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Old 02-15-2011, 09:09 PM   #46  
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Hello my turtle friends - had a good day today -

took the girls to the doggie park where my little one was immediately attacked by an un-neutered male Bichon! She (thankfully) defended herself and told him that is no way to treat a lady! Both of the girls also found 2 new boyfriends! A beautiful 11 year old German Shepard who usually doesn't like anyone - but for some reason thought the girls were the cat's meow! And Tori found a striking Great Dane that enjoys running with the big dogs!

I haven't been to weigh in for quite a while. I have a confession - I have a bit of a problem with depression and that is often a factor for if I want to go to a meeting or not. I really try to treat it with exercise and those feel good endorphins instead of pills. But - great news today! I went to a new chiropractor and he is going to help me with some of my health issues.

I have had vertigo for about 35 years and basically live with it. Long story short - he totally knows whats going on and thinks he can take care of it in one or two visits. He was quite distressed that I have lived with this when it is so easily fixed and all of the other doctors have only told me to take anti-sea sickness medicine!

If his treatment works - it will be life changing for me!

He also is into the theory of being healthy using proper diet, exercise and spirituality as opposed to fixing with pills after the fact (something I prefer
and want to learn more about) so I'm going to have some tests done for food tolerance and body chemistry.

Something he did tell me and I thought I'd pass along is about Omega 3 supplements. (Dr. Oz is also in big favor of these) He suggested at the minimum to have 3500 mg added to everyone's daily diet - splitting it into some in the morning and some in the evening. He said it helps with almost every organ and this is the same thing Dr. OZ said - so, unless your eating 1/2 pound of cold water - wild caught fish per day - I think it is a great thing to look into and see if it is something you should add!

Just thought I'd pass this along and let you decide if it is something that would be beneficial to your journey my turtle friends!

Luv you all!!

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Old 02-15-2011, 10:16 PM   #47  
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Hey hope everyone had a good day today. Well I had fast food for lunch the nuggets at Wendy's were calling me. So I got some I counted and it dipped into my weekly points but I am okay with that.

The weather is warming up again, so my sinuses have went crazy. I really need to get back on track with exercising I forgot I have to get a physical soon. Hmm that's about it. I didn't make it to the gym today but I cleaned, sweeping and mopping. So I have had some exercise LOL. Everyone have a goodevening.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:10 AM   #48  
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Happy Wed turtles!
Weigh In today not looking forward to it! Feel bloated. If I stay the same I will be happy.

Lizzie hope the chiro can help you ! That would be wonderful for you!

Excercising has been good, food so,so. Will do better as today is a new day!

Long weekend this weekend so we have that to look forward to, it was so nice of the Ontario government to feel bad for us working smucks in Feb. and give us a stat day to help us make it through the winter. My son would like to go tobogganing that day don't know if the snow will last that long it is suppose to be very warm for the next few days. We will see.

Have a great day Turtles

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Old 02-16-2011, 10:46 AM   #49  
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Just want to stop in real quick to say hi and let everyone know i am still here.

A Welcome to Nancy!
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Old 02-16-2011, 12:36 PM   #50  
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Hi Turtles,
Today I had my WI and was up another pound. I am determined to make this an excellent week. Now that I've got the okay to get back on the (I did 2 out of 3days this past week) I'll get back on the exercise track. Food will be excellent because I am planning my menu for the day including snack. I do this every morning and then send it to a buddy who does the same in reverse. Having planned the food, I don't have to think about it again. In theory it works and it has worked for me before. Yay

Terri, yep----today is a new day. : for a great one!

vertigo is not fun. I don't know how you've coped with it for so long. I'm so glad you found a chiropractor who seems like he'll be able to help you.

Bandit, holy moly! What a great weekend you had. What is even more amazing is that you didn't gain any weight because of it. Tells me you know how to choose food in all sorts of situations, etc. Yep, I'm with you on knocking off weight this week. The maintaining is wonderful, but I desperately want to be down another 10 pounds by late spring.

Life4evr, exercise is the way to go.........even if it includes mopping and vacuuming. LOL. But hey, any movement is much better than no movement.

Princess, how is that adorable little grandson? to him.

Gotta run.
Be well and happy. I have figured out that as much as I like being a cheerleader to everyone here, it's time to give myself a cheer and really get back on track this week.
234.6/191.8/180's and thinner
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:37 PM   #51  
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Hope everyone had a good day. Just popping not really feeling that good. I ate something that did not agree with me.
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Old 02-17-2011, 07:16 AM   #52  
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Morning Everyone

Weigh in last night up .5 lb, was not suprised which is I guess a good thing, just made a big salad for lunch, and will go to the Y tonight (already asked a friend so commited! )

Trying to stay positive!!! I have lost every week so fa,r I knew because of what I ate I was going to be up. Moving on a new day!! new week this is day one, back to my mini goal 10 lb total lost by March 1.

Hope everyone else is doing great, together we can do this!!!! So lets hop back on the fruit and veggie train and get going!!!!!
Judy I like that you plan and send to a buddy. I do plan each day, the un planned got in the way last week!!! Must be prepared.

You guys have a great day stay positive.

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Old 02-17-2011, 10:31 AM   #53  
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Hi Turtles,
We've gotten long and I've got a minute, so I'm going to start a new thread. See you all at #250, BAle of Turtles Keepin' On!
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