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Old 09-09-2005, 06:55 PM   #1  
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Lightbulb My Week with Wendie

I decided to try the "Wendie" Plan this week. Not because I experienced a plateau, but because I was curious.

For anyone interested - this is a fantastic link explaining the Wendie Plan.

I totally buy in to the fact that an increase of calories once a week (but, not an increase over the amount of which we should have on WW) would keep our metabolism up, and avoid 'starvation mode' (a big buzz word from the lowcarb diets), so, I thought - what the heck - let's see what happens.

My scale was down 4.2 pounds. Excellent!

I don't think I'll be doing "Wendie" again, though. At least not the exact way SHE says to do it.

Why not?

1. I'm a overeater. I did not get to the big weight of 225 (at 5'3") by UNDEReating. I'm honestly trying to MEND my eating habits. I felt that I had to OVEReat to keep up with the amount of points some days. (My Super High Day was 41 points!)

2. I can't see the point in MAKING yourself eat if you AREN'T hungry to stay "on plan". This does NOT promote healthy eating, and I refused to do it past the first day.

So, what DID I like?

1. I liked the controlled way of looking at the Allowance points (By the way, if you ate how Wendie prescribes in her plan, you still would NOT use all your allowance points at the end of the week. So, it's not like she's doing anything OUT of the WW way of life)

2. I think there should be a "High" day and some "Low" days. I think they should be controlled like that. WHy, you ask?
a. It will eliminate grazing.
b. You FORCE yourself to weigh, measure, and COUNT EVERY THING THAT GOES IN YOUR MOUTH. This is a GREAT thing. YOu have to do that, because you have to have a certain amount of points each day. You don't have the comfort of "allowance" points to fall back on in this plan. (I hope that statement doesn't confuse anyone. You still DO have allowance points, but you are 'divvying' them up for certain days - so, on some days you have none to use)

So, what does that mean for me?

I'm going to have a 'high' day. But, I'm not going to STUFF myself, and cultivate bad eating habits (that I finally feel are a bit under control)

I'm going to have 'low' days. But, I won't starve myself. That is just silly.

I'm going to follow the advice, and have a low day after a high day. That makes sense to me.

I'm still not going to "graze" (randomly snack on just a bite or two of food). It's not good for me, and the points pile up quicker than you'd think.

I'm going to track Every. Little. Bite. A bite of baby's cereal? Track it. Bite of a cookie? It counts. Taste of the kids mac and cheese? Write if you bite. Track if you snack.

So, any thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?
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Old 09-09-2005, 07:54 PM   #2  
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Great Going Erin...AWESOME LOSS ..I am so glad you did so well with the WP. I have done it before and am contemplating starting up with it again tomorrow...Saturday is W/I for me so it would be my SHD too. I never did get to my SHD points when I did it and I still managed to lose with. My SHD=35. Can't eat that much unless you just eat junk for the heck of it. Or better yet could have had good high point meal, but didn't.
I used it mostly for social drinkS with friends at gatheringsparties on Saturday eves.
I frequent the Wendie Board every day. Lots of dedicated people there too. They believe in what they do. As do the rest of us believe in 'our' chosen program.
Let's face it though, the WP IS WW's only points are distributed for you for any given day and I LIKE that concept. Just have to learn to adjust your days, but at least you know before time.
Well you did just great, and the way you will continue to handle it is a very good idea.
So continue good luck to you.....see you back here soon. I am going to go over to the link you posted...........take care..........Lj
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Old 09-09-2005, 10:34 PM   #3  
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Thanks, LJ! You're really encouraging!

I like the concept of Wendie, too. Like you, I enjoy the points already being disributed in a way MOST beneficial to my weightloss.

I think I can make this work. Today was my Super High Day. I had 30 points. I feel comfortable with 30 points.

Thanks for reading, LJ!
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