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Old 08-12-2002, 11:19 AM   #1  
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Default Turtle Club #78

Hi, Everyone,

Here's my "official" version of the fable:

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise one day and made fun of him for the slow and clumsy way in which he walked.

The tortoise laughed and said, "I will run a race with you any time that you choose."

"Very well," replied the hare, "we will start at once."

The tortoise immediately set off in his slow and steady way without waiting a moment or looking back. The hare, on the other hand, treated the matter as a joke and decided to take a little nap before starting, for she thought that it would be an easy matter to overtake her rival.

The tortoise plodded on, and meanwhile the hare overslept herself, with the result that she arrived at the winning-post only to see that the tortoise had got in before her.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

This comes from a book handed down from my grandmother to my mother to me. The book is so old it doesn't have a copyright date or an author/editor's credit.

That fable has been the motivation for us turtles for about three years. Someone on the ancient WW forum mentioned the fable and I discovered it was very motivational for me. I talked about it in posts and other people said that the tortoise philosophy worked for them, too. So, I started a thread for us turtle types.

We work toward accepting that our bodies have a natural speed of weight loss when we choose to live a healthy life, instead of "going on a diet". Many of us have experienced "the diets" as go on/lose weight-- go off/ gain the weight plus more back.

We choose to perservere with each choice we make throughout the day. We believe that choosing to be slow, steady turtles helps us to learn the skills we need to in order to lose and keep off the weight. Our main focus is to become the healthiest people we can be.

So, welcome to all who realize that losing and maintaining a weight loss is a lifestyle change. And who want support as we all learn the skills we need to successfully make the changes that will allow us to reach our goals.

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Old 08-12-2002, 12:09 PM   #2  
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Hi, Turtles,

You all have been merrily posting away while I've been being a flake. More on that later. First, I want to reply to your posts.

Carol, it's good to read your upbeat posts. I'm sure your hard work will pay off as you go along. Mini-rant: I hate it when bosses think that because they're your boss, they have the right to expect you to do what they do, even if what you're doing is perfectly OK, like take legally mandated breaks and using your vacation. BTW--the big guys hate it when people accumulate too much vactation time. It costs them money in the long run. Stick to your guns and don't let her peevish attitude get you down. Maybe she's jealous because she secretly wishes she could take time off, but, for some reason doesn't think she should.

Kathy, congratulations on the 2.8 pound loss. Great job!! Your quilt sounds fabulous. Add my voice to the chorus of folks who'd love to see it. Quilting is one type of needlework I haven't done much of. I'd love to do one for our bed to replace the old one that's on there now. Have to use my money in other ways right now, though. <sigh>

Lauren, I wish I'd read your little reminder about PMS instead of ignoring things this week, but I doubt it would have made a difference. I'm saving it as a reminder, though. Now that I'm taking my supplements properly again, I expect it will be more useful.

Congrats on learning how to get your blood pressure readings more accurate and facing your fears of medical care. Glad you liked your yoga class. Salsa dancing sounds great, too. Enjoy!!

Super congratulations on those size 16 jeans. YAY!

Wish I could get family cooperation on getting rid of junk!! They claim it's all mine, but when I go out to our garage, I can't find my own stuff amongst all of their boxes with stuff just tossed in.

Erin, it's good to hear from you. Thanks for the reminder about supplements. I know and I've been not taking them as religiously, which is why this was such a bad month for me.

I'm sorry you're staying the same, no matter what you do. I think you're dealing with it well. Maybe this time of maintenance is just your body adjusting to your new lifestyle. Have fun with your exercise classes.

Congrats on finding a sports nutritionist. He sounds like he has the expertise you've been looking for. Hope he can help. BTW--this thread isn't about WW points. It's about supporting each other in our efforts to lose weight, keep off what we've lost, and being healthy. I don't mention WW in the initial post precisely because it's not for WW only. So, don't worry about not doing points. You're a good friend and we'd miss you, especially if you left for such a silly reason.

Judy, congratulations on all of the things you did for your reunion. You have a right to be proud of yourself. Good luck with your own home projects. Glad to hear things are going well for you. BTW--I don't remember all the posts, either, Judy. I open a second window so I can read back while I'm writing.

OK, time to fess up. I had an awful week. I felt awful, physically, and was in "I don't care, I'm tired of this" mode. It was hormones. I can tell because today I'm back to normal. I'm not beating myself up over it.

Lauren, you're right about how it can (and does) keep me the same for months when I give in to it. But, if I get lax about taking the supplements, I'm like an entirely different person. The only way Mrs. Hyde stays gone is if I take the supplements, absolutely every day. Out of all of the things that have been suggested as ways to manage PMS (low-sodium, no caffeine, etc.) the calcium, magnesium, and a multi-vitamin supplement is the only one that has ever made a difference. Mrs. Hyde isn't just mental, either. I literally feel sick for several days. I'm putting my supplements on my napkin at meals so I don't forget to take them. I need something to help me to remember.

Anyway, the only thing I can do after a month like this is to put it behind me and start over. That's what I'm doing. I'm also dealing with finding a balance. I noticed that I have two modes-on program and off program. I want to change that so that even if I decide to stop writing it down or count points for a few days (vacation, etc.) I don't use that as an excuse to eat fewer veggies and fruits, choose a poor balance of foods, eat portions that are too large, etc. That's a challenge I'm dealing with right now.

I'm going to discontinue the separate challenge threads, since we all seem to prefer to post our progress on the regular thread. You all know how I've been doing--yucky!! But, I'm not giving up. There's still a few weeks before Labor Day to meet my challenge goals to be within points and to exercise several times a week.

The book, however, is going fine. I'm getting caught up on my homework and making progress. I'm still waiting for AOL to finish the bureaucratic stuff and start my training for the Harry Potter site. My friend's web sites are sort of on hold because they're not in a hurry. So, when they want them, I'll do them.

After I finish the novel class, I'm going to teach a class on beginning HTML on Holly's site. It should be fun.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying having my youngest son home for a while before he heads to San Francisco for art college. He got a B- in English this summer!! So, he keeps his scholarship and everything's great.

My oldest son is up for three jobs in San Jose. He's quitting his job here and moving in with a friend or with my mother so he'll be available for interviews, etc. And the RPG company has postponed making their decisions again. So, sometime near the end of the month, he should hear whether they selected his proposal for the next round or not.

Happy turtlin'!
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Old 08-12-2002, 12:09 PM   #3  
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Don't know why this posted twice. Once is long enough. Wouldn't let me delete, so this shrimpy explanation will have to do.


Last edited by Lin S; 08-13-2002 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 08-12-2002, 01:11 PM   #4  
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Hi, tortoises. Another hot day in Michigan ... but it least it's in the 80s today, not the 90s. Hey, it's August.

I think I may know why I lose weight best this time of year and until Thanksgiving. FRESH PRODUCE. I find it so much easier to eat lighter when I know I can reach for a wide assortment of fruit and *good* vegetables (as opposed to that waxy-tasting stuff we get in the winter). Today I've already had cherries, grapes, and watermelon. I really, really love fruit. And now corn on the cob and tomatoes are coming in!

Had a good workout yesterday. It had been about five days since my previous workout, and I found it tough going at first. I slogged through about 30 minutes on the treadmill and exercise bike, glancing frequently at the clock and wishing I could take a nap. But after about 30 minutes, I got a second wind and just kept thinking "OK, maybe another 10 minutes." I finally stopped at an hour, but by then I could've kept going. I had to think of you, Mousie. Your tips on exercise have really helped me work out harder.

Mousie, this new guy sounds like he'll be a big help to you. And it doesn't surprise me at all that you're body fat levels are actually pretty normal. The number on the scale just isn't helpful for someone like you.

Carol, you get four weeks of vacation every year?? I want your job! Good for you, ignoring your boss's sourpuss attitude and misplaced priorities. I don't know anyone who thinks on their deathbed: "Gee, I wish I'd spent more time at the office."

Judy, WOO-HOO on your roadtrip! You did GREAT! Way to go! That was wonderful of you to help your sister. What a mess! I hope she reported that jerk to the Better Business Bureau. I can imagine how much she must've appreciated your helping her overcome being overwhelmed.

Lin, glad to see you back. This must've been a monster TOM for you to have gone so long without posting. I hear you about the supplements. This is the first PMS I've had in a very long time that hasn't been agonizing. DH and I were trying to figure out why I haven't had so much emotional upheaval this month, and the only thing I can figure is that I've been as regular as clockwork about taking my calcium and magnesium supplements (with the exception of a couple of days during the family reunion). I've always been careful to take the multi-vitamins, but not the calcium. I've never been this regular about taking them before, and I think they've really made a huge difference. I'm much calmer, much less emotional than usual. Hmmm.

Anyway, looks like you're moving on, lesson learned, with a good plan. Good for you.

I had a couple of low-point days to offset my high-point ones, so hopefully I mitigated the damage. I don't usually lose before my period and go up as much as a few pounds, so I'm not looking for miracles this week. I'd still like to make that Labor Day challenge number, but if I don't make it by Labor Day I'll make it shortly thereafter.

Oh, the other thing I've been doing is taking plant stanols to bring down my cholesterol. It's an experiment to see if I can stay off the drugs. I've been taking them for two weeks so far; you're supposed to see the best results within 60 days, but I should see some change now. Today I took my own cholesterol with one of those at-home kits, and it has dropped a little. Not a ton, but almost 20 points. I'm encouraged and will keep at it.

Have a swell Monday, everyone.

Onward and downward,

274/183/179 by Labor Day
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Old 08-12-2002, 05:54 PM   #5  
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Hi Turtleettes!!! Just a note before I start my afternoon housework which I have put off forever. I have been eating kinda high the last few days while visiting my dauther but did push away from the table when I needed too. Went to the water slides but didn't get the excerceise i was hoping too. Way too crowded. We spent prob 6 hours there, went on 4 slides. The waiting time was about 1/2 to 45 minutes. Just awful. Spent the rest of the time in the lazy river or the wave pool..That was nice.

I did it turtle's ...I rode my bike 26 miles yesterday. We had such an easy way trip down to the winery, we decided after a pit stop of water and energy bars, we would head back up to Talmage. It was a hard ride back, my butt hurt with every peddle. I coasted alot. I changed gears alot and was so happy when we got to stop at the mid way point..There was fruit, water, gaterade, cold sponges for our hot bodies...We only had 5 miles to go..Hard 5 miles, then i saw a sign which ment we were really near. But than the road kept going and turning and going and turning..the last mile was so awful. I just hated it. But I did it...We all got transported back to the winery for lunch (picnic...deli meat, vegies, fruit) it was great..I slept or rested and then slept for 3 hours when I got home. I had a real good time and plan on riding my bike more. There is a street off my street that goes by the high school, and after that, it starts going up hill. My vision has always been to get my bike and ride up afas (as far as possible) then turn around and come back. My plan was to do it every day and see how long it would take me to get all the way to the dirt part, then I f I could go further, tht would be even better. Maybe I will do that tonight after it cools ooff

Food good today but I need to drink like 3 or 4 more glasses of water...Water consumtion is down today.

You all take care..

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Old 08-13-2002, 11:49 AM   #6  
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Kathy, WOW!!!! 26 miles on your bike!!! You are TAWANDA! Congratulations! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I'm so impressed and happy for you. What an accomplishment! I'm so glad it ended up being fun for you, too. You might want to rest a day before hitting the road again; I hear one should let one's muscles rest for at least 24 hours after that kind of exertion. But Mousie would know better.

Yesterday I talked with a trainer at the health club. She would like to get me started doing weight training and is willing to give me a free session. I'll have to tell her I can't afford to pay her for any subsequent sessions and then see if she's still interested in doing this. After talking with her, I actually went and tried some of the weight machines (not sure what to call them; you work out different parts of your body). Yikes! They were actually kind of fun, once I figured them out. I want to add some strength to my cardio workouts.

There was one machine, I had to laugh. You do situps with it. Well, I tried sitting up -- and couldn't. After several tries, I figured the machine was broken or something. Nope. It wasn't. So I tried a few more times -- and FINALLY did a couple of situps on it! Sheesh!

Oh, forgot to mention -- this trainer wants to take my fat/muscle ratio. BLAH!!!! She said I definitely should do this so that over time I can see if my strength training is working. I told her I'd probably just get depressed. Well, we'll see.

I'm down a pound this week, which surprised me, since I'm in the throes of PMS and ended the week a couple points over my max. The exercise probably made up for it. I definitely don't lose weight well anymore without plenty of exercise. Just a fact of life now. Anyway, I'm starting to see the end of the 180s, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been here (and the low 190s) for what feels like a very looooooong time -- since early April, I think.

Have a great day, turtles!

Onward and downward,

274/182/179 by Labor Day
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Old 08-13-2002, 01:39 PM   #7  
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I sure understand being OP or OFFP. Not fun. My aim is that when my head is telling me to go off, that I don't stray as far as I used to. I tell myself things like: that food will always be there.
There isn't a shortage. Restaurants can always make that for me.
I don't need it *now*. Believe it or not, sometimes that helps.

Way to go on the pound off. Especially since you didn't expect it.
I am so impressed that you've knocked off so much weight. Way to go!

How many miles did you travel on a bike! You are beyond belief.
What a wonderful accomplishment. You go girl!

Glad to hear you're here and staying with us--the method of WW points or not doesn't matter at all. I think Turtles are always in the process of finding out what works for us--what combination will end up in a healthy, fit body.

Is you boss deficient? Doesn't she understand the concept of *vacation*? After all, coming to work doesn't qualify as vacation.
How weird. Sometimes I think I work in a tough place with a sincerely weird and cruel boss and then I hear things like your post. Egads.

Anyway--all goes well. I still haven't hopped on the scale, but I am eating quite well. Have to start recording now to help keep me honest, but am satisfied with what I'm doing. I've gotta get outside and repaint a dresser for my bedroom. My dh has painted it a lovely smoky blue green and I love it. Time to find some fabric and make new curtains and a duvet cover for my comforter.

Take care and do well.
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Old 08-13-2002, 10:44 PM   #8  
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Hi turtles!!! I am doing quite well considering my butt cheeks were hurting soo bad after the ride. It is hot here right now still and maybe I just just pack up my stuff, and go to the gym. Although I think my gym needs more would think with the amount that we pay them, you wouldn't have to sweat before you start working out..Good thing is..I could go swimming too. That would feel good!!! Just ate a nice dinner of chicken (my meat of choice) salad and vegies.

Lauren..take advantage of this fitness person. Have you asked if the health club provides them once in awhile?? MIne does..I mean not every time you work out, but I think you can make an apt every few months when you think your weight program is not up to par. I never did take advantage of that body fat thing you were talking about ..Darn it..Toooo late now..only have 2 weeks left. You are doing such a goodjob. At least you know what works, and you do it..I personally have the same body!! it loves exercise and I have just not done it, well least not in a consistant manner. But things will change, My heart is really into this food plan thing, which is really good. I just feel like..I CAN DO THIS!!! IF I CAN RIDE MY BIKE 26 MILES, THEN I CAN EAT WITHIN MY POINT RANGE, EXERCISE WITH MY NEW BOW FLEX IN THE BACK YARD, USE MY OLD NORDIC TRACK, AND MAYBE EVEN JOIN CURVES LATER, IN THE LATE FALL AFTER SOME BILLS ARE PAID..I CAN DO THIS!!!

Judy I really like your sayings..My sister uses sayings too. My favorite is..."There is no choice"he does oa..which means she is abstaining from sugar totally, and that is her saying..I never thought it would work, but it does...that is if you mean it, and we do right???

Lin, Hello!!! Glad the book is coming along..and the classes and all the stuff. ARE you still cooking up wonderful dishes for you and your dh??? I envey you for likeing to cook so much. I cook chicken, a veg, and a salad and I think i am a chef!!!

Guess what??? my dd just called from Louisana...she made Staff Sargent!!!! that is such a big deal. She cant sew the stripes on yet but she passed the test!! Iam so proud...

Well going to go do something, maybe start quilting the quilt..I will have daughter put it on her photo place when I finnish it..promise. Just got to finnish it. When it gets done I am going to make shirts...Going to cool it on the quilts for a month!!!

See ya all later..thanks for being here for me to chat with..

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Old 08-14-2002, 08:41 AM   #9  
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Quick check-in:
I just weighed myself and I'm 225. The funniest thing happened to me. I couldn't remember what I was before I went away on vacation. In any case I am down from where I was earlier this summer and I am on my way to my Labor Day challenge. I still have more than three weeks to tackle a few more pounds and tell them to get lost!

This is feeling good. It is so hot here in NY--record setting temps.--and I painted a chest of drawers outside yesterday--three coats.
This is a good thing.

Let's all do well.
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Old 08-14-2002, 10:29 AM   #10  
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Hi, turtle folks.

Judy, I'm so glad you're doing well and feeling encouraged. That's funny that you don't remember what you weighed before vacation! Didn't you go to WW? Or have you stopped doing that?

It's been hot here, too. Today is a nice break. We're supposed to get some rain, which we very much need.

Kathy, congrats to your daughter! I'm happy for her. Your 26-mile ride really empowered you, didn't it? You sound like you could reach the moon -- and I believe you!

Yesterday I finally experienced that "high" that Mousie kept talking about during exercise. After about 30 hard minutes on the treadmill, I started feeling like QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE. I wanted to really book! I ended up doing some very short sprints and pushed my heart rate all the way to the top of my safety zone. It felt fantastic! I was punching the air, boogying to the music in the club as I hoofed it on the treadmill. I just couldn't keep still, I was so happy. People around me must've thought I was nuts, but I didn't care. Total euphoria! I can see why people get addicted to that feeling. Wheeeeeee! During my cooldown, I felt sooo relaxed. It really felt marvelous. By far the best, most enjoyable workout I've ever had.

Last night at WW, the leader listed 15 behaviors that keep us from losing weight and asked us to pick one or two and work on them this week. I picked "Not eating slowly enough," because that's a real problem for me.

I've noticed something interesting about being at this weight. Before, when I lost 5 pounds, nobody noticed, except maybe me or DH. But now when I lose 5 pounds, *everybody* notices. I guess as you get smaller, every pound shows more. (In both directions!)

I got a call from the company in Ann Arbor that I wanted to work with. Looks like they have a project for me. It'll just be a day or two a week, so I won't get rich off it, but it's long-term -- through the end of June or so. The customer hasn't signed the deal yet, so it's not a sure thing. I hope it comes through. I'll be designing usable software (interfaces) for medical people who are tracking organ donors and the people who need organs. It would be a worthwhile cause, which I would love. So much of work just seems meaningless to me -- at least with this project, I'd feel like I was contributing to something worthwhile.

Have a great day, Turtles!

Onward and downward,

274/182/179 by Labor Day
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Old 08-14-2002, 09:25 PM   #11  
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Congrats on your job. It certainly is for a good cause. How nice to do something you can be proud of. Great!

I stopped going to WW mtgs. about mid-June. I felt foolish and like a fraud. I'm a heavy participant in that I offer suggestions all the time, have the answer to everyone's questions, etc. Well, the truth is I do have good ideas but I wasn't using them myself and I started to feel like a fraud. I stopped going and have many coupons I can use at any time. I know I'll feel the need to get to WW again, but the time isn't right now. I wasn't losing any weight, just gaining. I haven't done badly this summer by myself.
I stopped the gain and I've started knocking off some weight. That's a very good thing.
I am disappointed that my leader didn't give me a call to come back so I might be right in my suspicions that I take up too much of the meeting with my offering suggestions. I know my leader does call when she wants people to come back. I may join another group when the fall starts and give myself a new chance to listen and learn. Sounds like a plan.
Do well and feel well.
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Old 08-15-2002, 05:43 PM   #12  
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Sounds like the at-home thing is working well for you right now, Judy. I'm glad.

Today TOM arrived, and I have been in total eat-everything-that-isn't-nailed-down mode. I'm only one point over my range for the day, which I can eliminate by going for a walk tonight, but I haven't even had dinner yet! Ah, well. That's what egg-beaters are for. I also found myself laughing and crying hysterically earlier today while reading a (very) funny passage in a book. I found myself just wanting to bawl. Definitely that time of the month.

As of the middle of next week, my life is about to get much busier for a long time. My dad arrives for a while, to help DB and DH with projects around our respective houses. Then next week I start BOTH my part-time gigs -- just in time as my unemployment runs out. I'm glad, though it'll probably be a month or more before I actually get paid. In September we have two sets of friends arriving, one right after the other. Then in October we head for the Adirondacks. So the pace is picking back up again. I imagine my stress levels will also go up, so I'll have to watch the eating and exercising more carefully again.

Hope you're all doing well. Lin, are you OK?

Oh, just in case anyone missed it, looks like 3 Fat Chicks will be down over the weekend for a server change. I'll miss my turtle buds!

Onward and downward,

274/182/179 by Labor Day

Last edited by LaurenH; 08-15-2002 at 05:45 PM.
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Old 08-16-2002, 01:16 PM   #13  
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Hi Turtles!

Kathy, WOW, 26 miles! Good for you, you must be so impressed by your body. Did you ever think it could do that? I'm impressed, you really set your mind to something and you did it!

Lauren, now you understand about the buzz, huh? Is it any wonder that I exercise as much as I do, when I get a buzz like that every single time? DH and I have theorized that I get a bigger buzz than normal, even, because of my brain injury (slight problem regulating some hormones). I feel fantastic when I exercise, and I'm so happy you've reached that point too.

Judy, good for you for not going to meetings anymore. If they weren't working for you, they weren't working. You haven't given up and you're still taking care of yourself, so that's what counts. Congratulations for making a tough decision that was right for you.

Lin, sounds like you've got more family changes to deal with. I know you love your sons, but anything that disrupts a schedule takes time and effort. I love your "keep going" attitude, and I've always loved the fact that you can let it go and not look back. Wish I could cultivate that ability!

As for me, I've been tromping around the house all morning singing, "I've been using Murphy's Oil Soap da-da-da-da-da-da, now the dirt is finished and the finish is fine....". Those are the only two lines I know, so it's been a tad repetitive. BUT, I now have a clean bathroom and a clean kitchen (complete with mopped floor!). I'm off to the gym soon, and then meeting DH for lunch.

My nutritionist has made me a tad uncomfortable, and I intend to speak to him about it next week. The full program is not completed yet so he threw together some "temporary" meal plans for me. Now, I understand that they're not specific to me, but they were REALLY unrealistic. One was 1,189 calories a day! And had a meal in it that was "1/2 cup pineapple bits, 3 egg whites". That's a meal??? I asked about the calorie level and he said it would be higher, so I'm waiting. Then I asked about the egg-white thing, and he said soemthing along the lines of "well, you decide if you want to follow the program". I asked about going out with DH, and about pizza (I'm a pizza fiend) and he said "you decide if you want to follow the program or go out with your husband. I myself had pizza three times last year." It seems drastically unrealistic. Aside from the hassle of creating bizarre meals at the same time I'm trying to feed my DH, I protest the idea that my entire life is going to be following my meal plan. UH, no. This fits into my life, my life does not fit into it. So we need to talk.

Other than that, I'm doing fine! I'm still here!
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Old 08-19-2002, 11:01 AM   #14  
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Hi, Turtles,

I didn't disappear. I've been busy this week. My oldest son got the bookstore job. They wanted him to start right away so he quit his job here and is living with a friend this week. He's moving in with my mother next weekend because it's a very easy, short bus ride from her house to the job. So, that's my good news. I'll miss him, but he's not going all that far. We'll see him regularly.

Lauren, congrats on the good job with your cholesterol. And with the supplements for PMS. I'm back taking mine regularly again, too. I discovered that I must take two 500 mg. calcium tablets plus my multi-vitamin has another 450 in order to get the benefits for PMS.

Congrats on that pound, too. Great going!!

Wow, that's so cool about the exercise high. I've never had that, but I've never worked out steadily enough for a long enough period of time to get there, I bet.

Have fun with all of those folks who are visiting you in the next few weeks. Glad your jobs are starting up. Should be great for you. I hope you're able to keep going freelance for a while. You seem to enjoy it.

Kathy, I am in awe. 26 miles on your bike. WOW! I'm impressed. Sounds like it's been a really motivational experience for you, too.

Congrats to your daughter, too. That's super.

Kathy, I've been cooking the simplest of meals lately. I cook fancy occasionally, but my projects are taking most of my time. I'm cooking mostly very simple, basic meals. I try to cook special often enough so I don't get bored.

Judy, congrats on that weight loss. Glad things are going so well for you. Doing WW at home right now seems to be working for you.

Erin, I can tell you're disappointed in this nutritionist. It sounds like he has a set program for you to follow. That's not realistic, as you said. Whatever you do has to work with real life. The other thing that bothers me is that the day you mentioned is starvation levels for someone who exercises as much as you do. You don't want to go back to that again, I'm sure. Good luck. Maybe you can get some helpful information and then find someone who is better suited to your needs. It sounds like that's a hard thing because your body doesn't fit any of the "usual" profiles and they're having a difficult time adjusting their programs to fit you.

Here's a celebratory dance and a party hat for all of those great things you turtle buddies have been up to while I've been off being busy: Congratulations, all of you, for having such great weeks.

I've been in weird mode. Not overeating or eating unhealthy, but not measuring portions or counting points, either. I've been walking once in a while. I'm OK with that for right now. My life is again in a bit of a transition, so when things settle down a little, I'll settle back into the full program. Meantime, I know how much food to eat and how much exercise I need. So, I'm going to make those choices and let the rest go for a while. Being wishy-washy, but it's what I can do right now.

The book is going fine. I'm still behind in terms of doing the homework for the class, but it's not a big deal. It would be if I were a student instead of an auditor, but I'm not ready to work at that pace. Auditors don't have to do the homework unless we want to. Well, I want to do it because it's helpful, but I'm not worrying about meeting the deadlines. What's important for me is to understand the material and apply it to my work. And to keep going until I finish it.

I have to pick my host name for the HP site. I'm looking forward to starting that soon. So, things are going OK for me. Just very busy so I haven't been able to post as often as I usually do.

Happy turtlin'! (We all need some in this extra hot summer. )

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Old 08-19-2002, 11:12 AM   #15  
Turtle Extraordinaire
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Hi, tortoises. Quiet group. I hope the server change didn't knock everyone out of commission.

Mousie, your nutritionist sounds like he knows a good deal less than you do about nutrition. He also doesn't sound like someone who's willing to work with you and adjust things accordingly. (Three egg whites and a cup of pineapple??) Seems like a lot of men have a harder time than women when it comes to sharing authority. Well, I hope it works out for you. I hope you're not like me -- someone who has to eat animal protein (and less carb-based foods) in order to lose weight.

EDIT: Lin, you and I were posting at the same time. Glad to hear your son got the job! And glad to hear the book is going well. It's always good to hear from you.

TOM is starting to wind down, thank heavens. I had a couple days there where I really wanted to chew the formica on the countertops. I was over my points several days, in part because of going out to eat several times. I also didn't get in my exercise. So I expect a gain this week. I'll have to extend my Labor Day goal out a bit. Ah, well. Life happens. And I *will* get into the 170s soon.

We're having a cool day here today -- and rain, which we needed. It feels wonderful.

We bought a car! We go get it today. Our Ford Contour has almost 200K miles on it, and it's starting to run hot. We're planning to give it to some friends in Canada who have a teenage son. (Our other car, the Toyota, just has 135K on it, but it's 10 years old and rusting out. We're going to try to nurse it along for another few years, though.) Our new car is a Honda. They're having huge sales right now to try to unload all their 2002 cars. We were planning on buying used, but this turned out to be a better deal.

So I have lots to do today, getting the insurance and financing lined up. Best get at it.

Onward and downward,

274/182/179 by Labor Day-ish

Last edited by LaurenH; 08-19-2002 at 11:15 AM.
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