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Old 01-13-2009, 05:17 PM   #1  
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Default First week and weight loss--please help

I have just completed my first week of WW, and did my first weigh in this morning. It looks as though I've only lost 1 pound. I worked out 3 out of the 5 days, about an hour each day and running between 2-3 miles during that work out. I stayed within my point range each day including flex points, and I didn't use any of my work out points earned. Why did I only lose one pound? I have a couple of friends doing it with me and they all lost between 2-5 pounds. Why did I not lose more? I'm probably whining more than I am looking for advice, but I'll take what I can get. Will my weight loss speed up at all, or is this pretty typical? This program has reduced my caloric intake by probably 2/3, so I would assume that greater weight loss would be inevitable. *sigh*
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Old 01-13-2009, 07:16 PM   #2  
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Hi there

Only lose one pound? ONLY lose one pound?!

You've lost 1 whole pound!

Not only have you decreased your calorie intake, but you've probably greatly increased your activity. This is a lot of change in one week. It means your body is getting adjusted, and it will lose weight at the rate it chooses to lose, and it doesn't compare itself to your friends' weightloss and say "oh well, I better catch up!"

Even if you continued to lose 1 pound each week you'd have lost 52 pounds in a year. That's pretty much at goal for you isn't it? Not to mention that if you continue to eat healthfully, and keep up the exercise that you'd be losing fat, and not as much muscle or bone. You'd also be more likely to keep it off.

Who knows what will happen in the future weeks. I do know that if you stick with it, weight loss is inevitable. And if you stick with it some more, then maintenance is inevitable.

Focus on you. Comparing yourself to your friends will only be to your detriment.
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Old 01-13-2009, 09:23 PM   #3  
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Faerie, that was so encouraging~ it spoke to me; thanks
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Old 01-13-2009, 10:20 PM   #4  
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Absolutely what Faerie said!

What about portion sizes? Are you weighing & measuring everything? I find this to be extremely important during the beginning.
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Old 01-14-2009, 08:49 AM   #5  
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Faerie hit it spot-on!

You might want to keep an eye on your sodium consumption, especially right before weigh-in. Also, I know WW allows all sorts of fluids to be counted as water now, but I lose so much better when I drink enough plain water. Just a thought.
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:27 PM   #6  
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Thanks Faerie! I wish I was at a place where inspirational words helped, but I'm at the wanting to see pounds come off of the scale place. As of today, I've gained 1 pound since last week. I just DON"T get how that is possible. Yes, I'm watching and weighing every portion that goes into my mouth. I stay hungry most of the time, so I know I'm eating less. And I'm certainly eating better quality food. There is no way I couldn't be eating less. And I'm drinking my water too. Oh well. I wish I wasn't compelled to step on the scale every single day. But it's like an OCD compulsion.
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:38 PM   #7  
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I take it from your post that you're using all (or some of) your flex points. I know when I was doing WW, I would NOT lose if I regularly ate all or most of my flex points.
Also, you say you're hungry all the time -- everyone is different, of course, but I don't think you should be hungry MOST of the time on a well-structured diet. Are you getting your points from nutritious foods, or spending your points on processed foods or junk, or empty carbs? That could also be a factor in your slower-than-expected weight loss.
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:39 PM   #8  
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Originally Posted by gidsgirl View Post
I stay hungry most of the time, so I know I'm eating less.
This isn't the objective of weight loss. In fact, if you're truly hungry most of the time, more quantity of food needs to be eaten. Make sure you are using your Flex Points. And that you're taking advantage of zero point foods such as vegetables. Also, fruits for lower points foods.

I wish I wasn't compelled to step on the scale every single day. But it's like an OCD compulsion.
I don't care if you have to lock up the scale during the week. Do not look at it every single day if you feel it's a compulsion. It is more important for you to build healthy habits that will stick long term than to think of the scale number as the be-all end-all goal.

Keep up what you're doing, if in a few more weeks the numbers are staying the same then it's time to reevaluate what's going on.
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Old 01-14-2009, 11:47 PM   #9  
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This is what I needed to hear. Thank you! I'd love to make a goal and stick to it that I wouldn't weigh but once a month--I really think that weekly isn't a good thing for me. My goal really isn't a number on the scale, but rather a clothing size. That's what is important to me at this point. That and being healthy, avoiding weight related disease later in life, and for my 3 year old to stop calling my breasts and belly "fluffy" lol (eve though she says it's a good thing)!
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Old 01-15-2009, 09:34 AM   #10  
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Originally Posted by gidsgirl View Post
Thanks Faerie! I wish I was at a place where inspirational words helped, but I'm at the wanting to see pounds come off of the scale place. As of today, I've gained 1 pound since last week. I just DON"T get how that is possible. Yes, I'm watching and weighing every portion that goes into my mouth. I stay hungry most of the time, so I know I'm eating less. And I'm certainly eating better quality food. There is no way I couldn't be eating less. And I'm drinking my water too. Oh well. I wish I wasn't compelled to step on the scale every single day. But it's like an OCD compulsion.

Don't give up!! It took me 3 weeks to see my first loss. I gained a few pounds too..even tough I had reduced my caloric intake and was exercising daily. Once I started loosing it was steady though--I lost 6 pounds this week. You can do this but you will have to stay the course over the long haul..some weeks you will stay the may gain a pound or two even though it seems impossible..but eventually you will lose. Try to focus on how much better you feel and other benefits until you see major scale changes. Good Luck!
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Old 01-15-2009, 10:57 AM   #11  
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Thanks for the encouragement! My question is though, why would anyone GAIN after exercising and reducing calories? It seems like that would defy the laws of physics or something!! In my mind, after I see the first 10 pounds go, it's always so much of a boost for me. Now, just to get there...

You're right. I am feeling better, and I am proud of myself after I finish that super tough hour at the gym. Something has to give in my life and I want this weight to go. I think I may just be dedicated for the long haul this time. Thank you EVERYONE!
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Old 01-15-2009, 01:01 PM   #12  
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Originally Posted by gidsgirl View Post
Thanks for the encouragement! My question is though, why would anyone GAIN after exercising and reducing calories? It seems like that would defy the laws of physics or something!!
It does... sort of. Our bodies are built to work efficiently. And this means that they are able to learn to do what needs to be done with few calories. They also are stubborn and don't like change. Our bodies don't actually want to lose weight to begin with. They are built to store fat, and they don't want to let go!

So... as much as we've all heard the math 3,500 calories = 1 pound... and this is true to an extent... our bodies don't "do math" they do what they want and what they were built to do.

Also, they need to get used to things. So like you were saying, you reduced calories & started exercise. The body might begin by thinking "ACK! This is all wrong" But give it time, and your body will start to work with you instead of against you. Especially as you feel stronger and healthier from better habits.
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Old 01-16-2009, 01:03 PM   #13  
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Today was my 1st WI I lost 3 my 1st week, but @ the meeting this am this was our topic! 1 lady there gains 1 week then loses the next ... She works out alot spin classes & such. The instructor told her to make sure you eat your points including flex & add up your act. points also.....
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:10 PM   #14  
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We can gain after activity because hard (for the person) exercise will cause micro damage to your muscles. When they try and repair to come back stronger they retain water and nutrients in order to heal. Don't worry, one step at a time and you will make it to goal. Great job on getting to the starting line.
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Old 01-23-2009, 01:20 PM   #15  
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If you exersize eat your pionts wroth in the exersize! =) what your doing if you dont is adding muscel mass. So your losing the fat but keeping the muscels. What I saguest is running or bikeing, so your working on your heart to pump the blood. Eating your points after you exersize helps lose the whieght too because if you dont eat them your body thinks its starving and holds on to the fat tissues. By eating you daily points and your earnd active points you should see a difference too. Also like they said Veggies can be your best friend let them fill you up and not use those points for snacks.
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