisfied. I did NOT like that feeling!

I wrote it all out--everything I was feeling, everything my body was going through, all my disappointment, why I had thought it would be a "treat" to eat that way, everything--and put it in a journal entry that I will refer back to when I start to forget. Eating that way was NOT a treat!

This morning I feel better. I woke up hungry, and I fixed myself eggbeaters with half an ounce of strong English cheddar cheese. My body is busy digesting right now, but I feel like it's working the way it's supposed to. I very much believe in natural foods.

So there you are, Turtles. I've learned my lesson, and I'm trying to make it stick! Hope you all are doing better than I was, but sometimes I guess it takes a hard lesson, huh?
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Old 03-19-2006, 03:21 PM   #5  
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Hi Turtles,
Mousie-- how interesting to celebrate your with treats only to find that you prefer your good food! I hear you loud and clear. It only takes a certain amount of time to get our bodies on the right track. Good for you and I bet you were surprised at how you were craving, not junk, but good healthy foods. Thanks for sharing.

Yesterday went well. I've counted out the points and charted them. I'm left with only 1 point this week until Wednesday, but I can stay on Core until then and I am following my plan. All goes well. I'm getting on the treadmill now, so I'll make this short.

Finish up the weekend with a flourish and feel well and do well for yourselves.
Judy Itry
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Old 03-20-2006, 09:06 AM   #6  
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Hi turtles:

Mousie - I know what you are saying & we should try to remember that feeling in future. Sat night I had a bd/card thing & had some food that I haven't had in awhile & actually got a stomach ache - I felt so full but crampy/bloated - so yesterday ate good again & feel much better today.

Why, do we do these things? Same with exercise - we know if makes us feel better and eating right does as well - also keeps us motivated. So why wouldn't we want to stay OP & exercise. We feel better, think better and have more energy - what's not to like.

So, heres to us all having a great OP, exercising, feeling good week! Drink your water.
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Old 03-20-2006, 09:14 AM   #7  
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You're so right! I continually question myself as to why I don't continue to do the right thing since I feel so much better when I do. Guess when I figure that out, I won't have "sidetrips". So far the week has been as planned. It would help to get some more exercise in for me.
Good luck to a terrific week.
Bandit, thanks for such a great summation.
Judy Itry
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Old 03-20-2006, 10:41 AM   #8  
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Default Happy Monday!

Good morning all!

I sure hope that everyone had a great weekend. Mine went well, went out with friends to Lone Star Steakhouse on Friday night and did very well, I had looked at the menu online before we went so I knew what to order and had it all planned out which really helped. Went to weigh in on Saturday morning, my husband lost 9.2 and I lost 2.6, I was a bit disapointed as I thought I would lose more but I am on meds that have weight gain as a side effect so all in all our first weigh in went well.

They are calling for a big snow storm to hit tonight so getting to work in the morning should be challenging and snow just seems strange as today is the first day of spring... but mother nature has a mind of her own I guess.

Have a happy day!
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Old 03-20-2006, 02:46 PM   #9  
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Good morning all. A day of good, solid choices and a lot of veggies has cleared me up and I feel MUCH better. Today is shaping up even better--apples and peanut butter and carrots and a protein shake so far--and I'm feeling like I'm recovering from my birthday weekend! Next year I'll plan something different to celebrate.

I'm continuing with my exercise program, and I'm very happy with how that's going. I'll jump on the treadmill and get a few miles in, in a bit.

Hope everyone is having good days. Keep on stepping, Turtles.
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Old 03-20-2006, 03:38 PM   #10  
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Princess -- if you love to read, it might help to try audio books while working out. I find that they help me stick with what would otherwise be an interminably dull workout (cardio machines.) I have no kids of my own, and I'm not sure I ever want to, but I am a big animal person, especially dogs and cats, and I consider them family as well.

Mousie -- work hasn't been crazy for a while now. I am keeping it to 8 hour days, happily. As far as your workout recommendations go...right now, I'm doing a machine-programmed interval sequence that alternates two minutes at a high incline with 2 minutes at a lower incline, for the entire duration (36 minutes, right now.) Do you think that what you're suggesting would be more effective for me at leading to weight loss? And secondly, as far as the slow and steady workouts are concerned -- I'm not sure if I could workout for an hour, maybe 45 minutes. How hard should slow and steady be on the perceived extertion scale? And is 8/10 unable-to-carry-on-a-conversation hard? I have a hard time with a numeric scale, but I can tell you if it is easy, hard or impossible for me to talk and workout, which I understand is also a gauge of difficulty.

Happy Belated Birthday, mousie!

I know what you mean, mousie. It's funny how we crave food x, but after healthy eating for a while it just isn't as good as it used to be, and you feel horrible afterwards. There are exceptions of course, some junk foods that still taste just as good to me, but not many of them.

I think, ladies that part of the reason we do lust after such food is habit and conditioning. When we were stressed out before, we ate junk food and it made us feel temporarily better, and we remember that. Now it makes us feel sick, but the body seems to take more time to learn. Also, some people tend to think with their stomach not their heads (when they get really hungry.)

2.6 is a great weight loss, princess, cherish your victories!

I hope I go a chance to check in with everyone now. Take care ladies, and I'll talk to you soon.
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Old 03-21-2006, 07:49 AM   #11  
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Default Happy Tuesday!

Well it is snowing hard here in Indy... getting to work this morning was interesting... never been run off the road by a school bus before but I guess there is a first time for everything . I was hoping for a snow day but the storm was delayed a bit... just until rush hour of course... so in to work I drove.

It started snowing just before I let the dogs out this morning and they loved that! Did not want to come in... just like kids

I am really ready for some nice weather to come our way so that I can get out and walk... I do not have a tread mill at home so I am eager for spring to come for real this time.

Have to run but I will check back later on.
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Old 03-21-2006, 09:39 AM   #12  
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Hi Turtles,
Well, we seem to be on a roll==getting through celebrations, learning a bit from them, and continuing to lose weight. Weigh to go!

Princess, I think your weight loss is great. : I don't know if this will help you at all, but try to clap your dh on the back with his weight losses, and then ignore them as much as possible. I know just what you're going through because I've had the same situation in the past. At one time my dh and my ds and I all went to WW's. I cooked all the food and they lost all the weight!
LOL. Well, it wasn't funny, but I kept on thinking about what I had to do with the body I had and the muscle they had and it worked out okay for me.
I'm sure you'll do the same. Snow on the first day of spring doesn't seem fair.
Here in NY we're cold and nippy, but sunny and I'd love it to warm up a bit.

Your exercise program sounds complicated. Good for you for going for the gold! I think it's great that in your busy schedule you're making time to do this. Glad to have you chime in.

Always good to hear how you're doing.

Glad you got your pre-birthday routine back and you're feeling so much better. That's great.

I love how we're all doing well and analyzing what can be done to do even better. I feel good because although I used all my WPA's this week, I planned to use them. It was weird writing down 15 of those points after ST/
Patty's Day, but I knew how to point out the food and that worked for me.
Sunday was a great day as was Monday. Monday I even got to do yoga and treadmill. I'll be doing that right now, so this has to be short. Then on to watch my grandbaby in another town, so I'm planning dinner and bringing it with me. Also, I'm bringing all my food so I won't be too hungry and snack on foods that won't help me. Plan and prepare! A great motto.
Take care, feel well, and keep on keepin' on.
Judy Itry
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Old 03-21-2006, 02:42 PM   #13  
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Judy's right, princess. Congratulate your husband, be supportive but do your best to focus on your own successes. You don't need to compete with him. Of course, this is easier said than done.

<shrug> The workout is just interval training cardio, automated by the machine, 4-5 times a week, combined with weight lifting 2-3 times a week. I guess I'm a bit intimidated by something that is more complex, and more time-consuming. But I really do want to lose weight.

Anyway, must fly ladies. Take care!
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Old 03-21-2006, 04:42 PM   #14  
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Sounds like everyone is doing well & really focussed.

Congrats Princess! Nice loss - good for you.

I think I have recovered from Sat night - been OP since Sunday & feeling much better. My friend is bringing me a big box of new flax cereal to try - she says it is really good, so we shall see - after that I am heading to Curves.
I do a weigh/measure there tonight since they were so busy Sat I skipped it.

My challenge this week is to save enough flex points for "movie popcorn" on Thursday - going after my ww w/i - so will have a week to recover. I know I should just avoid it - but that is not going to happen - so I am preplanning for it.

Keep up the good work everyone & talk soon.
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Old 03-22-2006, 08:03 AM   #15  
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Default Morning!

Well it is hump day and I am ready for Friday to come... always ready for Friday!

Judy, Ariana, Bandit: Thanks for the words of wisdom... I did congradulate my DH and I am so excited for him I really want him to do well. I know him and if he gets discouraged he will quit or stop trying... he is just like that and I really like having a partner so I pat him on the back and celebrate with him.
I am eager to get off of the med's and I think that will help greatly... five more days of them and then I am done
Going to hook up a DVD player this evening and start doing my walk away the pounds videos and I think that will help, at least I will feel a bit better.

Bandit: You are doing it the right way with the pre-planning, it really does help. Have fun at the movies!

Have to run but I will check back later on.
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