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Old 12-26-2005, 10:46 PM   #1  
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Default Thread for the final week of 2005

Hi!! I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!! It's back to work tomorrow

I was up 1.2 pounds tonight at my weigh-in. I'm okay with it, though--considering it was the day after Christmas AND I ate at Taco Bell for lunch today. lol

I'm off to sleep. Good night!
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Old 12-27-2005, 05:17 AM   #2  
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We had a wonderful holiday! We did Christmas morning here at home, then went to Josh's grandparents in the afternoon. Then yesterday we went to my husband's other side of the family. It was alot of traveling, but I did get my quiet morning here at home with just DH and teh kids, so it was great. We still have to do Christmas with my side of the family next weekend.

I know my weight is way way up. I haven't been to a meeting in three weeks so I don't know if we are even having one this week. But my mother in law gave me 12 envelopes each dated for every Tuesday for 10 weeks containing money for my meetings

The kids should be here in about 10 minutes. I was up sick last night and didn't get much sleep. I had my top two wisdom teeth pulled Thursday and I was so scared that I was going to get sick to my stomach, which would be very bad after having those teeth pulled. So 5 am came far too early this morning. I am still feeling sick so I may lay on the floor once the kids get here and crash sinc ethey will sleep on the couches until about 8. Hav ea greta day everyone!!!
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Old 12-27-2005, 11:12 AM   #3  
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Oy--way too many latkes! I've been eating healthy breakfasts (oatmeal with fruit yesterday, whole grain french toast today), so that's at least a good start to the day. We have too much snack food around (cashews, dips, etc.) and by early evening I just start snarfing. Plus the tension from the guests--I love my parents but it's definitely louder and more chaotic right now.

They are babysitting tonight and DH and I will go out. Possibly to play tennis, possibly to furniture shop.

I'm going to shower and write in my journal.

Take care!
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Old 12-28-2005, 10:37 AM   #4  
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How is everyone? Elana I hope you had a wonderful time while your parents babysat.

I just created some goals for myself for a challenge on the dr. phil thread. I feel good about them. I am not setting a weight goal, b/c I always miss them. But I set an exercise goal. I probably will reset my bank in someway as I had to raid it to pay for my last meeting LOL.

Does anyone else have New Year's resolutions?

have a great day everyone!!
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Old 12-28-2005, 07:31 PM   #5  
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I think that's great you set an exercise goal. It's a good way to focus on health instead of beating yourself up for "failing" at weight loss. I hired a trainer for 1 session in November; it was extremely helpful. I'll go again once a month for Jan-May. It gave me lots of good ideas for weights and how to stay motivated.

I'm going to WW meeting tomorrow--haven't gone since Dec. 1. Since I became Lifetime, I always go monthly but the way I am with food right now, I think I should go back to a weekly schedule so I get the reinforcement more often. I like my leader and she's very supportive.

I am not making any specific resolutions other than the health/wellness goals I wrote up earlier in December. Key will be remembering to take time for myself (yoga, journal, mani/pedi, walks with friends) so that I stay calm and enjoy life more. Otherwise I just get stressed, snappish and frazzled. No one wins then, least of all me.
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Old 12-29-2005, 09:42 AM   #6  
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Just wanted to jump in feet first here. You asked about New Years Resolutions. My big one is weight related. I WILL be to goal by the end of 2006. I WILL be able to fit into my size 14's and even smaller.

My other goal is to make WW seem doable enough that my husband can stick with it with me. He wants to start in January so I really need to make it easier so he doesn't get frustrated.

Hope everyone has a safe New Years.
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Old 12-29-2005, 03:16 PM   #7  
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Great way to end the year--I lost 1.2 this month! Very surprised, because I've been eating WAAY too many cashews. OTOH, I've been exercising heavily 4-5 times a week. So I guess that compensated.

Best to all.
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Old 12-29-2005, 07:20 PM   #8  
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Way to go, Elana! I'm lifetime also, but I pretty much force myself to go to weekly meetings. Well, I shouldn't really say force, considering that I enjoy them! I love my leader, and the meetings are the only "me" time that I really have. Other times are spent cleaning up after my messy husband!!

I got a new "toy!" I bought Kinetic, which is a game for the PS2 or X Box. It is awesome!! The technology is really cool. The Eye Toy projects your image onto the screen, and you have to complete challenges. For example, red and yellow orbs will fall from the top of the screen, and you have to punch the red orbs but duck out of the way of the yellow orbs. It's super fun, so the workout goes by very quickly, but I was extremely sore the next day. The downside of Kinetic is that it takes a lot of space to do. Trust me, I kicked my recliner!! Here's a link to a review:

I did a boo boo last night. DH and I were ready to go to a basketball game. We were in our driveway when we realized we forgot the tickets in the house. We have a remote starter on our car, so he started the car, and then gave me the keys to go inside to get the tickets. Well, I knew the car was running, so I accidentely locked the keys in the house when i ran to get the tickets! He was so irked at me!!! We use to have a key hidden outside, but we gave it to one of my co-workers who fed our cat over Christmas. I literally ran to her house, but she wasn't home. I ran back home, and dh was trying to open one of the windows. None of the windows would budge, but then finally, he tried one again for some unknown reason, and it opened! I climbed through the window and saved the day!!

I haven't made any resolutions other than I'd like to continue sticking with my "Kinetic" exercises. They have a 12-week program that I'm following. The unfortunate thing is that I'll miss the 12th week, because we're going to Las Vegas to visit my brother.

Have a good night, ladies!
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Old 12-30-2005, 09:03 AM   #9  
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Elana-GREAT JOB!!!!!! That loss has to feel good. It porbably means you have learned to balance your intake without really thinking as much. You Rock!!

Steph-OH my! What a night, huh? How good does it feel though that you were able to 1 run to a friend's house and two crawl through the window!!! I know I couldn't do thos ethings right now! Your new work out sounds super cool!

Well I got like 2 hours of sleep. DD (2 1/2) was up barfing all night. She dirtied all of her bedding, all of the bedding in the spare crib in our room a couple times until we were out of bedding to put in it. She wanted to sleep with us but we have a feather bed and down comforter and you can't wash those, so DH had her with him in the recliner for a while. I felt so bad for her. I had to take a shower with her once b/c her hair was so nasty, she was shaking so bad. So, it was my job to run up and down the stairs letting the dogs out (they figured since we were all up they should do the potty dance in teh hallway every 20 minutes), get wash clothes and clean bedding, motrin drinks for DH. It was a fun night. But you know, myhusband was very kind nad caring and helped the whole time too.

Lucky for me the kids come at 10 todya instead of 5:30. Plus, DH took the day off and can help me once he wakes up. DD was up and ready to go at 8.

I am still way off plan. I am being silly and just doing whatever until Monday or Tuesday. We're not done yet with the whole Christmas thing, so I am waiting until it's all over.

Well have a great day everyone!
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Old 12-31-2005, 02:51 PM   #10  
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Hey all! Still up to my eyeballs in sick kids! But it's PA in December, this 40 degrees one day 10 degress the next wreaks havoc everytime. I have to do the x-mas thing at my parents tomarrow an dthen I promise I am back on plan. I am back up to 208!!!!!! That is soooooooooo bad considering I was at 212 when I started in JULY!

I put $100 in my bank. I started at my highest weight of 224, I am currently at 208. So that's $80 worth of pounds. Then I just tossed in the extra $20 for exercise and such. Having $100 sitting there and knowing I am wearing the t-shirts I HATED wearing when I worked in the daycare (they were staff shirts) everyday b/c that's all I have is some motivation to reach my goal so I cna buy something new.

Ok I am off to sluff on the couch and watch cartoons with DD. Its' been since 10 pm thursday night that she's had a fever. At it's highest it was 102.5! It's around 100.0 right now. DS is coming down with it too and I have a cold starting. FUN FUN FUN! But it's a great excuse to curl up on the couch and snuggle while watching some classics on Boomerang

Thanks for everything Sista's!!! I am really looking forward to a fabulous New Year with my great friends!!! I love you Girls!!!!!!
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Old 12-31-2005, 04:49 PM   #11  
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Hey sistas! Well we are now back from our trip and our Christmas was not so great. DD started off the long trip throwing up, then DH and I got an upper respritory infection with high fevers then my mom and dad got stomach viruses and then DH and I did was just awful..we are just now getting back to normal. Sounds like everyone had a pretty good holiday! My WW has been closed the past 2 Sat. so I have not been able to WI but I will next week. My scale has me down a couple of lbs so that would be a pleasent surprise..of course I was sick the whole holiday so I probably didn't gain. I am looking to lose 10lbs for Valentines Day..that would be just great! So here's to 2006!!
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Old 01-01-2006, 09:34 PM   #12  
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Marcie-Sorry your trip was so bummy. Being sick is no fun. I hope all are on the mend and that your new year starts better than the past year ended!
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