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Old 05-21-2006, 05:09 PM   #1  
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Default Thin for life, week of May 22nd, 2006

Howdy ladies.

I'm starting early. I leave tomorrow morning (after the gym) to pick up Ernest from Goldendale, WA.

Woo hoo.

I weighed in yesterday. Big no change which sort of sucked. I picked up a tracker and decided to actually journal (really), eyeopening if you have to write it down.

So, back to flexing and writing.

Went to see the Cowboy junkies on Saturday, market, gardening, ernestproofing and writing a final work report today. About to run to fabric store to pick up bells for ernest's ribbon to tell us its time to go out.

We decided to name him after a cowboy junkies song for his kennel/AKC name.

He's going to be Oxboro Miles from my home, which is appropriate, since they are 250 miles from us.

Anyways, hope everyone had a good week and I'll report back tomorrow. I did buy a luna bar for the road and now that I show no sign of losing without tracking, guess who's going to forgo her ice cream in Ellensburg tomorrow? That would be MOI.

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Old 05-22-2006, 07:30 AM   #2  
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Ran the 10K race yesterday and was really happy with my time. My goal (set about 30 seconds before the start) was 1:05 and I finished in 1:04:32. Was only slightly behind my sister, who I consider to be much faster than me, so I was happy. All of my friends finished their respective distances with good times too, so it was a good day all round.

Lala: How exciting to be bringing the little tyke home. Are you prepared for some Sleepless in Seattle nites while he gets accustomed to being away from his other Mommy?

Hi to everyone else. How was your weekend?

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Old 05-22-2006, 07:47 AM   #3  
Julie - Stampin Up Demo
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Susan: great job on the run. That is one thing I dont like - running. Doing my "power walking" is about as far as I go. At least it is exercise.

I weigh in tomorrow for my first week of maintenance... I weighed in at home this am so I am a bit nervious about the scale - I think I will have to take down a few more points per day. I did have a reunion party with some of my class mates (we are turning 40 this year) which was fun - and put me over my points for the day/week (lol) so back to the drawing board so to speak.

I will be good today
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Old 05-22-2006, 09:26 AM   #4  
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Yeah Susan!

Julie - you'll be fine. Mindful eating is key for the next few days! You are now the young one here. I turned 41 in February.

Okay, off to the gym for a 30 min bout of cardio, that is all I have time for. I didn't sleep very well last night, so it is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day.

Hi everyone else!

Talk to you all after Ernest has landed on the liberal side of the state.

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Old 05-22-2006, 09:50 AM   #5  
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Good morning! The sun is actually shining here, although it's a cool 45 outside! The good news is that it is supposed to warm up as the week goes on and we actually are supposed to get up into the upper 70's!

My weekend was not all that great--I probably ate more than I should have and didn't journal like I've been doing so I'm kind of behind. My activity was limited as well I'm hoping with the weather improving I'll be getting outside and walking more.

Lisa: The weather will be warmer in the Youngstown area compared to here since we get the lake breeze and things stay cooler longer.

Lala: Sounds like you had a packed weekend. I find that I do much better when I'm tracking--I need to be more diligent with that part of my life. Good for you for planning on a snack for your trip tomorrow. I'm better when I don't get over-hungry.

Susan: Congratulations on your time! You have to feel good about it especially since you have been nursing that injury. Keep up the great work! I admire you with your running!

Julie: I'm a walker too! I really enjoy it and try to get in as much as I can. I'm 43 soon to be 44 in June. Don't be nervous about the scale--the idea of maintenance is to find out how many POINTS you need to maintain so the 6 weeks is a learning time. It's normal for the scale to fluctuate from week to week and you will have weekends where you're out and having more than normal but the beauty part is that you can get right back on track the next day. I still use extra points on the weekend for my splurges and it's worked out fine for my maintenance. I'll be celebrating 8 years at my goal weight in June. Which part of Ohio are you from?

Hi to Pam, Austingal! Hope you both had a great weekend!

More later on...
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Old 05-22-2006, 02:29 PM   #6  
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Just a quick note...

Played in a golf tournament on Saturday with DH. We had a a great time and our team was 1 under par. Then we visited a friend who made us too much food. Needless to say, yesterday, I didn't eat as much.

Visited my friends on Sunday whose son committed suicide. They're doing all right. It is so sad. The mother showed me all sorts of photos of their son as a little boy. I remember him when he looked like that. Such a cute kid.

I'm under the weather today. This is the strangest thing. I had a scratchy throat on Friday and Saturday and then yesterday I developed this deep cough (kept me up last night, too) and then I had rattly sounds in my chest. Anyway I went to the doctor and he put me on antibiotics (will be eating my yogurt) and also some cough syrup so that perhaps I can sleep.

Hooray, Susan, I love to beat my expected times, too.

Julie, I was so nervous when I was in the 6-week lifetime mode. You'll be fine. Just get right back OP and you'll do great.

lala, I'll bet you can't wait for little Ernest. How exciting. Sorry you didn't show a loss, but you didn't show a gain either. : )

Melissa, some times you just don't feel like doing much.
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Old 05-23-2006, 12:36 AM   #7  
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Back and tired. Ernest asleep on Jacques old bed. I did great eating today. Didn't eat great things, but kept within points and drank water, so yeah me.

talk to you all tomorrow.

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Old 05-23-2006, 10:45 AM   #8  
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Hi ladies,

Just time for a quick post.

Susan love your picture. I've got to figure out how to put my picture on sometime.

Lala glad your home safe and sound with Ernest!

Melissa is it any warmer in PA yet? Still kind of cold here but at least the sun is shining.

Lisa I'm sorry your not feeling well. Hope your better today.

Osborn Hello!!

Be back with more later.
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Old 05-23-2006, 11:50 AM   #9  
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Hi everybody.

Pam: The picture is from a couple of years ago, but it was the only one I could find on the weekend. I'll post a more up-to-date one soon.

Julie: How did your first maintenance weigh-in go?

lala: How's the baby doggie? Is it strange to have Jacques' bed filled? Lots of memories, I expect. Hope they make you smile.

Melissa: We get a breeze off the oceantoo, so it's cooler here than inland. It's not great this time of year, but I'm thankful in the dead of summer when everyone is sweltering.

Lisa: Are you feeling better?

Don't know if I mentioned the possibility of a house exchange in Australia this summer. Am waiting for final confirmation. If it goes ahead, I'll be spending a couple of weeks at their Gold Coast apartment, followed by a few weeks in Sydney with a woman I used to work with here in Dartmouth. Fingers (and toes) crossed.

Eating has been horrible. Don't know why. Need to get back on track. I was doing so well....

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Old 05-23-2006, 02:56 PM   #10  
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Ugh, Lisa, get well soon.

Susan -- wow, Australia! That would be a blast.

Melissa - I hope your Monday and Tuesday are making up for your weekend on the points scale and exercise.

Hi Pam -- hope you will bbl!

Hi Julie!

Okay, I came home because my machine with my powerpoint on it is here. I finished editing it and now I have a collapsed basset on the doggie bed. I need to get him back in lockdown so I can run to my biweekly manicure. I am not taking him, he screams bloody murder in the little kennel.

He's pretty darn cute about it, but still.

I think I'll be walking a lot with this guy. He's a walker and a garden critic. Just like his mom.

Anything interesting for dinner ladies?

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Old 05-23-2006, 03:27 PM   #11  
Julie - Stampin Up Demo
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My first WI for maintenace was pretty well - considering my Birthday party Friday and my dd birthday on Saturday (no cake or ice cream) just a nice dinner.
I was up 1.4 lbs but I think alot of that is the party Friday night - so I will decrease a bit and see what next week holds for me.
I felt really good all week - felt like I was eating so much more than usual - still made good decisions - just was able to have another apple with PB (which is my fav!!)
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Old 05-23-2006, 04:56 PM   #12  
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Hi ladies,

Not sure what's on the menu for dinner tonight. DH has a late meeting and DD has dance class so probably just something quick and easy for me. I'm kind of craving chili. I'm also craving mints and can't tell you how many I've eaten today. This candy dish must leave my office!
Had a strange meeting this morning with someone that I've known professionally for many years. I didn't know much about his personal life, but after today's meeting I think I've heard it all...his wife left him for someone else...his daughter is dating an older man...I couldn't believe he was telling me all this. I felt so badly for him but was reluctant to offer any advice because I really don't know him that well. Maybe he wasn't looking for advice, just someone to talk to?? I don't know, I just have been thinking about him a lot today.

Julie I'm sure the 1.4 was just fluff from the party that will be gone next week. How old is your DD?

Lala I'm sure Ernest will make a great walking partner. What are you making for dinner tonight??

Susan I hope the house exchange works out for you, that sounds very exciting.

Hello to Melissa and Lisa. Hope your both having a nice day. I'll talk to you all tomorrow!
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Old 05-23-2006, 08:03 PM   #13  
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Decreasing is a good idea. I'm tracking and its been really good. I think I'll just stop eating today, I think I'm close to my food intake.

I made tomato, basil, mozz over WW pasta and a 1/2 cup of fresh bay shrimp wth lemon and a cold artichoke.

snack was 10 roasted almonds with one low fat mozz stick. DP sent a box from Maine with 6 lbs of Rooster Brother's coffee from Beautiful Ellsworth, ME and some of their almonds they roast in the same roaster with the cofee. Swoon.

I have lots of TBM left over for tomorrow so I'll just make some pasta for lunch.

Ernest is very hungry. I"m trying to wait an hour before feeding him. I'm not getting any work done, so maybe we'll go for a short walk.
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Old 05-24-2006, 08:23 AM   #14  
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Good morning! I called in sick yesterday (something I never do); I woke up with laryngitis and generally a rundown feeling. I'm at work today and doing better. At least I have my voice back.

Susan, the exchange vacation sounds great. I regret that when my SIL lived there, I never went to visit.

Melissa, I hope it's warmed up a little. DH is headed to Youngstown, Ohio this Friday to see his mother for a week.

lala, I'll bet Ernest is so cute. That's good that he's a walker; that will keep you active for sure. Mmmm I love mozzarrella cheese.

Osborn, don't fret about the 1.4#. It will come off.

Pam, that is strange that the guy told you that information, but maybe he just needed someone to talk to. We always want to give advice, but I think sometimes folks just want to unload. You must be a good listener.
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Old 05-24-2006, 09:47 AM   #15  
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Good morning ladies!

I took yesterday off and DH and I took a drive to Trader Joe's in OH. I stocked up on their creamy corn & roasted pepper soup--it's one of my favorites (1 point per cup) and I got some more hummus (chipotle) and some Greek yogurt. Have any of you tried the Fage Greek Yogurt? It's really thick & creamy. Had some with strawberries this morning. In the afternoon I tackled my kitchen floor and got some vacuuming done. I could use more than one day to catch up with things.

Pam: The sun is shining but it's still pretty cold--it was 44 this morning but we're supposed to make it into the mid 60's this afternoon. The weekend forecast is looking good with temps in the 70's. I sure hope so!

Lala: How is Ernest adapting to his new home? I'm sure you'll be getting some nice walks in. Good for you for staying within your points. I've been doing so-so in that area and my exercise really dropped off this past week. My pedometer never went above 10,000 steps which is not good for me.

Susan: Australia sounds wonderful! I live really close to the lakeshore so like you in the summer we get a nice breeze as compared to those who live inland. My eating hasn't been great either. Today begins a new WW week for me so I'm starting off good--the weekend worries me because we'll be out of town and I know I'll be eating more than I should.

Lisa: Temps are supposed to be in the high 70's by the end of the week and I would bet that Youngstown will be nice & warm but not the high temps you're accustomed to.

Osborn/Julie: The 1.4# will most likely disappear--the fun of maintenance is figuring out what you need to maintain and not worry about the weekly fluctuations. I still struggle with the scale going up and down. Keep up the great work.

Anyone have plans for the holiday weekend? We're heading to my cousin's and I'm looking forward to it. We've been going back and forth about what we're going to have etc. We made plans to go to the farmer's market and get some fresh veggies--I wish we had one here!

I'm heading to my WW meeting at noon to see where I'm at so I know what I need to do for the upcoming week. I'll post after my meeting and let you know how it went. I'm hoping for a small loss but I never know.
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