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Old 07-30-2001, 09:24 PM   #1  
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Default Countdown to 250...July 30th And Beyond

WELCOME to all who choose to stop here. We are a fun group providing support, encouragement and motivation. We hope you will sit a spell, grab a bottle of water and chat awhile. We would love to get to know you.

Last edited by thinthinker; 08-05-2001 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 07-30-2001, 10:44 PM   #2  
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Good Monday night ladies, I've been MIA for awhile. Sorry! The heat and humidity has hit town again and I'm dragging myself around, trying not to be a slug. Borrowed the dog tonight and went for a walk. I'm glad that I did it, but I wasn't all that enthusiastic, initially. I'm still struggling with the food, but I am sticking with the water and moderate activity. I'll take whatever I can get at this point. The doctors are not through evaluating my aunt, but the preliminary diagnosis is Alzheimer's Disease that is beyond the mild stage. I wasn't surprised, but I still felt bad hearing the diagnosis. I kept hoping that maybe the problem was nutritional and/or temporary. We will be running back and forth to the hospital and doctors appointments over the next few weeks, getting her further evaluated and checked over. Not all that fun, but vitally necessary. I know that this is real life and I shouldn't be so distracted from taking care of myself. I just hate it, though, when I lose the focus on my own self-care. Grrrrr Before I go to bed tonight, I am going to sit in the air-conditioned bedroom and plan for the next few days to make them OP days! I feel better just having said that! Ladies, hope that you have a great OP week. Keep up the good work and try to stay cool in the heat! Cindy

Geri, thanks for the b-day wishes. I used to complain about getting older (43), but now I'm very grateful to have another birthday to celebrate. Life really is good when you stop to think about it! Hang in there lady. You are sticking with the program and have lost a significant amount of weight. Don't you dare discount your accomplishments over this past year. You done good, girlfriend.

Terri, nice going on the garage sale. Don't you just love making the $$ on stuff that you were looking to dump anyway? Glad that the dog is working out better.

J-ann, thanks for your kind support regarding my aunt. Yes, it can be difficult at times, but I know that we are doing what needs to be done to keep her safe. You are doing so well OP. Keep up the good work.

Maggie, you are focused and know exactly what you want to do. There's no stopping you, lady. have a good one.
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Old 07-31-2001, 07:44 AM   #3  
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Default Humid Tuesday!

Good morning!

Well I finally did it. I rejoined WW last night and will start doing the official meeting/weigh-ins. I need something to help me stay focused for more than a few days at a time.

Still walking the dog. Wonder how it really counts as exercise when he's stopping to smell just about every blade of grass? Start and stop; start and stop. At 5:30 am its hard to get moving too fast anyway.

Geri - Being up only a pound is not bad if you really didn't pay attention to being OP for a good part of the week. You can do this so no more pigging out!

Melissa - Welcome back!

Ellie - I had to chuckle about showing your journal to the "teacher". I had to do that and funny how everything shapes up in that next week so she doesn't see something really bad. Good luck on keeping OP.

Maggie - Anything in particular happen that you lost your focus this past week? Sorry about the 2.2; but you've had some great losses so the occassional bump in the road is normal. And you're good at regaining your dedication. Next week will be better!

Cindy - I'm sorry to read about your aunt. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of her too. If you can't be totally OP due to the circumstances, aim for two meals a day of being OP. That might help keep your motivation and take a little stress off during this difficult time.

Seems like there was more that I wanted to respond to but its too early in the AM to be very coherent. I better get moving or else fall asleep in the chair. Have a great OP day and be strong!
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Old 07-31-2001, 08:34 AM   #4  
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Lunacat -- how difficult this time must be for you and yours. Congratulations on keeping up with your water/exercise stuff; stress makes everything less manageable somehow.

determined to succeed - way to go joinin' up again. I know the accountability helps me stay focused (and that when I go my own way I'm less apt to keep it together the way I'd prefer).

Last night I got my hair cut in some radically different (for me) style -- from hair just below my bra hooks in back to a chin length bob. The gals at the salon were amazed at the difference as was I; I rather liked it more before my husband said, "I liked it better before" though. LOL! Go figure. I think what's so odd is that I look at myself and feel like its the face of an adult moreso than it was before. Strange. (Now I know I'll have to pierce my nose sooner or later...)
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Old 07-31-2001, 09:35 AM   #5  
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Good Morning Everyone!

Well it is a GREAT day in the neighborhood! It is a new day, and a new way for this old girl! I finished my pig-out yesterday with pizza for dinner and a skinny cow ice cream before bed and now I am DONE, DONE, DONE!!!! And boy did I feel crappy!!
But I have slept off my indescretions and I'm here today with a new outlook on the future of my weightloss journey!!!

Cindy: [[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]] I know what you're going through with your aunt and my heart goes out to you! I'd like to tell you that it will get better with time, but it won't. Alzheimer's is an awful disease and it's just as hard for the patient as they realize that something is terribly wrong, as it is for the family to watch as their loved one losses themself. One of my best suggestions is to get ahold of the Alzheimer's Association and see if they have a support group in your area. They are a wealth of information and support and they will at least help you to understand the disease better. Take care of yourself through this trying time. I know it will be tough, but it's not going to help your aunt or anyone else if you don't take care of Cindy!!!! Again, [[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]

Terri: Go Job rejoining WW!!! That is a very positive step in the right direction! There's something about standing on that scale in front of someone each week that gets to you. Maybe that's why I haven't gained everything back, I still go to meetings. And you're right! I have gotten pretty good at 'maintainence' haven't I????

Bunny: MEN!!! What are you going to do with them??? I think they all like their lady's hair long! Mine has been complaining about my hair being short for I don't know how long. I just didn't feel good about myself with really long hair, so I got it cut off. It really does make a difference. I just tell mine if he wants long hair he should grow his long and try to take care of it! I tell him I like my men with a little longer hair and he just laughs at me, so I'm laughing right back with my hair at a length I like!! I bet your haircut is lovely!!! I felt the same way about the age thing too. I didn't want to look like a teenager anymore. For heaven's sake, I'm 47!!!!

Gotta run. I have two jobs to do today on the other side of town and I've got a laundry running, so I'm off. Have a great day!

"Drop the question of what tomorrow may bring, and count as profit every day that fate allows you." - Horace
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Old 07-31-2001, 06:34 PM   #6  
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Good Tuesday evening ladies, I'm hiding out from the heat in the comfort of an air-conditioned office. Central air-coinditioning--that's the one good thing about work! So far, I'm having an OP day, and have downed 12 cups of water so far. Food is okay, but I have to factor in a Luna bar that I just ate. I forgot how many points it is -- 4 maybe? Am saving the wrapper to calculate the points at home. I may skip the dog walking tonight and try to stay active by gathering and staging things for a garage sale over the weekend. I'm going to borrow space in my neighbor's garage to participate in the sale. I don't have too much to sell (at least that's what I think right now). Have to go now, but you each have a good OP evening. May you be blessed with cool breezes! Cindy

Geri, thanks for your kind support and hugs! I have contacted the Alzheimer's Association and they were most informative and supportive. I haven't attended any group sessions yet, only because we are still in the process of running around, getting my aunt evaluated and trying to straighten out her finances. Oh! You are 100% right in noting that I can't help anyone if I'm not in good health/shape, myself. Point noted (and appreciated). I really need to remember that when I let the stress get the upper hand. Geri, hope that you had a great OP day. You have done a great job in the past year and should be proud of every single pound lost. It is no small feat!

bunny, thanks for your kinds words of support. Yes, these are trying times for me, but I do want to shift more of my focus back to myself and my health. I know that I can do it with you ladies by my side. WTG on the new haircut! Doesn't it feel "freeing" to have short hair? Last year, once my hair grew back after chemo, I decided to keep it short. Now, I love it short and won't go back to the old long ways. It's a joy in the hot humid weather, too!

Terri, thanks to you too for your kind support. I loved your idea of trying to focus on at least two meals of OP eating. You're right, I really would like to have some type of "success" during the tough times and your suggestion is perfect. Hate it when I don't have a perfect day and feel like a failure for the entire day. I think that we all need the little successes to keep us moving in the right direction! Oh, you and that pooch! Once you are used to each other's rhythms, the walks will get easier. It took awhile for the borrowed dog and me to get used to each other, but now we are doing pretty well on our walks. He no longer tries to bark and lunge at passersby. Why, he is becoming a very good dog citizen (on most occasions).
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Old 08-01-2001, 07:37 AM   #7  
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Default Hump Day!


Up early for the morning walk. I'm not excited when the alarm goes off but it does feel good to be moving again. Although it would be better if I could go back to bed instead of work!!

I've had two OP days although towards the high end. My main concern for my first week back is to get my tools in place and that's the journal and planning. Also trying to educate DH so he can do this too. His main problem will be portion sizes. He's motived for the moment.

Geri - How was your day? Did you every make your soups? Do share recipes if you did.

Cindy - If we'd just count up all the things we do correctly in a day instead of the few wrong things, we would feel fantastic instead of guilty. That's so hard to remember. You're doing good so keep up your spirits.

Bunny - I cut my hair short too about a year ago. DH didn't want me too. Not that mine was that long (shoulder length), it just wasn't flattering anymore. But after I got it cut, DH keeps saying "shorter". Men do have this fantasy thing about long hair. That's okay if its really great long hair, but don't understand when its not. A new do can be a great motivational thing too. Enjoy!

Got to run. Hope everyone else is doing well. Take care and be strong!
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Old 08-01-2001, 08:57 AM   #8  
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It's the morning after weigh-in and I'm .....

I was up 2.6 and after really looking at the journal I guess I did over do it a couple times. My leader looked at my journal and suggested that I try to do a bit more exercise, maybe get in a walk a few times a week on top of the aqua-fit. She also told me that I'm looking at the next chunck of weight as too big of a challenge and although I try not to do that I think that I am. I keep making comments that the first 100 was easy which I guess really says that I think the next 100 is much harder. I will put yet another week behind me and try to get my head back to where I was 2 months ago.

On a positive note, I am getting great muscles in my arms and legs and although it's a large shape, my body DOES have a shape again. I can actually feel the difference between my waist and my hips etc.

Well I'm off to my trailer after work tonight for 6 days. I promised myself I will take a walk each day and try to swim as often as I can. I will make good choices and I WILL STAY WITHIN MY POINTS RANGE....

Determined(Terri..right?): Way to go on the walking and the two OP days. If you figure how to get it through your DH head let me know, I have a diabetic, smoking husband I would love to educate as well. Keep up the good work and way to go rejoining again and I'm sure that will get you back into those good habits.

Cindy: Well I think that A/C is so many peoples saviour these days, I don't know how I ever survived without it. Good luck on your garage sale. I bet you'll be surprised how well you do. Way to keep the points in check, and I'm sure the dog is thanking you for letting him off for a night. LOL

Geri: Way to put the pig out behind you, trust me I know exactly how your feel. I know we can both get back on track, we just have to stay strong and look for the next 5 pounds. I know I can do that. Hope your jobs went well for you.

Bunny: Way to go on the hair cut, I'm with Geri, let him grow his hair long. I bet he is used to it and running his fingers through your short healthy hair in no time.

Luna: My thoughts are with you and your Aunt, it's a tough time but I have to believe that somehow she know how much she is loved. Way to go on the water and planning really worked for me when I did it a couple weeks ago. God only knows why I havn't done it again. This week I will plan my meals in advance too. Stay strong, we can beat this, I know we all can.

Maggie: Hope your having fun preparing to move into your trailer. I'm also trying hard to steal away some of your focus but I promise I will leave enough for you too. Have a terrific OP day my friend.

Well, I have to get to work, I'm hoping to leave a bit early today, 6 hour drive to the trailer. Would love to arrive before midnight. Take care all.

Last edited by canadian; 08-01-2001 at 09:13 AM.
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Old 08-01-2001, 10:29 AM   #9  
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This is a good day to be OP and to drink lots of water. I drank more yesterday than I have been doing and plan on that again today. I somehow got out of the habit of drinking so much. Shame.

First of August already! My how time flys. I think I have located a "free" internet service that I can use on the road. Since I won't be able to get on line very much I don't need an "unlimited" service that charges. This one offers 40 hours each month free and call up numbers scattered about the country. So when I am somewhere that there is a local call up number and I am at a place that has phone lines ~ I can get on line. I found one that is free and unlimited but they require you to be at their web site more than I think I will be able to be on line. Interesting what is "out there." If I don't do some of these things now ~ time will get away from me. Got to be prepared.

BRENDA So you see that your work at the pool is paying off in shaping your body. My goodness your leader said do more? Makes me feel guilty because right now I am not doing any. I am using the excuse that a tape got stuck in the machine and it is in the shop so I can't dance with Richard. Stay OP this week and that 2.6 will be gone next weigh in and take some friends along with it. Do try to focus on losing 5 pounds. Only 5 pounds at a time ~ makes it easier ~ really it does. Have fun at that trailer ~ I know you will enjoy it.

TERRI So now you have gotten moved but are not quite settled. Get that kitchen in order first and whip up some OP meals. Great that you found a WW meeting to go to now and this next phase of your life can begin. Life is good.

CINDY We don't have A/C in this house but we do in the travel trailer. Girl, life has a way of dealing us some blows doesn't it. I know that you did all you could have done. Have a good OP day!

GERI And the beat goes on. Hang in there gal and you will make it. It feels good to be back OP.

BUNNY I can imagine your hair cut looks great. My husband likes mine long but says it is my hair to have it however I want it. I want it long so I can wind it up into "do's" and in clips and different cooky ways. I had it cut short a couple of years ago and never again. I found that my hair is real thin in one spot that doesn't show when it is long.

Maggie sippin' morning coffee through a straw in Tennessee
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Old 08-01-2001, 04:58 PM   #10  
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Today marked my first visit to a McDonald's at breakfast time since trying to make healthier choices. Lemme explain: McDonald's sausage biscuits are a near and dear favourite of mine - but not one that, generally, I have enough points for once you consider what I'll graze on the rest of the day -- so I've simply avoided them. This morning though we left at 4 am for a far away sale that turned out to be in the middle o' nowhere. I'd had toast for pre-breakfast (or whatever) and we'd rather assumed we'd have several places to choose from come breakfast/lunch time. Turned out, we didn't. We were a goodly hour from ANYTHING except a McDonald's -- so into McDonald's we went. I did okay, I think -- a piece of sausage on an English muffin, no cheese, no egg -- 8 points in all. More than I prefer for my morning meal -- but nothing I couldn't recover from. LOL! I'm off now for a half-hour of aerobics (just 'cause I'm bored, honestly!) and then dinner -- salad and soup, probably.

Hope your days were EXCELLENT!
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Old 08-01-2001, 06:56 PM   #11  
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Evenin' Ladies,

I hate hot weather. 88° outside now and they are forecasting 95° tomorrow. One of the reasons I live in the snow belt is because I like it COLD!! Don't mind shoveling, breaking giant icicles off the house or scraping off the car. Detest having to sit in front of the fan, having wet hair without going near the shower or a pool and any temp. much over 80°. Oh well, one more month and Fall will begin. I'll have to dream until then <sigh>.

Just got back from weighing in. I'm down 1.5 more lbs.! That's 2 full months of staying O.P. all week, every week. It's getting easier. The cravings don't come as often and I am getting pretty good at reminding myself that I want to be healthy and if I eat everything in sight I'll never get there. Thank God I like water. It's a lifesaver for those hungry moments when I have no reason to be hungry. I tell my tummy that it's had more than enough to keep it happy and if it needs to be filled ... "here's some nice, cold, water." And what's scarey is, IT WORKS!

TERRI: Glad you're back to attending meetings. It helps a lot to be reportable once a week. GOOD LUCK.

BUNNY: New hair is one of the best things you can do to feel good without eating. Your DH will get so used to it in time that he'll be telling you when you need a trim <G>.

Hope everyone stays O.P. tonight and tomorrow.
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Old 08-01-2001, 09:08 PM   #12  
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Hi Everyone Sitting here enjoying my smoothie. It's a good way to get my miilk in everyday. Am doing pretty good so far this week and OP. It sure does make a difference when you are honest and write every little thing down!!! Somehow I would forget about the jelly on my toast when we go out to breakfast.. I guess I thougt it was a freebie..

J-ANN - WTG on your weight loss this week!!! You are doing great

Bunny - I do that also. Sat and Sun are the two days hubby and I go out for breakfast, espcially to Bob Evans on Sun. and I have my pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream that day and just watch the points for the rest of the day, and I don't mind eating a little less the rest of the day. At least we're thinking differently now and just watching it the rest of the day instead of thinking we failed or we blew it.. Keep up the good work.

Brenda- Hang in there. Look back only to see how far you have come and look forward to where you want to be.

Terri: Good for you... One day at a time.. and it will come off!!!

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Old 08-01-2001, 10:39 PM   #13  
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Old 08-02-2001, 12:00 AM   #14  
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Good Evening everyone! It's another great day in the neighborhood. I still have another 6 points for the day and I am going to go to bed and forget eating anything else today! WOW, does that feel good!!!

I worked today. My last Hanes Shapewear store in this project. WooHoo! It was way on the other side of town so I made arrangements to go to lunch with a friend of mine who lives over there. I had a cup of cheese soup (ok, don't holler) and a grilled chicken salad. The salad wasn't very good so I ate alot of the lettuce and then just brought the rest home. They didn't have a low fat dressing so I got Ranch on the side. It was sour cream with a 1/ 2 teaspoon of ranch powder in it. YUCK! So I didn't have dressing on it. Then I made some stupid 7 layer tortilla thing. Not real great either. It called for Picante sauce. I think it would have been better with salsa. But who knows????? It was only 5 points per serving so it wasn't bad, mostly beans!!!

I have the day off tomorrow. I'm looking forward to trying to get something done around here, but knowing me, I'll stay in bed late and get nothing done here! Ooooppppps! The one thing I WILL accomplish is being OP for another day!

Oh, you know what??? I think I figured out the answer to my lack of motivation as far as my trip goes. I don't think my mind really thought we were really going to go. DH never appears to be too excited about it anymore. I really couldn't justify spending the money while he was laid off. I don't think I really thought we would go. So I am working to change that. I just ordered some See San Francisco stuff (which came today). It included a $99 companion airline ticket so I think I will make those reservations pretty quick like. It's got all kinds of sight seeing materials and discount coupons. Sooooooo, I think we may be going to San Francisco and I better lose some weight real quick now!!!! EEK!!!!

You have absolutely NO idea how hard it has been not to drive thru at the Dairy Queen and get a Peanut Buster Parfait. My gosh, I had one 3 times last week and I just can't get that taste out of my mouth! But for two days now I have been fighting the Parfait devil ---- and WINNING!!!!

Cindy: Central air is the only thing keeping me alive right now. The A/C in the K-Marts I've been working in this week just don't seem to do very well in this humidity. I've come home every day hot and sweaty. Yup, now I remember another reason why I don't exercise. I HATE to sweat!!! I'm glad you're working the program with everything else that's going on in your life.

Terri: 2 days, babe, is 2 days. For me too. Come on, I'll count them down with you. 1--2--and tomorrow makes 3! Yipee! Here's my oriental onion soup recipe:

Oriental Onion Soup

1 large can chicken broth (6 cups)
2 tsp. soy sauce
2 bunches green onions, chopped
1 package bean sprouts, rinsed and drained
1/2 tsp. ground ginger

Combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil and then cover and reduce heat. Simmer for an hour until sprouts and onions are tender.
Makes 3 - 2 cup servings Per serving: 0 WW points

Brenda: Boy, I think you've got your finger on it now. Unfortunatly, what comes out of our mouths is what our mind latches on to and if you've been referring to it as "the second 100#'s", that could be the reason for the stall. Gotta get back to the 5# at a time. Have a great time at the trailer. BTW, I love the hummingbirds!

Maggie: I'm glad you found the ISP. I was worried about you being AWOL for long periods of time. Back OP, woohoo! Let's count together now, 1,2,3. I think you're a day ahead of Terri and I though.

Bunny: See, I'm with you. I love breakfast. Only my love is the Burger King sausage egg and cheese croissant. Way too many points to have those anymore. And to think I used to start with 2 of them almost 4 days a week! Glad you were still able to stay OP.

J-ann: Congrats on your 1.5#!!! Wow, you've stuck with it 2 months, 24/7!!! I'm sooooo impressed! You are an inspiration!!!

Ellie: Journalling makes a real difference! As far as the picture: when you are posting your reply, down between where you type and where you hit 'submit reply', you will find a spot that says 'Attach file'. You hit the 'browse' button and then you click on wherever you have your graphic saved. It will then appear in that window next to the 'browse' button. Once it appears there it is ready and then hit 'submit reply' and it should post for you. Hope that helps.

Well, gotta run. You all be good! Talk to ya tomorrow.

"To persevere, trusting in what you hope for, is courage." - Euripides

Last edited by thinthinker; 08-02-2001 at 12:31 AM.
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Old 08-02-2001, 12:17 PM   #15  
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Good morning, good morning! I can't believe no one is here yet today. I slept late, as predicted! Then came down here to post! Not getting much done, as predicted as well! But isn't that what days off are for????

Well, I don't know where everyone is. Still sleeping I presume. Wake up girls. It's after noon!

I'm gonna run. You all behave yourselves!

"He who would learn to fly must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying!" - Nietzsche
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