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Old 03-10-2001, 11:15 AM   #1  
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Thumbs down

Hi, Turtle Buddies,

Here it is - my "official" version of the fable:

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise one day and made fun of him for the slow and clumsy way in which he walked.

The tortoise laughed and said, "I will run a race with you any time that you choose."

"Very well," replied the hare, "we will start at once."

The tortoise immediately set off in his slow and steady way without waiting a moment or looking back. The hare, on the other hand, treated the matter as a joke and decided to take a little nap before starting, for she thought that it would be an easy matter to overtake her rival.

The tortoise plodded on, and meanwhile the hare overslept herself, with the result that she arrived at the winning-post only to see that the tortoise had got in before her.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

This comes from a book handed down from my grandmother to my mother to me. The book is so old it doesn't have a copyright date or an author/editor's credit.

That fable has been the motivation for us turtles for somewhere between 2-3 years. I've forgotten exactly when we started this thread. Someone on the ancient WW forum mentioned the fable and I discovered it was very motivational for me. I talked about it in posts and other people said that the tortoise philosophy worked for them, too. So, I started a thread for us turtle types.

We work toward accepting that our bodies have a natural speed of weight loss when we choose to live a healthy life, instead of "going on a diet". Many of us have experienced "the diets" as go on/lose weight-- go off/ gain the weight plus more back.

We choose to perservere with each choice we make throughout the day. We believe that choosing to be slow, steady turtles helps us to learn the skills we need to learn in order to not only lose the weight, but keep it off and become the healthiest people we can be.

So, welcome to all who realize that losing and maintaining a weight loss is a lifestyle change. And who want support as we all learn the skills we need to successfully make the changes that will allow us to reach our goals.

Happy turtlin', everyone!

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Old 03-10-2001, 11:35 AM   #2  
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Hi, Turtles,

It's Saturday morning. Last night was a real washout for me. The day before yesterday the muscle just above my right knee was really achy. When I woke up yesterday, it was a lot better. So, I decided to stay off of my feet for a day to see if rest helped. It did, but I was up a creek when it came to dinner. We went to the store and the only thing that was cheap enough for our current budget did NOT fit into WW at all. Well, I decided to go ahead and make that choice so that I'd have more money available to help me to eat OP the rest of the time. It's probably not as bad as I'm thinking it is because it was only one meal and I had banked points plus unused activity points available. I'm OK with it. I find that it's easier for me to move on if I 'fess up to myself and this is a good place to do that.

Anyway, I'm back to my regular routine this morning. I've been thinking about that word a bit lately. Routine. Routine is what we usually do. I'm discovering that creating some usual routines make it easier over time to remain OP. It gives me something to go back to. When I go way off program, I used to have trouble figuring out what, exactly, getting back OP meant. Start over with tallying points? Wait until the beginning of my next day? I tried different methods. But since I've started with this new plan that has some routines built in, it's really easy to get back from the over point meal. I just followed the routine with my very next meal.

I also realized that routines can become the foundation of habits. I'm not a person who adores sameness. I hate strict schedules. I abhor feeling as if I must do anything one way and one way only. But I've discovered that routine is flexible. It's the way I usually do it, but it's not written in stone. I can flex routines to accommodate life. I can live with that.

Also, the routines I'm talking about are designed to have some flexibility built in. I stopped making a breakfast, lunck, dinner, and snack plan. I write Meals 1-5 and switch them around as I need to. For example, sometimes I stay up late and get hungry. I have a milk serving in the form of hot chocolate planned for that eventuality. But if I don't use it, I have it at midmorning with my fruit, which gets in those milk servings.

Another part of my routine is the soup/salad thing. It works because I don't eat the same soup and I don't use the same salad ingredients day after day. I read something interesting in a magazine last night. It said that in a study that took place over a year's time, people who wanted to lose weight lost more weight and stuck with it better if they began their meal with soup. They specifically mentioned hot soups, but I made Gazpacho, a cold soup the other day and it was just as filling and satisfying as the hot soups. I figure that regardless of how scientific the study was, since there wasn't enough information given about the specifics of the study to evaluate it well, the soup can't hurt and since they're all fruit/veggie soups, they certainly are healthful.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 03-10-2001, 11:51 AM   #3  
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Lin, I think there were cosmic forces yesterday that collided and sent us all off the deep end a bit! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I haven't overeaten in ages, but I sure did yesterday. Two foods: chex mix and popcorn. Both sit in huge barrels next to my desk at work, and usually they're no problem. But yesterday I just munched and munched and munched. No idea how many points, but it wasn't pretty.

I think during the week before TOM, I should just pour a can of salt into my mouth or something. Carbs and salt; that's what I crave. How helpful! NOT.

It didn't help that I was very frustrated with my company and my "I just don't care" attitude unfortunately spread to my eating. What I should've done is gone for a long walk instead.

I've had the munchies today, too, though I finally seem to have stopped them by coming up to the computer and typing. Next I'm going to go do my workout to try to undo some of the damage.

Lin, routine helps me as well. For me, routine means writing it down, no matter what's actually happening in my life. It's like a lifeboat for me. I believe I will always have to write down what I eat, even after I've reached my goal weight (whatever that is). It just keeps me from going too far off the deep end for too long.

It's expensive to eat right, isn't it? That's one reason why low-income people in this country tend to be heavier. And this leads me to one of my personal hobby horses ...

I believe that attractiveness in any culture is defined by wealth. In our country, it's the wealthier people who have the money to buy healthier food and hire personal trainers and gym memberships in order to achieve a svelte, toned appearance that our culture prizes.

But in India and Sierra Leone (two places I've been), where poor people are emaciated and being pudgy is a sign of wealth, a bit of roundness is considered beautiful. I remember going to a "health food store" in Calcutta, and finding fat clerks who just knew they were gorgeous, surrounded by brownies and cakes! That was health food in Calcutta. And in Sierra Leone, where I lost weight down to a size 8, I had perfect strangers walk up to me and tell me I needed to gain weight. Fat was definitely beautiful there.

So there are my reflections for today.

Onward and downward,

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Old 03-11-2001, 10:51 AM   #4  
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NOw I know I belong here. For some inexplicable reason I too had a few eating choices that are going to get me nowhere. Thanks for talking about it, Lin and Lauren. Just maybe it's the tailend (I hope) of winter or maybe it's just time to break out a little. Who knows, but I'm back OP today and I've got some hefty planning to do so I don't backslide. Those pounds come off slowly and I sure want them to stay off.
Good luck to all of us. I feel right at home here.
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Old 03-11-2001, 06:59 PM   #5  
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Hi, Turtles,

Well, I guess we got it out of our system yesterday. I'm back OP, too.

I know what you mean about carbs and salt! What's interesting is that until this past year or so, I never craved salty stuff. But I cannot have potato chips in my house during PMS. Sometimes it's chocolate. This time I'm somewhat prepared. I have popcorn for salty stuff and Hershey's chocolate tastations for chocolate stuff. The only problem is that my microwave popcorn popper was one of the items that didn't make it from San Jose to Salinas, so I have to use the pan on the stove method. Anyone know of a less fatty way to do popcorn that doesn't require the expense of purchasing a new popcorn popper? (I don't do packaged microwave popcorn. I've never found a brand that I can stand the taste of and it's way too expensive.) If not, I'll just use the oil and count the points because no matter what method I use to pop it, popcorn is healthier and satisfies the craving better than potato chips! One other possibility is to cook brown rice. It helps with the carb cravings for few points.

Lauren, I have to write it down, too. It's weird, though. If I write it down, I'm careful about portion sizes. If I don't write it down, they start to creep up slowly.

I agree with your little rant and I'm sorry the wealthy have discovered fresh food. In California, especially the SF Bay Area, foodies abound and the price of really good food is abominable. I used to be able to afford yogurt, fresh fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Chicken, even boneless, skinless breasts, did not used to cost as much as steak! The affordable cuts of meat and poultry seem to be the ones in which you throw away a lot of bone and fat, getting not much edible meat for the price.

The frustrating thing is that one of the gourmet food markets in the San Jose area is significantly cheaper than the national supermarkets with their club cards or best buy sales. I did a price comparison of food items between the two stores shorty before we moved. However, it costs as much in gas to get there from here as I'd save in food costs. So, I'm spending more money here than I did in San Jose, which wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the fact that the quality of food I'm buying is not as good.

What I find difficult about the situation you discussed is that I could manage to eat within my points using the food products that are on sale or that I have coupons for. But my overall diet wouldn't be nearly as healthful, which means that I wouldn't be moving toward my primary goal of eating a more healthy diet.

Judy, congrats for being back OP. Backsliding is a part of the learning process. Then we just pick ouselves up, dust ourselves off, and get back on the horse.

Today is going OK. I need to go start dinner, though. I want to get done with the majority of the prep early. There's a movie I want to watch. It's on one of those channels that runs on an Eastern Time feed, so instead of 8 pm it's on at 5 pm, right in the middle of when I usually cook!

Happy turtlin'!


Last edited by Lin S; 03-11-2001 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 03-12-2001, 08:14 AM   #6  
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Well, you gals hit the nail on the head as far as "healthy" foods and cultural appearances. I remember when shops would almost give fish away because it was so cheap. I love scallops and right now they're close to $14.00 a pound. Now, that's a little silly.
Other fish is expensive here too. Luckily in NY we have a lot of competition and that helps a little. I keep thinking of you stretching your food dollar and staying OP. Good for you. It's all worth it. Here's some extra good vibes.
I stepped on the scale this morning to make sure I hadn't done anything too horrendous and I'm just up a pound. I know I can knock that off by staying OP and I guess I just needed to veg (or fat) out a little.
Take care, have a good Monday everybody--mostly Lin and Lauren because that's who I know so far.

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Old 03-12-2001, 12:43 PM   #7  
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Default An opinion survey and turtle post--

Hi, Turtles,

Good morning!

The first thing I'd like to discuss is that I'd really like some opinions on favorite features of weight-loss support web sites. As I mentioned earlier, I've been thinking of adding weight loss support to my web site. The following is an observation, not a criticism. I applaud anything people do that helps them succeed in this venture. I've been surfing some of the other sites and many of them seem to be aimed at whatever the web site author needs to support him/herself. I enjoy their sites, but I want to focus my site a bit differently.

I want to design a site that meets the needs of the people who visit the site. I get plenty of support in my weight loss efforts, so supporting myself is a secondary, but important goal. My primary goal is to reach out and help other people succeed in reaching their goals.

Another thing I noticed in my surfing is that a lot of the sites have a lot of different features. I want to target my site by including (at least at first) the features that help people the most. So, the first question is--what features attract you to a weight-loss support site? What helps you the most? I'd love to have a list of 3-5 features, along with any comments you wish to make.

The second question--how can I find out what other people besides the turtles think? I thought of posting a thread asking people for their opinions, but I haven't a clue where would be the best place to post it. Or should I post it in several threads? Opinions, please?

I noticed that this thread gets a lot of people reading, but not posting. I'd appreciate it if any of you who don't usually post would help me out with my little survey of opinions re: the most important features of a weight-loss support site.

Thanks in advance--

Judy, I'm glad your damages weren't too bad. It's been my experience that a whole pound in that short of a time is usually water and it goes away quickly.

But, I have a different dilemma regarding my weight loss. I'm not turtlin' right now. I weighed myself yesterday, expecting to be up because I'm starting to retain water. But I'm down three pounds. Yea! But that's too fast for my preference. One of the reasons I started this thread is not only to be there for people who lose slowly, but because I didn't want to lose weight quickly. In my past history, when the weight comes off faster than an average of 1-2 pounds per week, I've had problems. First I find that I start to get truly hungry, as if I'm not eating enough. Then the weight loss slows or stops completely and I end up starting the yo-yo cyle. I think I can avoid the yo-yo's, but I still would rather keep turtlin'.

The decision I'm trying to make is whether I ought to add back the 2 points WW took away from our points range now, and maybe another 2 points if the weight loss doesn't slow down a little. Or should I wait a few weeks and see if this is a fluke and I'm actually averaging the amount of weight that works best for me.

Maybe I should just see if I get hungry and eat the extra points if that happens. Or just start eating all of my points. I've been maintaining a bank of 2-6 points. I haven't been hungry so far, so maybe I ought to let my hunger dictate what to do. Any opinions?

Have a great day!

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 03-12-2001, 05:54 PM   #8  
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Default Re: An opinion survey and turtle post--

Originally posted by Lin S

I want to design a site that meets the needs of the people who visit the site.
Preach it, sister! My entire career right now is focused on that exact thing. It's refreshing to see that it's a major goal for you in designing your site. It so rarely is!

As to where you'd want to ask the question ... while you'll no doubt get great feedback at this site or at Dotti's, I wonder if it's not entirely politick to solicit suggestions for your weight-loss site on another weight-loss site. It certainly doesn't bother me at all, but I don't run this site.

That said, here's what I've found helpful: Number one, by far, has been the discussion groups like this one. I don't think you can have too many of those on the web. Second would be probably recipes. (Especially your recipes! ) Both of these are so valuable to me because they're so interactive -- lots of input from lots of people. Essentially, it's an e-community.

Third would be points for restaurants, though Dotti's pretty well got that covered. (And it's a TON of work, I imagine.)

Those are the main ones for me. Down the list would be things like success stories and links to health/fitness/nutrition/weight loss resources.

An interesting addition, Lin, that your site could cover that I don't see here or at Dotti's (the two sites I regularly visit) would be a section on not just recipes but actually learning to cook lighter and yet still produce delicious food. I could easily see you heading something like that up, then opening it up for discussion and additional tips from people. Maybe a weekly or monthly column by you, fleshed out with posts and tips and comments from others.

Also, it would be great if people could anonymously rate recipes and provide comments. I'd love that.

As to wanting to not lose so quickly -- my advice would be to just keep doing what you're doing for now, so long as you're listening to your body and eating when you get hungry. As long as you're not abnormally hungry or tired, you're probably fine and your weight loss will slow down of its own accord. In any case, I'd give it another couple weeks before I changed anything. I lost quickly the first couple weeks I went back on the program last August.

And in the meantime, I personally would ENJOY THE HECK OUT OF IT. Ahem.

Judy, I loved your thread elsewhere on why WW is working for you this time. Very thoughtfully said.

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Old 03-13-2001, 11:40 AM   #9  
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The things I find most interesting on a site are:
a chance to support and be supported
a list of ingenious, LF, easy to make recipes
a strong point of view
Good luck with your site and make it happen!
As far as your quick weight loss, doesn't this happen to Slo Turtles every once in a while? That is exactly what happens to me. No loss or tiny losses for weeks, and then a nice drop in weight. It is unsettling, but I am starting to get used to it happening to me. Let us know what you figured out to do. I'd be real tempted to let it ride and keep on doing what I was doing.

Glad you got a chance to read what I posted on
....About a year ago. I was hoping more people would respond, but it is fun to see how many people read it.
This new forum is interesting in that way.
Slo Turtles--good luck to us all.
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Old 03-13-2001, 12:26 PM   #10  
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Hi, Turtles,

Thanks for your input. It's really helpful.

Lauren, I thought a lot about whether or not it was a good idea to solicit suggestions about my site on another weight loss site. I don't see this as a competition. Maybe I'm being naive and idealistic. It's a common failing of mine. But I view this whole thing as a community in which each site contributes a different slant on the subject. I think that's why all of the sites I've visited have places where people can post the URL's of their own sites. I also think web rings are another way of fostering a sense of community among web sites that provide support, a service, or information. I guess I feel that this isn't a business venture and no one, including me, is trying to woo people away from someone else's site. I see my site as just another choice people can use to help themselves get to their goal. Like you, I visit both Dotti's site and this one. I have also found another site --Getting 2 Goal-- that's a good one. I can't remember the URL, but there's a link on Dotti's thread to that site. You also might be able to find it via ezboard, since her forum is run by them.

The other issue that I thought about is if I can't solicit suggestions on a weight-loss support site, how in the heck am I supposed to find out what people are most interested in? Where else could I ask this question? I had considered posting a query thread in a forum like the one on Dotti's site where people post links to their own sites. My thinking was that people who post there or look there are people who want to be able to have more than one support place or are curious about what's going on in other people's lives. What do you think? I could e-mail the 3 F C's and Dotti and ask if it's OK with them if I post such a survey before I post anywhere other than here in our little group.

Things are going pretty well for me. I had a small slip last night, but it was a special circumstance that is unlikely to be repeated. So, I'm just moving on this morning.

I discovered something yesterday. On the weekend I eat breakfast later than I do during the week and I usually fix something different since I'm eating with my family. There's less time between breakfast and lunch, so I never thought about how hungry I was or wasn't. Yesterday I ate some leftovers from my Sunday brunch instead of my usual weekday breakfast of oatmeal and was surprised that the quiche in crepes and fruit didn't keep me full as long, even though it's more protein. (Same point count.) So, I'm definitely sticking with the oatmeal during the week! That experience causes me to wonder about the virtues of "high protein" vs. "high carb" plans. I've always been a high carb person and since I've altered my food pattern so that most of the carbs I eat are complex, it's really made a difference. I think that many of the high protein folks might find that the problem isn't carbohydrates per se, but refined carbs. Just an opinion, though.

As for the slow vs. fast weight loss issue, I'm not doing anything different until after PMS, at least. Actually, I plan to use up every point I have during the next couple of weeks. I'm starting to feel that water building up. And I plan to drink extra water and walk a little more. I had a little bit of a problem even bringing up that issue because so many of you never have that problem. But, it can become an issue for me and I needed some input. The thing is that the quick loss has lasted longer than the water weight loss of beginning again. And, while it may seem like an ideal thing to lose quickly, it has been my personal experience that for me, long term, if I don't go slowly enough along the way, my weight loss eventually stops completely. I don't want that to happen. I'd rather go slow and keep losing than go fast and stop. That's why I'm trying to adjust so that I don't keep going that fast, but I realize that I do need to wait until after PMS before I make any adjustments.

Have a great day!

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 03-13-2001, 01:48 PM   #11  
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Lin, I think your idea of sending a note to the owners of the two sites before soliciting ideas is a great one.

I realize *you* wouldn't see it as competition, *you* see it as just creating more of an opportunity for community, etc. Writing to the site owners would be a great way of finding out what *they* think. They may (and probably will) completely agree with you and support your efforts. And you'll have done the ethical thing and checked with them first. (3fatchicks does, I believe, make some money with banner ads.)

Another way to get input would be to actually start your site, include stuff you think people will want, and then ask visitors for input.

I'm up about a half pound to a pound this week, and I should get TOM within a day or two. I sure do want to eat. (And eat. And eat. And eat.)

One thing I've found that's interesting -- whenever I'm holding a lot of water weight, the scales vary a LOT when I stand on them. Because they're digital, I usually stand on them several times until I get a consistent reading. When I'm holding a lot of water, the results are wildly different from one attempt to the next. This morning I went as low as 212 and as high as 216.5. I wonder if the scale is just sensitive to how I'm carrying the weight, or what?? Heh -- I should probably just invest in a more expensive scale. Not anytime soon, though -- big rumors are flying that my company is about to have major layoffs this week or next.

Onward and downward,

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Old 03-14-2001, 12:23 PM   #12  
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Hi, Turtles,

Lauren, I did take my advice and send notes. I haven't heard back yet, but I didn't expect to. I'm sure they get a lot of email. So, I'll just wait. I agree that I can just do my site and see what happens. At least I can get started on the graphics and general site architecture.

I have a suggestion about your scale. Mine is a strain guage scale with a digital readout. I discovered that to get an accurate reading I have to stand with my feet on either side of the readout and my toes pointing to the corners. I need to place my toes near the back of the scale. It looks like all of the photos of people standing on a scale that you see in the ads. You might try standing that way every time and see what happens.

I'm really sorry to hear about your company's probable layoffs. I remember how difficult a time you had just deciding to move to that company. It must make it doubly difficult to be facing layoffs so soon after making such a hard decision and getting adjusted to the new environment. I hope if you do get laid off, that you find a new job really soon. I know job hunting is very stressful, so I wish you the best, especially since you're facing TOM right now, as well.

I'm doing fine. I'm still OP. I'm also facing TOM in the next week or so. I'm doing OK so far. I've been using the Hershey's Tastations in the afternoon when I start to get weird. I suck on 3 of them, 1 point, and it seems to be enough, so far, to fend off the feeling of wanting to eat everything in sight. I also find that 5 mini meals, instead of three larger ones helps me get through PMS more easily. If I can keep my energy level up, I'll get through it OK. What usually happens is that I get really tired and don't want to make an effort to make those mini meals or cook my soup or do a lot of the other things that help the rest of the month. It's the one time I wish I had an extra freezer so I could freeze stuff to get me through TOM by the stick it in the microwave method! :LOL:

Have a great day! Happy turtlin'!

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Old 03-15-2001, 12:05 PM   #13  
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Hi all,

You have been going through a lot since I last checked in. Lin, I hope things pick up for you -- you know, there is another possibility -- maybe it is allergies. I have been really suffering from headaches lately and they have put me in a down mood.

I think your idea about a web page is excellent. You've received more than enough good advise so I'll shut up and say, "you go girl!"

Lauren, I'm really sorry to hear about the possibly layoffs. Gee. I know you really struggled when you decided to finally take that job. And now this. But rumors are rumors. At least you are not this poor man they profiled in the Post this week. He went to work for a and on his first day, after filling out the paperwork, the company went bankrupt and he was let go! Can you imagine? I know you will be successful wherever you go. Thanks for the tip on adding a picture. I may do that (someday!).

Judy, it's good to hear from you.

Like all of you, I've been struggling. One good loss and another good weight GAIN and slowly I'm going down. I have no idea about this week. With my headaches, I've not been to the gym once but I hope to tomorrow. I bought another swimsuit b/c last year's suit is too small. I'd like to say it's the chlorine but let's face it! :-(

I'm just generally down and tired and exhausted. I have no reason to be this tired but I know that it's allergy season and being tired is a part of it. My joke around work is "Oh it's spring, when a nose turns to thoughts of Claritin."

That's about it. I'm just checking in and I apologize for not writing or really having anything new to say.

Lori W.
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Old 03-15-2001, 02:30 PM   #14  
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Hi, Turtles,

Lori, it's so good to hear from you. We don't care if you don't have anything new to say. I noticed you said you're going back down. Yippee! Great going. Keep at it. I hope your allergies get better and you can get back to the gym. BTW--Allergies could be a factor for me, but spring hasn't sprung enough to be a problem yet. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm in a down mood again today. I apologize. I also must thank you all for bearing with me as I try to get through this very difficult time in my life. It's partly the gloomy weather. But mainly it's that my family cannot survive on one income unless Paul works at least 16 hours of overtime every paycheck.

I talked with a recruiter for a contract agency about web jobs. The essence of what he said is that I have to know someone who can help me get my first job and to call him back after I've had a year's experience. (I didn't succumb to the temptation to ask him why I'd need to call him if I already had found my own job!)

So, I'm going tomorrow to San Jose to talk about getting back into temping as an admin assistant. I feel as if the last year of my life was a great way to learn about something I can do as a hobby, but, because I cannot finish the degree, it was pretty much useless for changing careers.

I've looked into admin work here in Salinas. Paul has been surfing that subject, too, because he doesn't want both of us commuting. But most of the jobs here require bilingual Spanish. Most of the people who live here are either migrant farm workers from Mexico or commuters from the Silicon Valley.

Staying OP will be a great challenge. I'll be getting up about 4:30 am (NOT looking forward to daylight savings time!) and not getting home until sometime between 6 and 7 pm, depending on where I'm working and the traffic. I really don't like the idea of eating dinner so late because I will be eating and pretty much going straight to bed. It's not the best way to manage food if you want to lose weight. If I didn't have kids to feed and I was earning enough money, I'd just eat dinner in San Jose and leave for home after the worst of the traffic had passed through. I will figure out a way to stay OP, though. I don't want to give up, just when I've gotten going again.

This really is the cap on the stresses that I've faced since we got our 30-day notice to move out of our old place. The only thing that's good about this move is that the apartment is really nice and our old one was a total dump. All of the other changes we've made have not worked out really well.

I'm really worried that this will not work out well, either. It's managing the day to day chores in the time we have left after commuting that worries me. I know that my family will end up way too stressed out if we can't manage some down time. All we'll get out of it is money. It will be great to have a more reasonable budget, but I fear the price may be too much with regard to added stresses in my family life.

But I have no other options right now. I'm trying to find the positive side in this. I've been so negative since we moved. It's hard, though, because I feel as if nothing I've done lately, except restarting Weight Watchers, has been my choice. Doctors say that one of the biggest stressors, long term, is lack of autonomy. I guess that's why I've been having such a difficult time lately. I definitely do not feel autonomous.

Well, I've got to go resurrect my resume and get a bunch of stuff done before tomorrow. I'll keep you posted about how it goes. I'm hoping for more long-term work, rather than a day here and a day there.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 03-15-2001, 05:48 PM   #15  
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I read what you wrote very carefully and then I looked at your weight loss. Wow! You are doing the weight loss area. Times look pretty tough right now, but you're giving this a lot of thought and will work something out. I hope things ease up for you real soon.
Good to hear from you and glad you are losing weight.
Yes, many thanks for printing out directions about how to post a picture with email. You have a lot of patience to do that!
I am having a few rough times, but luckily I am keeping a running total of points and I am making more good choices than poor ones. I weighed in today at lunchtime because I couldn't get to my meeting last night. I'm up a pound, but that's okay because I'm working through some things right now.
I got a nice message from someone who liked what I wrote about what I get from WW. Today is my one year anniversay of being back on WW. It's a good program for me and one that doesn't make me nuts.
Good luck everyone. Sorry I'm so wordy today!
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