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Old 07-07-2003, 05:44 PM   #1  
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Default 50 or more, week of July 7

If you have 50 or more pounds to lose, this is the group for you! So jump on in and join; you'll be sure to get a warm welcome!

July all ready! Whew! where does the time go???
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Old 07-07-2003, 06:00 PM   #2  
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Well, the party is over, and yes JAN, it was a good one!
We had my very biggest canning pot full to the brim of gumbo! it was enjoyed by about 70 guests, (I think, not everyone signed her book, so I keep adding names in my mind.) It was open house, with people coming and going all afternoon, which worked out fine, it was almost like the arrivals and departures were scheduled, so it was never tooo crowded.

1 of her long time friends wrote her a special good bye song, which was almost a tear-jerker, but ended with "maybe this isn't good-by" she accompanied herself on her electric guitar and sang for the group. was very nice, i taped it on the video camera, but didn't think to play it for those who came later!

I still have lots of gumbo left over, packed in individual servings. It can't be too high in points, it is all seafood except the kielbasa, and chicken, and of course the rice I will add, which can be as limited as I choose.

Kelly I'm sorry about your dog. I remember you telling about one that wanted out in the middle of the night and I think wouldn't go because it was raining, or some such this the same dog? Our sheltie is 11 yrs old, and is getting very arthritic, and just tired, I think. I keep expecting for her to meet her end. will be a sad day especially for my dh.

I still have 'recovery work' to do in the kitchen, I have been procrastinating. (although dgd's did most of it last night!)
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Old 07-07-2003, 07:06 PM   #3  
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Kelly, I posted this in the old thread but I will repeat it just in case you didn't see it. I too, am sorry about the loss of your dog. Pets truly are like family members, and I know that it hurts to lose a four-footed friend. I am wishing you brighter days soon.

Well, I went to "THE" party at JOYce's house on Sunday and I want to tell you, it was really amazing! Prior to this day I didn't realize that JOYce could ever outdo herself, but this was a real blowout. She had two long tables, filled with beautifully-arranged, delicious and decorated food -- more than I could even remember to tell you about. (One whole table was for desserts and wonderful punch.) There were red, white and blue flags, ribbons, decals, signs, foil sparkling things in vases, mini lights, cups, plates, napkins, utensils and flowers -- even red, white and blue salt and pepper shakers. She had sprinkled red, white and blue foil stars along the walkway up to the front porch leading to the front door--there was no doubt that this was a party for AMERICANS!!! I wish that all of you could have been there, because I can't give it justice in my description.

I have my third WI on Wednesday -- I don't feel as though I have lost an ounce this week. Last week at my second WI I had lost exactly 1 pound, for which I was grateful, as the night before this WI I had gone way over my points at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Don't know about this time, though -- I have eaten at the bottom of my points all this week, but I'm still feeling sorta "bulky."

Jan, I think it is remarkable that you and dh didn't gain any more than you did during your vacation, that tells me that you both were being pretty careful. I'm looking forward to your next WI report. I'll bet those extra pounds will fall off really fast.
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Old 07-07-2003, 09:47 PM   #4  
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Well I am back from vacation! Back on track tomorrow. Going to check out Damage in the morning on home scale.

Kelly-Sorry about your dog!
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Old 07-07-2003, 10:00 PM   #5  
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Welcome home, Bluvsu2! How was your trip? I hope that you have a good WI on your home scale.

I "made up" a dinner tonight, using XX lean hamburger I got for half price early this a.m. at the grocery store...I added Rotel tomatoes (hot and spicy, with chilis in it) among other things though, and dh couldn't eat it because it was too hot. I fear I have just proved all over again that I *can't* make up recipes, I'll go back to *following* recipes. Foo, all of that food down the disposal. I have one more can of Rotel in the pantry, I'm going to give it away to someone with an iron mouth and tongue.
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Old 07-08-2003, 09:36 PM   #6  
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Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about your dog; ((hugs)).

JOYce, your party sounded absolutely fantastic; I'm sure your dgd will remember it all her life! The decorations (thanks, Linda, for describing them!) must have been outstanding!

Blusvu, welcome back!

Linda, I feel sure you will have good news at your WI tomorrow!

DH and I are spending our last evening here in AZ with my sister. Having a great visit; wish we could come more often! Gotta run for now ...

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Old 07-08-2003, 09:42 PM   #7  
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JAN, good to hear from you! I know you hate to leave. have a safe trip home.

Not much happening here, just cleaning up after the party, and trying to keep cool! HOT< HOT< HOT!!

I'll bet Jan is experiencing it in AZ as well! even more.
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Old 07-08-2003, 10:46 PM   #8  
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Jan, thanks for your vote of confidence regarding my WI tomorrow! I don't have real high hopes, and if I don't lose I think I will talk to our leader after the meeting. I know this is just my 3rd WI, but I have been so careful, yet am still feeling pretty, well, as I said, "bulky." And plus that, sometimes your body just gets stuck, even if you have been OP, am I right?

JOYce is right, it has been very hot here--Jan, I imagine you have had some heat, too. I'll second the "request" that you have a safe trip home.
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Old 07-09-2003, 08:36 AM   #9  
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Well damage is about 3 to 3.5 pounds. Sunday is weigh in so I will see then. But I am back on program.

Yesterday I was over .5 in points. But I walked 2.3 miles and ran some of it. So for the first day back on program thought that was pretty darn good.

Last night I made this great pizza. Took an individual pizza crust. Put refreid spicy beans on it, fresh salsa and 1/2 oz of pepper jack cheese. Cooked in the oven for about 5 to 10 min. AND it was really good an filling..for 10.5 points. The crust was 8 alone.

So from now on. When we want pizza we are having those. Since I can have it MY WAY!! and DS can have his his way.

Anyone try the Wendy southwest chicken salad. I found a mock recipe to try. I love the salad.

Have a good day and see you all later.
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Old 07-09-2003, 02:41 PM   #10  
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Default Hi Y'all...

Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I've been super usual. I've stayed OP though, and haven't missed a WW meeting in 17 weeks. I'm very proud of that since it has been so tempting to skip on the weeks I didn't feel like I would show a loss. I FINALLY broke the plateau I was on for over a month and now my total loss is 33 pounds. I still have quite a few more pounds to lose, but I really feel like I am going to do it this time...and keep it off!!

DD will celebrate her 20th birthday Saturday. It seems like only yesterday that I was looking into her beautiful blue eyes for the first time. Beside, I am MUCH too young to have a twenty year old!! A friend and I have already picked out a cruise that we are going to take her on to celebrate her 21st next year. It will depart on July 11th, so we will be at sea when she turns 21 the next day. I am sure her fiance will be going to and some of their friends have said they would like to go, but somehow I don't see them saving the money for the trip like they say they will. Speaking of saving money, I gave DD and her boyfriend this cute "piggy" bank that says "Wedding Money." DD decided on how much they are both going to contribute each week and she has reminded her fiance several times that he is behind in his deposits. They saved over $300 in ONE month. Now that is great, but I'm thinking "why is it that they never seem to have any money when we are going out to eat or when out shopping, but they are able to save $300??" I'm not complaining though. DD is very generous with her money and spends a lot of what she makes on the children at the daycare. One mother even told her that she doesn't see how she has anything left in her paycheck because she is always buying surprises for the kids.

I'm going to get my hair cut tonight with someone new. This woman is so popular that she has customers coming as late as 12 midnight. The first time my friend who uses her told me that her appointment was at 11 at night I thought she was crazy! Luckily my appointment is earlier tonight. I don't see how this woman works 16 hour days, but everyone says that she is as full of energy at night as she is in the mornings. She is supposed to be a little opinionated though...tells you exactly what she thinks of your hair.

Hmmm...I know y'all just loved hearing about my interesting life. I didn't mean to bore y'all...

Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I'm a big animal lover. I complain about having so many pets around (a Dalmation, a Sheltie, one cat and three inherited orphan kittens), but I will be heartbroken when something happens to them. I love them all dearly, and they are definitely worth the extra work. My heart goes out to you!!

JOYce, our Shelties are the same age and I have noticed mine has been moving much slower lately too. She sleeps with me and my bedroom is upstairs. I've noticed that she hesitates at the foot of the stairs now. I've also noticed that she has a hard time hearing me when she is outside. The Dalmation comes running to be let inside, but when the Sheltie is inside her doghouse I have to go outside in order for her to hear me.

Your party sounds wonderful, but then I never expected anything else from you! I know you will miss DGD when she leaves, but I also know how proud you must be. I hope those members of your family in the military know how much we appreciate them!

Jan, have a wonderful time at your sister's. Scottsdale is a beautiful place. I've been there a couple of times when I was younger, and I can actually still remember things about it must have been something special since I can't even remember stuff that happened yesterday sometimes. Have a safe return trip.

I have a WW question for you. You talk about some of the most delicious recipes, but do you still try to figure out exactly how many points you are eating, or have you done this so long now that you just know? I love trying new things, but I still have to figure out exactly how many points are in recipes, and it's difficult sometimes.

Linda, what a treat it was to get online and see your cheerful posts. I have missed you!

Bluvsu2, welcome back! Your pizza sounds great, and I can't wait to try it. How old is your DS?

Bandit2, the fireworks over the lake sound great! We went swimming on the fourth at the house of some friends and we were responsible for bringing the fireworks. I had no clue how expensive those things are! They were pretty though and worth the money. Are you still doing your walking tapes?

Tontoy, welcome back. You have done great, and I'm sure you will be in "onederland" in no time!

Hey to Carol and Texaslady...and anyone else I missed.

Back to work...everyone have a great week!

Janet (Kudzu)

Last edited by Kudzu; 07-09-2003 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 07-09-2003, 04:30 PM   #11  
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Bluvsu2 - your pizza sounds yummy, but I have been using whole wheat pitas to make my pizza (2 or 3 points) for the crust and put whatever else you want on & count those. Even the teens like them. Also, I had the southwest salad yesterday for lunch and used the low-fat honey mustard dressing & it turned out to be 7.5 points for the whole thing. I thought it was great and sooo filling.

Janet (Kudzu) - I was really doing great with my tapes but have not been doing them lately. When my alarm goes off, I feel too tired (I am blaming the recent heat for this) but I know that is a pretty lame excuse. I know if I do it for a couple of mornings I will be right back into a routine. Thanks for asking - maybe it will spur me on.

Hi to everyone else & have a great week.
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Old 07-09-2003, 07:33 PM   #12  
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Bluvsu2, that's the bunk about your gain -- here's hoping that by your official WI on Sunday you will be down some from that. Good for you, for getting right back OP! I read on someone's signature something like, "failure is not the being down, it is the staying down." Makes sense to me. I like your idea of the spicy refried beans on a Boboli pizza, that sounds good. I heard from a fellow WW at the meeting this morning (who has lost 137 pounds) that the Rosarita refried beans, and not the FF kind, are only 3 points per half a can.

Janet, what a blessing it is to hear from you again; how I have missed your posts (and thank you for your warm welcome back to me). I am impressed that you have been going to your meetings for 17 weeks in a row. That is just super, keep up the good work! And good for you for your so-far loss of 33 pounds, that is wonderful! Our leader advised us this morning that sometimes we do have those dratted "plateaus," and that if we keep OP and not become discouraged, our bodies will begin to respond to our careful eating habits. You asked about counting points in certain foods we eat with regularity. I weigh *everything* I eat (unless it is obvious how many points are in the food, such as 2 slices of bread for 1 point), and mark the points down with care in my journal ("if you bite it, write it"). When there is something that I eat over and over and therefore, it is always the same amount of points, I write it down in the back of my Supermarket Companion book so I can refer to it if necessary. There are things that I eat every day, though (such as a 2-point bowl of cereal every morning, and a 2-point sandwich during the day), so I just automatically remember what the points values are. Let us know how your haircut comes out, I'm glad that you don't have to wait until midnight to get it!
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Old 07-09-2003, 10:45 PM   #13  
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Forgot to add--I was down 2.2 today, that's 3.2 down since I rejoined 2 weeks ago! I am so excited!

Also, tonight we had a good dinner, for very few points. I had some leftover cooked roast (with Mexican spices on it), and we had that, plus lettuce, tomatoes, a bit of shredded cheese, onions and 1/4 (each) of an avocado on Ortega taco shells. My dinner, which consisted of two tacos, was only 10 points -- the taco shells are only 1 point apiece. I feel full and best of all, satisfied.

Have a good and OP Thursday, everyone.
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Old 07-10-2003, 06:35 PM   #14  
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JOYce, hope you've recovered from the party! And yes, it was HOT in Arizona, over 110 degrees! This Texas gal could just barely take it. Came home to a cool 86 degrees in SA!

Linda, congrats on the terrific loss! Over three pounds gone forever! I am doing the happy dance for ya'. Those tacos sound really good ... that's one of my Dad's favorite meals, but yours sound much better than my generic ones!

Bluvsu, the pizza sounds really good! I just love beans and salsa, too. WTG on all the walking!

Janet, you are doing TERRIFIC! Kudos on not missing a meeting in so long! Wow, 33 pounds, you are amazing ... you must be feeling great! What a lovely idea about a cruise for your DD's 21st .... won't that be fun!

Re: points for recipes, I usually total up the ingredients (leaving out the zero point stuff) and divide by the servings (usually just 3, for Dad, DH and myself). DH is very faithful about his journal, but sometimes I just keep a rough count in my head for myself. I really should be better about writing it all down. To get precise points, there is a great program called MasterCook where you type in the recipe and it calculates all the nutritional info, so that you can calculate the points from that. Also, I use my WW cookbooks quite a bit, and the points are listed there, or the Cooking Light magazine, which includes calories, fat and fiber info for each recipe. Hope that helps!

Hi Bandit! I know what you mean about the heat ... let's hope things cool off soon. We had to walk at 5:45 a.m. today just to keep out of the heat, and it was still pretty warm when we finished!

Hi to Tontoy, NascarGirl, Texaslady, Carol, Hottie and Kelly!

DH and I got home last night. Had a wonderful visit with my sweet little sister in Arizona, and are looking forward to seeing my older sister in Florida soon when we go to pick up my Dad. (For some reason, he loves the 2-day drive but dreads a 2-hour plane trip, so I hate to push him into flying both ways. And then, of course, we get to see my sister and her wonderful DH.)

Had planned to do my July weigh-in this Saturday morning, but just got invited to a dinner party Friday night, so that may or may not happen! I'm hovering way too close to that 2-pound limit. We've been working hard lately, walking at least 2 miles every morning (even in AZ) and not going crazy eating. (But wine is another story, I'm afraid!) My goal for this month is just to make my WI under the limit, some time before the end of the month.

Sorry for the long post! Guess I'd better get busy fixing supper; DH is grilling lean steaks over mesquite, and I'm making salad, spinach w/mushrooms, and steamed broccoli. See ya later!

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Old 07-11-2003, 01:46 AM   #15  
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Jan, I continue to be amazed at all of the walking you and your dh do. You are both very disciplined, and I admire that. I'm sure that you'll get that "no more than two pounds over" your goal weight this month, with all of your good habits, it's a pretty sure thing. And I want you to know that I appreciate your frequently telling us what you and your dh are making for meals, it gives me good ideas.

I bought some clementines (my favorite fruit in the whole world), nectarines and apricots at the grocery store today, and I have been enjoying them so much. The clementines are on sale, and I hope to be able to get back and buy another box of them before they run out or before the price goes up.
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