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Old 09-27-2002, 05:47 PM   #1  
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Default 50 or more #106

If you have 50 or so pounds to lose, or are losing, this is the group for you! So jump on in and join; you'll be sure to get a warm welcome.

JOYce, I am so glad to hear that the doctor now has better news for y'all. And you're so right, there's no telling what scientists will discover in the meantime. Miracles happen all the time! And your sister's optimistic outlook on this will make that even more likely.
How great that you'll be visiting Texas this winter! I certainly hope you'll have enough time to come see us? And stay over? We're not that far from Houston, and of course Texaslady is just west of it. Keep us posted! Re: the weather, it can be balmy and mild, or it can be wet and very cold; Texas weather is notoriously fickle. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we have one of our frequent warm spells when you come!

Janet, how good it is to hear from you again! I'm sorry you're having computer woes; hope things work ok from your house this weekend. Re: starting again, don't be discouraged! The things you learned the last time will help you as you take up the journey again. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but when I was in my thirties, I went on WW and lost 50 pounds, within 25 pounds of goal. Then a late miscarriage, followed by what I now think was severe depression and PCOS, threw me off; I gained it back plus a little more. Stayed that way until my late forties, when I started again on this round. Now that I've been maintaining at goal for over a year, I feel so much more confident that (with work!) I'll be able to get through hard times in the future. This time, I finally made those lifestyle changes people keep talking about, instead of thinking I was "on a diet." It has all been so worth it. And I KNOW that you will make it, too! You go, girl! Enjoy the journey and take it one day at a time. This time next year, you'll be so glad you started now! You too, JOYce!

Linda, the nearest TJ's to us is two blocks from my sister's house ... in Scottsdale, AZ! Hey, there's another good reason for me to go visit her again! Will definitely remember the ahi tuna fajitas!

Guess I'd better get packing. Literally! Our friends invited us on a weekend trip to Mexico (the valley, this time, which is farther than Nuevo Laredo but has great shopping!). I think I'll enjoy the drive down there with them more than anything else, though, as they are such dear friends and we don't get to see them as much as we'd like. I'll have to watch out for the margaritas, though! Am packing water, fruit, and such, and hope to get a little swimming in too. Will check back with y'all Monday; hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Old 09-27-2002, 06:13 PM   #2  
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Adios JAN! I trust you will have a great weekend.
Yes, If I get to Texas, I will see you for sure! my cousin lives in the same town as texaslady! so will surely get to at least speak to her. dd wanted to go on the long weekend in November but that is my sisters bday, so need to be there this year. (she made a point of telling me that it is on Sat this yr. so think she wants us there )

I have had a busy day already! Had our giant palm tree chopped down this morning, what a job that was, (even though I only watched, wrote the check and cleaned up a little after they left.)!! then got a haircut, and had lunch with my 'other Linda friend'. she just rejoined WW and I told her about this site, so she may be checking in.
We had salads at IHOP ... she was good at figuring the points for them....she saved her bread, I didn't . guess i need to write that down..Linda Jean has been 'nagging' me lovingly to keep records.
I need that!

texaslady Where are you??
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Old 09-27-2002, 11:08 PM   #3  
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Dear friend Jan, I was very saddened to read of the late miscarriage you suffered when you were in your thirties, I imagine that took a lot of working through. I am thankful you have your loving dh, ds and dd. Bless your dear heart. Sending you a hug....

JOYce, for the life of me, I can't think where that palm tree was located in your yard! You must be glad to be rid of it, I know that they can really be in the way sometimes. We, on the other hand, are in the process of growing three; they are getting pretty big. We didn't plant any of them, the seeds were dropped by birds, I guess. The journey wasn't far--our closest neighbor who has the same kind of palm trees is only four doors away.

Good for you and Linda for having had salads at IHOP! I went to Red Lobster with a friend and her elderly neighbor today and had the warm shrimp and lobster Caesar salad and just one biscuit. It took a lot of will power to stop at one, believe me!
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Old 09-27-2002, 11:47 PM   #4  
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Linda, you have to come by more often! The palm was in that little square planter that WAS built by the front steps....where I put the 'Victory garden'. He was very wise to tell me I should move my mini roses yesterday, they would have been destroyed by falling palm tree sections today!
Something is tromping on the roof above my head, as I type. I hope it is a raccoon and not the bear that was seen in the neighbors yard last week.
Never a dull moment!
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Old 09-28-2002, 12:19 AM   #5  
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Default The mysterious palm tree!

Oh, yes, JOYce; I do remember there being a big post there -- I never paid much attention to it (didn't look up ), and I guess that big post was the palm tree. I am so extremely observant, don't you think? Glad that WAS suggested you move your rose bushes!

Jan, hope you will have a fun weekend, fill us in on it when you get home. How is your dd?
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Old 09-30-2002, 03:30 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone! We're back from our quick trip to the Valley. Had a great time, didn't overdo on margaritas or food, and found some great bargains on silver jewelry and some gifts for my nieces. The trip just flew by, we had so much fun visiting; just wish we'd had a few extra days!
This week will be esp. challenging, as I have grades to figure today, a newsletter to finish and mail, and our museum fundraiser on Saturday. I'll just have to stay focused!
Linda, thanks for asking, Dad is doing just fine. He enjoyed getting to watch Lawrence Welk in peace, I do believe! We're taking him to the beach weekend after next, and he's looking forward to that, and to his birthday in November when we go on that cruise together.
JOYce, a bear in the neighbor's yard! Oh my! And here I thought our Texas varmints were a problem! Do you think she/he has relocated due to the fires?
Texaslady, haven't heard from you for a while; hope all is well! Janet, did the computer at home work ok? Carol, did you have one of your flu clinics this weekend?
Guess I'd better get busy averaging those grades! Hope everyone's having a great Monday ...
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Old 10-01-2002, 01:26 AM   #7  
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Jan, lots of animals have been misplaced from the fire, but this one is a bear that has been around quite a bit I think. One day in August, after being chased from the trash dumpsters by teh homeless people, it stayed in a tree near our park all day long while the news cameras and hoards of people watched. It also showed up in Lindas town, just a cupla miles away from here a few days later. We know that those 2 sitings were the same bear because they tagged it.
Not positive about this one , but hope it is the same, hate to think there are very many of the varmints around!
I'm very cautious when I go out the door at night.

This weekend is the big BBQ at church to dedicate a new building, my 'next to last' event!! I am very glad that I decided to step down, this one has been a challenge! We still have the chili cook-off the end of the month, then I am through with my responsibilities! Time to set my sites on other things!

I'm having a much better week food-wise, still not 'writing what I bite'! but that will come! along with the walking.

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Old 10-01-2002, 04:17 AM   #8  
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Hey, JOYce-- good for you for eating more carefully during the past week!!! You are absolutely right; one step at a time--the journaling can come later. It sounds like you are really doing the program the right way. It isn't so overwhelming when you take it slowly. I am very proud of you!

Jan, welcome home; glad to hear that you had a fun weekend (the shopping treasures you brought home sound just wonderful), and good for you, for staying OP. Blessings on your busy upcoming week, I know you can handle all of those things with grace and style.
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Old 10-02-2002, 10:37 PM   #9  
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I had a nice loss today....3.6 #

Sis has lost her hair, well most of it, so she shaved the rest. Had a bad experience yesterday, when some old geezer called her a man. Fortunately she had her dear friend with her who stood up for her telling him she can't help the way she looks because she has cancer! sounds like she was pretty devastated. Admitted to crying about it. Breaks my heart!
PLUS! Mother ended up in the hospital with chest pains, probably due to stress about her dd. Since she was released, she has fallen twice. She may have to move to a skilled nursing unit. That will destroy her!

texaslady, Carol, where are you?
Janet, hope you are getting that puter working!

gotta scoot!
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Old 10-02-2002, 10:49 PM   #10  
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Oh, JOYce, I am so sorry about the comment that idiot made to your sister; her friend did the right thing in standing up for her. I hope that man was deeply affected by all of this and will think twice before he speaks thoughtlessly to anyone again. My heart ached when I read about it.

You are doing GREAT with WW--I am so impressed with that great loss you had today! Way to go, keep up the good work!!!
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Old 10-03-2002, 12:59 PM   #11  
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JOYce, way to go on the big loss! You are not only "on" the road, but really gettin' on down the road as well! I am so happy for you!

I agree with Linda about that awful person who insulted your sister; I'm glad her friend was with her for support. It's hard to imagine anyone being so rude!

Linda, thanks for the compliment, though I may not always live up to that! The week has flown by, and so far things are happening on time. I don't think I'll lose this week, but I won't gain either, so that's ok for now.

Texaslady, Janet, and Carol, we miss you!

Gotta run ... ttyl,
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Old 10-03-2002, 03:58 PM   #12  
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Default Hi...

Hey girls! Still no luck with posting at home. I don’t understand why I suddenly can’t post anymore. I seem to have no trouble from work. As I sit here in my office, it is pouring outside thanks to Miss Lili. I don’t think the hurricane came in with as much force as originally expected, but today and tomorrow we will have to worry about flooding and tornado watches...all part of living in the coastal south.

Joyce, I am so sorry that thoughtless person hurt your sister’s feelings. It’s easy for me to sit here and say to “just consider the source” but I know that doesn’t help her feel any better. I never cease to be amazed at how stupid people can be sometimes. Some people should have their mouths permanently taped shut!!

Linda, Joyce is lucky to have you as a friend, and we are too! You are always there with a kind word or words of encouragement at just the right moment!!

Jan, I haven’t told you that DD is considering changing her major from physical therapy to teaching. She has been working at a daycare, and now thinks she may want to be a kindergarten or first grade teacher. I know she would be a wonderful teacher...she has all the qualities that I think a teacher needs. Unfortunately, the pay in Mississippi is not great, although the legislature is trying to do something about that. I have tried to teach her the importance of being self-sufficient “just in case” and I think I may have emphasized it a little too much. She has watched me struggle after being married for almost 20 years and getting used to a certain life style, only to have it change suddenly. Money is important, but I would much rather her find something that she will love doing everyday...something worthwhile.

On a good note, I am back on WW and doing great. I already feel so much better. Every time I do this, I wonder why I ever stopped. I’ve been keeping my journal, and that really helps. On a not so good note, I had a biopsy on a small spot on my face this week and it has turned out to be basil cell carcinoma. It is my own fault for all the years I spent in the sun. I know I’ve told y’all that I have always spent time on the water and when I was little the bridge of my nose stayed pink all summer long.

The main reason I’m mentioning this is because I want y’all to watch everything on your body that is even remotely suspicious. This spot looked like a tiny, clear mole. I noticed it months ago after it just seemed to appear overnight. It grew a little, but I thought it was an oil gland or maybe even a mole. It was very translucent and never looked like any of the pictures I had seen of skin cancer. My daddy had to have several things removed after spending years in the sun playing golf and fishing, but this looked completely different...and innocent. Luckily, my mother had an appointment with a dermatologist, and on a whim I decided to make one too so that I could go with her. As soon as the doc looked, he made the diagnosis, but took a biopsy to be sure. There are three kinds of skin cancer, and this is the best kind to have if you have to have it. My real concern is that it is in the middle of my face! Also, it is fairly deep and I’m picturing my face with this huge hole (which I know won’t be the case). I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon on the 14th, so we will see what happens. Jan, I know you have been through this many times with your daddy. I consider myself fairly educated, and I am mad at myself for waiting so long to have this checked out. I just never thought I would be having to worry about this at 48.

I had better get back to work. The weather is getting worse, and someone just called and said we were leaving at 3, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

Take care and I will “talk” to you all soon. Hi to Carol and Texaslady.

Janet (Kudzu)

P. S. Joyce, watch out for those bears!!!!

P. S. S. I should probably know this, but what is TTYL??

Last edited by Kudzu; 10-03-2002 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 10-03-2002, 08:03 PM   #13  
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Janet dear, I am so sorry to read about your skin cancer (and right in the middle of your face, that is really the bunk ). I am very relieved that it is the "best" kind to have, that sounds very positive. I appreciate your telling all of us to be careful and take seriously anything on our skin that might look new. I am so glad that you saw the dermatologist when you did, and am looking forward to hearing what the plastic surgeon will say. Bless your heart, I said a prayer for you and for your recovery, that you will feel the Lord's peace and comfort and will sail through this. I am so glad that we got to hear from you, that is too bad that you can't post from home! We were all hoping that you'd be able to over the weekend, anyway...hope the answer to that problem is a simple one which can be solved post-haste! Take care of yourself.
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Old 10-04-2002, 05:49 PM   #14  
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Default Cute!!

Check this out...

I saw this on someone's post on Dotti's site, and thought y'all might like it.
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Old 10-05-2002, 10:03 PM   #15  
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Janet, I am so sorry to hear that you are battling skin cancer, but glad that it isn't the worst case scenario. When you see your doctor on the 14th, ask about Moh's surgery, ok? That's the least invasive technique (that Dad's doctor uses) and it leaves practically no scars at all. (I have two fairly large scars on my arm from another doctor who did not do Moh's on me, years ago, while my Dad's face looks fine after numerous removals.)
And kudos to you, staying on program! I was so happy to read that. I know what you mean about journalling; I do so much better when I write it down, and I've read that journalling is a key factor.
And how wonderful that your daughter is finding her calling in life! I can certainly understand your concerns about teacher salaries, but you're so right, nothing is more important than loving what you do for a living. I never thought I'd be a teacher, when I was a teenager, but if I had it to do all over again, I think I would still choose this profession. It really has been worth it.

Well, we made it through the festival once again. It was hot & muggy, and the gnats were everywhere, but the kids enjoyed our Kiddie Korner activities and we sold lots of bbq plates to raise funds for the museum. Whew. I made 60 pounds of potato salad yesterday, and ate one spoonful. (Dh, bless him, saved his points to be my "taster"!) But I didn't get my walking in, since we got up super early to set up. Will have to make up for it tomorrow morning. Sure wish this cool front would hurry up and get here!

Hi to Linda, Texaslady, Carol, and JOYce! Hope you're having a good weekend!
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