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Old 08-03-2018, 08:14 AM   #31  
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Hi Turtles, : to all!
Gail, isn't that a first? Coming off vacation with a weight loss? : Good for you. Yes, I'm with you with tracking. Fantastic! So glad for you. Did you end up with a number you want to reach by December 31sr?

I think I am going to set a short term goal of 188# by Labor Day here in USA. With all the sadness my little family has been going thru I regained quite a bit of weight when I wasn't close to goal to begin with. Now I feel as though things have turned around a bit and it's a good chance to get in some swimming and also healthy eating.

Best of luck to all. Chime in even if you feel you don't have much to say. We love hearing from you.
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Old 08-07-2018, 02:48 PM   #32  
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Hi turtles - Yes, Judy being down after holidays is probably a first for me as well. Although, this week isn't looking so good - had a 4 day weekend and wasn't too careful with eating.
Oh well, life happens.

I was aiming at 180 be year end, but not thinking that is going to happen. So maybe 190 is more in reach. At my Tops our final weigh in for the year determines the division we start off at in January.

My goal this week is to stay on track & don't give in to chips, bread overload and night-time snacking. If I can keep those in control, I usually do well. Those are too easy to get out of control quickly.

It is sooooooooo hot up here - I like the heat but we need the rain.

Even in the heat, I made a roast beef and turnip last night, so leftovers for me which I enjoy.

Have a great week.

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Old 08-07-2018, 10:08 PM   #33  
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Hi Turtles,
Oh, roast bee sounds delish.
Keep up the good work. It's easy to get off track.
I'd love to reach 185# by year's end. Tough year for me and lots of sad things with my family. Since I overeat with emotions. etc. I am up quite a bit. the good thing is I stopped gaining . tomorrow is my WI and I'll come back here and post. I did well even though I had family staying with us for part of the week.

Good luck and : to all who read this.
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Old 08-10-2018, 09:52 AM   #34  
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Had my WI and only lost point two of a pound. Disappointing and now the trick is to keep on going to actually lose more weight.
I hope I'm not too much a downer. I am honest.
Have a good week and chime in when you can.
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Old 08-16-2018, 10:53 AM   #35  
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Hi Turtles,
Sending : to all of you.
The summer still has a few good weeks to go, so I am trying to enjoy all the good things about it.
Have a great day and great week and write when you can.
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Old 08-21-2018, 10:20 AM   #36  
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Hi turtles - yes, we still have summer fun coming!

I was down half a pound last week, but that's OK - still lots of socializing going on.
Went to outdoor play last Friday evening which was good & then Niagara on the Lake on Saturday, then back up to trailer Sunday and stayed overnight.
Lots of driving around, but also lots of fun.

Today is a super rainey day but we need it, so not complaining.

All - chime in when you can & let us know how you are doing.

Good luck at the scales!

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Old 08-28-2018, 07:02 PM   #37  
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Crazy times here as we wrap up the end of summer. Gail, in this type of activity it's great to maintain so to lose 1/2 pound is a great success.

I am still here doing my best. 2018 has been a very tough year for many reasons, but that's life. Take care Turtles and chime in if you are reading this.

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Old 08-29-2018, 01:48 PM   #38  
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Hi turtles

Judy - sorry to hear about this year being tough, I always thought when I was younger that when you were older, things would settle down and be fine. But, as you know, this doesn't seem to happen.
A few of my friends also find things to be getting tougher as time goes by. Myself, I have basement apartment with the kids and there is added stress (from son in law) that could be easily avoided.
When he's in a mood, I ignore him but it is hard to do this at times. Also, I rented out my house and have tenants to deal with - they are pretty good overall, but I was hoping they would be alittle better at keeping the property looking better. I know it is not their house, but 2 grown men should be able to keep things better than they do. I guess we all have things we are dealing with & better to have aggravating things than health issues.

I "turtled" this week, but not complaining.

I made ribs in the crockpot with carrots & turned out really good, so have my dinner all prepped for tonight - makes it easier to have things premade.

Judy - did I mention I booked an October trip to New Orleans? Never been in that area, so hopefully the weather will be OK there in October.

All - good luck at the scales.

Last edited by bandit2; 08-29-2018 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 09-07-2018, 02:49 PM   #39  
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Hi Turtles,
I don't know what happened. I wrote and sent a long reply and it hasn't shown up here.

Gosh, Gail, here's some of what I posted:

You will love New Orleans. Fabulous music, architecture and food. Make sure you get to Du Monde for beignets and their chicory coffee. Have a ball.

Food is better and I like that a lot. My weight is not good at all, but I haven't given up. Heading to see my sisters in NC soon and hope to make some good family memories while I am there.

Sending : and : to all who read these messages.

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Old 09-12-2018, 09:24 AM   #40  
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Good morning everyone:

Well, our "no meetings" at Tops is over and our new executive is sworn in and we are back to regular meetings. I was up/down over the summer and I am officially the exact weight I started off this year with.
So, really have to buckle down and drop some weight before year-end.

I had spaghetti squash with beef, tomatoes & cheese for dinner last night & was really good. My crockpot is also out and ready for some supper meals. Since I am away during the day, I sometimes cook my crockpot meal overnight & it is all ready when I wake up, then I just refrigerate & warm it up when I get home. Saves so much time.

Out for dinner tonight with the ladies (which is one of my challenges) lots of socializing & the place we are going is the "burger special" tonight & it is really good. So either that will be my big treat for this week, or I will have a bunless burger with salad & skip the fries.

Judy - thanks for the New Orleans info (started to make my travelling notes) and hope you get back on track soon.

All - we enjoyed our summer now lets "fall" into some good habits for weight loss.

Take care

Last edited by bandit2; 09-12-2018 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 09-18-2018, 04:49 PM   #41  
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Hi Turtles,
just lost a post, so I'll try again.

Back from NC and a visit with my sisters. had a good time. Drove down by myself. Long trip and I took two days for the drive both ways. Food was tasty and I didn't overdo too much. Gained two pounds and I have them off already.

Gail, we can both knock off tons of weight between now and Christmas. I challenge you! How about that/
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Old 09-24-2018, 10:17 AM   #42  
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Morning turtles

Judy - glad you had a good time with your sisters & that you had a safe trip. On the news the Carolinas look like a disaster.

Up for the challenge! Lets do it!

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Old 09-24-2018, 01:53 PM   #43  
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Okay Turtles,
Who's in?
Challenge: five pounds down by Halloween. We can do this!!

Have lots more energy now. Food has been better and now to work a bit on exercise.

: and : to all
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Old 09-24-2018, 01:54 PM   #44  
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Okay, my Halloween weight will be 193#
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Old 09-25-2018, 11:30 AM   #45  
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Morning turtles

Judy - our weight is pretty much the same! I am in for the challenge, just what I need.
I have been "stress" eating lately and that is never good. Bought another trailer & get possession this weekend, but I haven't put mine up for sale yet & being end of season, will probably be hard to sell.
Then I will be on the hook for 2 with the expenses. Hopefully, mine will be a quick sale - hope for the best.

Anyway, new trailer has extra bedroom with bunks which I need for the grandkids, so that will be nice for all of us next year. And with having both right now, not a big rush to get mine cleaned out before park closes.
And as I mentioned, I am off to New Orleans week after Thanksgiving.

When I get too much going on, I overdo the carbs and scale goes up, so need to get a grip and jump on board for this challenge!

All - lets drink some extra water today & take a few extra steps throughout the day!

Good luck

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