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Old 03-20-2010, 04:07 PM   #1  
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Default Just started work... SO hungry!

So I've been on WW for 4 weeks now and have lost 11 lbs.! YAY! I started student teaching this past Monday and I'm just wondering if this would cause me to be ravenous and have a weight loss stall for the week? I have only worked out 3 times (not at the same level as before either) and have gone over by 2 points 3 days last week. I've just been sooooo hungry! I've been saving my flex points for splurge days on Saturdays (which has been working). Anyways, I've been up by 5:30 every morning (usually I'm up around 7 and in my PJ's for the first part of the day because I was staying at home with my two kids) and am back in bed by 10 at night. Before I would run errands,go to the gym,etc. Now I am up teaching kids all day.
All this to say, is being hungrier than normal normal? Any advice would help. I currently weigh 205 am 5'8" and moderately active. I allow myself 26 points a day. Thanks a bunch guys!
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Old 03-21-2010, 08:54 AM   #2  
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Ha ha, I am a teacher too (university) and I know exactly where you are coming from. I have been teaching for almost 20 years (OMG!) and I am still totally wiped out the first weeks of every semester, especially after the long vacation. In any new job, things like the new hours and requirements take adjustment, and that somehow takes a lot of energy until you get used to them.

Teaching takes a special focus and drain on your attention, compared to what you probably did before, especially for younger students because you have to be on your toes for hours at a time. Although you might not have realized it looking on from the outside, you're probably "on alert" a lot of the time compared to your non-teaching day, which is going to get hormones and adrenalin raised. When you're done your body says, "Whew! Emergency over! But it looks like you're living a pretty stressful lifestyle now! Time to chow down so you're well supplied with energy for the next emergency!" Hopefully you will get used to it in time.

The most tiring thing for me is that I have to do a lot of "performance" to hold university students' attention in a large lecture class, which is not at all my natural personality. This may be true for you too. It takes a lot of energy, not physical exactly -- although we do stand and walk around and gesture more than we might in a similar day at home -- but projected concentration, like an actor doing a play. I think mental strain makes your body think it's burning energy and want calories, even if it actually doesn't burn as many calories as physical exercise. In the first weeks you may really be burning more calories than usual, or it could be stress-induced cravings.

And if you have a schedule that allows no time to pee without someone clamoring for your attention, let alone get a snack or drink when you would normally have one, you get extra hungry too. When you're at home with your own kids it might be easier to get those breaks.

Good luck in your teaching!

Last edited by bronzeager; 03-21-2010 at 08:57 AM.
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Old 03-21-2010, 09:13 AM   #3  
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Forgot to add: teaching stress makes me want "sweet" calories -- which are often readily available in teachers' lounges and on secretaries' desks! I have found out I can successfully counter that craving with lean protein-whole grain calories. A packed lunch is my lifesaver. What hits the spot best for me is a daily chicken-avocado-whole wheat pita wrap at 11:30, and cut-up vegetables and fruit to grab bits of whenever I have time before and after. I grill 3 chicken breasts every Sunday night and cut them up into dice for the fridge.
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:17 PM   #4  
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I totally agree with all that Bronzeager said. Teaching is downright draining. I teach kindergarten and, after 15 years, I am exhausted almost every single day in September and October. People say "oh, you get to play all day- how fun! And you get all those days off!" Ugh! If they only knew! Those little people can suck every ounce of energy out of you but it's part of the job and it's worth every minute. You get used to it and learn how to work around it in your day.

For me, I go leave school and go straight to the gym 2-3 days a week, which can be hard at times because of committees/staff meetings and such but I know I need to do it. Also, I know that if I go home first, I'm done the minute my butt hits the couch. So, I make sure I have everything with me when I leave in the morning and I go straight there... THEN I go home and nap!

So, you ask is it normal to be hungrier... it is so normal. You're giving so much more of yourself and you're burning more calories just by being up and moving more. If you are hungrier, make sure you eat and satisfy yourself. Even if that means using your flex and activity points- they're there for a reason! If you don't, your body will stall and not burn as much because it knows it's not getting what it needs so it'll save what it can. I've found that during the week, I almost always go over by 3-4 points a day because more energy is being used and I'm that hungry. Between teaching and working out, if I stay at my 26 on those days, I simply don't lose. That's what I've found for my body. Remember that every body is different, though, and you'll have to figure out what works for you. My main advice is to make sure you're eating filling foods and to not be afraid or hesitant to use those flex/activity points. WW wouldn't have incorporated them if they were detrimental. You won't lose permanently if you're constantly hungry. And you'll be more likely to get frustrated if you're feeling hungry all the time... so eat and satisfy yourself (making good food choices, of course)!
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:24 PM   #5  
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Thank you both VERY much! I have been out of the job force for four years now (to stay home with the kids), so I've forgotten how mentally draining working can be! it is TOTALLY mentally draining! I get scared to eat more points and sometimes go to bed hungry. it's that old diet mentality that is soo very hard to break. I'm going to bring more food with me next week so that I have healty snacks. I appreciate your tips and taking the time to respond! Have a wonderful week!
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